CONTENTS. XVI. THE BISHOP'S IMPRISONMENT, APPEAL, AND RELEASE 491 XVII. FROM THE BISHOP'S RELEASE TILL HIS VISIT TO ENGLAND ON HIS APPEAL. AUG. 31, 1722-APRIL 8, XVIII. A YEAR AND A HALF IN ENGLAND. THE CAUSE DECIDED. FROM APRIL 8, 1723, To Oct. 4, 1724 XIX. FROM THE BISHOP'S RETURN, OCT. 6, 1724, TO THE XXII. LAST TWO VISITS TO ENGLAND. THE "INTRO- DUCTION TO THE LORD'S SUPPER." DEATH OF JAMES, XXIII. THE ATHOLS IN MAN. THE IMPROPRIATIONS XXIV. THE DISCIPLINE UNDER THE ATHOL DOMINION.* XXV. THE BISHOP ADVISING LADY E. HASTINGS. PETTY SCHOOLS AND OTHER CHARITIES IN MAN. 1737-1748. 848 XXVI. CONCLUDING PASTORAL LETTER. END OF CON- XXVII. FAMILY EVENTS. DEATH OF LADY E. HASTINGS. LIFE OF BISHOP WILSON. CHAPTER XVI. THE BISHOP'S IMPRISONMENT, APPEAL, AND RELEASE. His XVI. pray ers as the BUT we must return to Bishop Wilson and his position at CH AP. Easter, March 25, 1722, New Year's-Day, as the Church of England then reckoned it. His deep sense of the troubles then gathering round him shews itself in more than one crisis came passage of Sacra Privata. Thus, with the date 1721 in the margin, he prays,— "O God of peace and truth, rebuke the spirit of antichrist, libertinism, and discord, which is ready to break in upon this Church and nation. Rebuke its abettors, and give me grace, like a faithful soldier of Jesus Christ, to stand in the breach, and to omit no part of my duty in this day of danger; for Jesus Christ's sake, the Prince of Peace, and Son of Thy Love. Amen." The "Independent Whig" was not quite useless, calling forth as it did such intercessions. He reconsidered at the same time, with the same spirit of prayer, his special oath of allegiance to the Lord of the Isle, taken and recorded with his other engagements at his installation in Peel Cathedral a quarter of a century before. Thus it runs in all copies of his devotions : "The oath of the Bishop of Man administered to me, April 11, 1698; "My allegiance to the King's Majesty of England, and my former oaths (according to the laws there) reserved; "I swear to be true to the Right Honourable the Earl of Derby, and his heirs, and will perform all such duties unto them as belongs to my place being Bishop here. And to my power shall defend and maintain the ancient laws, statutes, and customs, proper and belonging to this isle, and prerogatives due to the heirs thereof. And on. XVI. CHIAP. with my best advice and counsel be aiding and assisting to the Captain of this Isle or Governor for the time being, for furtherance of the Government and benefit of the said isle. So help me God. "THO. SODOR AND MAN." "Prov. xxi. 30. There is no wisdom, nor understanding, nor counsel against the Lord. “Isaiah xxx. 1. Woe unto them that take counsel, but not of Me, saith the Lord. “Ezek. xiv. 4. Every man that setteth up his idols in his heart, and putteth a stumbling-block of his iniquity before his face, and cometh to the prophet, I the Lord will answer him according to the multitude of his idols. "Prov. xxii. 28. Remove not the ancient landmark.. "O God, the King of all the earth, grant that the breach of this oath may never rise up in judgment against me. "Look down in mercy upon this part of Thy dominions; put a stop to the growing evils, and to the judgments that threaten us. "Endue the Lord of this Isle, and all that are put in authority under him, with wisdom from above, that they may govern with truth and justice, and that the people, whose duty it is to obey, may do it for conscience sake. "Give us all a peaceable temper of spirit, that laying aside all partiality, we may study the things that make for peace, and that nothing may be done through malice, strife, pride, or vainglory, but that we may all join in promoting Thy honour, the true religion, and the welfare of this whole nation. "And grant that I may never, by any act or counsel of mine, or by omitting any part of my duty, increase the misunderstandings that are risen among us. But that I may become a peacemaker in word and deed, and may obtain that blessing which Thy Son has promised to all that truly deserve that character; for whose sake I most humbly beg to be heard. Amen." It is evident on comparing the several MSS. that this prayer was suggested by the difficulties we are now speaking of. The following, which occurs in the same MS. a few pages before, is yet more critically adapted to the trying moment, when he had to determine on the best mode of meeting the Attorney-General's chargés ': "O. of 4. O God of light, and truth, and goodness, may Thy Holy Spirit direct me in this (to me) perplexing case. Let me |