Abjuration, Bishop Wilson's letter on
the oath of, 357. Absolution, benefit of, 386. Academic fund, the, 870. Acts xx. 35, 941.
Aigoin, Mr., 737.
Allanson, Edward, one of Bishop Wil- son's fellow curates at Winwick, 35. Allen, Mr. Thos., Vicar of Maughold, his death, 703.
Almsgiving, Bishop Wilson's principle and method of, 136. Anglesea, Henrietta, Countess of, 331. Appeal from episcopal decision in the
Isle of Man, 139: the liberty of ap- pealing abused, 293, 370: debate be- tween the Bishop and Governor con- cerning appeals, 388: order of Lord Strange respecting, 414: to Lord Derby, difficulty of getting it pre- sented, 561 fresh appeal to the Crown, 691.
Archbishop of York, his jurisdiction
over the diocese of Man, 515, 529. Articles, the Thirty-nine, cannot be allowed at pleasure, 382: the Thirty- third, concerning excommunication, cited, 391: why subscription to them is necessary, 448 Ashburnham, Lord, 332. Countess of, 375.
Lady Harriet, her death,
743. Atherton, Chapel of, consecrated by Bishop Wilson, 574. Athol, James Murray, Duke of, Lord of Man, 782, 783: claims the whole of the impropriate tithes, 787: his consideration for the clergy of Man, 793: relieves the famine in Man, 805. Atterbury, Bishop, 529.
Attorney-General, his letter to the
Bishop, and enclosure concerning the exemption of certain persons from spiritual censures, 509. Augustine, St., 970.
Awbery, W., of Castletown, 729.
Bacon, Mr., case of, 495.
Mr. T., ordained deacon, 920.
Ball, P., 666: his death, 727. Ballaugh, case of the Rector of, 266. Ballure, chapel of, 937.
Baptism, proper times and seasons for administering it, 328, 735: without a lawful minister not allowed, 383. Barrow, Bishop, his incumbency of the Isle of Man, 132: settlement of his academic fund, 242.
Barton, Mr., Bp. Wilson's tutor at Trinity College, Dublin, 9. Barwick, Dr., his presentation to and concession of the Bishopric of Man,
Bate,, a cousin of Bp. Wilson, 964. Bearcroft, Phil., 916.
Becket, Thomas à, the King's quarrel with him cited as a parallel, 465. Belitha, Mrs., 935.
Bennett, Thomas, succeeds Dr. Sher- lock at Winwick, 41: his death, 45. Bethel, Hugh, Puritan minister of Burton, 13.
Bignall, Mr. John, 744. Bindloss, Sir R., 48, 70.
Birkit, Mr., ordained deacon, 733. Bishops, their government settled in the Church by Christ and His Apo- stles, 384.
Bishop's Court, The, in the Isle of Man, had real jurisdiction, 163. Blackburne, J., 900.
Blessing, natural posture of receiving, 162, 252.
Blount, Lady, 758, 935. Borromeo, Card. F., 729. Bourdillon, 921.
Boyle, Michael, Primate, 232. Bramhall, Mr., 645.
Bray, Dr. T., a promoter of missionary work, 148: meets Bp. Wilson in London, 559: vote of thanks to, 642: his death, 720. Breast laws, 196.
Bridges, Mr., Rector of Malpas, 408. Bridle, the, used for checking slander, 361.
Bridson, W., charged with calumny,
433 his case cited against the Bi- shop, 453 made part of a libel against the Bishop, 502: takes part with Archdeacon Horrobin, 508 is preferred, 676, 717.
Bridson, J., 881. Brownall, Mr., Comptroller, 655, 659. Burials, order to be taken concerning
them, 330, 344, 420 of an ex- communicate person, 843: within churches disapproved of by Bp. Wilson, 961.
Burnet, Bishop, 250: his criticism on the appointment of Sir W. Dawes to the Bishopric of Chester, 409: the "Pastoral Care" his best book, 888. Burridge, Ezekiel, a fellow student of Bp. Wilson, 12.
Burton, the residence of the Wilsons, 3. school and church described, 710 rules and orders for the school, 713, 748.
- church restored, 715. Butler, Bishop, a fragment of informa- tion concerning him, 921. Mrs. Grace, 757, 935. R., 424.
Cain, M., 774. Calcott, R., 351. Calister, H., 866. Callow, W., 350.
Carolina, South, a Moravian missionary sent to, 943.
Caroline, Queen, a friend of Bp. Wil- son, 766: averse to the Quakers' Bill, 904: her death, 906.
Calumny, how borne by Bp. Wilson, 541. Canons of the Manx Church, abstract
of them, 195: accepted by the clergy, 206 and by the civil power, 209. Castletown Chapel, shut up, 512, 516: reopened, 645.
Catechizing, strictly enforced by Manx
law, 254 special endowment for, at St. Patrick's, 329: Bp. Wilson's last Charge was on this duty, 869, 885, 962.
Celts, the, more religious than the Teutons, 126.
Chancels of impropriated churches are vested in the Ordinary, 344 Chandler, Edward, a fellow student of Bp. Wilson, 13: Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, 711: Bishop of Dur- ham, 765.
Charity Schools, 247. Cheyne, Dr., 923. Cholmondeley, Mr., 242.
Christian, William, (more than one person of that name,) cases of, 50, 264, 668.
Christian, Thomas, fined and censured, 178, 283: abetted by Horton, 677. Thomas, restores tithe, 348: writes to the Bishop in the matter of Mr. Kelley, 498.
Thomas, jun., is made Gene-
ral Sumner, 709.
John and Thomas, two of the Commissioners for the Keys in Eng- land, 558.
Mary, 690.
Mrs. Margaret, 709.
N., 762. T., 763, 832. J., 899. Philip, 927.
"Christianity not Founded in Argu- ment," a pamphlet, 929.
Church and State, the idea of their identity lasted long in the Isle of Man, 165: their interchange of help, 199.
Church discipline, instruments of, in the Isle of Man, 138: beginning of the reformed discipline, 212: details of, 235: forms for, 237: cases of, 241, and passim: sermon on, at Lezaire, 264: becomes stricter, 280; instance of the patriarchal cast of Bishop Wilson's administration of it, 284: progress of, 310: public opinion in favour of it, 421: neces- sary to orderly freedom, 538: under the Athol dominion, 812, sqq. Church, the, influence of, in the Isle of Man, 341: a trustee for orphans, 198. Church Societies, 148. Churching after a discreditable mar- riage, 479.
Civil and Ecclesiastical jurisdiction mixed, case of, 304. Civilization, a sign of real, 261. Clergy Widows and Orphans Fund in Man, 740.
Clerk, Mr, 411.
Cloyne, Bishop of, 419. Cochius, Dr., 945.
Cochrane, B., Esq., 951.
Colclough, Blest, of Ellenhall, 712. Communicants, the large proportion of, in the parish of Kirk Michael, 426. Compurgation, method of, 145, 160: see Purgation.
Confession, not to be heard without the Bishop's license, 227. Confessors, their tears the dew of the Church, 527.
Confirmation, at what ages sanctioned by Bishop Wilson, 364, 877. Consistory, the highest of the episcopal Courts, 138: its proceedings in re- spect of the punishment of a woman, 295.
Convocations held in the diocese of Man, 259, 266, 283, 291, 322, 327, 342, 363, 376, 416, 446, 499, 620: notices from Bishop Wilson's Con- vocation-book, 877, 897: of the pro- vince of York, 344. Corkill, S. J., 445
Corlett, Henry, 798, 957, 969.
Thos., 444, 681.
Cornah, Mrs., examined as a witness against the Bishop, 557. Corrin, Isabel, 332. Corse-presents, 241.
Cosnahan, Mr. J., 759, 964. Cossart, Mr. H., 943. Cottam, E., 662.
Cottier,, his anecdote of Bishop Wil- son, 147, 297.
Robert, his petition, 333. Cottiman, John, 267.
Council, the Privy, proceedings in, in
the case of Bishop Wilson's appeal, 528, 560: see Privy Council. Court of Correction, provision made for its greater efficiency, 289. Courtesy, Christian, an interchange of,
them, 279: Bishop Wilson's interest in the matter, 281, 307.
Daily prayers, duty of saying them, 22, 412, 694, 881.
Davenport, F., 666.
Davis, Robert, 373.
Dawes, Sir William, Archbishop of
York, 409, 575.
Dawson, Rev. W., 919. Deason, Mr., 733.
Death-beds, true signs from Heaven at, 959, 912.
Defamation, sentence for, 260, 587. Delahoyd's case, 496.
Denne, Archdeacon, 916.
Derby family, a portion of their his tory, 45-57: Earl James's settle- ment of the tenures of the Isle of Man, 168: extract from his ordi- nance concerning appeals, 371: Earl William's ordinance in the matter of tenures, 170: his son's death, 171: is present at the con- secration of Castletown Chapel, 172: his death, 179: death of Earl Wil- liam's widow, 374: Earl James, tenth Earl of Derby, 180: his mother's death, 182: writes to the Bishop, 183: enactment and substance of the settlement, 188: his favourable injunction with respect to the disci- pline, 216 writes to Bishop Wilson, 403 remits the fine, 404: his fool- ish queries sent to the Bishop, 442: writes an abusive letter to the Bishop, 526: his answer to the order of the Privy Council, 531; his unconstitu- tional treatment of Manxmen re- sented, 537, 558: his reception of the Bishop's petition, 564: refuses to consider it, 567: his plea that the time of appeal had elapsed, 574: overruled, 577: commission from, in the matter of Heywood, 646: Con- vocation address to, 650: his letter to Dr. Stukeley, 654: to Bishop Wil- son, 656: claims a legal right to all ecclesiastical promotions in Man, 663 remits Heywood's forfeitures, 720 his death, 775: Countess of, her dower, 782: Earl Edward, the suit that the clergy of Man had with him, 791, sqq.
Derby Haven, its importance in Manx history, 92.
Despair, prayer against, 884. Difficult times, a prayer in, 513. Discipline, of the early Church, its decay, 133: spiritual, no person can
Finch, Henry, succeeds Mr. Bennett at Winwick, 45, 315: is the officiating priest at the marriage of Bp. Wilson, 118 his death, 704.
Fines, the Bishop's right of mitigating them questioned by the Deputy- Governor of Man, 308. Fitzgerald, Captain, 463. Fleury, Cardinal, his order in favour
of the Isle of Man, 811, 937. Floyd, Deputy-Governor of Man, 591: a patron of criminous persons, 633: turned out from being Governor, 642.
E., his death, 767: an account of him, 776. Harrison, Thomas, 332.
two persons of that name pray to be admitted to compurgation, 696. Hart, L., 895.
Harvest, form of prayer to be used at an unfavourable season, 262. Hastings, Lady Elisabeth, 405, 741, 752, 848, sqq.: her death, 908, sqq. Hayward, Mr., chaplain to the Coun- tess of Derby, 375.
Mary, wife of Dr. Wilson, 750, 755 their child's death, 902: her elder son's death, 949. Hearne, Thomas, visited by Bp. Wilson, 568.
Henderson, W., 649, 867.
Henricks, Mary, 364, 388, 415: her submission, 547.
Herring-fishery, insertion of suffrage
in the Litany for it, 233: form of prayer for the clergy who attend it, 328.
Hewetson, Michael, Bp. Wilson's inti- mate friend at Trinity College, 16, 17 bis influence with Wilson, 19: his memorandum concerning the consecration of Kildare Cathedral, and Tho. Wilson's Ordination, 20: part of his letter concerning prayers for the King (James II.), 29: a Conformist, 40: his death, 232. Heywood, Mrs., Bp. Wilson's house- keeper, 316: was refused access to the Bishop in his imprisonment, 533: her death and will, 953.
Thomas, case of, 634, 639; his appeal, 646; insolence, 666, 725: his forfeitures remitted by the Earl, 720 his repentance, 728: with the Bishop at Kirk Lonan, 761: attends on the Bishop in his last illness, 954.
Hildesley, Bishop, 316, 881, 968. Hoadley, Bishop, 664, 765, Hodgson, J., 662.
Holy days, their observance, 259, 364. Holy Orders, advice for those that are entered into them, 21: Bp. Wilson's careful preparation of candidates, 249.
Hooper, Mr., an inmate of Bishop's Court, 331: his death, 704. Horne, Capt. A., Governor of Man, 307, 326, 355: his opposition to the Bishop, 370: writes to the Bishop, 375; his interview with the Bishop, 394: his remarkable State Paper, 473: his reception of the Bi- shop's protest, 516: his reception of the order in Council, 534: his ways of petty persecution, 540: his con- tempt referred to a Committee of the Privy Council, 580: judgment on him for contumacy, 591.
Mrs., charged for slander and censured, 460: her ill behaviour, 534. Horrobin, Archdeacon, 417; charged with false doctrine, 425, sqq.: his case cited against the Bishop, 453: his charge against Mrs. Puller, 458: before the Convocation, 502: is sus-
pended, 505: petitions the Bishop, 546: his submission, 570: retires, 663. Horton, Thomas, Governor of Man, 654: miscellaneous acts of oppression committed by him, 674-678, 695: his behaviour at the Tynwald, 683; his answer to the petition of the Keys, 697: sequesters the tithes of Kirk St. Anne, 732: tokens of his relenting, 759.
Hospitality exercised by Bp. Wilson, 326.
Hough, John, Bishop of Worcester, 711, 928.
House of Lords, Bishop Wilson's opi- nion of Bishops having a seat in it, 162.
Huddlestons, the, 659. Hughes, J., 964. Hussey, Mr., 666,
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