' Me TO THE INTERESTS BOOK AND STATIONERY TRADE. [With which is incorporated the American Literary Gazette and Publishers' Circular, established 1852.] OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE PUBLISHERS' BOARD OF TRADE AND THE AM. BOOK TRADE ASSOCIATION F. LEYPOLDT, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, 37 PARK ROW, NEW-YORK. VOL. VII. No. 4. NEW-YORK, Saturday, January 23, 1875. WHOLE NO. 158. NOW READY. POPULAR AND STANDARD BOOKS. Eastern Archæological Research. ASSYRIAN DISCOVERIES. An Account of Explorations and Discoveries on the site of Nineveh, during 1873 and 1874. By GEORGE SMITH, of the Department of Oriental Antiquities, British Museum, Author of "History of Assentanapal," etc., etc. With Maps, Wood-cuts, and Photographs. I vol., 8vo, cloth, $4. The remarkable confirmation of the Biblical narrative of the Deluge, through the deciphering of Assyrian tablets in the British Museum, is by far the most notable of recent archæological discoveries. In this volume Mr. George Smith, the distinguished scholar, to whom is due the credit of deciphering these inscriptions, gives a complete account of this remarkable record, which he believes to have been made 2,000 years B.C. In addition he describes two journeys made to Nineveh, in the service of the London Daily Telegraph; tells how he dug up and brought to England nearly all the missing parts of the British Museum tablets, and also presents the results of his labors in deciphering still other inscriptions. Since Layard's researches in the same field, there have been none which approach these in interest and importance. A map gives the route Mr. Smith traveled, and wood-cuts and photographs reproduce the relics and tablets which have attracted such wide attention. To scholars the volume is invaluable, while the student or general reader will find much in it that is extremely curious and instructive. A new Book, by the Author of "Lifting the Veil." WEDDING GARMENTS. By Miss MARY W. MCLAIN. I vol., 12mo, cloth, $1.50. This diary of the life of a young girl abounds in passages of tenderness and pathos. No one can read the simple story without sympathizing with her in her trials, and being made the better for the knowledge of her struggles for a higher life and their result. Now Ready, a New Edition of LIFTING THE VEIL. I vol., 12mo, $1.25. The Fourth Thousand of the Bric-a-Brac Edition of the Greville Memoirs. Edited by R. H. Stoddard. THE GREVILLE MEMOIRS. A Journal of the Reigns of George IV. and William IV. By the late CHARLES C. F. GREVILLE, Clerk of the Council to those Sovereigns. I vol., square 12mo, cloth, $1.50. From the New-York Times. Since the publication of Horace Walpole's Letters, no book of greater historical interest has seen the light than the Greville Memoirs. It throws a curious, and we may almost say a terrible, light on the conduct and character of the public men in England under the reigns of George IV. and William IV. Its descriptions of those kings and of their kinsfolk are never likely to be forgotten." For sale by all booksellers. Sent, post-paid, on receipt of price, by the publishers, SCRIBNER, ARMSTRONG & CO., 654 BROADWAY, N. Y. "A series of exquisitely printed little volumes in flexible binding and red edges, which are to gather up the very choicest things in our literature in the way of short tales and sketches."-BUFfalo Courier. LITTLE CLASSICS. A series of handy volumes, containing some of the choicest STORIES, SKETCHES, and POEMS in English Literature. The popular character and high literary excellence of their contents, their clear typography, convenient size, and tasteful binding, make them so popular, that it is almost impossible to keep them in print. The series will number twelve volumes. Five volumes are now ready, as follows: I. EXILE. Containing Ethan Brand, by NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE; The Swans of Lir, by GERALD GRIFFIN; A Night in a Workhouse, by James GREENWOOD; The Outcasts of Poker Flat, by BRET HARTE; The Man without a Country, by EDWARD E. HALE; Flight of a Tartar Tribe, by THOMAS DE QUINCEY. II. INTELLECT. Containing The House and the Brain, by BULWER; L'Outre Mort, by HARRIET PRESCOTT SPOFFORD; The Fall of the House of Usher, by EDGAR ALLAN POE; Chops the Dwarf, by CHARLES DICKENS; Wakefield, by NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE; Murder considered as one of the Fine Arts, by THOMAS DE QUINCEY; The Captain's Story, by REBECCA HARDING DAVIS. III. TRAGEDY. Containing The Murders in Rue Morgue, by E. A. POE; The Lauson Tragedy, by J. W. De FOREST; The Iron Shroud, by WM. MUDFORD; The Bell Tower, by HERMAN MELVILLE; The Kathayan Slave, by EMILY C. JUDSON; The Story of La Roche, by HENRY MACKENZIE; The Vision of Sudden Death, by THOMAS DE QUINCEY. IV. LIFE. Containing Rab and his Friends, by Dr. JOHN BROWN; A Romance of Real Life, by W. D. HOWELLS; The Luck of Roaring Camp, by BRET HARTE; Jerry Jarvis's Wig, by R. H. BARHAM; Beauty and the Beast, by N. P. WILLIS; David Swan, by NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE; Dreamthorp, by ALEXANDER SMITH; A Bachelor's Reverie, by D. G. MITCHELL; The Grammar of Life, by B. F. TAYLOR; My Châteaux, by CURTIS; Dream Children; by CHARLES LAMB; The Man in the Reservoir, by C. F. HOFFMANN; Westminster Abbey, by JOSEPH ADDISON; The Puritans, by T. B. MACAULAY; Gettysburg, by ABRAHAM LINCOLN. V. LAUGHTER. Containing A Christmas Carol, by CHARLES DICKENS; The Haunted Crust, by KATHERINE SAUNDERS; A Dissertation upon Roast Pig, by CHARLES LAMB; The Total Depravity of Inanimate Things, by Mrs. E. A. WALKER; The Skeleton in the Closet, by EDWARD EVERETT HALE; Sandy Wood's Sepulchre, by HUGH MILLER; A Visit to the Asylum for Decayed Punsters, by OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES; Mr. Tibbot O'Leary the Curious, by GERAld GrifFIN; Neal Malone, by WILLIAM CARLETON. Prettily bound. $1 a volume. The succeeding volumes will be entitled respectively Love, Romance, Mystery, Comedy Childhood, Poems (2 volumes). 66 'No more delightful reading can be conceived than the polished and attractive papers that are selected for this series."-Boston Gazette. "Too much praise can not be accorded the projectors of this work. It lays, for a very small sum, the cream of the best writers before the reader of average means. It usually happens that very few except professional people and scholars, care to read all that even the most famous men have written. They want his best work-the one people talk most about-and when they have read that they are satisfied.”—N. Y. Commercial Advertiser. **For sale by Booksellers. Sent, post-paid, on receipt of price by the Publishers., JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO., BOSTON. G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS Publications for 1874. Armstrong. Hampton and Its Students. By two of its Bastiat. Essays on Political Economy. By Frederick White. With Preface by Horace The Philosophy of English Literature. tures delivered before the Lowell Institute, Boston. By Prof. John Bascom, of Williams College. 12mo, cloth, $1.75 Jacobi. Infant Diet. By A. Jacobi, M.D., Clinical Professor of Diseases of Children, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New-York. Revised, enlarged, and adapted to popular use, by Mary Putnam Jacobi, M.D. 12mo, cloth, 75 cents. Johnson. Lectures on Bright's Disease. With special reference to Pathology, Diagnosis, and Treatment. By George Johnson, M.D., F.R.S. 8vo, illustrated, cloth, $2.25. Johnson. Roddy's Romance, A story for young folks. By Helen Kendrick Johnson. 16mo, cloth extra, $1. Kemshead. Inorganic Chemistry. By Dr. W. B. Kemshead, F.R.A.S., Dulwich College, London. 16mo, illustrated, 75 cents. Knight. Passages from the Life of Charles Knight. Large 12mo, about 450 pages, $2.25. Bayard. The Life of George Dashiell Bayard. By Sam- Murray. Observations on the Pathology and Treatment uel J. Bayard. Calvert. The Maid of Orleans. A Historical Tragedy. By George H. Calvert. 16mo, white vellum cloth, gilt, $1.50. Clarke. The Girlhood of Shakespeare's Heroines, in a Greenwood. Metallurgy. By W. H. Greenwood, Hill. Geometry and Faith. By Rev. Thomas Hill, D.D. Hill. Lecture Notes on Qualitative Analysis. By Henry of Cholera, the result of Forty Years' Experience. By Pellegrin. Perspective. The Theory and Practice of lustrated. By Richard A. Proctor. 4to, cloth extra, $3. Proffatt. Woman Before the Law. By John Proffatt, LL.B., of the New-York Bar. 12mo, cloth, $1. Hart. German Universities. By Prof. Jas. Morgan Hart. Thearle. Naval Architecture-Ship-building and Laying 12mo, cloth extra, $1.75. Hawthorne. Notes on England and Italy. By Mrs. Hawthorne (wife of the Novelist). New Illustrated Edition. Cloth, $5; morocco extra, $10. Howe. Winter Homes for Invalids. By Joseph W. Howe, M.D., Author of "Emergencies," "The Breath," etc., etc. 12mo, cloth, $1.25. Off. By S. J. P. Thearle, F.R.S.N.A., London. 2 vols.: Handbook of Statistics of the United Wordsworth. Recollections of a Tour in Scotland in States. 12mo, cloth, $1. Harbison. Elements of Zoology. By M. Harbison, 1803. By Dorothy Wordsworth. Edited by Principal Wilson. Sketches of Illustrious Soldiers. By James G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, Fourth Ave. and Twenty-third St., New-York. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., 715 & 717 Market Street, Philadelphia, Invite the particular attention of the trade to the following BEAUTIFUL, VALUABLE, AND ENTERTAINING MAGAZINES, Which they are prepared to furnish during the present year, ON THE MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. Lippincott's Magazine. An Illustrated Monthly of Popular Literature and Science. LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE has secured for itself the highest reputation, and since its commencement has steadily gained in public favor. The great object and constant aim of the conductors of this periodical is to supply their patrons with literary entertainment of a refined and varied character, as well as to present in a graphic and striking manner the most recent information and soundest views concerning subjects of general interest. Illustrations, designed by distinguished artists and engraved in a high style of art, accompany each number.. The Contemporary Review. A Monthly Journal of Science and Literature. The CONTEMPORARY REVIEW is unequaled in its peculiar department of literature by any similar periodical. It embraces among its contributors the most able writers and deepest thinkers of England, and the sterling value of the Review is evinced by its extended reputation and influence. The Sunday Magazine. A Profusely Illustrated Monthly. Edited by W. G. Blaikie, D.D. The SUNDAY MAGAZINE aims to be instructive on religious subjects, stimulating the public mind by its stories of the lives of the wise and good, and presenting in a style at once elevated and engaging, a rich and varied fund of information and entertainment. Its contributors are men of exalted character and great intelligence. Its illustrations are profuse in number and finished in execution. Good Words. A Profusely Illustrated Monthly. GOOD WORDS seeks to provide the wisest instruction in the pleasantest manner, without neglecting to supply wholesome entertainment for every variety of taste. Its contents embrace Novels, Tales, Sketches of Travel, Papers on Science and Art, Essays on Popular Subjects, Poems, etc., by well-known authors. It is genial, lucid, and attractive, and is profusely illustrated in a choice style of art. Good Things. A Profusely Illustrated Magazine for Young People. This is a beautifully illustrated Magazine for young people, containing Stories, Sketches, Poems, and a variety of instructive papers adapted to the comprehension of juvenile readers. It is considered by competent judges to be almost unrivaled in its special field. The Philadelphia Medical Times. The Standard Weekly Medical Journal of the United States,-always Fresh, Original, Reliable. The best Medical Scientists in the country are regular contributors to its pages. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Publishers. Eighth page.. Sixteenth page.. Short advertisements, per line.. $20 00 12 00 7 00 4 00 2 50 25 Front, back, and second pages and pages facing editorial matter, $25. Applications for these pages should be made at least ten days before publication day. Liberal rates for twelve, six, and three months' contracts. Situations Wanted. Free insertion of five lines; 25 cents for every additional line. Rare or Second-hand Books for Sale or Exchange, 25 cents per line; to subscribers, to cents per line. Terms of Subscription (payable in advance).-$3.20 per annum, postage prepaid. Single Numbers, 7 cents, or 8 cents post-paid. Advertisements should reach the office of the Publishers' Weekly not later than Wednesday morning, but are desired as much earlier as possible. Address P. O. Box, 4295. POSTAGE. On and after Fanuary 1st, 1875, the postage on the WEEKLY, heretofore paid by subscribers at their own post-office, must be prepaid at the publication office. Subscribers will therefore please to remit 20 cents extra for each annual subscription for which post age has not yet been paid. NOTES IN SEASON. THE correct price of "Caleb Krinkle" (Lee & Shepard) is $2, as first reported in our lists. The title was re-inserted with "corrected price" in accordance with a later advertisement of the publishers, who now state that the price of 81 75 was given inadvertently. PORTER & COATES desire us to say that in announcing Nystrom's "Elements of Mechanics" in last week's issue, they omitted to state that it is an author's book, and only a small discount can be allowed to dealers. Their next book will be Augustus J. C. Hare's new volume, "Days near Rome." It is a very interesting work, forming a companion volume to "Walks in Rome," by the same author, with the additional attraction of a number of illustrations after original drawings by Mr. Hare. The letter-press is a series of charming and picturesque sketches of the numerous places of interest within the vicinity of Rome, and contains much valuable historical information regarding them. Ar the Harpers', we shall have immediately besides "The Last Journals of Dr. David Liv ingstone," which handsome volume contains not only wood-cuts and fac-similes, but two large maps, one 32 x 34, in a pocket, "The Bazar Book of the Household," whose title explains itself; a new novel," Hagarene," by George A. Lawrence, and " After Dark, and Other Stories," by Wilkie Collins, in which are collected, under the binding of the uniform edition, all his later stories, including "The Frozen Deep," "Miss or Mrs.?" etc. The following publication day will probably give us an interesting book of travels in "Malacca, Indo-China, and China," by J. Thomson, and a religious work on Christ and Humanity," by a Western clergyman, Henry M. Goodwin, who dedicates the book to Dr. Bushnell. THE Macmillans have nearly ready a very important work by Henry Sedgwick, an English thinker, in which he gives an able and elaborate history and analysis of "The Methods of Ethics," in the application of the several schools to life principles. Another book of much interest will appear among their "Popular Novels," a story of village life in India, "Govinda Sámanta," by a native minister. It is very vivid and readable, delightful for its fresh descriptions of strange places and customs. A little volume by Sir John Lubbock, on "British Wild Flowers considered in relation to Insects," is shortly to be added to the Nature series. THE publication of the " Family Records," at Henry Holt & Co.'s, has been postponed for a month, to allow of a shipment to England for first publication and copyright there. They will have ready very soon Mr. C. H. Jones' compilation of discovery and exploration in "Africa," which will prove a most interesting volume, summarizing, as it does, the leading books of travel, and being illustrated with many interesting cuts. G. W. CARLETON & Co. publish immediately, in one volume, three stories by Octave Feuillet, translated by O. Vibeur. Two of them are the tales from which the plays of "Led Astray" and 'The Sphinx," two of the most remarkable successes of the day, were dramatized. A new edition of that useful manual of business principles and practice, "How to Make Money," by T. A. Davies, will be ready at the same time. The first book is to be issued in a new style of cloth binding: drab sides and red back, in imitation of half roan. RALPH Wilton's Weird," the story by Mrs., Alexander, now being published in Appletons' Journal, will be issued in the "Leisure Hour Series," by Henry Holt & Co., who publish her admirable story of "The Wooing O't." Obituary. MR. JESSE PARRY, for many years in the firm of J. B. Lippincott & Co., died at his residence in Philadelphia, after a short illness, on the 17th inst., aged 59 years. Mr. Parry was formerly the chief partner in the firm of Parry & MacMillan, and after its failure joined the house of J. B. Lippincott & Co., which at that time had recentThe deceased ly succeeded S. C. Griggs & Co. was a well-informed and capable bookseller, and an amiable and kind-hearted gentleman. IT is stated that the two books on naval architecture in the Putnams' Science Series, for which they supposed there would be scarcely any call on this side, have developed a demand which has twice exhausted the supply. American shipping must be looking up. |