662. HORATIUS. Opera cum commentario Christophori Landini. Small folio, half vellum. Florentiæ: Antonius Miscomini, 1482 * Roman character. Six unnumbered leaves, CCLXIIII. numbered and 2 unnumbered, without signatures and catchwords. Hain-Copinger, 8881; Proctor, 6142. First edition of Horace, with Landino's Commentary. FROM THE LIBRARY OF WILLIAM MORRIS, WITH MANUSCRIPT SLIP IN HIS HANDWRITING INSERTED. Few leaves very slightly wormed, and inner margins of last 3 leaves mended; otherwise a very fine and large copy of this beautiful and elegant specimen of the Miscomini Press. Marginal notes of the XVth Century. 663. HORATIUS. Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera Engraved throughout; 2 fleurons on titles, 2 frontispieces, 164 ornamental initial letters and 324 illusts., consisting of figures, vignettes, head- and tail-pieces, etc., all first impressions, engraved by John Pine. 2 vols. 8vo, full vellum gilt, gilt edges. Londini: Johannes Pine, 1733–37 * The rare First Issue, with the mistake "Cæsar tribun post est" instead of "potest on the medal at p. 108 of Vol. II. Fine copy of this elegant book. 664. HORATIUS. Quintus Horatius Flaccus. 64mo, original cloth (cracked). Londini: G. Pickering, 1826 * Pickering's miniature edition-one of the few copies printed on LARGE PAPER. 665. HOUBRAKEN (J.) The Heads of the Most Illustrious Persons of Great Britain, taken from the best original Paintings in the Royal Palaces, and the Collections of Noblemen and Gentlemen, with proper Ornaments to each plate, designed and engraved by the best Masters. BRILLIANT ORIGINAL IMPRESSIONS of the 112 portraits, with full margins. Thick folio, old red morocco, extra, gilt edges, in the manner of DEROME. Lond. 1735-44 * A REMARKABLE COPY OF ONE OF THE GREAT PORTRAIT COLLECTIONS. In addition to portraits, this copy has bound in order throughout the original blue wrappers (both front and back) to Part 20 (the end of the first volume), and with the back wrappers (only) from there to the end of the work. ONE OF THE COPIES WITH THE NAMES ENGRAVED ON THE PLATES, AND NOT ON THE MARGINS. Lowndes says that the complete series consists of 108 plates-this copy has 112. Includes Drake, Cromwell, Ben Jonson (spelt Johnson), Bacon, Locke, Raleigh, Cavendish, Lambert, More, Chaucer, Milton, Otway, Sackville, Henry Vane (Gov. of Mass.), Beaumont, Fletcher, and many others of equal note. 666. HOWARD (ROBERT) Revelations of Egyptian Mysteries, and Allegories of the Greek Lyric Poets clearly interpreted; History of the Works of Nature, with a Discourse on Health, according with the Wisdom of the Ancients. Lond. 1850 8vo, cloth. 667. HOZIER (H. M.) The Seven Weeks' War; Its Antecedents and its Incidents. Maps. 2 vols. 8vo, half polished morocco gilt, gilt tops. Lond. 1867 668. HUC (M.) The Chinese Empire, map, 2 vols.; Christianity in China, Tartary' and Thibet, From the Apostleship of St. Thomas to the Establishment of the Mantchoo-Tartar Dynasty in China, 2 vols. Together 4 vols. 8vo, half red morocco gilt, gilt tops. Lond. 1855-57 * Original and best edition. Scarce. 669. HUNT (LEIGH). Bacchus in Tuscany. A Dithyrambic Poem from the Italian of Francesco Redi, with Notes Original and Select. By Leigh Hunt. 12mo, original boards (cracked), uncut. EDN. FIRST EDN. Lond. 1825 *A remarkably interesting copy, being evidently Leigh Hunt's own, and corrected by him. Numerous manuscript corrections occur; in fact, very few pages are without one or more, and, although the author's signature does not occur anywhere, the matter of the corrections is such that they must undoubtedly have been made by Leigh Hunt himself. The corrections are of various natures. Some are the correct rendering of a word that the compositor had evidently misread; others are changes in spelling, punctuation marks, or a new choice of a word or expression. They occur not only throughout the poem but also the Notes. 670. HUNT (LEIGH). The Companion (French Plays in London, Mistakes in Matrimony, Late Fires, etc). FIRST Svo, half calf. Lond. 1828 *This is the first edition, and consists of 29 numbers, which were all that were published. It commenced on Wednesday, Jan. 9th, and ended with the July 23rd number of 1828. 671. HUNT (LEIGH). A Jar of Honey from Mount Hybla. FIRST EDN. Illust. by Richard Doyle. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1848 672. HUNTINGTON (ARCHER M.) Initials and Miniatures of the IXth, Xth and XIth Centuries from the Mozarabic Manuscripts of Santo Domingo de Silos in the British Museum. Colored plates. Folio, buckram. N. Y. 1904 673. HUTCHINSON (HORACE G.) Famous Golf Links. Numerous illusts. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1891 674. HUTCHINSON (HORACE G.-Editor). Fishing. (Country Life-Library of Sport.) Numerous illusts. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1904 675. HUTH LIBRARY CATALOGUE. The Huth Library. A Catalogue of the Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters and Engravings collected by Henry Huth. With Collations and Bibliographical Descriptions. Portrait. 5 vols. thick imp. 8vo, half roan, uncut, as issued (small number painted on lower portion of each back). Lond. 1880 * Only 130 copies of this valuable publication were printed at the Chiswick Press. Compiled by W. C. Hazlitt and F. S. Ellis. One of the most thorough works of its kind ever issued. 676. MITATIO CHRISTI. Fol. 1: r. Incipit libellus consolatorius ad instructo3 deuoto 2 | Cuius primă capitulu est de imitacõe xpi z ɔtemptu | damni vanitatum mundi. Et q' dam totu libellum | sic appellant scilicet libellum de imitatione xpi. sicut | euangelium Mathei appellatur liber generacōis ih'u | xpi Eo q' in primo capitl'o fit mentio de generacõe | xpi sed'm carnem. Incipit primum capitulum | (Q) Vi sequit me. . . Fol. 76 r., lin. 4: Viri egregij Thome montis sancte Agnetis in | Traiecto regularis canonici libri de xpi imitatiōe | numero quatuor finiunt feliciter per Gintheum (sic) | zainer ex reutlingen pgenitu literis impssi ahenis. Folio, full dark green levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by RIVIÈRE. [Augsburg]: G. Zainer [c. 1471] * Gothic letter. 76 unnumbered leaves, without signatures and catchwords, 35 lines to the page. Hain, 8589 (leaves 111186); Proctor, 1566. EDITIO PRINCEPS, EXTREMELY RARE, of the most famous book in the world. Very fine copy. [See Reproduction.] 677. IMITATIO CHRISTI. Enchiridii piarum mentium Tomulus Tertius, continens opuscula ad pietatem eruditoria. Printer's mark beneath the title representing the Ascension Press. 8vo, old calf. [Paris]: T. Badius Ascensius, 1521 * The third volume only of this collection of theological and ascetical treatises, but containing the Treatise DE IMITATIONE CHRISTI, which is here ascribed to Thomas à Kempis. 678. IMITATIO CHRISTI. Engraved title. Folio, old English red morocco, gilt tooled borders and centre ornaments on the sides, gilt tooled back, gilt edges (slightly rubbed and joints repaired). Parisiis: e Typographia Regia, 1640 * The first book issued from the Royal Press, established by Cardinal Richelieu. A very beautiful specimen of typography. 679. IMITATIO CHRISTI, libri Quatuor. Auctore Thoma à Kempis. 64mo, full morocco, gilt edges. Tornaci (Tournai), 1851 *The smallest edition published, printed in diamond type, measuring 1.15-16 x 14 inches. With 680. INGRAM (JAMES). Memorials of Oxford. numerous plates and text illusts., engraved by John Le Keux from original drawings by F. Mackenzie. 3 vols., Oxford, 1834-37.-Le Keux's Memorials of Cambridge: a Series of Views of the Colleges, Halls and Public Buildings, engraved by John Le Keux, with historical and descriptive accounts by Thomas Wright and H. L. Jones. 2 vols., Lond. 1841-42. Together 5 vols. 8vo, uniformly bound in full polished calf gilt, gilt tops, by TOUT (covers of 3 vols. slightly cracked). 681. IRELAND (JOSEPH N.) Records of the New York Stage from 1750 to 1860. 2 vols. 4to, half calf, gilt backs and tops. N. Y. 1866 * LARGE PAPER. One of only 60 copies issued in this size. Very rare. 682. IRVING (WASHINGTON). A History of New York, from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty. By Diedrich Knickerbocker. THE RARE FIRST EDN. With the large folding view of Nieuw-Amsterdam (skillfully repaired in several places). 2 vols. 12mo, full orange crushed levant morocco, with rich sprays of floral tooling outside centre panels on sides, broad inside borders, gilt edges on the rough, bound by BRADSTREETS. N. Y. Bradford and Inskeep, 1809 * A very beautiful and tall copy, with some rough leaves. 683. [IRVING (WASHINGTON)]. The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. 8vo, in the original 7 parts, paper, uncut. N. Y.: C. S. Van Winkle, 101 Greenwich St., 1819-20 * FINE AND COMPLETE SET OF THE VERY RARE ORIGINAL EDITION, being the first issue of the work throughout, and an extremely difficult work to procure in such state. Preserved in a dark blue crushed levant solander case. The Alhambra: a 684. IRVING (WASHINGTON). Series of Tales and Sketches of the Moors and Spaniards. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. 12mo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, with ornate panel on each side, corner ornaments, richly tooled backs and inside borders, green silk linings, gilt tops, uncut, by BRADSTREETS. Phil. 1832 * A beautiful copy. Scarce in uncut state. 685. IRVING (WASHINGTON). Life of George Washington. FIRST EDNS. OF EACH VOLUME. illusts. 5 vols. 8vo, cloth. Portraits and N. Y. 1855-9 686. IRVING (WASHINGTON) AND JEFFERSON (JOSEPH) Rip Van Winkle as Played by Joseph JefferNow for the first time published. Numerous plates on India paper, portraits, scenes from the play, etc. 8vo, oaken boards, sheep back, with metal clasps, uncut. son. N. Y.: Dodd, Mead, 1895 *No. 76 of only 100 copies printed, with portrait (in dupli cate, one in tint and signed by Mr. Jefferson) and proof impressions of all the illustrations. Scarce. 687. JAMES (G. P. R.) An Unusual and Choice Collec tion of the Writings of G. P. R. James, comprising A History of Edward the Black Prince, and of various Events connected therewith, 2 vols., 1836; The Life and Times of Louis the Fourteenth, 4 vols., 1838; Letters Illustrative of the Reign of William III., from 1696 to 1708, addressed to the Duke of Shrewsbury, by James Vernon, now |