Proceedings, Opseg 37 |
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30th September alar plate Alum Shale amphipods animal anticyclones Arctic Lemming articular foramen articulation Assynt axis basipodite Beinn Blackbyre Limestone Bone-Cave bones border Börner brachiopods Breabag breathlessness bronchitis calcareous calcification cave cent cephalon cephalosome Chermes Cholodkovsky cloud Cnaphalodes Coal colonici condensation cough Crustacea D.Sc district dorsal Edin Edinburgh eggs equation expansion feet foramina fumigation function Fundatrix gall gallicola gas poisoning gassing Glyptonotus gradient hatching heat horizon Hurlet Hurlet Limestone Inchnadamff isopods larch larvæ lateral layers Ligia limbs Limestone Series LL.D lymphocytes maxillæ maxillipeds medial migrans moult muscles nan Uamh nuclei observed occur P₁ P₂ paper particles pleon pleopods posterior present Proc Professor quartzite reptant root Sandstone segment side slight Society solution species spruce St Monans sternite stratus surface symptoms temperature tergite test-flask thoracic somite Traligill transverse tube unconscious uropodal ventral vomiting West of Scotland XXXVII
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Stranica 201 - COMPARISONS AND CONSIDERATIONS. It would be impossible within the limits of this paper to give a detailed analyses of the fossil contents of each of the limestone horizons under consideration, so that only the broader palaeontological features will be indicated. The Blackbyre or Coral Reef Limestone is characterised by the great abundance of colonial and solitary corals and brachiopods which it contains. The colonial corals belong mostly to the genus Lithoxtrotion, and include L.
Stranica 148 - Any new set of conditions occurring to an animal which render its food and safety very easily attained, seem to lead as a rule to Degeneration ; just as an active healthy man sometimes degenerates when he becomes suddenly possessed of a fortune ; or as Rome degenerated when possessed of the riches of the ancient world. The habit of parasitism clearly acts upon animal organisation in this way.
Stranica 306 - A and iu the remaining rows with B ; and, secondly, a set of the same number of determinants each of which is in r columns identical with A and in the remaining columns with B, then the sum of the first set of determinants is equal to the sum of the second set.
Stranica 5 - Proposals for establishing or developing special institutions or departments of existing institutions for the scientific study of problems affecting particular industries and trades. 3. The establishment and award of Research Studentships and Fellowships.
Stranica 365 - Pali, Sanskrit and Old Canarese Inscriptions from the Bombay Presidency and parts of the Madras Presidency and Mysore, and in the next year BL Rice published his Mysore Inscriptions.
Stranica 128 - to investigate the principal causes which have led to the increase of prices of commodities of general consumption since the beginning of the war, and to recommend such steps, if any, with a view to ameliorating the situation as appear practicable and expedient, having regard to the necessity of maintaining adequate supplies.
Stranica 246 - I procured them from the southern shores of the New South Shetland Islands. They inhabit the bottom of the sea, and are only to be obtained when thrown far upon the shores by the immense surges that prevail when the detached glaciers from the land precipitate themselves into the ocean.
Stranica 1 - I repeat, it is not a business question, but a chemical question, and it is by chemical research alone that our colour industry can be saved in the long run. Consider the leeway that we have to make up. The German colour industry has been built up by the utilisation of the results of research carried on in the factories and universities and technical schools for a period of over forty years ! To suppose that we can retrieve our position after forty years of neglect by starting a company the directorate...
Stranica 395 - ... the linear dimensions of the original, and should be capable of reproduction by photographic processes. Drawings and diagrams to be reproduced as line blocks should be made with fixed Indian ink, preferably on fine white bristol board, free from folds or creases; smooth clean lines or sharp dots, but no washes or colours, should be used. Graphs should be on a squared paper ruled in faint blue lines, unless the lines are to be brought out.