The Bankers' Magazine, and Journal of the Money Market, Opseg 22Richard Groombridge, 1862 |
Alliance London and Liverpool Bank Bank Rate of Discount Advance | 392 |
Bank of Hindostan China and Japan each Number | 399 |
Bank of Ireland Returns in each tion of the | 535 |
Broj ostalih dijelova koji nisu prikazani: 3
Ostala izdanja - Prikaži sve
Uobičajeni izrazi i fraze
adopted annum appeared assets auditors bad and doubtful Bank of England Bank of France bankers branch banks capital account carried cash cent Chairman charge circulation Clydesdale Bank colonies cotton Court creditors debentures declared deed defendant deposit depositors directors Ditto dividend doubtful debts duty establishment exchange expenditure expenses exports favourable France gold Government half-year ending hear held income tax income-tax increase India interest invested issued John Sadleir joint-stock banks leaving a balance liabilities liquidators Liverpool loan London Lord loss account manager meeting ment Messrs months notes Ottoman Bank paid paid-up capital past half-year payable payment plaintiffs present profit and loss proposed proprietors question railway receipts received reserve fund revenue satisfactory securities shareholders shares surplus tion tontine trade transactions Treasury trustees Turkish United Kingdom