Slike stranica




The choyfeft Flowers of our Moderne Poets, with their Poeticall comparisons.

Defcriptions of Bewtics, Perfonages, Caftles,
Pallaces,Mountaines, Groues,Seas,
Springs, Riucrs, &c.

Whereunto are annexed other variaus difcourfes,
both pleasant and profitable.

[graphic][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

cover being a large floral ornament inlaid with green and canary-colored levant, with gold tooling, with outer borders of floral and scroll work, watered silk linings, leather joints, gilt top. Bound by TOUT. N. Y. 1899

*One of 161 copies on Imperial Japan paper, bearing the stamp of the Japanese Government, and no longer exported. Enclosed in autumn-leaf levant morocco solander case.

68. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). Paul Revere and his Engraving. Engraved title by E D. French, portrait, engraved views and facsimiles. 8vo, original boards, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1901

*IMPERIAL JAPAN PAPER, ONLY 35 COPIES PRINTED. of the title-page, signed by E. D. French, laid in.


69. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). New York as Washington knew it after the Revolution. Engraved portrait, title, vignettes and facsimiles. 8vo, original boards, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1903

* IMPERIAL JAPANESE PAPER, only 32 copies printed. 70. ANGELO (HENRY-Fencing Master). REMINIS CENCES, with Memoirs of his late Father and Friends, including numerous original anecdotes, and traits of celebrated characters of the last 80 years. Two vols. 8vo, EXTENDED TO FOUR VOLUMES, with specially printed title-pages and EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED with 151 portraits and plates, many of the portraits full length, some proofs and the actors and actresses in character, plates by BARTOLOZZI, colored plates by Rowlandson, also TWO ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWINGS BY ROWLANDSON, RARE ETCHING BY ANGELO, AUTOGRAPH LETTER signed by ANGELO TO PIERCE EGAN, etc., etc. Bound in full blue crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by RIVIÈRE. Lond. 1828

*This copy was illustrated in this luxurious and highly tasteful way by John Levenson Douglas Stewart and sold in his sale in 1888 for £60 to a London dealer, from whom it was secured by Augustin Daly.

71. ANGLO-SAXON REVIEW (THE). Edited by Lady Randolph Churchill. Complete set. With portraits, numerous fine facsimiles and other illusts. 10 vols. small folio, bound in full leather gilt, green, red and white, in imitation of celebrated historical bindings or bindings by famous binders, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1899-1901

*A fine and complete set. Contains contributions by Andrew Lang, Stephen Phillips, Richard Le Gallienne, and others.

72. ANTI-JACOBIN. Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin, with Introduction. [By Wm. Gifford, Canning, Frere, and others.] 4to, full polished calf, gilt panelled sides, gilt edges, bound by RAMAGE (one joint weak and margins of a few pp. stained). Lond. 1801

* EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 36 plates, colored caricatures, portraits, etc., including "The Grand Factotum

Amusing Himself," by Gillray, colored, 1797 (and which contains portrait of William Pitt), portrait of Milton (as a young man), drawn and etched by Cipriani; Napoleon litho., after Planat; Lord Duncan, Charles James Fox, Captain Cook, the Union Club, colored caricatures by Gillray (cut close), Edmund Burke, proof mezzotint by Reynolds, and other scarce and interesting portraits, some being proofs on India paper, many of which are inlaid.

73. ARABIAN NIGHTS. The Thousand and One Nights, commonly called the Arabian Nights Entertainments. A New Translation from the Arabic, with copious Notes. By Edward W. Lane. Many hundred engravings on wood from original designs by William Harvey. 3 vols. 8vo, handsomely bound in full crimson crushed levant, gilt tooled on back and sides, inside gold borders, gilt edges, by BRADSTREETS. Lond. Chas. Knight, 1839-'41


74. ARETINO (PIETRO). La Sirena, Marfisa e Angelica Pometti di Partenio Etiro. 18mo, vellum extra (stamp on title). Venetia, 1630

75. ARIOSTO (LODOVICO). Orlando Furioso tutto ricorretto, et di nuove figure adornato. Con le annotioni, gli avvertimenti, & le dichiarationi di Girolamo Ruscelli, la vita dell' autore, descritta del Signor Giovan Battista Pigna, etc. Title within architectural woodcut border, with portrait of Ariosto in the upper part, and 46 beautiful full-page woodcuts after the design of the celebrated Ferrarese painter Dosso Dossi, surrounded by fine ornamental borders. 4to, full light-blue crushed levant morocco extra, gilt lines on the sides, gilt tooled broad inside borders, gilt edges, by BRADSTREETS (lower part of title slightly cut into).

Venetia: Vincenzo Valgrisi, 1558

76. ARISTOPHANES. Aristophanis Facetissimi Comœdiæ XI. Græce. Thick small 8vo, full orange crushed levant, gilt tooled on back and sides, gilt edges, by BRADVenetiis: Apud Joannem Farreum, 1542


* Rare early edition of the eleven Comedies complete. Some pp. spotted and a few margins slightly water-stained.


Secreta Secretorum. GOTHIC LETTER. Title in red within an ornamental woodcut border, and fine woodcut initials. Small 8vo, full red levant morocco extra, gilt, gilt edges, by BRADSTREETS. Parisiis, 1520

* A very rare edition. THOMAS TAYLOR, THE PLATONIST'S, COPY, with his autograph signature on the title, and the following note in his handwriting, signed with initials: "This very rare book contains many interesting particulars, but the treatise is doubtless spurious, and is probably the production of some Arabian soon after the subjugation of the Greeks by the Caliph Omar. See my translation of the excellent moral narrative respecting an eastern Sage and a Jew, in p. 49 of this work in the Athenæum, No. 33.—T. T.”

78. ARTHUR. THE MOST ANCIENT AND FAMOVS HISTORY of the Renowned Prince ARTHUR King of Britaine, Wherein is declared his Life and Death with all his glorious Battailes against the Saxons, Saracens and Pagans, which (for the honour of his Country) he moft worthily atchieued. As alfo, all the Noble Acts, and Heroick Deeds of his Valiant KNIGHTS of the ROVND TABLE, newly refined, and published for the delight, and profit of the READER. With 3 fronts. engraved on wood. 3 parts in one vol. 4to, full dark green morocco extra, gilt lines on the sides, gilt tooled back and inside borders, gilt edges, by PRATT. Lond. 1634 [1624]. Lond.: Printed by William Stansby, for Iacob Bloome, 1634.

*The third part is dated 1624. Few leaves cut close, and some neatly remargined, title neatly mounted, and lower line of the third frontispiece cut into, otherwise a good copy of this rare item. From the McKee Library, with bookplate. 79. ARTICULI ad narratio- nes nouas pertin | formati. Cut representing the Tudor's rose with the name of Jesus in the middle and surmounted by the royal crown of England-[Colophon] Londini in Edibus | Ricardi Pynsoni regij impressoris. | Cum priuilegio a rege indulto. | Woodcut monogram of the printer. 16mo, boards.

Lond. R. Pynson [1525]

* Gothic letter, 32 unnumb. leaves. Signatures A-D. A Commentary and some rules upon the count, declarations, etc., contained in the "Novæ Narrationes." Very rare.


80. ASHENDENE PRESS.-Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam of Naishapur, the Astronomer Poet of Persia. dered into English Verse. Small 4to, full blue crushed levant morocco, with broad tooled festoon border on each side, within roll gold lines, panelled back, and inside borders, gilt top, uncut, by the CLUB BINDERY.

Ashendene (Herts.), 1896

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* CHOICE COPY. RARE. Only 50 copies were printed for private circulation, each numbered, this being no. 17. The translation is Edward Fitzgerald's. Contains a sketch • To the Gentle Reader of Omar Khayyam," by C. H. St. J. Hornby, the founder of the press, as well as a bibliography on the sub. ject. Original wrappers bound in.

81. ASHENDENE PRESS.-Three Elegies. Lycidas. by John Milton; Adonais, by Percy B. Shelley; Thyrsis, by Matthew Arnold. Small 4to, full white vellum, decorated with flowers of red and gold, gilt edges, silver clasps. Ashendene Press (Herts.), 1899

No. 4 of only 50 copies printed.

82. ASHENDENE PRESS.-Lo Inferno di Dante Alighieri Fiorentino. Beautifully printed in black and red, with hand-colored initials, and with woodblock engravings re-engraved after the originals of the 1491 edition. Small 4to, beautifully bound in full red crushed levant morocco, with

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