Art. 23. Four Letters to Mr. J. Mayer, of Stockport, on his Defence of the Sunday Schools. By Thomas Whitaker, Minister of Ringway, Cheshire. 12mo. 6d. Chapman. This controversy was noticed in our last Number. It now appears that the defender of the lawfulness of instructing children in writing and arithmetic, on the Lord's Day, belongs to the society called Methodists. The advocate of Mr. Olerenshaw, in these letters, betrays intemperance in argument, and personality irrelevant to the subject in dispute: In religious questions, especially those of the more abstruse kind, how essentially necessary are candour and forbearance, yet how seldom'do we meet with them! The absence of them renders the reasoning of this author inconclusive, and his conduct of the controversy unsuccessful. POETRY. Art. 24. The Golden Mean, a Satire, in Three Dialogues. 8vo. Is. 6d. Faulder. This work is cast in the hacknied mould of dialogues between the author and his Friend; in which, as is usual, the friend acts a very inconsiderable part, and seems to be introduced only to afford the principal speaker, by a few interruptions, time to breathe. The author, we suspect, is an admirer of Persius; whose manner he might probably be ambitious of copying, but whom he chiefly resembles in his obscurity. The second Dialogue is a sort of political allegory, containing the history of the French Revolution, Though the au thor appears to entertain a just detestation of those principles which have involved a great part of Europe in misery; yet it may be questioned whether low humour be a proper vehicle for the indignation of a satirist on such a subject. It might likewise be wished that the writer had paid a little more attention to the harmony of his numbers of which the opening of the first Dialogue appears to be a fair specimen ; • Happy the Man to whom propitious Heav'n Not Rich nor Poor,-nor Mean and yet not Great Thus I've been told, the learned Sages say, What What is the mighty Freedom you propose, And various Blessings crown the Good in all." Art. 25. Julia; or, Last Follies. 4to. pp. 41. 3s. 6d. Printed by Bulmer and Co. Sold by Nicol. 1798. The title of this little collection (Last Follies') seems to involve a confession and a promise ;-a confession that, even in the author's own opinion, his publication claims rather indulgence than praise; and a promise that this is the last time that he will, in this manner, obtrude on the public. Such humility naturally softens the severity of criticism: -but we cannot help observing that here we seem to have somewhat more of typographical elegance than of poetical merit. The beauty of the impression will recommend it strongly to the eye, while the mens divinior of the poet is by no means equally obvious to the intellect, of the reader. Much sublimity of genius, however, or many of the higher beauties of poetry, the trifles which compose this collection did not admit: for love is exclusively the subject of them all; and love too in that playful mood which sports with fancy,-not love in that deep and heartfelt tone which delights in the energy of passion. A little meaning is therefore often spred over a wide surface; until, in some instances, it becomes too thin to be perceptible,--and sound is substituted for sense ; as in such passages as this: • Stop, hoary Time, for once thy rapid stride, Stop, hoary Time, and to my Julia prove Generally, however, there will be found in these verses such a moderate degree of smooth versification, as will procure for them (at least from the juvenile lover,) a patient reading. The following is perhaps a good specimen of the whole. • THE SISTERS. • Let Arab bards, in Agra's groves, And sprightlier far my favourite's mien.- 15 1 Yes, Yes, Love with gentle Anna dwells, Than that their poet whispers here :- May Hymen, crown'd with Fortune's smile, Art. 26. The Influence of Local Attachment with respect to Home, a Poem in Seven Books. A-New Edition with large Additions; and Odes, with other Poems. By Mr. Polwhele. 8vo. 2 Vols. 8s. Boards. Johnson. 1798. In our Review for May 1796, we bestowed deserved encomiums on the first poem mentioned in this title-page. The author was then unknown, but Mr. Polwhele now avows himself, and has repub. lished it with considerable improvements. The subject is obviously susceptible of much poetical embellishment, and Mr. P. has rendered justice to it. The poems which occupy the second volume claim different degrees of approbation: they were written on several occasions ;' and as these were neither elevated nor ludicrous, the poetry seldom partakes of either of these qualities. Art. 27. Tales of THE Hor: interspersed with Song, Ode, and Dialogue. By Peter Pindar, Esq. With an Engraving of the Author. 4to. 3s. Richardson, &c. 1798. Bumpers of salt water, quaff'd in a voyage from Margate to the metropolis, do not seem to agree with the muse of the merry Esquire P. P. quite so well as whilom did the sparkling spring of Helicon; yet we still gain a laugh when her wit is levelled at our risible faculties. After a lapse of time, and a silence of such unusual length, we are glad to find that she has not bidden us a final adieu.-A second part of this imitation of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales is advertised; and when the whole comes before us, the work will be the subject of more particular observation. The picture of Peter Pindar, Esquire, given as a frontispiece, from Opie's painting, is said to convey a good idea of the countenance of the celebrated Original, when not particularly disposed to jocularity. The conjectures of the public, respecting the cause of the abovenoticed suspicious silence, are pleasantly noticed in the following lines, which stand as a motto in the title-page of the present publication; the thought is from ANACREON: • The Muses love thee dearly, PETER, Who gracious gave thee such a charming tongue: We We thought that AGE had quench'd thy fire, Or ROYAL WHISPERS Sooth'd the rage of SONG; Art. 28. The Hurricane: a Theosophical and Western Eclogue. To which is subjoined, a Solitary Effusion in a Summer's Evening. By William Gilbert. 12mo. pp. 104. 38. 6d. Boards. Martin and Bain. This poem is merely a vehicle to convey to the public the following doctrines, viz. First, That all Countries have a specific Mind, or determinable principle. This character may be traced with as much satisfaction in the vegetable as in the animal productions. Thus, Strength with its attributes, viz. Asperity, &c. is the character or mind of England. Her leading productions are the Oak, Peppermint, Sloes, Crabs, sour Cherries. All elegance, all polish, is superinduced; and pri marily from France, of which they are Natives. Secondly, That a Country is subdued, when it's mind or life, it's prince according to DANIEL, or it's genius according to the modern Easterns, or it's principle according to Europeans, is either supprest, destroyed, or chemically combined with that of a foreign country in a form, that leaves the foreign property predominant; and not till then. And this cannot ensue but upon SUICIDE, upon a previous abandonment on the part of a nation, of its own principle. For when the Creator made every thing VERY GOOD, he also made it, tenable, on the one hand; and on the other complete; consequently without the necessity, without the desire, of encroaching, and also without the capability, except under the penalty of surrendering with it's own complete roundness, it's own tenability. Thus I arrive at a primary Law of Nature, that EVERY ONE MUST FALL INTO THE PIT THAT HE DIGS FOR OTHERS; either before or after success, or without success. Thirdly, 'That in the European subjugation of AMERICA, the AMERICAN MIND OF LIFE only suffered under a powerful affusion of the European; and, that as the solution proceeds it acquires a stronger and stronger tincture of the Subject, till at length that, which was first subdued, assumes an absolute, inexpugnable predominancy, and a FINAL inasmuch as the contest is between the two last parts of the world, and there is no prospective umpire to refer to; but it must be decided by the possession of first principles, or the highest MIND in the Hierarchy of Minds; and the European possession of mind having previously arrived at perfection from her long intercourse with AFRICA and Asia, and not being able to rescue her from the present grasp and predominancy of AMERICAN MIND, the question is now settled for ever, and Europe yields to the Influence, Mind, and Power of AMERICA, linked in essential principle with AFRICA and ASIA, for ever. Besides Europe had full success in her encroachments; she succeeded in throwing America into the pit, and of course, it must be her own turn to go in, now: She depopulated America, and now AMERICA MUST depopulate her." If If the reader should not very clearly comprehend all this, the fault is not ours; nor does it appear that the author himself will feel much mortified by the reader's disappointment. 'I am not understood, says he in one of his notes; ' it is well;-I understand myself: it is better!' Of this work the notes constitute the major part; and in these Mr. Gilbert soars to a region of intellect far above that in which we move, or any that we can hope to reach. When,' however, to use his own phrase, 'he comes down low enough to be seen in England," we learn that he means to recommend the astrological study of the heavens, to depreciate the sciences of mathematics and physics compared with the more sublime science of correspondences, (vide Baron Swedenborgh,) and to bring back mankind to a proper regard for the communications of God by dreams, &c. We shall give a more correct idea of the opinions of Mr. G. by a few extracts, than by any explanation or description of ours. • With every lump of Sugar, a certain portion of Essence of AMERICA and of AFRICA is swallowed: and if refined with the blood of bulls, a proportion of England too; but the first are wholly predominant.' • Spirit without spirituality; Christians without Christ or Power; Asserters of, nay, brawlers for Jesus, without Salvation, you Englishmen are-Mathematicians: all purer characters are superstitious. The SCIENCE of MIND, to be sure, is Superstition: but it is the Superstition which ARCHIMEDES wanted to raise the World; but which, I tell you, mean men of physics, I HAVE; - and The FRENCH HAVE! And will KEEP and PERFECT, whether you see, and whether you approve, or not. Adieu!' • If Religion, if Life, consist in a communication with God, this remark furnishes an accurate criterion to judge of the general state of Religion at all times, in all nations, and in any individual. Low indeed, is that state, where few see Visions, few dream Dreams, few interpret them, and few are fools enough (for such is the preponderance against DEITY IN ENGLAND-Hear O Earth! And Give Ear, O Heavens!) to seek an Interpretation, when THE LORD hath spoken or to give GLORY to the LORD their GOD, before he cause DARKNESS, by the SILENCE of His WORD, and before their feet stumble on the DARK MOUNTAINS!! For ye are on MOUNTAINS! and know it not! He that SPOKE LIGHT, can be SILENT into DARKNESS.' ENWRAPT (speaking in the character of America) in the Principles, and ever forcing them into Action, though I wrought WHOLLY ALONE, of equal Liberty, equal Justice and equal Honor, to all Mankind; regulated alone by Individual desert: Thus acting, I acted against all EUROPE till France joined me. "Though open," is, though in, and acting in, the Body or Europe, or on European Ground. THE PRINCIPLE OF AMERICA is THIS EQUILIBRIUM, and agrees with the Sign attributed by ASTROLOGY to the WEST, namely, LIBRA OF THE BALANCE; where SATURN having, by the same Science, his Exaltation, or greatest public Strength, we must also refer SATURNIA REGNA, or the REIGN OF SATURN, so much extolled; |