stamped in gold on the sides, gilt inside borders, gilt edges. Lond. For William Leake, 1601 * BLACK LETTER; 42 unnumb, leaves, signat A-L. The exceed. ingly rare First Edition. From the Perkins and McKees collection, with bookplates of the last. Fine copy. Only 3 copies of this play have been sold at auction in a period of eighteen years. 854. MUSES LIBRARY. Contains Works of Robert Herrick, 2 vols., 1891; Poems and Satires of Andrew Marvell, 2 vols., 1892; Poems of Wm. Blake, 1893; Poems of Edmund Waller, 1893; Poetical Works of John Gay, 2 vols., 1893; Poems of Wm. Browne, 2 vols., 1894; Poems of Wm. Drummond, 2 vols., 1894; Poems of John Donne, 2 vols., 1896; Poems of Henry Vaughan, 2 vols., 1896; Poems of Thos. Carew, 1898; Poetry of S. T. Coleridge, 1898. Portraits and illusts. 18 vols. 12mo, half vellum, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1891-1898 * ALL LARGE PAPER COPIES, of which there were only from 100 to 200 printed. 855. MUSSET (PAUL DE). Le Dernier Abbé. With 19 etchings in two states, one proof before letters, by Lalauze. 8vo, full crushed levant morocco extra, gilt borders on the sides, gilt back, doublé with brown levant morocco extra, tooled and gilt with roses and leaves, brocatelle linings, gilt edges, by RAPARLIER. Paris, 1891 856. NEW NEW YORK. PLAYERS CLUB (THE). A collection of Letters and Memoranda made by Mr. Augustin Daly in regard to the conception and foundation of the Players Club, collected and bound by Mr. Daly when the controversy arose as to whom was due the credit of the idea, proving that it was his own and not that of Edwin Booth, who was generally credited with being the founder of the Club. The collection includes 32 letters and telegrams, 11 portraits (mainly original pen-and-ink drawings); the first Year Book of the Club, inlaid to size; the first membership list; a printed account of the Booth dinner; newspaper clippings (inlaid) and other data. THE WHOLE ORNAMENTED BY MAJOR DAVID E. CRONIN, THE ARTIST, WITH EXQUISITE MARGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWINGS; the portraits (including two of Edwin Booth and a full-page portrait of Daly) being also his work; all inlaid to quarto where necessary and finely bound in crimson morocco, with elaborate gilt corner-pieces, inside borders and gilt top. N. Y. 1888-89 * It would be difficult to find a more interesting memento of the now famous and firmly established Players Club. The letters begin with Daly's letter to Palmer, without place or date, but written in December of 1887, saying "Mr. Barrett submits the enclosed names to be invited to our Breakfast next week to organize' the Club, etc.," written on the back of Barrett's note to Daly, undated: Thursday: Dear Mr. Daly, How would this do? Booth, Jefferson, Daly, Palmer, Barrett, Winter, Depew, Judge Daly, Mr. Palmer replies, adding Mansfield to the list, and suggests Boucicault. Then comes the first hint of trouble. Barrett writes that he and Booth have "talked it over" and "we do not believe our presence at the meeting for organization will be necessary or helpful-on the contrary-and we will be unable to attend the breakfast." This draws out a long and interesting letter from Daly, from which it is gathered that it is the old story of the stars fighting in their courses. It seems that Mansfield is the difficulty. Mr. Daly says "I do not even know Mr. Mansfield by sight-I never saw him on the stage-I merely suggested him as a representative actor. Of course, if you and Mr. Booth will not attend that ends it . . . though I should sincerely regret to see an hour so propitious and a movement fraught with so much ultimate good to the profession allowed to pass, etc." This is followed by gentlemanly explanations, and then everything moves smoothly. One of the most interesting items in the book is Daly's memorandum of the guests who accepted his invitation and his drawing for Delmonico's, showing the round table and the seats of the sixteen guests. Daly sat between Gen. Sherman and Mark Twain, and Booth was between Thos. B. Aldrich and Mr. Bispham-and, after all, Mansfield sent a note of declination on account of his voice giving out, and his place was taken by S. H. Olin. Jefferson also sent a telegram of regrets from Louisiana. The first receipt for House Charges is included, $3.80 from Daly, Jan. 1, 1889, in the new Club House, No. 16 Gramercy Park (still their home) given by Edwin Booth to the Club. After the account of the dinner given Booth in March, 1889, there is inserted a TWO PAGE LETTER FROM EDWIN BOOTH, dated "The Stratford, Phila., Feb. 16, 1890," TO AUGUSTIN DALY, mainly about the Club, in which he says: ers "I hope you will make time to fill my chair during my long absence, and smile o' Saturday nights upon the Playwho miss you. Modjeska's illness has not interfered at all with business.. I trust your Skakesperean revivals may reward you so well that you will continue them. . . . I rejoice in their success, as do Furness & all lovers of the Master. Adieu." 857. NEW YORK CITY. Manhattan in 1628, as described in the recently discovered Autograph Letter of Jonas Michailius, written from the Settlement on the Sth of August of that year and now first published. With a Review of the Letter and an Historical Sketch of New Netherland to 1628. By Dingman Verstug. Facsimiles. 4to, boards, uncut. N. Y. 1904 *One of only 40 copies printed on Imperial Japan paper. 858. NOGARET (F.) L'Aristenète Français. Édition Illustrée de cinquante compositions de Durand, gravées à l'eau-forte par E. Champollion. 2 vols. 12mo, full maroon crushed levant morocco, with inlaid centerpiece of flowers on front cover of each volume, and pretty corner ornaments; reverse having a rose as centerpiece, and with corner ornaments, all of which are inlaid; inside borders, brocade silk linings, gilt tops, by PHILIPPE. Paris, 1897 Only 150 printed, each numbered. * BEAUTIFUL COPY. 859. NOLHAC (PIERRE DE). Louis XV. et Marie Leczinska. With exquisite front. in colors on India paper, and with numerous facsimile portraits, historical scenes, etc., in varying tints. Thick royal 4to, full blue crushed levant morocco, sides sumptuously gold-tooled and inlaid with brown (2 shades), red and green levant morocco, elaborate centre ornament surrounded with tooling, and with the arms in gold on a red levant background, back to match; doublé with red crushed levant morocco, with an exquisite large centre ornament inlaid with white crushed levant, festoon tooling on borders, and inlays of sage-green and brown levant, blue leather joints, yellow silk linings, gilt tops, uncut, in case, by BRADSTREETS. Paris, 1900 * ONE OF THE GOUPIL SERIES OF HISTORICAL MONOGRAPHS. Limited and numbered issue. A REMARKABLE EXAMPLE OF MODERN BOOKBINDING. Laid in is a card which reads: "Louis XV. et Marie Leczinska." The decoration on this volume is intended to be characteristic and representative of the gorgeous Louis Quinze period of French decorative art, the motif for the borders being suggested by specimens of wood engravings made for the coronation of Louis XV. in 1722, as shown on plate XCII. of Racinet's Polychromatic Ornament. The general ensemble of the decorative scheme is founded also on contemporaneous motifs. The design of the doublure was suggested by the examples of the famous Beauvais tapestries shown on plate XCII. of Racinet's work. 860. NORMAN (HENRY). The Real Japan. Studies of Contemporary Japanese Manners, Morals, Administration and Politics. Illusts. from photos by the Author. 8vo, boards, gilt extra, uncut. Lond. [1891] *JAPAN PAPER COPY. One of only 100 copies so issued-this one No. 18. 861. OLI LINA (PIETRO). Uccelliera ovvero Discorso della natura e proprietà di diversi uccelli ed in particolare di que che cantano, con il modo di prendergli, conoscergli, allevargli e mantenergli. With numerous copper-plates of birds, bird-catching and snaring, hawking, shooting, etc. 4to, calf gilt (rubbed, one word of the title erased). Roma, 1622 * First Edition of a curious and interesting work on wild-fowling, hawking, shooting, etc., and celebrated for its engravings, by A. Tempesta e Villemena. 862. OVIDIUS. De Arte Amandi et de Remedio Amoris. Una cum luculentissimis commentariis R. D. Bartholomei Merulae. Title within a fine ornamentai woodcut border, 5 beautiful woodcuts, and pretty ornamental initials. Folio, full green levant morocco extra, gilt lines on the sides, gilttooled back and inside borders, gilt edges, by RIVIÈRE. VERY FINE COPY. Venetiis: Ioannes Tacuinus de Tridino, 1518 863. OVIDIUS. Amorum libri tres. De medicamine faciei libellus: et nux . . . Una cum Dominici Marii Nigri Veneti luculentissimis enarrationibus. . . . His insuper accedunt Pulex et Philomela: licet falso nasoni adscribantur. Title within a fine ornamental woodcut border, 3 beautiful woodcuts, charming ornamental initials, and printer's mark on black ground. Folio, full green levant morocco extra, gilt lines on the sides, gilt-tooled back and inside borders, gilt edges, by RIVIÈRE. VERY FINE COPY. Venetiis: Ioannes Tacuinus de Tridino, 1518 864. OVIDIUS. P. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoses, argumentis brevioribus ex Luctatio grammatico collectis expositæ: vna cum vivis singularum transformationum iconibus in aes incisis. Engraved title, within an historiated border, and 178 fine copper engravings, all brilliant impressions, by P. Van der Borcht. Oblong 8vo, full polished calf gilt. Very scarce. Antuerpiæ: ex Officina Plantiniana [1591] 865. PALGRAVE (SIR FRANCIS). The History of Normandy and of England. 4 vols. 8vo, halfpolished morocco gilt, gilt backs and tops, by LAUNDER. Lond. 1851 * ORIGINAL ISSUE. FINE COPY. VERY SCARCE. 866. PALMERIN D'OLIVA. The First Part Shewing The Mirrour of Nobilitie, the Map of Honour, Anatomie of rare Fortunes, Heroicall Presidents of Love, Wonder of Chivalrie, and the most accomplished Knight in all perfection. Turned into English by A. M. Palmerin D'Oliva. The second part continuing His Rare Fortunes, Knightly Deeds of Chivalry, Happy Success in Love, and how he was crowned Emperour of Constantinople. Herein is likewise concluded the variable troubles of the Prince Trineus, and Faire Agricola the Kings Daughter of England with their fortunate marriage. 2 vols. in 1, small 4to, russia, blindtooled, gilt edges, newly rebacked. Lond. B. Alsop and T. Fawcett, 1637 *First Edition. Very rare. This work was condemned by the licentiate in Don Quixote to be torn into pieces and burnt, that not so much as the ashes might remain. The translator of this very curious and amusing old romance was Anthony Munday one of the messengers of her majesties chamber." He was a poet, playwright and translator, and apart from Shakespeare and Marlowe there are few authors of the Elizabethan period who occupied a greater share of public attention. 867. PALMERIN OF ENGLAND. SOUTHEY'S ANNOTATED AND CORRECTED COPY. THE FAMOUS HISTORY OF THE NOBLE AND VALIANT PRINCE PALMERIN OF ENGLAND-DECLARING HIS BIRTH AND PRINCE FLORIAN DU DESART-THE COURSE OF THEIR LIVES IN PURSUING KNIGHTLY ADVENTURES AND DOING INCOMPARABLE DEEDS OF CHIVALRY... TRANSLATED OUT OF FRENCH BY |