619. [HAZLITT (WM.)] Liber Amoris: or, the New Pygmalion. FIRST EDN. Engraved title with vignette portrait of Miss Walker on India paper. 8vo, boards, uncut with label. Lond. 1823 * "Of all the histories I have read of the aberrations of human passion, nothing ever so struck me, with a sort of amazed and painful pity, as Hazlitt's Liber Amoris.' The man was in love with a servant girl [Miss Walker], who in the eyes of others possessed no particular charms of mind or person, yet did the mighty love of this strong, masculine and gifted being, lift her into a sort of goddess-ship; and make his idolatry, in its intense earnestness and reality, assumed something of the sublimity of an act of faith, and in its expression take flight equal to anything that poetry or fiction have left us."-Mrs. Jameson. FINE COPY, rare in such exceptional condition. 620. HAZLITT (W. CAREW). Tales and Legends of National Origin or Widely Current in England from Early Times. With Critical Introductions. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1892 621. HAZLITT (W. CAREW). The Venetian Republic. Its Rise, its Growth, and its Fall, 421-1797. 2 vols. thick 8vo, cloth gilt, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1900 622. [HELPS (ARTHUR).] Thoughts in the Cloister and the Crowd. FIRST EDN. 12mo, finely bound by RIVIÈRE in full polished calf gilt, gilt edges. Lond. 1835 * Scarce, being suppressed by the Author. The present copy bears on the half-title From the author" in Sir Arthur Helps' hand. This is the first book of the author, and was written while a resident at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he followed shortly after Thackeray, Hallam, and Tennyson. 623. HELPS (ARTHUR). The Spanish Conquest in America, and its Relation to the History of Slavery and to the Government of Colonies. 4 vols. 8vo, three-quarter red crushed levant gilt, gilt tops, by LAUNDER. Lond. Parker, 1855 624. HENDERSON (EBENEZER). Iceland; or, The Journal of a Residence in that Island during the Years 1814-'15, with Observations on the History, Literature, and Antiquities of the Island, Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants, etc. Map and full-page engravings. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Edinburgh, 1819 625. HENLEY (W. E.) The Song of the Sword and other Verses. FIRST EDN. 8vo, half blue crushed levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1892 *No. 57 of 75 copies on large hand-made Dutch paper, signed by the publisher. 626. HENLEY (W. E.) A Song of Speed. FIRST EDN. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Lond. 1903 627. HENLEY (W. E.) In Hospital: Rhymes. 12mo, full green crushed levant morocco extra, richly tooled and gilt on the sides, gilt-tooled back, doublé with brown crushed levant morocco extra, gilt-tooled borders, gilt edges, by the CLUB BINDERY. Portland: Mosher, 1903 * One of the 10 copies printed on vellum. In case. 628. HENNEPIN (FATHER L.) A New Discovery of a Vast Country in America, extending above Four Thousand Miles between New France and New Mexico: with a Description of the Great Lakes, Cataracts, Rivers, Plants and Animals. Also the Manners, Customs and Languages of the several Native Indians; and the Advantage of Commerce with these different Nations. With a Continuation, giving an Account of the Attempts of the Sieur de la Salle upon the Mines of St. Barbe, etc. The Taking of Quebec by the English. . . . To which are added Several New Discoveries in North America, not published in the French Edition. 2 maps and 6 plates. Small 8vo, full panelled calf, red edges (one map skilfully backed with paper, then neatly restored at fold). Lond.: Henry Bonwicke, 1699 *Good, perfect copy of this rare book. With fine impressions of the Buffalo" and Niagara " plates. The view of Niagara appearing in this work was the first published. 629. HERVEY (THOMAS K.) The Book of Christmas, descriptive of the Customs, Ceremonies, Traditions, Superstitions, Fun, Feeling and Festivities of the Christmas Season. FIRST EDN. With 36 full-page etchings by Robert Seymour. 12mo, three-quarter blue levant morocco, gilt edges, by TOUT. Lond. 1837 *Fine copy. Scarce. 630. HEURES NOUVELLES tirées de la Sainte Écriture, écrites et gravées par Senault. Beautifully engraved throughout, and with numerous ornamental letters, vignettes, interlaced ornaments, etc. 8vo, contemporary vellum binding with geometrical gold pattern on the sides, all the interstices filled with delicate pointillé gold ornaments in Le Gascon's manner, fleur-de-lis stamped on the back, gilt edges, with silver clasps (one missing). Paris: chez l'Autheur [c. 1680] *A very charming volume, the beauty of which is greatly enhanced by the binding. FOURTH SESSION. 631. HEWLETT (MAURICE). New Canterbury Tales. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1901 632. HEWLETT (MAURICE). The Road in Tuscany. A Commentary. FIRST EDN. Full-page plates and illusts. 2 vols. post 8vo, original cloth, gilt. Lond. 1904 633. HEWLETT (MAURICE). The Fool Errant. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1905 634. HEYWOOD (THOMAS). The Hierarchie of the blessed Angells, their Names, Orders and Offices. The fall of Lucifer with his Angells. Written by Tho: Heywood. Finely engraved title and full-page plates by William Marshall, J. Droeshout, Glover, Payne, etc. Small folio, dark morccco, gilt tooled, gilt edges, by AITKEN. Lond. Adam Islip, 1635 * THE FIRST EDITION. VERY RARE. A volume widely popular in the 17th century and seldom found with all the plates. In the fourth book occur the following references to Elizabethan authors: Excellent Beaumont, in foremost ranke, Of the rarest wits was never more than Franck, Fletcher and Webster, or that learned packe And he's now but Jacke Ford, that once were John." Some remarkable Ghost Stories and Tales of Witchcraft are introduced in the last two books. Here will also be found Heywood's version of Macbeth, which is slightly different, though taken from the same source, as that given by Shakespeare. Heywood describes the witches as being "The virgins wondrous faire, As well in habit as in features rare." And he make Malcolm, Duncan's son, and not Macduff, the slayer of Macbeth. 635. HEYWOOD (THOMAS). PLEASANT DIALOGVES AND DRAMMA'S, SELECTED OVT OF LUCIAN, ERASMUS, TEXTOR, OVID, etc. With fundry Emblems extracted from the moft elegant Iacobus Catfius. As Alfo certaine Elegies, Epitaphs, and Epithalamions or Nuptiall Songs; Anagrams and Acrofticks; etc., with other Fancies translated from BEZA, BUCANAN, and fundry Italian Poets. By THO. HEYWOOD. Aut prodeffe folent, aut delectare. FIRST EDN. 12mo, handsomely bound in full maroon crushed levant morocco, gilt-tooled back and inside borders, gilt edges, by RIVIÈRE. Lond. : Printed by R. O. for R. H., and are to be fold by Thomas Slater at the Swan in Duck-lane, 1637. *From the McKee Library. Polycronycon. Black 636. HIGDEN (RANULPH). letter; title printed in red between woodcuts, containing the portrait and arms of Henry VIII., a figure of St. George and the Dragon and several woodcuts in the text, some colored. Folio, brown morocco, with blind toolings and gilt lines, gilt edges, by AITKEN (last leaf, containing woodcut and imprint, in perfect facsimile, and title mended on blank top margin, otherwise a fine and large copy). Soutwerke: Peter Treveris, at the expenses of John Reynes, 1527. * VERY RARE. There are few specimens in existence of the typographical labors of Peter of Treves, who reprinted the above edition page for page from that of Wynkyn de Worde of 1495. Hunter, in his New Illustrations of Shakespeare,” quotes from this volume to illustrate a portion of Hamlet. 637. HIGGINS (GODFREY). Anacalypsis, and Attempt to dray aside the Veil of the Saitic Isis; or, An Inquiry into the Origin of Languages, Nations, and Religions. 2 vols. thick 4to, full scored calf, gilt, marbled edges. Lond. 1836 * EXTREMELY SCARCE. ONLY 200 COPIES WERE PRINTED. 638. HILDEBURN (CHARLES R.) Sketches of Printers and Printing in Colonial New York. Portraits and facsimiles. 12mo, half russet crushed levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. By the CLUB Bindery. N. Y. 1895 * One of 375 copies, printed on Holland paper at the De Vinne Press. 639. HILTON (WALTER). SCALA PERFECTIONIS. Woodcut on title of Christ embracing the cross, a monk kneeling beside him. Printed in GOTHIC LETTER; 156 leaves, 33 lines to the page. 4to, finely bound in old straight-grained red morocco gilt, gilt edges (the joint of the first cover slightly cracked), in a morocco slip-case. A very early autograph of Thomas Bowles on title, a trifling ink-mark on the margin of one page, and very slight burn in the margin of the last three leaves. Lond.: Imprinted by Wynkyn de Worde, 1533 *RARE, and an exceptionally fine copy for a book of this date, with good margin, and clean. Old bookplate (written on) of John Liptrap on the inside of cover. [See Reproduction.] 640. HISSEY (JAMES JOHN). WORKS, AS FOLLOWS: An Old-Fashioned Journey through England and Wales, 1884; A Drive through England, or a Thousand Miles of Road Travel, 1885; On the Box Seat from London to Land's End, 1886; A Holiday on the Road, an Artist's Wanderings in Kent, Sussex and Surrey, 1887; A Tour in |