Art. 32. An Effay on Literary Property: containing a Commentary on the Statute of Queen Anne (8.2 An. Ch. 19.) and Animadversions on that Statute. By the Rev. Dr. Trusler. With a Dedicatory Preface to the Lord Chancellor. 8vo. pp. 50. 1s. 6d. Shepperson and Co. 1798. Dr. Trusler has introduced into this pamphlet many suitable and pertinent animadversions on the statute which regulates literary property; and which, as the preamble states, was passed for the encouragement of learning and learned men. It has lately been decided in the Court of King's Bench, that an author, whose work is pirated before the expiration of twenty-eight years from the first publication, may maintain an action on the case for damages against the offending party, although the work was not entered at Stationer'sHall, and although it was first published without the name of the author affixed. The entry at Stationer's-Hall is necessary only to support the action for the penalties, which may be brought by any common informer; so that the party grieved might be defeated of his compensation, unless he was entitled to his action for damages. See p. 309-312. of this Review. We cannot approve of the manner in which the Doctor expresses himself respecting the whole body of booksellers, when he declares, ⚫ that justice to himself, and to the literary world, obliges him to say that of all descriptions of men, booksellers are the most unfair dealers.' This is the language of illiberality and prejudice, rather than the dictate of justice, sanctioned by experience. EAST INDIES. Art. 33. The Indian Obferver, by the late Hugh Boyd, Esq. with the Life of the Author, and some Miscellaneous Poems, by Lawrence Dundas Campbell. 8vo. pp. 414. 10s. 6d. Cadell jun. and Davies. 1798. Hugh Boyd was the second son of Alexander Macauley, Esq. of the county of Antrim in Ireland. He was born in 1746; was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, and was designed for the bar, but, instead of prosecuting his original views, came over to London, where, under the patronage of Mr. Richard Burke, he soon became known both in the literary and the fashionable world. A propensity to extravagance had already reduced him to considerable embarrassments, when in 1777 he married a lady of considerable fortune: but this relief was only temporary; for the same expensive habits still continued, and at length obliged him to accompany Lord Macartney to Madras, in the capacity of a second secretary. He remained there after his lordship's return, and died in 1794; having for some years previously to his death held the lucrative office of Master Attendant, with little advantage to his deranged circumstances. • The political writings which the editor can now assert from undoubted authority to be Mr. Boyd's, are the Freeholder, published in Ireland in 1772; the introduction to Lord Chatham's speeches on the American war, reported and published by him; and the Whig, published in Almon's paper, (the London Courant,) in 1780.' It is to this gentleman that the author of Anecdotes, Biographical, Literary, Aa3 and and Political," attributes with much confidence the celebrated letters of Junius. Mr. Campbell has taken some pains to ascertain whether those eloquent productions were in fact the work of his deceased friend, and the result of his investigations amounts to something like presumptive evidence in the affirmative. In this case, the satirical poems published under the signature of Malcolm Масgregor must be adjudged to the same pen. Our present business, however, is with a work of a very different complexion. The series of essays which compose the Indian ObServer appeared at Madras in the course of the year 1794, through the medium of a periodical paper intitled the Hircarrab. The subjects are seldom local, and, when they are of that description, they relate solely to the incidental circumstances of the European Society at Madras. The primeval simplicity of the inoffensive Hindu, the refined luxuries of the sensual Moslem, the industrious Armenian, and the degenerate Portuguese, suggest no observations to the Indian Obferver. The style of these essays, however, is entitled to commendation; and, embracing a variety of topics relating to criticism and morals, they may be perused with advantage. Mr. Campbell's poems comprise a spirited elegy on the late Mr. Burke, to whose pen he attributes the celebrated discourses delivered by Sir Joshua Reynolds to the Royal Academy of Arts. We have also here perused with satisfaction an imitation of the fourteenth satire of Juvenal. MILITARY and NAVAL AFFAIRS. Art. 34. Medical Difcipline; or Rules and Regulations for the more effectual Preservation of Health on board the Honourable East India Company's Ships. In a Letter addressed to the Hon. the Court of Directors, and published with their Approbation. By Alexander Stewart, Surgeon in Southwark, and formerly of the Earl Talbot and General Goddard East Indiamen. 12mo. 2s. 6d. Boards. Sewell, &c. 1798. These regulations are professed to be peculiarly adapted for the use of the East India Company's ships, but much the greater part are equally applicable to every large ship's company, and particularly in long voyages. Many of the directions that are of most consequence are not new: yet, till they become universally known and practised, they cannot be too often repeated. We remark that the author appears to be very unequal in his disposition towards seamen. It is proper (he says) I should here take notice of a custom, or certain mode of punishment, on board many ships, erroneously supposed slight in its nature. When a man is found asleep in his watch, and not ready at a call, it is usual to awake him by throwing a bucket-full or two of water over him, a circumstance that may be attended with very bad consequences, if the man does not immediately shift and rub himself dry, which he seldom or never thinks of attending to. It would be better by far to flog him well with a rope's end.' * See Rev. vol. xxv. N. S. p. 168. He He advises that the seamen shall be compelled to use the cold bath once or twice in a week, and more especially within the tropics. We believe cold bathing to be an excellent practice in warm latitudes: but, except in particular instances, or where any man is so slovenly in his habits as to merit such disrespect, we must disapprove the compulsion. The author likewise recommends exemplary punishments; and in some cases in which reasonable and friendly admonition would, no doubt, have a much better effect. As there is much useful matter in this treatise, we think it the more necessary to notice this dispostion to severity, which neither the writer's profession nor the subject sufficiently justify. In other parts of his work, he shews much general good-will towards the seamen. The following quotation we offer to our readers with pleasure : An imperious, harsh, or ill-natured mode of dispensing orders, or of carrying on duty, I apprehend to be as repugnant to the true spirit of discipline and subordination, as to the pure and mild principles of humanity; instead of accelerating the execution of duty, it invariably retards it, and it never fails of introducing discontent, vexation, and despondency, among the crew; states of mind which I have oftener than once observed to be highly conducive to the production of scurvy, and other diseases.' There are many remarks in this work that are highly valuable and important, respecting the health of a ship's crew; too much attention cannot be paid to the articles of air, exercise, rest, diet, clothing, cleanliness, &c. Art. 35. The Elements of Military Tactics, conformable to the System established by his Majesty's Order. Part I. By James Workman, Esq. 12mo. 25. Egerton. 1798. The intentions of the author of this military manual will be seen in the following copy of the advertisement prefixed to it : • The design of this work is to comprise within a small compass, and explain in a familiar manner, the whole of the present System of Military Movement, according to the "Rules and Regulations" published by his Majesty's command. • The First Part is divided into four chapters, the first of which gives definitions of the principal military terms, with miscellaneous illustrative remarks, and presents a general view of the most important parts of the new system. • The second chapter explains the method of instructing recruits, together with general rules for the marching and wheeling of a single rank. The third chapter comprises the Manual and Platoon Exercises, with explanations of the purposes of the different motions, and attentions to be observed in firing; and • The fourth chapter contains the formations and movements of the Platoon or Company. • The Second Part will explain the movements of the Battalion, and the Third Part, the principal Manœuvres of an Army.' Part I. only is now published. The four chapters, of which it is composed contain all the information that the auchor professes to give; and the attention which he has bestowed, in affording instrucs Aa4 Lisa tion on a subject on which almost every individual is at present per sonally engaged, entitles him to great praise. His compendium appears superior to various similar publications, in several respects; but we have observed one or two errors of the press, not wholly unimportant; such as right heel for left heel, p. 45. 1. 22; and powder for paper, p. 55. 1. 18. The front of the company is thus increased by one third,' p.86.1.8. This expression is rather ambiguous; as when the company, from three deep, as the author is describing, is formed into two deep, the front is lengthened one half of its former extent. The definitions would have been more complete, had those which are the most difficult, particularly the echellon, been illustrated by one or two common plates. While Mr. Workman restricts himself to the usual business of an adjutant, we find much to commend: but we are sorry that we cannot pay him the same compliment when he touches the subject of gúnnery. If he aims, with a common musket, at one hundred and twenty yards, agreeably to his rule, two feet below the spot which he intends to hit, he will strike just those two feet below that spot. Or, in other words, instead of two hundred and forty yards, which he gives, he will find half of this distance, or even less, to be point blank. Indeed, the whole directions for taking aim, p. 63, are so erroneous, that we sincerely wish that he had entirely omitted them, and thus have avoided such a blemish in a work of very considerable merit. Art. 36. A Letter addressed to the Hon. Court of Lieutenancy, on the present State of the Discipline of the Armed Associations of the City of London. By an Officer of the London Militia. Svo, 6d. Debrett. 1798. The observations contained in this letter appear to be very rational, and well calculated to render the London Associations what they doubtless wish to be, an uniform efficient force for the occasional protection of the metropolis. Art. 37. Minutes of the Proceedings of a Naval Court Martial, assembled and held on board his Majesty's Ship Prince, before Cadiz, 12th June 1798, to try the Right Hon. Lord Henry Paulet, Captain of his Majesty's Ship Thalia, on a Charge exhibited against him by Lieut. Robert Forbes. By R. Tucker, Purser of his Majesty's Ship London; from the Minutes taken with the Permission of the Court. 8vo. IS. Debrett. The allegation against Lord H. Paulet was, that, in breach of the 33d article of war, he struck Lieut. Forbes, when in the execution of his duty, on the quarter deck of the Thalia; and the charge being established, the Court sentenced Lord Henry to be dismissed from his Majesty's service: "but, in consideration of the whole circumstances of the case, the Court did humbly presume to recommend him as a proper object for his Majesty's most gracious consideration." In consequence of these circumstances, which were of a mitigating nature, (though the rules of the service required the sentence which was pronounced,) and in pursuance of this recommendation, his Majesty has been pleased to reinstate Lord Henry Paulet in his rank in the navy. Art. Art. 38. An Historical Journal of the British Campaigns on the Continent, in the Year 1794, with the Retreat through Holland, in 1795. By Capt. L. T. Jones, of the 14th Regiment. 4to. 11. Is. Boards. Egerton, &c. 1797. We, who only saw from our garret windows what passed among the armies on the continent, during the memorable campaigns above mentioned, cannot be supposed to be completely qualified to sit in judgment on the journal of an officer, drawn up on the spot, during the military operations to which it relates. -The best testimony, with regard to the merit of such a publication, will probably be found in Capt. Jones's very respectable list of subscribers, consisting of General and Field officers, &c. with his Royal Highness Field Marshal the Duke of York at their head. A list like this may be considered as a body of evidence, amounting to the most honourable testimony in favour of the work to which it is prefixed.- Descriptive notes are added, to illustrate the incidental mention of places, cities, towns, &c. as they occur in detailing the movements of armies and detachments; and expensive engravings are given, including a large map of the seat of the war, the principal actions, encampments, &c. &c. All these appear to be well executed; and we see no reason for questioning their accuracy. LAND-ΤΑΧ. Art. 39. Observations on the Act for the Redemption of the Land-Tax: shewing the Benefits likely to arise from the Measure both to the Public and to Individuals, with practical Remarks upon the Detail of the Act: from which will be seen the Facility with which it may be carried into Execution, and the particular Means afforded to Persons possessing every Kind of Estate, of taking Advantage of it. 8vo. IS. Bunney and Co. This author considers the benefits that are likely to accrue to the public from this measure, as more important than any other operation in finance since the funding system took place, except the acts passed within the last twelve years for ensuring a gradual reduction of the National Debt; to individuals the advantages are equally cer tain and considerable: perhaps there is no instance of any measure so plainly and powerfully combining the public and private interests; while it will increase in a very great degree the resources of the country, it not only will not impose any burthen on the subject, but will actually give a pecuniary advantage to all those who become purchasers.' Those who are curious to see in what manner this very advantageous character of the act is supported, by the present writer, must consult his elaborate performance; in which they will find a distinct view of the different provisions and regulations which this act contains. Our readers, however, will probably recollect that Sir John Sinclair passed a very different judgment on the merits of this measure, in his speech against the bill, on its second reading. See "Alarm to Land-owners, &c." noticed in our Catalogue for September, Art. 24. Art. 40. Interesting Suggestions to Proprietors and Trustees of Estates, respecting the Land-Tax Sale and Redemption Act. By Simeon Pope. 8vo. IS. Richardson. 1798. 9 Mr. |