Slike stranica

classes facilitates the perpetual erosion of their territory, and the successive metamorphosis of their provinces into satellite republics, until they are ripe for absorption into the body of the Gallic planet.

ART. XXXVII. Nouveau Tableau Speculatif de l'Europe, &c. i. e. A New Speculative Picture of Europe. By General DUMOU RIEZ. Svo. pp. 380. 65. sewed. Imported by De Boffe.

OF F this Ex-General's Speculative Picture of Europe we spoke at length in our xxvth vol. p. 546. This professes to be a new edition of that work, modernized down to the month of September 1793, by means of an additional preface. A new but insignificant sheet, intitled An Advertisement, has in fact been prefixed, but we have discovered no alteration in the body of the work itself.

ART. XXXVIII. Voyage à la Guiane et à Cayenne, &c. i. e. A Voyage to Guiana and Cayenne, performed in 1789, and the following Years, &c. &c. By L..... M.... B.... Merchant. 8vo. pp. 400. Paris. 1798.


NSTEAD of being an account of an actual voyage, we find this work to be a superficial and inaccurate compilation from other writers, (some of them the least worthy of selection,) without even the appearance of that kind of order, and succession of incidents, which must necessarily attend the observations. of any single traveller or observer. Though the writer pretends to give an account of the natural productions of the different parts of Guiana, he does not appear to know any thing more than their vulgar names; and even these are employed with so little attention, that loose descriptions or pretended descriptions of the same animal or vegetable, compiled from various writers, are given more than once in different parts of the volume. Sometimes a vulgar English name is literally translated into French, from some ignorant writer; and the object, which had before been described under its proper French name, is pretended to be again described under a name wholly unknown in the French language. Two instances of this occur at page 235-where, 1st, an account is given of "Le Plantin espèce de Platane," &c. The plant here meant is the Musa Pardisiaca, the common bread of the negroes, throughout the West Indies, called the Plantain by the English, and Banane by the French; under which name it had been already repeatedly mentioned and described by this compiler, without knowing it. 2dly, In the same page,“Le Pomme de Pin," &c. a name made out from the English pine-apple, which the French know only by the name “Ananas;" and under which this Mr. L. M. B. has frequently mentioned it.


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To the REMARKABLE PASSAGES in this Volume.

N. B. To find any particular Book, or Pamphlet, see the Table of Contents, prefixed to the Volume.


ABBOT, Mr. his valuable col

lection of, and observations on, the Lepidopterous insects of Georgia, published in French and English, by Dr. Smith, 437. 439.

Abernethy, Mr. his observations on the Foramina Thebesii of the

heart, 73Advertisement, curious one, rel. to

a Burglary and Robbery, with a letter from the thieves, 235. Anderson, Dr. James, his account of his sucessful method of bog. draining, 47.

Arts, Commerce, &c unfavourable

to aristocracy, 529. Asbburst, Judge, his opinions in support of literary property, 311. Astronomy, a Science over which genius has no control, 121. Divided into plane and physical, the latter properly dating itself from the time of Sir Isaac Newton, 126 129. Encomium on Newton, ib. Mr. Vince's astrono-, my commended, 131.


Banks, chartered, in what respect to be disapproved, 492.

Barbosa, M. his astronomical obs. made at Rio Janeiro, 554Barrington, George, his creditable

situation at Botany Bay, 255. Barthélemy, Abbé, his journey to Italy, 524. His worthy character, ib. His foresight of the literary declension of his country, in consequence of the revolution, ib. Contents of his posthumous works, ib. Extracts from his " Fragments of Literary Travels in Italy,' 526. His "Dissertations on Mexican Paintings," ib. Beckford v. Hood: case reported; his action for damages. See Kenyon.

Brewster, Dr. his translation of

Persius commended, 91. Boyce, Samuel, his character as a

poet, and as a man, 13. Boyd, Hugh, said but not proved

to have been the author of Junius, and of the satirical poems published under the name of Malcolm Magregor, 342. Bradley, the late Dr. his astrono

mical observations from the year 1750 to 1762, now printing at Oxford, 167. The first vol. published, ib.· Bridge, famous wooden one across 5


[blocks in formation]

Caduceus, of Mercury, its origin,

Cataract, of the Rhine at Schaff-

hausen described, 133.
Cattle, improved method of ac-
commodating and preserving on
board of transport ships, 251.
Ceruti, M. his obs, on the Solar
Eclipse, Oct. 17, 1781, made
at Carthagena in Spain, 554-
Chaptal, M. on the formation of
Saltpetre, and of artificial Nitre-
beds, 564..

Chesterfield, Earl of, his character,
53. List of his writings, 55.
Christ, the true time of his birth

a matter of controversy, 258.
The scripture Chronology not
yet reduced to a certain series,
Chronology, uncertain state of,
whether deduced from sacred or
profane records, 257.、

Churches, of Paris, new names
given to, since the revolution,
instead of those of the saints to
whom they had been dedicated,
Ciera, M. his astronomical obs.
made at the Royal Printing of-
fice, Lisbon, from 1778 to
1787, 554

Clairon, Mad. account of her
memoirs of her own life, 557.
Her extraordinary merit as an

actress, 559.

Coinage, a new one, of silver,
thoughts on, as relative to an
alteration in the division of the
pound troy, 463.

Collins, the poet, monument of,

11. Inscription on, by Mr.
Hayley, ib.

Columba, account of that cele-
brated northern saint, 470.
Commerce, theoretic and practical
observations and delineations
respecting, 489. Bills of
exchange considered, 490.
Money, ib. Circulation, in-
ternal and external, 491. Banks,
492. Assurances, 493. Strand-
right, ib.

Concretions, urinary. See Pearson.
Reviewers, viz. answer to an
inquiry "which are the best
authors in English, on Music,"
120. From Mr. Hornsey, on
the common pronunciation of
the word Chorister, &c. ib.
From the translator of Euler's
Algebra, 239. Mad. Le Noir,
on the account given of her
Institutrice et son Eleve, &c.
ib. From Mr. Wagstaffe, on
washing seed corn, 240. Mr.
Wood on the best means of
maintaining and employing the
poor. 356. Dr. Vincent, on
certain oriental etymologies,
358. Mr. Eton, on the critique
on his Survey of the Turkish

Empire, 359.

Mr. Fawcett,

informing us that Mr. Abraham
Sharpe was not a clergyman,
360. Y. Z. Inquiring concern-
ing English translations of the
New Testament, &c. 479.
Cottage architecture, remarks on,
Cows, extraordinary and curious
management of, among the
peasants in the mountainous
parts of Switzerland, 481.
Cow pox, a disease discovered
the cows in Gloucester-
shire, its nature and effects,
with regard to the human spe-
cies, 447. Possible happy con-
sequences of suggested, with
respect to its diffusion in society,
instead of the small-pox, 451.
Croft, Mr. his literary enterprises,
494. His projected English
dictionary, ib.


Dallabella, M. (of the Lisbon R.
Acad.) his memoirs on the
magnetic force, 552. See also

Darwin, Dr. poetic address to,
from the Goddess of the Gla-
ciers in Switzerland, 139.
Des Fontaines, M. his Flora Atlan-
tica detailed and commended,

Dessault, M. an eminent French

surgeon, biographical account
of, 436.

Dodsley, Robert, the bookseller,
his worthy character, 14. His
poetry appreciated, 15.
Dog, a curious anecdote of one
who, from his delight in music,
attached himself in a most ex-
traordinary manner, frequented
the opera and play houses at
Paris, and also regularly at-
tached himself to a band of
music, 554
Dorta, M. Sanches, (of the R.
Acad. Lisbon,) his meteorolo-

gical observations, made at Rio
Janeiro, 553. His astronomi-
cal observations, made at the
same place, 554.

Draining of bogs, curious account
of, 47.


Eagle, a remarkable species of
in Africa, described, under the
name of Griffard, 533. See
also Oricou.
Education, uncommon plan of, at
a seminary established by the
Rev. Mr. Catlow, 327.
Evelyn. See Shuckburgh.


Fevers, general doctrine of, as
laid down by Dr. Reil, an in-
genious German physician,536.
Three distinct genera of fever,sy-
nocha, typhus, and paralysis, 539.
Discussion of the subject, ib.
Finance, politically discussed, ico,
101. 459, 460. 464.
Fistula Lachrymalis, how treated,

[successfully] by Mr. Ware,
432. Remarkable case of, 433.
France, history of her republican

revolution, 498. Buonaparte's
exploits, ib. Four distinct
great parties still subsisting in
France, ib. History of the re-
volution, by two friends to li-
berty, 508. Fayette slightly
regarded, ib. Dumouriez not
a sincere friend to the republic,
ib. Warfare of the Girondist
and Parisian parties, 509.


Germany, hints relative to the old

and the new constitution of, 542.
Gerrald, Jos. (banished to Botany
Bay for sedition) candid account
of his behaviour there, and of his
death, in consequence of a con-
sumption which accompanied
him from England, 253.
Godwin, Mrs. her extraordinary
genius and uncommon charac


ter, 313. Her death, and epi-
taph, 324. Extract of a cu-
rious letter from her to her
lover; containing an assigna-
tion, 327.

Goethe's 66 Wilhelm Meisters
Lehrjahre" recommended to
the admirers of, and crities on,
Shakspeare, 543. Extracts
from, translated, 543.
Goldsmith, Dr. writes the life of
Lord Bolingbroke, 13.
Governments, aristocratic forms
of. See Arts.

Grame, James, his poetic turn and
genius commemorated, 17.
Greeks, modern, their inclination
to free themselves from the
Turkish yoke, 138. Danger,
to this country, if they effect it
by the aid of France, ib.
Grubenmann, Ulrich, a Swiss,
famous for his mechanical in-
ventions, particularly his cele.
brated bridge across the Rhine,


Hamilton, of Bangour, his poetical

works characterized, 11.
Hamlet, (Shakspeare's) his cha-
racter estimated with nice and
uncommon discrimination and
taste, 545.
Hammond, the poet, Dr. Johnson's
erroneous statement, relative to
the birth of, corrected, 10.
Happiness, human, vanity of, re-
flections on, 290.
Useful in-
ference from those reflections,
Hatchet, Mr. his analysis of the
Terra Australis, 76.

Heart. See Abernethy.
Hocke, General his great merit in
quelling the rebellion in La
Vendée, 509. His principal
endowments of body and mind,
578. His correspondence, 580.
Horne Tocke, Mr. publishes a new
edition of his Diversions of
Purley, 423.

Hornsby, Dr. publishes the first vol.
of Bradley's astronom.obs.167.
Human Species, philosophical dis-
quisition concerning, 527.
Phenomena respecting the
civilization of, 528. Six prin-
pal periods of progressive civil-
ization, ib. The several periods
discussed, ib.-530.


Jacobinism, memoirs and observ-
ations respecting, 509-521.
Iceland, ancient inhabitants of,
their heroes, divinities, &c.
382. Their poetry, with trans-
lated specimens, 383.-
Illuminés, that sect discussed, pro
and con, 509-521.
INDIES, EAST. Reign of Shah
Aulum, 86. Observations on
Captain Francklin's history of
that Potentate, 89. Boyd's In-
dian Observer, 341. Mr. For-
ster's journey from Bengal, 361.
Patna described, 362; also Be-
nares, 563. Lucnow, 364. Ram-
Fur, 16. Nûrpûr, 365. Casmir,
366. Peshawur, 309. Cabul, ib.
Afganistan, ib. Gasna, 370.
Candahar, 371. Herat, ib.
Sharût, 372. Sari, ib. Mus-
gidsir, ib.

Johnsen, Dr. Sam. His character

attacked by Lord Orford and
defended by the Reviewers, 55,
56. 184. His "Table Talk,"
233. His opinion that the Ha-,
beas Corpus is the single advan-
tage of the British government
over that of other countries,
234. More severity on John-
son's character, 278.
Ireland, causes of the late rebel-
lion in that country disclosed,
94. Reports of the Irish Parlia-
ment concerning, 205. Grand
conspiracy of the Catholics,
&c. 208. Nature and spirit
of the rebellion, 2:9. Method
recommended for a radical re-


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