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that they are always bountifully forthcoming. But the things which one really wants, the physical character of an alleged discrepancy, its numerical value, the so-many per cent of error under such conditions, these one is left to wish for in vain, supposing that one has not long since learned to pay the personal groaning for the personal satisfaction. So far as I am concerned, if I could not adequately state how big a sin it is under which somebody else is staggering, I should prefer to hold my peace, believing that matters of vague conjecture are not fit to be chronicled. Nobody on the same side of common sense would to day attempt to exhaust so com lex a problem as the one in question in a single instance. It is reasonable, however, to try to remove piece by piece, element by element. What we did was an endeavor to remove the preponderating element, and I must re iterate that if our respite had not been cut short by recent unfavorable legislation, other things would have been brought out in their turn and in due time. Perhaps it is heresy to state that an immense future awaits laboratory research in physical geology; but stating it, one would like to refer not so much to the punching of clay or the pulling of taffy candy, as to legitimate physical measurement However, others have survived even the odium of cultivating "exact " methods. are soothing ourselves with the comfort of so thinking. Phys Laboratory, U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C.



The Lac de Marbre Trout, A New Species. DESCRIPTION: B. 11 12; D. 13; A. 13; V. 9; P. 14; Vertebræ. 60.

The specimen described is about twelve inches in length. Body subfusiform, compressed, pointed at snout, slender at the tail. Height of body near one-sixth of the total length; head one-fifth, crown convex. Snout one and one third, and interorbital space one and one-half times the eye. Eye little less than onefifth of the head, two-thirds of the space between the orbits on the forehead. Mouth large; maxillary straight, extending backward almost as far as the hinder edge of the eye, bearing strong teeth on its lower edge for nearly its entire length. Teeth on intermaxillary and mandibles stronger. The tongue bears a series of four strong hooked teeth at each side, and behind the glossohyal on the basibranchials there is a band of several series of smaller ones. Gill rakers straight, short, sharp, rough, 8+ 14 on the first arch. Opercle thin, with a few striæ. Scales very small; apparently there are about two hundred and thirty in the series immediately above the lateral line and more than two hundred and fifty in a row five or six scales above this. Distance from first ray of dorsal to end of snout little more than that from the same ray to the tip of the adipose fin. The middle of the total length falls halfway between the ends of the hinder rays of the dorsal and its base. Dorsal and anal fins are slightly emarginate at the ends of their median rays. Pectorals and ventrals small; base of latter slightly behind the middle of that of the dorsal. Caudal pedicel slender, notch very deep, hinder border sinuous, as in Salmo alpinus, lobes pointed. The caudal notch is deeper in this species than in any other of the American forms except S. namaycush.

Back dark brown with an iridescent blueish tint, unspotted. Dorsal dark, clouded, without spots or bands. Pectorals, anal and ventrals orange in the middle, yellowish or whitish toward bases and at their margins. The dark color of the back shades into whitish tinged with pink below the lateral line. Ventral surface white, no doubt reddish in breeding season. Head black on top. silvery on the cheeks, white beneath. Flesh pink. Caudal fin yellowish toward the base, brown toward the hinder border, which has a narrow edging of light color.

Faint areas

of lighter tint suggest a few spots of red in life along the lateral line; the condition of the specimens is such that this may be left in question, as also the number of caeca or presence of parrbands of which there are faint indications

This fish is evidently allied to the blue-back of the Rangeley Lakes, S. oquassa, but reaches a greater size than that species,

and is readily distinguished by the maxillary and its dentition, the caudal fin, and the coloration. Similarly when compared with S. arcturus, S. stagnalis and S. Rossi, it is seen to be quite distinct. With the saibling, S. alpinus, introduced in Sunapee Lake and elsewhere, it has still less in common.

Our specimens were taken in Lac de Marbre, Ottawa County, Province of Quebec, Canada, whence they were sent by favor of the Hon. J. G. A. Creighton. They reached us at the instance of Mr. A. N. Cheney, fishing editor of Shooting and Fishing, who when asked to suggest a specific name replied with the question, "How would it do to name it for Mr. R. B. Marston, editor of Fishing Gazette, London, an Englishman overflowing with good feeling for everything pertaining to fish. fishing and America, and who is doing much to enhance friendly interest between the people of the two countries?" In consequence of the suggestion this handsome char. one of the handsomest of our species, is introduced under the name, Salmo (Salvelinus) Marstoni. S. GARMAN.

Mus. Comp. Zool., Cambridge, Mass.


THE writer first visited this historic locality in 1887, before he had had opportunity to define the Denison beds at the top of his Lower Cretaceous section in northern Texas, and fell into the error, which others have not escaped, of concluding, from the peculiar Jurassic-like Gryphæa dilatata, Marcou, the only fossils found upon that visit, that the beds were Jurassic, and so published his opinion.

Later, however, after having had an opportunity to complete his study and arrangement of the stratigraphy of the Comanche series in central Texas, he discovered in the Denison beds1 of his Washita Division certain features which led him to believe that his early diagnosis of the Tucumcari beds was erroneous, and that they were really closely allied in age to the Denison beds. Under this impression, which was communicated orally to all interested, he availed himself of the first opportunity to revisit Tucumcari, April 30, 1891. He then discovered in association with G. dilatata the list of additional species herewith given, and, at earliest opportunity, under date of May, 1892, published, in a general discussion of the region, the following revision of his previous conclusions, which was the first printed announcement of the Cretaceous age of the G. dilatata beds:


"The Trinity Sands and Red Bed Regions.

"The writer has twice visited the Mesa Tucumcari and found it a most interesting geological remnant of the former area of the Llano Estacado. The table or summit described by Capt. Simpson is covered with the typical Llano Estacado formation, identical in composition and formerly continuous with the sheet which covers the Llano proper, some 20 miles distant. Below this is a vertical escarpment of 50 feet or more of typical Dakota sandstone resting upon loose sands and clays, forming a slope identical in aspect and fossil remains with the Denison beds of the Washita Division, which have been eroded away from the 400 miles intervening between it and the main body of those beds at Denison, Texas. Beneath this is a large deposit of the typical Trinity sands country' of white pack sands, thin clay seams and flagstones, while the base is composed of the typical vermilion sandy clays of the Red Beds."

Notwithstanding the above clear statement of my opinions, the Third Annual Report of the Geological Survey, printed nearly a half-year afterward, devotes many pages to asserting that I held to the Jurassic age of the O. dilatuta beds at Tucumcari. Upon pointing out this misquotation, instead of acknowledging the error, and repairing the injustice, it was followed up by a privately 1 Denison beds as originally defined and used by writer. Not the Denison beds of Taff, as used in an entirely different meaning. Compare Bulletin of Geological Society of America, Vol. II., p. 591, and Third Annual Report of Texas State Geological Survey.

2 "On the Occurrence of Artesian and Other Underground Waters in Texas, Eastern New Mexico, and Indian Territory West of the 97th Meridian,” by Robert Thomas Hill (being part of Vol. III. of Senate Document 41, 1st Session, 52d Congress, Washington, May, 1892.

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printed, bitter, and vindictive attack upon my report, endeavoring to discredit all the work I had done in the Texas region. This last-mentioned paper is so utterly incorrect in its assertions, and so malicious in tone, that I do not think it needs other answer than a perusal of it. Certainly it has no place in scientific literature, and if any of my friends should be so deceived by it as to believe any of its assertions, I shall be glad to clear any doubts by correspondence.

In Science of May 26, 1893, p. 283, the author of the foregoing attacks again misquotes me by saying that after my second visit to Tucumcari I again affirmed Marcou's reference, an assertion which has no foundation, for hardly had the two lines after my first visit been printed before I realized my mistake, and orally communicated it to everyone interested, and have never since maintained by word or pen, and was the first to publish the true age of these beds.

It was impossible, in a general report written upon the subject of Artesian Water, to go into controversy over the age of a fossiliferous horizon. I had given a full outline of the region with its broader problems in a Bulletin of the Geological Society of America for 1891, entitled "Notes on the Texas New Mexico Region." In this paper I clearly set forth the Tertiary age of the Llano Estacado, and amplified many points which have since been published entirely de novo. Inasmuch as several parties have criticised me in public print for not giving the minutiae of Tucumcari, I submit the following amplification of my previous remarks, and hope it will prove satisfactory to all fair-minded readers.

[blocks in formation]

White, calcareous, silicious, marly limestone of character peculiar to Tertiary formations of Great Plains.....

5. Escarpment around summit of Mesa (Dakota). Consisting of the massive brown-yellow sandstone, which I had traced for days from La Mora, and other points on the Las Vegas Plateau, and which Stevenson had called (I think properly) Dakota. Estimated to be about.....

4. Crumbling yellow sandstone at base of above, and (4a). Gentler slope, forming bench around summit escarpment, (Washita) Division of Comanche series. Decomposing sandstone of base of 4,and arenaceous clays and marls. Containing fauna of Denison beds, Washita Division at top, and G. dilatata, Marcou, in debris, apparently weathered out....

3. Shoulder at base of above.

Impure, yellow, arenaceous stone. Pedestal, or lower slope of Mesa. 2a. Upper part (Trinity).

White and red unconsolidated sands (pack sands), with thin strata of dimension-layers of hard quartzitic rock, and thin layers of blue clay, resembling in general character the Potomac sands of Maryland and the Trinity Sands of Texas. This horizon contains a peculiar granular mineral, resembling red coral, and outcrops in all the escarpment of the Las Vegas Plateau on the north side of the Canadian, and is denominated the white band in that region, to distinguish it from the brown band (Dakota) and underlying Red Beds..............

1(b) Lower portion of slope (Pre-Cretaceous).

Bright, vermilion, argillaceous clays of the Red Beds continuing to bed of Canadian...







The above section is not final or complete in details of the individual beds, but it illustrates the sequence of the four great formations as preserved at Tucumcari and in the adjacent Llano Estacado, and shows the geologic position of the following fauna, which

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9. Ammonites leonensis, Conrad. United States and Mexican Boundary Survey.

In addition to the above there are four species of Pelecyopoda, which I am unable to determine generically, but they resemble Astarte, Lucina, Panopæa, and Isocardia.

All of the species enumerated, with the exception of No. 2 (G. dilatuta, Marcou), occur elsewhere in the greatest abundance and similarly associated in the Washita Division of the Comanche Series of Texas and Mexico, and, with the exception of Nos. 5 and 8, have never been found in any other beds than those of the Washita Division. Nos. 5 and 8 range downward into the Fredericksburg Division.

No. 1 (Turbinolia texana Con.) has not been reported east of the Pecos, but it occurs near El Paso, and at Arivichi, Sonora (as shown by Gabb), associated with a fauna similar to that of Tucumcari.

The forms from No 2 to No. 9, inclusive, are the most common and characteristic species of the Washita Division, and can be collected at nearly any locality where the entire division is exposed, between Marietta, Indian Territory, and the Rio Grande.

The ammonite is the common, characteristic ammonite of the Fort Worth beds of the Washita Division, at Denison, Fort Worth, Austin, and elsewhere, and has hitherto not been found except in the Fort Worth beds of the Washita Division.

Ostrea quadricostata, Shum., Trigonia emoryii, Con., and the other species mentioned are especially characteristic of the Denison or uppermost beds of the Washita Division, at Denison, an 1 bence my reference of these beds at Tucumcari to the Denison beds of the Washita Division.

As I have previously maintained, G. dilatata, Marcou, is a good species, entirely distinct from G pitcheri, Morton, and, as has been said, has remarkable resemblance to the Jurassic G. dilatata of Sowerby. Under these conditions it is not strange, then, that before the stratigraphic and paleontologic position of the Washita Division was known, that the distant Tucumcari beds should bare been adjudged Jurassic upon the evidence of the two species collected therefrom by Marcou, which certainly have, when considered alone, a most Jurassic aspect.1

The section and list of fossils above given differ in detail from those published on page 208 of the Third Annual Report of the Texas State Geological Survey. The two lists, however, both show the Gryphæa dilatata beds to be of the age of the Washita Division of the Comanche Series, and the author of the Texas report, which was printed several months after the writer's, came to the same conclusion, although he seems to have been unaware of the fact that the writer had abandoned his early reference of the G. dilatata beds to the Jurassic. With the exception that the beds which the writer refers to the Trinity, are referred by the Texas author to the Triassic, there is no dissimilarity between their conclusions.

Following is the list of fossils published in the Texas reports, "collected from the Tucumcari beds in the vicinity of Tucumeari

1 Gryphæa dilatata, var. tucumcari, Marcou, and O. marshii, Marccu.

and Pyramid Mountains." It is unfortunate that the exact locality of the collection is not given:

Gryphæa dilatata var. tucumcari, Marcou.

Ostrea marshii, as determined by Marcou.

Gryphæa pitcheri, Morton,

Exogyra texana, Roemer.

Ostrea quadriplicata, Shumard.

Trigonia emoryit, Conrad.

Cardium hillanum, Sow.

Cytherea leonensis, Conrad.

Turritella seriatim granulata, Roemer.
Pinna, Sp.

Ammonites. Pecten.

Finally, the writer wishes to state that he is not prepared, nor does he desire, to write a final treatise on the Tucumcari, which can never be properly related until the atlas-sheets of the United States Geological Survey are completed for the region. Tucumcari is but a single station in the vast group of phenomena belonging to the deposition and degradation of the Las Vegas and Llano Estacado Plateaus and the Canadian Valley, and to be properly understood, it would be necessary to write a treatise on the whole region. One thing is settled beyond all doubt in my mind, however, and that is that the G. dilatata beds of the region do not belong to the Jurassic, but are undoubtedly of Cretaceous age. On the other hand, it may also be safely assumed that the Gryphœa dilatata, Sow., of Marcou, is not the same as G. pitcheri, Morton, as has been asserted by many authors, nor does it occur in the Cretaceous beds of central Texas, so far as the writer is aware. But this is a question which cannot be discussed intelligibly until a thorough revision of the Gryphæas is made.

In conclusion, permit me to say that there is not one trace of the Jurassic formation over the Texas region, as Mr. Marcou so positively affirms, and, furthermore, that there is no evidence that it was ever there, the whole trend of the testimony being to show that that region was land during the Jurassic period.

If the writer should devote his time to criticising the works of his contemporaries or predecessors, he would have little time for research. It has been my practice, however, under the opinion that all knowledge is progressive, to see the good in the works of others, and to correct any errors without abuse. In all I have published on the Texas region, there is not a line which was written with the desire to discredit any man, and yet I believe that my severest critics will confess that there has been great advance in opinion since I undertook the renaissance of geologic study in Texas.

My collections from Tucumcari are in Washington, and are open to the inspection of anyone inter sted. ROBT. T. HILL.


THE case of Wallian, reported on page 360 of the latest volume of Science, would seem to be one of temporary Chloropia. More extended and carefully recorded observations, while the observer is looking at various objects under various conditions, would be very desirable. E. W. SCRIPTURE.

Yale University, New Haven.

Trees as a Factor in Climate.

I ONCE observed a signal case of the effect of trees in determining rainfall. A few years ago I was walking along a road in the so-called backbone of England at an elevation of from 800 to 1,000 feet above the sea-level. It was a dull, calm October day, and the hills on either side were cased in mist. Where I was no rain was falling and the ground was quite dry. As I passed on the road entered and traversed a wood of fir trees. Here I at once encountered a gentle drizzle. Far from suspecting that the trees were playing any part in the matter, I concluded that the expected wet weather had at last set in. When the road emerged from the wood at its opposite extremity I found that no rain was there falling or had fallen. Still I did not connect the trees with the downfall, but imagined that the weather had again improved.

On returning from my destination about three hours after

wards I found that the rain was still falling in the wood, but that it ceased as soon as I emerged into the open country. The ground, too, within the wood was wet, still all around it was dry. Hence it appeared that a slight rain must have been falling for the greater part of the, day within the wood, but not in the bare fields and heath land outside.

Thus under certain conditions of the weather the presence of trees may determine rainfall which would not take place in their absence. J. W. SLATER.

London, England.

Mineral Wax.

I notice an account and inquiry in Science of June 16 in regard to the receipt at the National Museum of specimens of natural wax coming from Portland, Oregon, derived from the shores of the Columbia River, and from other accounts it is found along the coast from the Columbia River to Puget's Sound.

The material has been well known for the past half century as mineral wax, native paraffin, ozokerite and lastly as ozocerite, a hydro-carbon compound (hydrogen, 15 per cent; carbon, 85 per cent — variable); supposed to be derived from bituminous and lignite coal formation by infiltration and crystallization. It is generally found in situ in the neighborhood of coal and lignite beds and in the bituminous clays or shales.

The legend as to its being derived from a wreck is a most absurd one. It is a resinous wax in consistency and translucency, with structure sometimes foliated; color brown or yellowishbrown by transmitted light; leek green by reflected light; odor, aromatic, in specimens that I bave examined, having the characteristics and feel of beeswax that had been lying for some time in water.

It is mined in variable quantities in Germany, Austria, Turkey, and England, associated with the soft coal and lignite beds.

In Galicia alone about 30,000 tons have been mined since its discovery there in 1859. It is used in Europe principally in the manufacture of candles and by refining in place of beeswax and paraffin. It is said to be an excellent electrical insulator.

In the United States it is mined in situ at Soldiers Summit, Uintah County, and in Emery County, Utah. Sixty-five thousand pounds were marketed in 1888, with a yearly increasing output. The whole product of the United States in 1890, including the Oregon find, reached 350,000 pounds.

The imports of mineral wax, ozocerite, under the names of bay or myrtle, Brazilian and Chinese wax, in 1890 were over one and a half million pounds.

It has been found in situ in thin seams in the lignite beds of Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. The deposits along the Columbia River and on the sea-shore of Oregon are no doubt the debris from lignite beds near by. C. D. HISCOX.

361 Broadway, New York.


The Seismological Journal of Japan. Edited by JOHN MILNE, F.R.S.

IN 1880 the Seismological Society of Japan was founded by a number of earnest students of seismology in that country, prominent amongst whom was the editor of this Journal. In the earlier years of its existence its membership included such well-known names as Milne, Gray, Ewing, Mendenhall and others at that time resident in Japan, and their interest in the science led especially to the invention of many instrumental appliances for the study of earthquake phenomena, some of which have been copied wherever earthquakes are observed, and in some respects have revolutionized the science of experimental seismology. It also resulted in the establishment of a chair of seismology in the Imperial University of Japan, and the organization of a bureau controlling a central observatory and some 700 outside stations. Of late years, however, the interest in the society has declined, partly through the return of some of its most active supporters to England and America, and, after publishing sixteen volumes of Transactions, in 1892 the society ceased to exist. Professor Milne, however, still remains in Japan and has determined to continue the publication of seismological literature in the present

journal, which is therefore to be regarded, not as an entirely new venture, but as a continuation of the series heretofore known as the Transactions of the Seismological Society. The new journal is issued in the same form and from the same printers as the old Transactions, and the first number, now at hand, bears on its title page Vol. XVII, which is its number in the old series, so that the new volumes can be bound uniformly with those previously issued. The annual subscription is five dollars.

In this number the first article is on The Mitigation of Earthquake Effects and Certain Experiments in Earth Physics" by Professor Milne, in which various lines of experiment are proposed that might possibly lead to the prediction of severe earthquakes so as to guard against their effects. In the second, "On the Application of Photography to Seismology and Volcanic Phenomena," Professor W. K Burton describes with illustrations the photographic records from Milne's t emor indicators. In the third Professor Milne gives an abstract of the "Seismometrical Observations for the Year 1890," from which it appears that in that year 845 earthquakes were felt in Japan, of which 49 were classed as severe, 264 as moderate and 532 as feeble. Of the severe earthquakes, four (Jan. 7, Mar. 19, Apr. 16, Nov. 17) were accorded more detailed description. In the fourth article "On the Overturning and Fracturing of Brick and other Columns, by Horizontally Applied Motion," Professor Milne and F. Omori describe a very interesting series of experiments, wherein various objects such as blocks of wood of different dimensions, bricks. columns built of brick or of cement, were mounted on a wheeled truck to which a reciprocating horizontal motion could be communicated, and the circumstances of the motion, with the overturning or fracture of the object, were electrically recorded. From the data the maximum velocity and maximum accelleration necessary for overturning were calculated and compared with the experimental results with a fairly good agreement. In an article on Earth Pulsations in Regard to Certain Natural Phenomena and Physical Investigations," Professor Milne concludes that "the movements called earth tremors are move

Reading Matter Notices. Ripans Tabules: for torpid liver. Ripans Tabules banish pain.

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ments in the crust of the earth not altogether unlike the swell upon the ocean," and infers a connection between them and the steepness of the barometric gradient. In an article" On the Movements of Horizontal Pendulums," he gives an abstract with notes of certain observations made by Dr. E. von Rebeur-Paschwitz at Potsdam, Wilhelmshaven and Teneriffe, and published in the Astronomische Nachrichten. F. Omori gives "A Note on Old Chinese Earthquakes," and as the concluding article Professor Milne gives a twenty-page “Note on the Great Earthquake of October 28, 1891," the phenomena of which are further discussed in his report to the British Association, 1892, and the complete account of which is to be issued under the auspices of the Imperial University of Japan, but is not yet ready for publication. According to the statements of this account the killed numbered 9,960, wounded 19,994, and houses totally destroyed 128,750. The immediate cause of the disaster was the formation of a fault which can be traced on the surface of the earth for a distance of between forty and fifty miles, and shows a difference of level amounting in many places to twenty or thirty feet. There is also abundant evidence of horizontal displacements, sometimes as great as eighteen feet, and the whole Nen Valley appears to have suffered a permanent compression, becoming narrower, the piers of bridges being left closer together than before the earthquake. There were also many observations of surface waves in the earth, involving a perceptible tilting of objects resting upon it; and the maximum horizontal motion indicated by the instruments was from 25 mm to 35 mm, with a period of from 1 to 2.5 seconds.

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[blocks in formation]

to plant life. Methods of chemical analysis are wisely left for a separate work and the results of analysis alone are given when a knowledge of the same is necessary to an understanding of the discussion. The nature of the experiments, however, and the manipulation of the same, are given with sufficient fullness to enable the reader to judge of the value of the conclusions. The general arrangement of the book is as follows: Part I. treats of the nutrition of plants, of germination, and of the origin of the organic and inorganic constituents. Part II. makes a study of the atmosphere in its relation to plant life and of the gases influencing this life, of nitrogen, oxygen, carbonic acid, nitric acid, ammonia, etc. Part III. treats of soils, their formation and composition, and of their physical and chemical properties. bibliography, coinciding with the arrangement of the text, completes the work.


The author is particularly interesting in his section on nitrification and also in treating of the assimilation of free atmospheric nitrogen by plants and soils. The experiments and conclusions of Berthelot and André are noted as well as those of M. Schloesing, the author concluding with; "Il n'entre pas dans notre programme d'insister davantage sur ces diverses recherches; car nous tentons d'ordinaire à n'avancer que des faits positifs. Ici il ne nous est guère permis de faire un choix entre les opinions produites. Il est à espérer qu'un prochaine avenir levera les doutes qui règnent encore sur ce grave sujet."

The book has the usual exquisite neatness of first-class French publications, with full-bodied paper, clear print and broad margins, making it altogether a most enjoyable volume.

CHARLES PLATT. Outlines of Forestry, or the Elementary Principles Underlying the Science of Forestry. By EDWIN J. HOUSTON. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co. 254 p. 12o. $1.

THIS little book is a useful manual of facts relating to the subject. Among the matters considered are the conditions necessary for the grow h of plants, distribution over the earth, forma



Horsford's Acid Phosphate with water and sugar only, only, makes a delicious, healthful and invigorating drink.

tion of soil, animate and inanimate enemies of the forest, vapor, rain, drainage, climate, hail, reforestation and tree planting, etc. The last chapter, called "Primer of primers," contains in short, concise sentences the substance of what had been given at length in the earlier chapters. Taken by itself, it would serve a useful purpose in the education of the general public to the importance of the subject.

The book is, perhaps, unfortunately written in a loose and rather slovenly manner. It abounds in repetitions of not only the same ideas, but also of nearly identical words. The following extracts are particularly bad examples, but they fairly represent the ordinary style of the writer: "Heat and light are to be found in practically all parts of the earth. They differ, however, in amount in different regions of the earth, and such differences cause the differences that are noticed in the plants that grow in different regions " "The quantity of moisture in the air differs greatly in different parts of the earth, and on this difference, together with the difference in temperature, depends the differences observed in the plants of various regions.” "Each section of the country possesses, so to speak, a nationality in its plants, or, in other words, there lives in each section of country a particular nation of plants. Such a nation of plants, or the plants peculiar to a particular section of country, is called its flora." The author makes use of a new word, "heatshine," which is rather difficult to define. "The sunshine and the heatshine which awaken the sleeping germ and call it into activity," etc. In the appendix are given various lists of trees suitable for planting, and these contain some curious errors. For example, under the head of “deciduous trees" we find maples, hickories, cedars firs and pines, while under "evergreens" are placed spruce, larch, sweet gum, poplar, oak, walnut, etc. In another place we observe under "conifers" bald cypress, red cedar, white pine, black cherry and European alder, while the European larch figures in another table as an evergreeen. Errors of this kind rather detract from the value of the book.


[Free of charge to all, if of satisfactory character. Address N. D. C. Hodges, 874 Broadway, New York.]

For sale or exchange.-A complete set of the report of the last Geological Survey of Wisconsin, T. C. Chamberlin, geologist. It consists of four large volumes, finely illustrated, and upwards of forty large maps and charts. Will sell for cash or exchange for a microscope. Address Geo. Beck, Platteville, Wis.

For sale or exchange for copper coins or rare postage stamps. Tryon's American Marine Conchology, containing hand colored figures of all the

shells of the Atlantic coast of the United States.

Presentation copy, autograph, etc. One vol., half
morocco, Svo, usual price, 82, postpaid. $15. Botany

[blocks in formation]

N experienced teacher in general biology wishes a position in a first-class college or university. of the Fortieth Parallel of the Hundredth Meridian Three years in post-graduate study. Extensive of the Pacific R. R. Survey. Other Botanical works experience. Strong indorsements. Address E. W. and works on Ethnology. F. A. Hassler, M.D., Doran, Ph.D., 1327 & St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Santa Ana, Cal.

I have a fire-proof safe, weight 1,150 pounds,

The safe is nearly new, used a short time
Minn., Box 857.

which I will sell cheap or exchange for a gasoline Allays the thirst, aids diges-engine or some other things that may happen to tion, and relieves the lassitude so common in midsummer.

only. Make offers. A. Lagerstrom, Cannon Falls,

For exchange.-Hudson River fossils in good con-
dition from the vicinity of Moore's Hill, Ind., also
land and fresh water shells. Desire fossils and
Geo. C. Hubbari, Moore's Hill, Ind.
shells from other groups and localities. Address

TREE teachers wanted for a male and female seminary in central New York. Typewriting, etc., languages, mathematics, sciences, et. al. Send

stand with and for particulars. Box 701, Hemp

ZOOLOGICAL collector and taxidermist of ten years' experience in the field is now open to engagement, for either field or laboratory work. References furnished. Address Taxidermist, Box 75, White Sulphur Springs, West Va.

fenses, four inches diameter, made by C. C. Harri- W school, a gentleman of education and experi


Dr. M. H. Henry, New York, says: "When completely tired out by pro- For sale at low price.-A fine old-fashioned photolonged wakefulness and overwork, it is graphic camera, rosewood box, one foot square, Plateholders, troughs, baths, etc., all in large of the greatest value to me. As a bev-wooden case, formerly the property of the late President Moore, of Columbia College. This is a erage it possesses charms beyond any- fine example of an instrument of the best make for the old wet-process methods, and valuable to any thing I know of in the form of medi- institution or amateur interested in the history of photography in the U. S. Address M. S. Daniel, cine." 236 W. 4th St., New York.

Descriptive pamphlet free.

I wish to exchange a collection of 7,000 shells, 1001 species and varieties, American and foreign, land, fluviatile and marine, for a good microscope Rumford Chemical Works, Providence, R. I. and accessories. Address, with particulars, Dr. Lorenzo G. Yates, Santa Barbara, California. Beware of Substitutes and Imitations.

For exchange.-I wish to exchange Lepidoptera of South Dakota and other sections, for Lepidoptera of the world. Will purchase species of North America. Correspondence solicited, particularly with collectors in the Rocky Mountains, Pacific coast and Hudson's Bay regions. P. C. Truman, Volga, Brooking county, South Dakota.

WANTED, as principal of a flourishing technical ence who will be capable of supervising both mechanical and common school instruction. Special familiarity with some technical branch desirable. Address, giving age, qualifications, etc., J. B. Bloomingdale, Fifty-ninth street and Third avenue, N. Y

as assistant in our microscopical department. Queen & Co.,

WANTED Young man

THE undersigned desires specimens of North American Gallinae in the flesh for the study of their pterylosis. These species are especially desired:" Colinus ridgwayi, cyrtonyx montezumae, deudragapus franklini, lagopus welchi, tympanuchus cupido and pedioecetes phasianellus. Any persons having alcoholic specimens which they are willing to loan or who can obtain specimens of any of the above are requested to communicate with Hubert Lyman Clark, 3922 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa.

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