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'BECKETT (G. A.) The Comic Blackstone. Etched fronts. and woodcuts by G. Cruikshank. 12mo, full calf extra, gilt top, uncut, original front wrappers bound in, by ZAEHNSDORF. Lond. Punch Office, 1844-46

* FIRST EDITION. Part I is the earliest issue, with the engraved title-page representing two Counsels playing at battledore and shuttlecock.

2. A'BECKETT (G. A.) The Comic History of England. FIRST EDN. With 20 full-page colored plates by John Leech and numerous text illusts. IN THE ORIGINAL 20 PARTS AS 8vo, wrappers, uncut, in morocco case.


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3. ABREGÉ de l'Histoire Françoyse, avec les effigies des Roys, tirées des plus rares & excellentz Cabinetz de la France. Par H. C. Each page surrounded by a fine ornamental woodcut border, and 61 woodcut portraits. Folio, old vellum. Paris: pour Jehan le Clerc, 1585

* FIRST EDITION. This book contains the portraits of 61 kings of France, from Pharamond to Henry III., and the borders, which surround the pages, are nearly in every instance different, and are designed in a very beautiful style. Jehan le Clerc was not only the publisher but also the engraver of the portraits and borders. This First Edition is so rare that Brunet never saw it, and mentions it from Papillon.

4. ADAMS (JOHN). A Defence of the Constitution of Government of the United States, against the attack of M. Turgot, in his Letter to Dr. Price. Portrait of the author. 3 vols. 8vo, original calf. Lond. 1794

5. ADDISON (JOSEPH). The Works of the late Right Honorable Joseph 'Addison, Esq. With brilliant impression of the beautiful portrait after Kneller. 4 vols. 4to, original marbled calf.

Birmingham: Printed by John Baskerville, 1761 One of the most beautiful productions from this famous press. So fastidious was (Baskerville that it is said that he spent over £600 before he produced a single letter that satisfied him.

6. ÆSCHYLUS. Tragœdiæ (Graece). 8vo, old red morocco extra. Parisiis: A. Turnebus, 1552

*The Second Edition of Eschylus. Turnebus, who dedicated this edition to the famous Michel l'Hospital, corrected the first edition, by Aldus, very materially in the first three plays. The book is beautifully printed and very scarce. Fine and large copy.


cloth, uncut.

Oresteia (græce). Royal 8vo, half

Lond. Chiswick Press, 1904

* Only 225 copies printed. The Greek type used in this book is based on the celebrated Alcala font of 1514, which was cut by order of Cardinal Ximenes for use in the New Testament of the great Complutensian polyglot Bible. The text of this edition was prepared by Robert Proctor, for whom the type was made.

8. AINSWORTH (W. H.) The Tower of London. FIRST EDN. With 58 plates and numerous text illusts. engraved by G. Cruikshank. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, with one of the original wrappers bound in, by the CLUB BINDERY. Lond. 1840

9. AINSWORTH (W. H.) Windsor Castle: an Historical Romance. Etched fronts. by Geo. Cruikshank. 3 vols. small 8vo, half calf, gilt backs and tops. Lond. 1843

* FIRST EDITION. Very scarce.

10. AINSWORTH (W. H.) The Star-Chamber: an Historical Romance. Full-page illusts. by Phiz. Post 8vo, half crimson crushed levant gilt, gilt top, by the CLUB BINDERY Lond. 1857

*THE FIRST ILLUSTRATED EDITION and of greater value than the original.

11. AIRY (OSMUND). Charles II. (Life, etc.) With exquisite front., in colors, and numerous fine facsimiles of rare and contemporary portraits, historical scenes, etc. Thick royal 4to, full blue crushed levant morocco, ornamental back and sides, broad inside borders, gilt top, uncut, silk linings, by BRADSTREETS. Lond., Paris and N. Y. 1901

* HANDSOME COPY. One of the fine Goupil Historical Monographs. Only a limited number of copies were issued. In case. 12. ALKEN (HENRY). The Tutor's Assistant. Involuntary Thoughts and New Symptoms. A series of 26 humorous colored plates, containing many designs. Oblong 4to, original gilt paper cover, cloth back. Lond.: McLean, 1823 * Choice copy of the original edition, with brilliant impressions of the plates.

13. ALAMANNI (LUIGI). La Coltivatione. 4to, old blue straight-grained morocco gilt, gilt edges.

Parigi: Ruberto Stephano, 1546

*The scarce First Edition of this Poem on Husbandry. Fine copy, with the rare leaves containing the dedication to "Madama la Delphina" and the Privilege.

14. ALBERTI (LEON BATTISTA). tradotta da Cosimo Bartoli.


Title within a fine ornamental woodcut border, medallion portrait of Alberti on the back of title, and numerous plates. Folio, old vellum.

Firenze: L. Torrentino, 1550

* FIRST EDITION of Bartoli's translation, and one of the most beautiful books issued from the press of Torrentino. Alberti, a man of great genius, was, as it is well known, the most celebrated architect of his time. Fine copy.

15. ALCORAN (L') des Cordeliers. Tant en Latin qu'en François c'est à dire, Recueil des plus notables bourdes et blasphemes de ceux qui ont osé comparer Sainct François à Jesus Christ: tiré du grand livre des Conformitez. Front. and fine plates engraved by B. Picart. 2 vols. 12mo, old red morocco gilt, WITH THE ARMS OF MADAME DE POMPADOUR stamped in gold on the centre of the covers, gilt back, gilt edges, by DEROME (rebacked). Amsterdam, 1734

* FROM THE LIBRARY OF HORACE WALPOLE, with bookplate. 16. ALDEN (TIMOTHY). A Collection of American Epitaphs and Inscriptions, with occasional Notes. With portraits of Washington, Rush, Lawrence and Edwards. 5 vols. 16mo, full orange crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by BRADSTREETS. N. Y. 1814

* A VERY CHOICE COPY of a work seldom found complete. The author was a distinguished clergyman, and was the founder of the Alleghany College, at Meadville, Pa. He also compiled a catalogue of the library of the New York Historical Society. 17. ALDINE EDITION of the British Poets: Burns, 3 vols.; Thomson, 2 vols. ; Collins; White; Cowper, 3 vols. ; Howard; Wyatt; Beattie; Pope, 3 vols.; Goldsmith; Milton, 3 vols.; Shakespeare; Dryden, 5 vols.; Parnell; Swift, 3 vols.; Young, 2 vols.; Akenside; Butler, 2 vols.; Prior, 2 vols.; Falconer; Gray; Spenser, 5 vols.; Churchill, 2 vols. ; Chaucer, 6 vols.; Scott, 5 vols.; Shelley, 5 vols.; Wordsworth, 7 vols. With portraits engraved by Robinson. Together 69 vols. 12mo, full polished calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by ToUT (covers of a few vols. detached).

Lond. Bell & Daldy, 1866-93

* LARGE PAPER, only 250 copies printed for subscribers before stereotyping.

18. ALDINE PRESS.-Gaza (Theodorus). In hoc volumine haec insunt. Theodori Introductivæ grammatices libri quatuor. Eiusdem de mensibus opusculum sane quam pulchrum. Apollonii grammatici de constructione libri quatuor. Herodianus de numeris. Woodcut headings and ornamental initials. Folio, full polished tree calf gilt, yellow edges. Venetiis: in ædibus Aldi Romani, 1495 *198 unnumbered leaves. Signatures, a-l, a-b, A-M. Renouard, p. 2; Hain-Copinger, 7500; Proctor, 5548. The second printed Greek Grammar, and the second dated book from the Aldine Press. According to authorities, including Dibdin, Renouard, Brunet, etc., etc., this volume is of the greatest rarity. A very fine copy, and perhaps one of the finest in existence.

19. ALDINE PRESS.-Aristoteles Opera (Græce). With numerous woodcut ornamental initials and interlaced headings. 5 vols. bound in 6 vols. folio, old vellum gilt, with inlaid borders of green morocco on the sides.

Venetiis: Aldus Manutius Romanus, 1495–98 * COLLATION: Vol. I, 234 unnumbered leaves; Vol. II, 32 unnumbered leaves and 268 numbered, including blank leaf 88; Vol. III, 457 numbered leaves, one blank (missing), and 8 un

numbered leaves, containing a fragment of the Xth Book "De Historia Animalium"; Vol. IV, 226, 116, 12, 42 and 121 numbered leaves, and one unnumbered; Vol. V, 316 numbered leaves, one unnumbered at the end, and 13 unnumbered leaves, of which the first blank, between leaves 309 and 310. HainCopinger, 1657; Proctor, 5547, 5553, 5555-56, 5565; Pellechet, 1175. EDITIO PRINCEPS OF THE WORKS OF ARISTOTLE, and extremely rare. A fine and perfect copy, with the unnumbered leaf signed PP. between leaves 400 and 401 of Vol. III and the 8 leaves at the end of the same volume, containing the frag ment of Book X "De Historia Animalium," which in this copy have been bound by mistake at the beginning of part II of Vol. IV. These 8 leaves are to be found only in few copies as Aldus printed them after the volume was already in circulation. The CRAWFORD COPY, with his book-plate in each volume.

20. ALDINE PRESS.-Juvenalis et Persius. Satyræ. 8vo, full dark green levant morocco extra, with the Aldine anchor stamped in gold on the centre of both covers, gilt tooled inside borders, gilt edges, by CUZIN.

Venetiis: in ædibus Aldi, 1501

*THE GENUINE FIRST ALDINE EDITION, without the anchor on title, and with the unpaged leaves. Rare.

21. ALDINE PRESS. -Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius. 8vo, old olive morocco, gilt edges. Venetiis: in ædibus Aldi, 1502 *First Aldine Edition, and one of the few copies having the mistake "Propetius" for Propertius," on the title-page. This mistake was corrected when the book was still in the press.

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22. ALDINE PRESS.-Sophocles. Sophoclis Tragœdiæ septem cum commentariis (græce). 8vo, full morocco, gilt edges. Venetiis: in Aldi Romani Academia, 1502

*EDITIO PRINCEPS, and still considered a very good text. The Commentaries, though mentioned on the title, were not published with this edition. Fine and large copy, ruled throughout with red ink.

23. ALDINE PRESS. -Ammonius Hermeus. Ammonii Hermei commentaria in librum peri Hermenias. Margentini Archiepiscopi mitylenensis in ejusdem enarratio. Pselli Paraphrasis in librum peri Hermeneias. Ammonius Hermeius in decem Categorias. Small folio, half russia.

Venetiis: Aldus, 1503

*FROM THE LIBRARY OF ALDUS WITH MS. ANNOTATIONS. This beautiful volume, "étant imprimé sur le plus beau papier fort qu'ait employé Alde, et avec des marges fort grandes" (Renouard, p. 40), is one of the most luxurious publications of the great printer. The particular value, however, of this copy consists in the many thousands of MANUSCRIPT NOTES BY THE GREAT ALDUS. We know only of one other volume in this country with authentic autograph notes of the famous publisher. In this volume, however, his autograph annotations are far more numerous and, from a scholarly point of view, of much greater importance. The marginal notes of the other copy were, unfortunately, cut by the binder; the margins of the present volume are untouched. The notes of the present volume show us Aldus, not merely as the great classical scholar we all know, but also as a man deeply interested in philosophy and with considerable philosophical knowledge. The Cox copy.

[See Reproduction.]

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