105. BANKS (JOHN). Vertue Betray'd; or, Anna Bullen. A Tragedy. Acted at his Highness the Duke's Theatre. Small 4to, full green morocco, gilt edges, by ZAEHNSDORF. Lond. For R. Bentley and M Magnes, 1682 * FIRST EDITION. This Tragedy on the story of Anne Boleyn was the most successful of all Banks' works and held the stage until 1766. In the dedication to the Princess Elizabeth there is an interesting reference to Shakespeare, "As Homer and our Shakespeare did to immortalize the place where they were born." 106. BANNISTER (JOHN). Memoirs of John Bannister, Comedian. By John Adolphus. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, extended to 4 vols. 8vo, with specially printed titles and bound in full green crushed levant morocco, ornate backs, gilt edges, by RIVIÈRE. Lond. 1839 * A VERY CHOICE SET. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 220 portraits, caricatures, views, autographs, etc., and including autograph letter, 4 pages 4to. 1809, from Bannister to Henry Bunbury, a fine and rare letter about his theatrical experiences, etc.; portraits of Garrick, Henderson, Macklin, Mrs. Cowley, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Wells, Peg Woffington, Mrs. Mattocks. Mrs. Pritchard, Mrs. Yates, Kemble; original character sketch of Bannister by De Wilde, autograph letter from Colman to Bannister on theatrical matters: also with other autograph letters, including specimens from James Smith, Mrs. Inchbold (fine letter), Miss Kelly Elliston, Chas. Kemble, J. Douglas, Wm. Godwin, W. Dimond (a long and most interesting letter), and others; portraits of Bannister, Lee, Kelly, Badderley, Mrs. Crouch, Miss De Camp, Palmer, Miss Kelly and many others, mainly in character. Many of the portraits are neatly and skillfully inlaid, and include specimens of stipple, line and lithograph work. AN UNUSUALLY FINE EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED WORK, AND WORTHY OF ITS HANDSOME BINDING. 107. BARCKLEY (RICHARD). A Discourse of the Felicitie of Man: or his Summum Bonum. Written by Sir Richard Barckley Knight. 4to, full polished calf gilt, red edges. Lond. Printed for William Ponsonby, 1598 *FIRST EDITION. An interesting book containing the Story of the Induction to Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew." This entertaining volume is a garner filled with the most amusing and authentic histories, or little narration, told in the author's own words, occasionally indeed enlarged, but in perfect keeping and consistency. Upper margin of title restored, with slight damage of the ornamental head-piece, otherwise a very good copy. From the McKee Library, with bookplate. 108. BARGAGLI (SCIPIONE). Dell' Imprese, alla prima parte, la seconda, e la terza nuovamente aggiunte. Fullpage engraved portrait of Emperor Rudolph II., full-page engraving representing his device, and numerous engravings of pretty devices. 4to, contemporary vellum. Venetia, 1594 109. BARHAM (R. H.) The Ingoldsby Legends; or, Mirth and Marvels. By Thomas Ingoldsby, Esquire. Illust. by Buss, Leech, George Cruikshank and others. 3 vols. post 8vo, original brown cloth, uncut. Lond. Bentley, 1840-42-47 * FIRST EDITIONS OF ALL THREE SERIES, with the rare Appendix in verse, and the misprint on page 81 of the first volume, which was corrected in the later issues. 110. [BARHAM (R. H)] Some Account of my Cousin, Nicholas. By Thomas Ingoldsby. FIRST ILLUST. EDN. Front. by John Leech, engraved by J. Cook. 12mo, full brown polished morocco, gilt tooled back, sides and inside border, gilt top, original back inserted. Lond. 1846 * Unique copy, having inserted JOHN LEECH'S ORIGINAL PEN CIL DRAWING OF THE FRONTISPIECE. 111. BARING-GOULD (SABINE). Iceland: its Scenes and Sagas. Colored front., numerous illusts. and a folding map mounted on cloth. Royal 8vo, full morocco gilt, gilt top, by STIKEMAN. Lond. 1863 * FINE COPY of the scarce first edition. 112. BARING-GOULD (SABINE). Book of WereWolves; an Account of a Terrible Superstition. FIRST Front. Crown 8vo, half calf gilt, gilt top, uncut. * Very scarce. Lond. 1865 EDN. 113. BARING-GOULD (SABINE). In Troubadour-Land. A Ramble in Provence and Languedoc. Numerous characteristic illusts. by J. E. Rogers. 8vo, decorated cloth gilt, Lond. 1891 *First edition. Fine copy. uncut. 114. BARING-GOULD (SABINE). The Tragedy of the Cæsars: a Study of the Characters of the Cæsars of the Julian and Claudian Houses. FIRST EDN. Illust 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1892 115. [BARKER (THOMAS).] THE COUNTRY-MAN'S RECREATION, or the PLANTING, Art of GRAFFING, and in Three Books. The first declaring divers waies of Planting and Graffing, and the best times of the year, with divers commodities and secrets herein, how to set or plant with the Root and without the Root, to sow or set Pepins or Curnels, with the ordering thereof, also to cleanse your Grafts and Cions, to help barren and sick Trees; TO KILL WORMS AND VERMIN, AND TO PRESERVE AND KEEP FRUIT; HOW TO PLANT AND PROIN YOUR VINES, AND TO GATHER AND PRESSE YOUR GRAPE; to Cleanse and Mosse your Trees, TO MAKE YOUR CIDER AND PERRY, with many other secret Practices which shall appear in the Table following. The second treateth OF THE HOP GARDEN, with necessary Instructions for the Making and the Maintenance thereof, as also the scituation, quantity, charge and benefit, preparation, time to cut and set, with rules for the choice and preparation of roots, and also divers instruments usefull for the Hop Garden: WITH SOME DIRECTIONS FOR TABACO, etc. HERE UNTO IS LIKEWISE ADDED THE ART OF ANGLING. * Each part has a separate title and different paginations. The Treatise on Angling is frequently wanting, being generally bound as a complete book by itself. It is by T. BARKER, and the title is as follows:-"THE ART OF ANGLING, WHEREIN ARE DISCOVERED MANY RARE SECRETS, VERY NECESSARY TO BE KNOWN BY ALL THAT DELIGHT IN THAT RECREATION. London, printed in the year 1653." This treatise is made additionally interesting by the fact of its being issued in the same year as the first edition of Isaac Walton's immortal work. 116. BARLOW (JANE). The End of Elfintown. Illust. by Laurence Housman. Royal 8vo, cloth, paper label, unLond. 1894 cut. *LARGE PAPER COPY. Edition limited to 50 copies. 117. BARON (ROBERT). The Cyprian Academy. Engraved title-page, also fine impression of the portrait, both by William Marshall (the portrait inlaid). 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by F. BEDFORD. Lond. J. Hardesty, 1648 *The Cyprian Academy is a poetical romance founded on the plan of Sidney's Arcadia. The book was published in Baron's seventeenth year and is dedicated to James Howell, who was the author's uncle. The Lefferts' copy, with bookplate. 118. [BARON (ROBERT).] Pocula Castalia. The Author's Motto, Poems, Epigrams, etc. By R. B. Gen. Portrait engraved by William Marshall. Small 8vo, full blue crushed levant, gilt tooled on back and sides, inside gold borders, gilt edges on the rough, by RAMAGE. (Portrait mounted so skillfully as scarcely to be noticed.) Lond.: Printed by W. H. for Thomas Dring, 1650 *FIRST EDITION. VERY RARE. The portrait is of very rare occurrence. The Carser copy lacked, as did the one described in the Bibliotheca Anglo Poetica. 119. [BARON (ROBERT).] Mirza: a Tragedie, really acted in Persia, in the last Age. Illust. with historical annotations. FIRST EDN. 12mo, full polished calf, gilt. Lond. [ca. 1650] * With the five pages of commendatory poems. Said to be an imitation of Ben Jonson's Catiline. The Lefferts' copy, with bookplate. 120. BARRI (GIACOMO). The Painters Voyage of Italy. Englished by W. L[odge]. Fine front. and portraits etched by W. Lodge. 8vo, half calf, gilt, in a slip straightgrain morocco case. Lond. 1679 * Fine copy, with the rare leaves of "Directions to place the Sculptures" and Licence. With autograph signature of G. VERTUE, THE ENGRAVER, ON THE TITLE, AND A MANUSCRIPT ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF TWO PAGES IN HIS HANDWRITING. From the Strawberry Hill sale, with the rare armorial bookplate of Horatio Walpole. A very interesting and attractive item. 121. BARRIE (J. M.) A Window in Thrums. Numerous full-page etchings by Wm. Hole. Royal 8vo, original cloth, Lond. 1892 uncut. * LARGE PAPER. No. 428 of 550 copies. 122. BASCHET (ARMAND). Le Roi chez la Reine ou histoire secrète du Mariage de Louis XIII. et d'Anne d'Autriche d'après le Journal de la santé du roi, les dépêches du nonce et autres pièces d'état. 8vo, red full crushed levant morocco, compartments and line borders, gilt back and edges, by CAPÉ. Paris, 1864 * Very scarce. The publisher's own copy, with the following annotation (in French), "2 copies only have been printed on this paper-one for the author, one for myself." Signed A. A. (A. Aubry). 123. BASSE (WILLIAM). Poetical Works (1602-1653). Now for the first time collected. Edited with introduction and notes by R. W. Bond. Front. Royal 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. Ellis & Elrey, 1893 * LARGE PAPER. No. 9 of 25 copies so printed. : 124. BATTERSHALL (FLETCHER). Bookbinding for Bibliophiles, being notes on some technical features of the well bound book for the aid of connoisseurs. Together with a sketch of gold tooling ancient and modern. Front. 8vo, boards, uncut. Greenwich, 1905 * Only 300 copies printed. 125. BAXTER (RICHARD). Poetical Fragments. HeartImployment with God and Itself. 16mo, original old leather, pp. 152 (name on title and a few leaves a little thumbed, bottom margin wormed). Lond. T. Snowden, 1681 *First Edition. Rare. The Epistle to the Reader contains reference to some of the English poets-Withers, Lord Brooke, Quarles, Abraham Cooley (Cowley), Silvester, Sandys, and others-as also mentioning the New England version of the Psalms (the Bay Psalm Book). Baxter was one of the London correspondents of John Eliot. 126. BAYFIUS (LAZARUS). Annotationes in L. II. De Captivis, & postliminio reversis: in quibus tractatur de re navali, etc. With fine woodcuts by Pierre Voeiriot. 4to, full red levant morocco extra, gilt lines on the sides, gilt tooled back and inside borders, gilt edges, by BELZNIEDRÉE. Very fine copy. Lutetiæ: R. Stephanus, 1549 127. BEARDSLEY (AUBREY). A Book of Fifty Drawings. 4to, cloth, gilt. Lond. 1897 128. BEARDSLEY (AUBREY). The Early Work of Beardsley. With a prefatory Note by H. C. Marillier. Portrait and 151 facsimiles of the finer work of the artist. Thick 4to, half gray crushed levant morocco gilt, gilt top, Lond. 1899 uncut. *PRINTED ON JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER, only a few issued. 129. BEARDSLEY (AUBREY). The Later Work of Aubrey Beardsley. With 173 facsimiles. 4to, cloth extra, Lond. 1901 gilt top, uncut. *One of 120 copies printed on Japanese vellum paper, each numbered. 130. BECKFORD (WILLIAM). Thoughts on Hunting in a Series of Familiar Letters to a Friend. With front. by Bartolozzi and other plates after original paintings engraved by John Scott. 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco gilt, gilt top. Lond. Albion Press, 1810 131. BECKFORD (WILLIAM). Vathek: An Arabian Tale. Edited by R. Garnett, with notes by Samuel Henley. Etchings by Herbert Nye. Svo, vellum, gilt, uncut. Lond. 1893 * No. 11 of only 70 copies printed on Japanese vellum. 132. BEDDOES (THOMAS L.) The Poetical Works of. Edited, with Memoir by Edmund Gosse. ings by Herbert Railton. uncut. Full-page etch2 vols. post 8vo, cloth and labels, *LARGE PAPER. One of only 225 copies printed. Lond. 1890 133. BEDE (CUTHBERT-Rev. Edw. Bradley). Photographic Pleasures Portrayed. FIRST EDN. With 24 fullpage colored comic illusts. by the author. 8vo, full polished calf, extra, gilt edges, by RIVIÈRE. Lond. 1855 * Fine copy. Scarce. With original covers bound in. 134. BEDE (CUTHBERT). The Shilling Book of Beauty. Edited and Illustrated by Cuthbert Bede. Large folding plate and numerous cuts. Crown 8vo, full polished calf gilt, gilt inside dentelle borders, gilt edges by RIVIÈRE. Lond. Blackwood, 1856 * Parodies on Tennyson, Thackeray, Longfellow, etc. 135. BEDE (CUTHBERT). The Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green, 2 vols.: Little Mr. Bouncer and His Friend Verdant Green, and Tales of College Life. Etched fronts. and titles and numerous cuts. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth and labels, uncut. Bost. Little, Brown & Co., 1893 *No. 104 of 250 sets on hand-made paper. 136. BEDFORD (PAUL). Recollections and Wanderings: Facts, not Fancies. 12mo, full red levant morocco extra, gilt inside borders, gilt top, by TOUT. Lond. 1867 * EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 31 fine portraits, mainly dramatic, some of which are neatly inlaid. |