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ever, that much more experience is required than we have hitherto had, to determine the truth of the last stated advantage; especially from inoculation of infants; on account of the irritability of their skin rendering them liable to very extensive erysipelatous inflammation.

That the infectious matter of the cow-pox is a specific poi son, and not (as some suppose) merely putrid animal matter, seems proved from the disease being the same, when produced by inoculation with matter from the human subject, as that which is produced by matter from the cow; and the same as that which is produced by cow-pox matter from the third, fourth, or fifth human subject in succession from the cow. Indeed, the difference in the appearance of the local pustulous eruption in the cow-pox is sufficient to shew the specific nature of the infectious matter.

As the cow-pox is not propagated by vapour, nor by effluvia, nor by minute particles of it adhering to cloaths, furniture, the paper of letters, &c. the happiest consequences may result from its diffusion in society instead of the small-pox: but, while it appears that persons who have gone through the former are incapable of taking the latter, the converse does not seem to be true, or at least is not constantly the case: for although it seems probable that those who have had the small-pox are not so susceptible of the cow-pox as those who have not had the former disease, yet they are not exempt.

Cows are liable to the disease oftener than once, but they usually have it more slightly on the second infection.

Dr. Jenner's work contains four elegant coloured plates, representing the eruptions of the cow-pox. The first delineates the hand of a girl, with three pustules occasioned by matter applied to a part scratched with a thorn, and to a part which had suffered abrasion of the cuticle; designed to shew the distemper in its early as well as in its advanced stage. The 2d plate represents the pustules after inoculation of the upper arm, as in the inoculated small-pox. The 3d plate shews the pustules of the inoculated arm in the cow-pox, produced by matter taken from a human subject; and the 4th plate exhibits the appearance of the inoculated arm in its last stage. • Experience now tells me,' says the author, 'that almost the only variation which follows consists in the pustulous fluids remaining limpid nearly to the time of its total disappearance; and not, as in the direct small-pox, becoming purulent.'

Another work on this interesting subject has appeared, from the pen of Dr. George Pearson; of which we shall shortly take farther notice.



For DECEMBER, 1798.


Art. 17. The Light Horse Drill; describing the several, Evolutions in a progressive Series, from the first Rudiments to the Manœuvres of the Squadron: (illustrated with Copper-plates :) designed for the Use of the Privates and Officers of the Volunteer Corps of Great Britain. Part I. 4to. pp. 13. Ten Plates. Egerton.


THE late general arming of the people has given rise to several useful military publications, to which the work before us forms a valuable addition. The instructions, as well as the plates, are the most clear and minute, and, in course, the best for young soldiers, that we have seen. One or two inadvertencies occur, which we shall point out,

The definition of filing (Note 2. Section 4. Page 2.) might have been better expressed. "File," or "Rank and File," are not synonimous terms. A file signifies as many men as there are ranks; that is, three men if the division be formed three deep; two men, if formed two deep; and one man, if formed in rank-entire : but a rank and file invariably signifies one man. Thus when we read in the Gazette "12 Rank and File killed," we are to understand that we have lost 12 men who were below the rank of serjeant: but, if we are told that the troop consisted of twelve files, we are to understand that it contained twenty-four men; the cavalry being generally formed two deep. Why the longer phrase should express the smaller number, is not for us to determine.

Section 31. is sufficiently intelligible to persons who are conver sant on the subject: but those who are totally unacquainted with military evolutions, for whom the author professes to write, would find some difficulty in understanding it; particularly as in the plate (Fig 26.) the movement to the front is laid down full two horses" length too much to the right. Having made this remark, we will give the section as it stands in the book, and afterward shew how we should have written it; marking the principal variations in italics.

• Section 31st, From the Right File to the Front.-March. • The rear rank closes up as directed in the last section: - The right fiank man advances strait forward, his covering file a breast of him, (Fig. 26.) all move off to the front, leading and covering files a-breast, as they come up to the ground which the first man quitted.' Page 8.

Here we should have proposed to write as follows:-the rear rank closes up as directed in the last section, the right flank man advances strait forwards, his covering file springs up obliquely to the right to get a-breast of him; the rest all turn, and move off, to the right: (as in Sect. 30. Fig. 25.) and as they come to the ground which the first man quitted, they wheel by files to the left, and move on.

This takes us back to the author's definition of filing (Note 2. Sest. 4. Page 2.) in which he tells us that the two ranks are turned into two files, and the twelve files into twelve ranks. This is not strictly correct. The files, indeed, when turned to the right or left, may be called ranks, but they are files still. -The 43d Section, we think, might also have been more clearly, expressed.

The references to Figures 30, 31, 32, and 34, are misprinted in the text 29, 30, 31, and 35; and the distinguishing mark of the rear rank is omitted in the 5th and 6th men in Figure 25 and Figure 26.

These are trifling defects: but in pointing them out we have at once done our duty, and shewn how small the faults are that can be found by us in this useful work.

We shall be glad to see the second part.

Art. 18. Considerations of the Reasons that exist for reviving the Use of the Long Bow, with the Pike, in aid of the Measures brought forward by his Majesty's Ministers for the Defence of the Country. By Richard Oswald Mason, Esq. 8vo. Pp. 50. 3s. 6d. Boards. Egerton. 1798.

This work was composed during the late crisis of danger, and cn titles the author to praise for the warmth and anxiety which he has shewn, to give energy and effect to the public force. A defensive war, he thinks, could not be better maintained than by numerous bodies of bowmen; and the instructions for the exercise, which he proposes for them, are short and clear, and are illustrated by several neat plates.

Mr. Mason dwells con amore on the exploits of the antient English archers, evinces his extensive reading on the subject, and earnestly urges the revival of the long-bow and pike. He even prefers these weapons to the musket and bayonet, and supports his preference with much ingenuity: but we do not imagine that he will succeed in extending the use of his favorite implement beyond the purposes of amusement. His book, however, will always afford entertainment, mingled with instruction; and had it been published six years ago, when Toxophily was so much the rage, it would have been read with additional avidity and applause.


Art. 19. Caroline. By a Lady. 12mo. 10s. 6d. sewed. Hook ham and Carpenter. 1798.

Elegance, vivacity, or accurate delineation of manners, can hardly be expected in the general overflowing mass of the novels of the times; and the volumes before us are certainly not entitled to rank among the capital works of this branch of literature. Freedom from vulgarisms, from gross improbabilities, from licentious descriptions, and from tedious narrations, may be mentioned in favour of this production; and to how few of the novels of the day can even this negative praise be justly given ?

Calaf, a Persian Tale.

Hookham and Carpenter. 1798.

Art. 20.

12mo. 2 Vols. 7s. sewed.

In the prefatory address to the public, we are informed that these volumes are the work of a girl of seventeen.' What may be reasonably expected from the generality of young ladies at this age, we

have here found: -we throw aside the pen of criticism; recollecting, as we do, (with not over-fond remembrance,) that we too have been young writers.


Art. 21. Obfervations in Defence of a Bill brought into Parliament, for erecting the Corporation of Surgeons of London into a College: and for granting and confirming to such College certain Rights and Privileges: including a Sketch of the History of Surgery in England. By Thomas Chevalier, A. M. a Member of the Corporation. 8vo. pp. 105. 2s. 6d. Johnson.

It is well known to every one who is connected with the practice of surgery in this metropolis, that a petition, signed by the majority of the Court of Assistants of the Surgeons' Company, was lately presented to the House of Commons; of which the principal objects


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1. That the Corporation should be erected into a College; that the names of its officers should be changed, and instead of Master, Wardens, Examiners, and Assistants, be called President, Vice Presidents, Censors, and Council. But though the names were changed, the number, power, and duties of each, respectively and together, were to remain exactly the saте.

2. The second and principal article was, That business might in future be legally transacted in the presence of ONE President or Vice President, and four Censors; and that if ever the President and both the Vice Presidents should happen to be dead at the same time, the senior surviving Censor might convene a Council for the election of others in their stead.


3. That the College thus constituted might be able to hold freehold property of the yearly value of one thousand pounds, (the sum allowed to the Colleges of Edinburgh and Dublin) without incurring any of the penalties of the statute of Mortmain.


4. That the jurisdiction of the Court of Examiners (or Censors) should be extended to ten miles round London, but with respect to future settlers only in the additional three miles; and that the penalty for practising surgery without their authority, should be increased from five pounds per month, to ten.

• There was also a clause confirming the endowment for a course of chirurgical lectures; and directing those lectures to be given by one of the members of the Council: and another clause which required the candidates applying for examination, to be of the age of twenty-one years.

• In every other respect the bill resembled the old act.' A bill, in consequence, passed through the House of Commons. but was, on the third reading, rejected in the House of Lords. This rejection is stated to have been owing to the unexpected opposition of some members of the company, who were not of the Court of Assistants; and who, from the existing bye-laws of the company, were not eligible to that office.

In the present pamphlet, Mr. Chevalier has defended the principle of the bill in question with moderation and coolness; and, we think, with justice and ability.



This dispute is still pending: a petition for a charter having been presented to the Crown by the Court of Assistants, and by several members of the company.

Art. 22. A Dressing for Lord Thurlow, prepared by a Surgeon.

8vo. Is. Cox.

Art. 23. Reflections on the Surgeons' Bill: in Answer to three Pamphlets in Defence of that Bill. By John Ring, Member of the Corporation of Surgeons. 8vo. pp. 288. 45. 6d. Boards. Hookham. 1798.

We couple together these two flippant performances, although written on different sides of the question. Though also of very different extent, yet, like equal quantities of dirt in opposite scales, they sully the machine indeed, but make no alteration in its proper

ties as a balance.

Art. 24. A practical Essay on the Club-Foot, and other Distortions in the Legs and Feet of Children, intended to shew under what Circumstances they are curable, or otherwise; with thirty-one Cases that have been successfully treated by the Method for which the Author has obtained the King's Patent, and the Specification of the Patent for that Purpose, as well as for curing Distortions of the Spine, and every other Deformity that can be remedied by mechanical Applications. By J. Sheldrake, Trussmaker to the Wesminster Hospital and Mary-le-bone Infirmary. 8vo. pp. 214. 7s. Boards. Murray and Co. 1798.

From the cases related in this publication, several of which are wit. nessed by professional gentlemen, it is evident that much benefit has been derived from the means applied by Mr. Sheldrake, in various distortions happening to young children. For a description of the instruments employed by him, we must refer to his book; as any extract that we should make would be unintelligible without the figures by which the volume is illustrated.

Art. 25. Essays on the Venereal Disease and its concomitant Affections, illustrated by a Variety of Cases. Essay I.-Part I. On the antivenereal Effects of Nitrous Acid, oxygenated Muriate of Potash, and several analogous Remedies, which have been lately proposed as Substitutes for Mercury. By William Blair, A. M. Surgeon of the Lock Hospital and Asylum, and of the old Finsbury Dispensary. 8vo. pp. 252. 48. sewed. Johnson. 1798.

In this pamphlet, Mr. Blair first brings forwards the several testimonies which have been advanced in favour of the nitrous acid, and other similar remedies, in the cure of the venereal disease in its different stages. He next relates his own experience; which has almost uniformly been unfavourable to the newly-recommended practice; and which consequently tends to confirm the established method of sure-by mercury.

Twenty-four cases are here recorded, of the venereal disease in its primary state, and twenty-six of confirmed syphilis, In all of these, either the acid of nitre, the citric acid, or the oxygenated muriate of potash, was freely exhibited; in most of them it failed, and the cure was established by mercury.


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