Slike stranica

Gilpin,) for complicated sameness, &c.'; while the author assumes to himself the merit of always exhibiting every variety of nature. We will remind him, however, of one truth, which his own drawings tend remarkably to exemplify: viz. That there are many scenes in nature which are beautiful, but which do not form a proper assemblage of objects to be represented in a picture. A view may be too extensive, or too partial; too complicated, (the case with the generality of Mr. Ireland's pictures,) or too simple; to afford a fit subject for a painter's choice. Now certainly he who, amid a variety of beautiful scenery, can reject that which is not suitable to the display of the powers of his art, and bring forwards only that which does suit, deserves the praise of being a skilful artist; and such praise (generally speaking) we cannot in justice withhold from Mr. Gilpin, nor with unsparing hand bestow on Mr. Ireland.

The following extract will afford a specimen of the author's descriptive powers:

Descending towards the new Weir by a course not less rugged than that by which we ascended, the fatigue we had undergone was amply repaid by the gratification we received in some of the most beautiful views that can be imagined. These presented themselves through the various breaks of the rocks, or openings of the surrounding woods with which they are enriched. The serpentine winding of the river, and the vast prominencies and fantastic forms of the rocks in its vicinity, give an air of solemn gloom and grandeur to the scene. From the approach to the Weir, the annexed view was selected; it comprises all the principal objects that could be admitted within the limits of a scale so circumscribed. The innumerable circumstances that aid this grand and sublime scene, are such as to render it almost impossible for the pencil to render it justice. The iron forges on the opposite side of the river, not less from their appearance than from the important purposes they answer in human life, give an interest to this effect of nature, while the awful sound of the iron hammers beating the fiery mass, awakens in the mind new sensations giving dignity and grandeur to the subject. This picturesque scene is much heightened by the immense volumes of sparkling smoak that are continually issuing from the forges, these give a pleasing though transitory relief to the sombre and distant hills, that terminate the view. Around these works are scattered great masses of half-burned ore, coal, and cinders, and interspersed on the barren and extensive moor in the vicinity, are many humble cottages of the various workmen employed in the manufactory. The roaring of the waters from the cascade of the Weir adjoining to this work has a grand effect, its fall is precipitate although at no great height, nor is it perceived from above the


• The river here receives a considerable degree of agitation from the huge masses of stone, either swept down by the stream, or hurled from the summit of the neighbouring rocks. Here the Wye increases in width, and its current is so strong, that it is with extraordinary


erdinary labour and difficulty the barges are towed up. I have seen eight or ten men throwing themselves on the earth on every pull, to give force to their exertions.

• In this part of the river is frequently seen a small fishing boat on a singular construction, called a corricle, it is ribbed with laths or split twigs, and is covered with a strong pitched canvas, to prevent its leaking, it is about five feet and a half lorg and four broad. In the middle is a seat that holds one man, who sits with a paddle in one hand while he fishes with the other. His labour finished, he throws the corricle over his shoulder and retires to his home.

• A little below the weir the river scenery is terminated by what is called King Arthur's plain, or Doward hills. To the traveller who is bold enough to attempt the summit of these hills, the views will afford ample variety both in the beautiful and sublime. Camden conjectures, that on these hills there has anciently been a fortification, and what makes it more probable is, that in digging there for iron ore, and lime stone, he says " broad arrow heads have been found, and not long ago, the greatest part of the bones of a gigantic person were found here interred, in a place that seemed to be arched over." Whatever may have been the ancient destination of this spot, its present attractions proceed from the very extensive and richly diversified prospects that present themselves from every point of view. On a spot adjoining to the wood on the extremity of this hill, is a cavern that bears the name of King Arthur's Hall; it is said to extend by a subterraneous passage from hence to the new weir, a distance of about a mile. Many fabulous and romantic tales have been attached to the history of this hall, but the fact appears to be simply this, that is was a cavern, from whence was dug a rich mine of iron ore, that supplied the adjoining furnaces.

A detached cluster of rocks called St. Martins', or the three Sisters, somewhat resembling but much inferior to those at Coldwell, skirt the river in passing down, near which at a short reach called St. Martin's Well, the stream is supposed to have a greater depth of water than in any other part. At the extremity of this reach from a beautiful vale, King Arthur's plain again presents itself, assuming a new and castellated form, and here every stroke of the oar gives variety to the scene, and every object seems to vary its situation. The vast assemblage of rocks we have just contemplated, appear to vanish and melt into a distant hill, rising from a craggy base on the margin of the river.'

In his description of Chepstow castle, Mr. Ireland introduces the following anecdote :

• In the civil dissensions of the last century, this castle was considered of great importance to both parties, and a garrison was con tinued here after the restoration. A spacious apartment is still shewn in which Henry Martin, one of the king's judges, was confined a close prisoner for twenty-seven years.

• The life of this remarkable man was spared, he having surrendered himself conformable to the proclamation issued, when that event took place. His estates in Berkshire, which were considerable, were sequestered,

sequestered, and here he residered till 1680, when according to An thony Wood, he died suddenly while at dinner, at the age of 78. He was buried in Chepstow church, and on his tomb-stone were engraved the following lines. As they are now obliterated and are said to have been written by himself, they may be thought worth preserving. The epitaph is an acrostic.




Who in Berkshire, was well known
To love his country's freedom 'bove his own;
But being immured full twenty year,
Had time to write as doth appear


Here or elsewhere, (all's one to you, to me,)
E arth, air, or water, gripes my ghostly dust,
N one knows how soon to be by fire set free:
Reader if you an oft-try'd rule will trust,
Y ou'll gladly do and suffer what you must.
My time was spent in serving you, and you
A nd death's my pay, it seems, and welcome too,
R evenge destroying but itself, while I,
To birds of preay leave my old cage and fly.
E xamples preach to the eye: care then, mine says,
Not how you end, but how you spend your days.

• Some years after its interment, by order of the then clergyman, the body was removed to an obscure situation, that the church might not be disgraced by containing the ashes of a regicide."

This work is to be considered as a single link of a chain formed by the industrious hand of the present artist. It commenced with his Picturesque Tour through Holland, Brabant, and France; see Rev. N. S. vol. v. p. 93. The Views on the River Thames, &c. 2 vols. came next *, and were succeeded by the beauties of the River Medway; see Rev. vol. xvi. N. S. p. 65. -The present work is the next in order of succession; and we are informed by the author's preface, that The Picturesque Views of the Severn are in great forwardness, and will, it is presumed, be ready for publication in 2 vols. royal 8vo. in the course of next (the present) year.'

The number of plates in this volume is thirty-one; the scenery is, in general, pleasing; some of the views are very interesting; and most of them are romantic.

See M. R. vol. xii. N. S. p. 511.


ART. IV. An Essay on the comparative Advantages of Vertical and Horizontal Wind-Mills: Containing a Description of an Horizontal Wind-Mill and Water-Mill, upon a new Construction; and explaining the Manner of applying the same Principle to Pumps, Sluices, Methods for moving Boats or Vessels, &c. &c.' With Plates. By Robert Beatson, Esq. F.R.S. E. Honorary Member of the Board of Agriculture, Member of the Society of London for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, and of the Royal Highland Society of Scotland, and late of his Majesty's Corps of Royal Engineers. 8vo. 2s. 6d. I. and J. Taylor. 1798.


HE principle on which the horizontal mill is constructed by Mr. Beatson is, we think, very simple, and the method of getting the sails back seems ingenious and practicable. In stating, however, the velocity with which the sails of an horizontal mill may move, we are of opinion that the author has not attended to a circumstance which will restrict the velocity, and confine it within certain limits : we mean the resistance of the air against the back part of the sail, which must always take place when any point in the sail moves with a velocity greater than that of the wind.-Let us attend to the author's


• Those who have only been accustomed to vertical wind-mills, and who have never seen a proper horizontal one, argue in favour of the former, that they will sometimes revolve with greater velocity than even the wind itself; consequently that they must have more power then the horizontal mill, which, say they, cannot be made to move so fast as the wind. This is another proof how little the power and principles of the horizontal mill have hitherto been under stood or attended to.

• That the vertical mill will sometimes move with greater velocity than the wind, is not disputed; but that can only happen when the mill is going empty or unloaded, or at least when meeting with but little resistance; nor can it ever be the case excepting at or near the outer extremities of the sails, or at a considerable distance from the centre of motion. At those parts the sails may often move with greater velocity than the wind, and it is most likely they generally do so, otherwise the mill must be going very slow indeed; that however can be no argument in favour of the superiority of the vertical mill, as it proves nothing more than what every other mill or wheel possesses in a similar manner, whether vertical or horizontal; for it may be demonstrated, that any such wheel may be made to move with more velocity than the power that moves it. Suppose, for example, a fly-wheel, thirty feet in diameter, turned by a handle placed eighteen inches from its centre; every revolution that handle makes round the axis of the wheel, it will describe an imaginary circle three feet in diameter, which is only one-tenth of the diameter of the wheel, any point in the circumference of which revolves in the same time, through ten times the space that the handle does; and therefore it moves ten times faster than the power that sets it in motion. If the handle handle or moving power were placed at three feet from the centre, the circumference of the wheel would move five times faster; and if placed at seven feet and a half (the double of which is equal to the radius, or semi-diameter of the wheel) it would then move at only twice the velocity of the acting power. So it may happen with a vertical or any other mill; for as the power of the wind acting upon the sail of a wind-mill increases upon every point of that sail, as it recedes from the centre, there must be a certain point or line (which I shall call the line of action) where the power acting at that part of the sail is sufficient to turn the mill; and if the remaining part of the sail between that line and the extremity of the arms is, for experiment, taken away, the mill will still continue to go round; if that line is supposed to be at one-fourth the length of the arm from the centre, and moving at only one half the velocity of the wind, that point of the arms at one half the distance from the centre will be moving with the same velocity as the wind, and the extremities will at the same time be moving with double that velocity: if the remaining part of the sail is supposed to be now added, the velocity will be increased; if it is doubled, then the fourth part from the centre will move with the same velocity as the wind, and the extremities will be moving with four times that velocity. It is therefore evident, that at whatever part of the sails of a vertical windmill the line of action may be, those parts between that line and the extremities will move progressively faster, in proportion as they recede from the centre. The same argument will hold as to horizontal wind-mills of a proper construction; for if a horizontal wind-mill is going empty or unloaded, as in the former case, and is so constructed that there is little or no resistance on the returning side, the wind will act in a direct manner upon every part of each vane, when at right angles to its line of direction; as in the former case, there will also be a certain line of action on the vane, at which the power acting is sufficient to turn the mill; the velocity of the different parts of the vane between that line and the extremities will likewise increase in proportion to their distance from the centre; whatever additional sail is put between that line of action and the extremities, will of course add to the power and to the velocity of the mill. Supposing, therefore, that part of the vane at one-fourth the distance from the centre is moving with a velocity equal to the wind, the part at half the distance to the extremities will be moving with twice the velocity, and the extremities at four times the velocity of the wind; that is, twice or four times its direct impulse: whereas in the vertical mills, in similar cases, it moves at the rate of only twice or four times its lateral impulse.'

Mr. B. here supposes that, if a part of the vane at one fourth of the distance be moving with a velocity equal to the wind, the part at half the distance to the extremities will be moving with twice the velocity, and the extremities at four times the volocity of the wind; which would undoubtedly be the case were there no resistance against the back part of the vane:-but the fact is that, if a point moves with a velocity double that of the wind, it must move against the air with a relative

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