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seems inclined to credit only their first story:-the particulars of which, from respect to the laws of decorum, we have merely intimated, not detailed, on mentioning the Apology.


Art. 63. Preached before his Excellency John Jeffries, Earl Camden, Lord Lieutenant, PRESIDENT, -and the MEMBERS-of the Association for discountenancing Vice, and promoting the Practice of Virtue and Religion; in St. Peter's Church, Dublin, May 22, 1798, by the Right Rev. Thomas Lewis O'Beirne, D. D. Lord Bishop of Ossory. 8vo. Dublin.

We have here an animated sketch of what may be termed the moral and political state of the kingdom, including more immediately that of Ireland, at the period when this discourse was delivered from the pulpit. The text is Nehem. ch. xiii. v. 17: "Then I contended with the nobles of Judah, and said unto them, what evil is this that ye do?" Accordingly, the preacher, assuming with no impropriety a similar style of address, considers himself as deputed to expostulate on the evil that is doing in the land.'

The worthy Bishop commences his view of the wide extent of the existing national evil in which he sees his country unhappily involved, by a display of the progress of modern infidelity on the neighbouring continent, with the incessant endeavours of the French free-thinkers to overturn the Christian Religion, by the effect of their antichristian writings, &c. The consideration of this principal branch of his subject naturally leads him to expatiate on the great utility of so excellent a design as that of the Irish Association; so wisely and worthily formed to oppose the dangerous efforts of irreligion and atheism, by combating them with the same kind of weapons which they have but too successfully used to "turn the world upside down;" and thus, (with views so different!) to enlighten, instead of perverting, the minds of the lower ranks of people; among whom the enemies of human happiness had every where so industriously employed themselves in disseminating their pernicious opinions. On the success which, in Ireland, has already attended this excellent design, the Bishop congratulates the Society; urging them, on every Christian and patriotic motive, to continue their truly laudable exertions * ; and, by every means pointed out in that plan of association, to rekindle the sacred fire of true Religion among all ranks: especially by a more commendable observance of the pious duties of the Lord's day, the general neglect and misuse of which, he laments most pathetically and with admirable energy and pathos. He displays, in just and proper colours, the growing

* To counteract the endeavours of the enemies of Christianity, and to provide or disseminate an antidote against the poison which they have so plenteously administered, the society have published and circulated large impressions of seasonable extracts from the works of Bishops Horne and Watson, Mr. Erskinc's arguments against Paine, and other writings of a similar nature,-particularly the Bp. of Ossory's circular letter to his clergy.


profanation of the Sabbath, so glaringly observable in France, for many years past; and which he considers as one powerful cause of that horrid impiety and profligacy, which have but too naturally and effectually prepared the hearts and dispositions of the people, for that monstrous torrent of barbarism which has since overwhelmed that devoted country.

The Bishop then applies (we fear, too justly) his observations on the general disregard of the Sabbath, in France, for many years past, to the prevailing dissoluteness of manners in Ireland; and their fellow-subjects of England do not pass uncensured in this respect :sorry are we that we have very little to offer in their defence.

The eloquent and patriotic preacher appropriates the concluding part of his admonitory address to a discussion of the state and circumstances of the highly-respectable society before whom it was delivered. We must not forget to observe that, in the course of the sermon, his Lordship very properly adverts to the rise and progress of the recent unhappy rebellion, as yet, we fear, not wholly extinguished: but, for a more satisfactory idea of what is said on all the great and interesting topics *, which we are obliged thus briefly and imperfectly to mention, we must refer to the discourse at length.

In the Appendix, are some observations respecting the principal objects which this laudable institution has had in view, wiz. I. The Dissemination of the Holy Scriptures. II. The Religious Education of Youth. III. Moral and Religious Instruction. A brief state of the receipts and payments of the Association, and a very respectable list of the Members, are also subjoined..

On the whole, this performance has given us so much satisfaction in the perusal, that we cannot but sincerely and warmly recommend it to the attention of our public-spirited readers, on both sides of the water. We wish to see an English edition, for the more general circulation of it in this country.

Art. 64. Preached in the Parish Church of Hanwell, in Middlesex, July 21, 1798, before the Members of the United Armed Association, formed within the Parishes of Hanwell and Ealing, including New and Old Brentford. By George Henry Glasse, M.A. Rector of Hanwell; Honorary Chaplain to the Corps. 8vo. Cadell and Co.


The pious sentiments expressed in this discourse are well adapted to the occasion, and are delivered in appropriate language.

Art. 65. Delivered in the Church of St. John Baptist, Wakefield, June 25, 1798. Before the Society of Free and Accepted Masons of the Lodge of Unanimity (N° 202). By Brother the Rev. R. Munkhouse, D. D. 8vo. IS. Cawthorn.

We have reason for believing that the superstructure of British Free-masonry is formed on the sure basis of Christianity and loyalty, and that it differs, toto calo, from those impure mansions from which the hydra of Jacobinism has been said to issue forth for the destruction of every social good.


Among which, we meet with some striking remarks on a point of no trivial moment: The Reform of the Criminal Poor.'


Dr. M. judiciously observes that, To endeavour to ascertain, in the vast expanse of antiquity, the precise period when the appellation we now bear was adopted; when the nature and objects of the masonic order were confounded with the mechanic arts, or the seience of architecture, would lead us far from the purposes of this assembly, and divert your regards from what may be practically beneficial, to vague conjecture, and desultory investigation.'

The perpetual occurrence of masonic terms consorts but aukwardly with the graces of pulpit oratory; particularly when the Doctor advises his auditory to carefully tyle their hearts.' P. 29.

Were it allowable to criticise the language of a sermon architecturally, we might say that we discover more of the superfluous ornament of the Corinthian, than the strength and grace of the Ionic, in this production.

Art. 66. Preached at the Visitation held in Grantham, May 14, 1798: and dedicated, with due Respect, to the Rev. John Prettyman, D. D. Archdeacon, and to the Clergy in the Hundred of Beltishloe. By Samuel Hopkinson, B. D. late Fellow of ClareHall, and Vicar of Morton. 8vo. 6d. Newbery.

There is some appearance of singularity in this discourse, but the most striking part of it is the author's account of the methodists and their tenets. He has given his opinion of this very numerous sect with more attention and candour, than has usually been manifested by writers who have zealously brandished their pens in support of our religious establishment.

The 'profits arising from the sale of this publication will be appropriated to charitable purposes.'

Art. 67. Preached in the Parish Church of Midhurst in Sussex. By the Reverend Richard Lloyd, A. M. late Fellow of Magdalen College, Cambridge. 4to. 2s. Shepperson and Reynolds.

In this charity-sermon the preacher inculcates, in a very strong and forcible manner, the importance of early education, as the only means by which that perverseness of the will, and that fatal disposition to evil, which are too often observable in children, may be checked, if not wholly subdued. He appears to be actuated by a benevolent regard for the happiness of mankind; kind; which, he justly conceives, can be promoted by nothing so much as by the practice of those duties which the Christian Religion enjoins.

Art. 68. Delivered in the Parish-Church of Sheffield, to the Original United Lodge of ODD FELLOWS, on July 9,1798 (being their Second Annual Festival). By George Smith, M. A. Curate, of the said Church, and late of Trinity College, Cambridge. 8vo. 6d. Matthews.

Odd Fellows are not very uncommon: but who are these? Even the preacher avows himself to be unconnected and unacquainted with the society, and totally ignorant of their principles: though he adds that he received an assurance that their purpose, in appearing at Sheffield church at that time, was to convince the world that they were neither associated to encourage antichristian nor antimonarchical



narchical principles.' - Connected with them or not, he has delivered a sensible discourse, and offered advice worthy of the attention of the United Lodge (Free-masons, we conclude) and all other persons. Yielding, as he says, a decided preference to the doctrine and discipline of the established church, he expresses himself with liberality and candour 'respecting other denominations of Christians. If he somewhat inclines, as perhaps he may, to Methodism, in concurrence with the articles which he professes to embrace, it is certain that his exhortations to the practice of all virtue are warm and energetic. He remarks that the name which the Society assumes is equivocal and ridiculous: but he recommends a strict regard to the motto which this fraternity have chosen, viz. " friendship, love, and truth :"-in conformity to which, is added to the sermon an HYMN sung by the brethren at the conclusion of the service.

Art. 69. Preached at Lambeth Chapel, March 4, 1798, at the Consecration of the Right Reverend John Buckner, LL.D. Lord Bishop of Chichester. By John Napleton, D. D. Canon residentiary of Hereford, &c. Published by Command of his Grace the Archbishop. 4to. IS. Robson.

The immediate topic of this discourse is, Jesus said unto him, Feed my sheep, John, xxi. 17. By an ingenious and well-written descant on benevolence as peculiarly the duty of the Christian believer, the preacher is led to the still larger incitements and higher obligations' which attend the Christian minister; who is supposed to find them enlarge as he advances to more elevated or dignified stations. The writer acknowleges that churches, like states, have been productive of partial evils:'-but, he adds, the good exceeds the evil, in a far greater proportion than we are apt to imagine.'-Respecting the Anglican church and state, it is said, (and happy are we if it be strictly true,) we have preserved our monarchy and episcopacy together; each refined from every tendency to evil, and retaining only the blessed prerogative of doing good.'.

The sermon is accurate and rather elegant in its style, sensible in its plan and execution, and edifying and impressive in its remarks and exhortations.


Y. Z. inquires what volume of our Review contains the account of Mr. Wakefield's translation of the New Testament;-we refer him to our 8th volume New Series, p. 241. He also desires to be informed what other English translations have been made of the New Testament, besides that in common use? As it is no part of our province to answer such questions as are often proposed to us, particularly those which come from anonymous correspondents, we have repeatedly, though in vain, requested that such inquiries should not be transmitted to us. Our frequent compliance with them has indeed so much increased the evil, that we must still remonstrate against it :we have much more than sufficient employment for the time allotted to us for the discharge of our obligations to the public. As, how. ever, we have replied to one part of Y. Z.'s letter, we will not close this note without adverting to his other inquiry, concerning the vari ous English translations of the N. T. At present we recollect, I. That of Rheims, in 1582; since revised by the late Dr. Chaloner, the Roman Catholic Bishop of London, 1750, 8vo. 5 vols. II. One by Dr. Cornelius Nary, 8vo. 1719. III. Another by Dr. Witham, 8vo. 2 vols. 1730. IV. Another from the French of F. Simon, 4to.. 2 vols. 1730. All these are from the Latin Vulgate; except that the last is a secondary version, through the medium of the French language. The notes are judicious. - The only translation from the Greek, since that of Mr. Wakefield, is one by Mr. Scarlett, very recently published; and not yet reviewed. - We also recollect the following names of English translators of the sacred volume; viz. Wyckliff, Tindal, Purver, Doddridge, Wesley, Harwood, and Worsley. Most of these have been reviewed in our work; as will appear on consulting our General Index.

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The same correspondent observes that, doubtless, astronomers have some particular rule or method by which to measure the distance of one planet from another, and the size of a particular planet. he adds, this rule is to be met with in any work in the English or the French language, I should feel myself much obliged if you would point out the work,' &c.-Almost any astronomical treatise will furnish an answer to Y. Z.'s inquiry; Dr. Vince's late System of Astronomy, for instance: (see Review for October last, Art. I. :) where, in one of the chapters concerning the distances of the planets, the rule may be found. In the same work, likewise, occurs the method of determining the magnitude of a planet, which is easily effected when the distance is known.

We regret that accidents have hitherto retarded our notice of Dr. Underwood's polite letter: in our next number, we hope to pay that attention to it which it deserves.

An article respecting the Delectus Gracarum Sententiarum was written before the receipt of the author's inquiry, and will probably appear in the Review for January.

General Vallancey's polite communication is received, and will be farther noticed.

We know nothing of the spelling-book mentioned in a letter from Long-Acre; nor is it now, according to the writer's statement, a proper object of our attention.

Other Letters remain for consideration.

ERRATA in the Review for November.

P. 268, 1. 23, for preay,' r. prey.

236, 1. 24, for 'the Modes, r. the Mode.

349, 1. 4, put a turned comma before the words, 'In 1759, &c.

351, 1. 14, take the turned comma away, after the word this.

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