Introductory Discourse, and the Lectures Delivered Before the American Institute of Instruction, Opseg 5List of members included in each volume, beginning with 1891. |
10 | |
20 | |
27 | |
41 | |
51 | |
54 | |
65 | |
77 | |
149 | |
164 | |
172 | |
187 | |
194 | |
202 | |
212 | |
223 | |
83 | |
98 | |
105 | |
111 | |
128 | |
134 | |
229 | |
241 | |
253 | |
262 | |
274 | |
Uobičajeni izrazi i fraze
acquainted algebra application arithmetic attention bad company binomial theorem Boston business ac CALEB CUSHING carbonic acid character chemical chemical affinity chemistry child commenced committee common schools condition conscience constitution course crime cultivation discipline divine doctrine duties effect ence eral evil exer exercise exertions experience fact faculties feel female geometry give habits half past happiness heart human ical important improvement increase infant influence Institute instruction intellectual interest knowledge laws learned learner lecture manual labor mathematics matter means ment mental metic mind moral mother motives Natural History natural philosophy obedience objects operations parents Phrenology physical possess present principle proper proportion pupils reason regard religious respect result rience scholars society spirit student study of Natural taught teacher teaching things tion true truth understand virtue WARREN BURTON whole wisdom young youth
Popularni odlomci
Stranica 253 - How small, of all that human hearts endure, That part which laws or kings can cause or cure.
Stranica 182 - Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child ; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.
Stranica 275 - Our country," said that great man, " has not given us birth, or educated us under her law, as if she expected no succor from us ; or that, seeking to administer to our convenience only, she might afford a safe retreat for the indulgence of our ease, or a peaceful asylum for our indolence. But that she might hold in pledge the...
Stranica 274 - I am of opinion that a sound system of government requires the people to read and inform themselves upon political subjects, else they are the prey of every quack, every impostor, and every agitator who may practise his trade in the country. If they do not read — if they do not learn — if they do not digest by discussion and reflection what they have read and learned — if they do not...
Stranica 182 - Chasten thy son while there is hope, and let not thy soul spare for his crying.
Stranica 256 - Mr. Justice Story has well shown that constitutional freedom means something more than liberty permitted. It consists in the civil and political rights which are absolutely guaranteed, assured and guarded ; in one's liberties as a man and a citizen; his right to vote; his right to hold office...
Stranica 129 - The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.
Stranica 253 - For forms of government let fools contest ; Whate'er is best administered is best : For modes of faith let graceless zealots fight ; His can't be wrong whose life is in the right...
Stranica 275 - ... morals, is, that the whole community should be well informed upon its political as well as its other interests; and it can be well informed only by having access to wholesome, sound, and impartial publications.
Stranica 10 - ... shifting. All other considerations and accomplishments should give way and be postponed to this. This is the solid and substantial good, which tutors should not only read lectures, and talk of; but the labour and art of education should furnish the mind with, and fasten there, and never cease till the young man had a true relish of it, and placed his strength, his glory, and his pleasure in it.