Monthly Review; Or Literary Journal Enlarged

R. Griffiths., 1798
Editors: May 1749-Sept. 1803, Ralph Griffiths; Oct. 1803-Apr. 1825, G. E. Griffiths.

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Stranica 270 - Dowagers as plenty as flounders inhabit all around, and Pope's ghost is just now skimming under my window by a most poetical moonlight.
Stranica 270 - ... Chenevixes had tricked it out for themselves: up two pair of stairs is what they call Mr. Chenevix's library, furnished with three maps, one shelf, a bust of Sir Isaac Newton, and a lame telescope without any glasses. Lord John Sackville -predecessed me here, and instituted certain games called cricketalia, which have been celebrated this very evening in honour of him in a neighbouring meadow.
Stranica 282 - My health advances faster than my amusement. However, I have been at one opera, Mr. Wesley's. They have boys and girls with charming voices, that sing hymns, in parts, to Scotch ballad tunes; but indeed so long, that one would think they were already in eternity, and knew how much time they had before them.
Stranica 232 - London is nothing to some people ; but to a man whose pleasure is intellectual, London is the place. And there is no place where economy can be so well practised as in London : more can be had here for the money, even by ladies, than anywhere else.
Stranica 174 - You know in England we read their works, but seldom or never take any notice of authors. We think them sufficiently paid if their books sell, and of course leave them to their colleges and obscurity, by which means we are not troubled with their vanity and impertinence.
Stranica 14 - The poet from th' historian can claim ! No ; Prior's verse posterity shall quote, When 'tis forgot ONE BURNET ever wrote.
Stranica 446 - Grease, and not paying due attention to cleanliness, incautiously bears his part in milking the Cows, with some particles of the infectious matter adhering to his fingers. When this is the case, it commonly happens that a disease is communicated to the Cows, and from the Cows to the Dairy-maids, which spreads through the farm until most of the cattle and domestics feel its unpleasant consequences.
Stranica 108 - New Itinerary ; or an accurate Delineation of the Great Roads, both Direct and Cross, throughout England and Wales ; with many of the Principal Roads in Scotland.
Stranica 495 - The state is now love's foe, love's foe; Has seized on his arms, his quiver and bow ; Has pinioned his wings, and fettered his feet, Because he made way for lovers to meet. But O sad chance, his judge was old; Hearts cruel grow when blood grows cold. No man being young his process would draw.

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