Slike stranica

137. BEEDOME (THOMAS). Poems, Divine and Humane. 12mo, vellum, red edges (date cut into, as are one or two pages on the side). Lond. 1641

* Scarce. The Lefferts' copy with book-plate. With the autograph of Cornelius Paine. Among the poems is one on The Heroicall Captaine Thomas James of his discovery made by the North-West Passage to the South Sea, 1631." The work was edited by Glapthorne who contributed a poem and the preface.

138. BELMONT (AUGUST). dresses. Royal 8vo, cloth.

Letters, Speeches and Ad-
Privately printed, 1890

* Presentation copy from the author, with autograph description to Mr. H. W. Poor.

139. BENN (ALFRED W.) The History of English Rationalism in the Nineteenth Century. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1906

140. BENNETT (CHARLES H.) The Fables of Æsop and others, translated into Human Nature. FIRST EDN. With 22 very clever full page colored plates by C. H. Bennett. 4to, full polished calf gilt, gilt top, by RIVIÈRE. Original paper covers bound in. Lond. [1857]


141. BENNETT (CHARLES H.) AND BROUGH (ROBERT H.) Shadow and Substance. (Poems and Stories.) FIRST EDN. With humorous colored illusts. by Bennett. 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. Lond. 1860

* Fine copy, scarce with the colored illustrations. 142. BÉRANGER (P. J.) ŒUVRES COMPLÈTES: Chansons, 2 vols., 1858; Dernières Chansons, 1857; Musique des Chansons de Béranger, airs notés anciens et modernes, 1858; Ma Biographie avec un appendice et un grand nombre de notes inédites de Béranger sur ses chansons, 1859. With 2 portraits, 53 steel engravings, after Johannot, Grenier, Jacques, Raffet, etc., numerous wood engravings, and noted music. 5 vols. 8vo, half levant morocco extra, gilt-tooled backs, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, 1857-59


143. BETSON (THOMAS). A ryght profytable treatyse. Printed in Caxton's house by Wynkyn de Worde about Facsimile reprint. Royal 8vo, boards, vellum back, Cambridge: University Press, 1905

1500. uncut.

* Only 250 copies printed.

144. BETTERTON (THOMAS). Life of Mr. Thomas Betterton, the late eminent Tragedian, wherein the Action and Utterance of the Stage, Bar, and Pulpit are distinctly considered; to which is added The Amorous Widow, a Comedy, by Mr. Betterton, now first printed from the orig

inal copy. FIRST EDN. With fine portrait by Van der Gucht. 8vo, full polished calf gilt, gilt edges, by BEDLond. 1710 * From the Daly collection, with bookplate.


145. [BEVERLEY (ROBERT).] The History and Present State of Virginia, in Four Parts. I. The History of the First Settlement of Virginia, and the Government Thereof, to the Present Time; II. The Natural Productions and Conveniences of the Country, suited to Trade and Improvement; III. The Native Indians, their Religion, Laws, and Customs, in War and Peace. IIII. The Present State of the Country, as to the Polity of the Government, and the Improvements of the Land. By A Native and Inhabitant of the Place. Engraved front. and 14 plates reduced from De Bry. 8vo, full dark green straight-grained morocco, gilt-tooled sides, back and inside borders, gilt edges, by MANSELL. Lond. 1705

* FINE COPY from the McKee Library, with bookplate. 146. BIBLE: HEBREW. Biblia Ebræa eleganti et maiuscula characterum forma, qua ad facilem sanctæ linguæ et scripturæ intelligentiam primo statim intuitu literæ radicales et serviles, deficientes et quiescientes, etc., situ et colore discernuntur, cura et studio Eliæ Huteri. Title within a woodcut border. Folio, old stamped vellum (covers detached, last leaf loose).

Hamburgi: J. Wolfius, 1588

With armorial bookplate of William Byrd of Westover, Virginia (right side damaged).

147. BIBLE: HEBREW. Prophetæ Minores (in Hebrew). 16mo, original vellum. Antuerpiæ: typis Plantinianis, 1588 * Interleaved and filled with annotations by an English hand of the end of the XVIth Century or beginning of the XVIIth.

148. BIBLE: painted in red.

LATIN. Biblia Latina. With initials
Folio, full-panelled calf (joints restored).

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Nuremberg: Antonius Koburger, 1477 *Gothic letter; 468 unnumbered leaves, including first blank, without signatures and catchwords. Hain-Copinger, 3065; Proctor, 1980; Pellechet, 2294; Copinger, Incun. Biblica, No. 33. The second edition of the Koburger Bible. The arrangement of this Bible and its readings correspond precisely with the first edition; but the Epistle of the Monk Mesnard and the Canons of Eusebius have been added. The type of this Bible is of a more elegant character than the edition of 1475." Bibl Sussex., I, 324. A very fine and large copy.

149. BIBLE: LATIN. Biblia Latina. Folio, old stamped calf (rubbed). First leaf stained and loose, last leaves water-stained, and last leaf containing the register missing. Venetiis: Nicolaus Jenson, 1479

*Gothic character to two columns; 451 unnumbered leaves, 51 lines to the page; signatures a-z, &, 3, 4, A-V. HainCopinger, 3073; Pellechet, 2303; Proctor, 4119; Copinger, Incun. Bibl., No. 41. Second and last edition of the Latin Bible printed by Jenson, executed in a fine, large Gothic type, and a much more beautiful book than the edition of 1476.

150. BIBLE: LATIN. Biblia cum concordantiis veteris et novi testamenti et sacrorum canonum, etc. Title printed in red, and above it St. Jerome kneeling, beneath the title the fine printer's mark; numerous woodcuts in the text, three of which are of considerable size and representing the work of the Creation in six compartments, King Solomon in his bedroom, and the Adoration of the Shepherds. Folio, old calf (rubbed). Lugduni: Jacobus Sacon, 1515

* Gothic letter to two columns. The woodcuts were designed after those of the celebrated Mallermi Bible. To the New Testament have been added the Canons of Eusebius, arranged within columns printed in red.

151. BIBLE: FRENCH. La Sainte Bible, contenant l'Ancien et le Nouveau Testament, traduite par le Maistre de Saci. With fine engravings, after Marillier, some proofs before letters. Only Vols. 1-4 (should be 12). 4 vols. 4to, old French red morocco gilt, blue silk linings, gilt edges, by LAGNY LAINNÉ. Paris: Defer de Maisonneuve, 1789-1804

* UNIQUE COPY, EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED BY THE INSERTION OF 168 ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY MARILLIER, which served for the execution of the plates. From the Lansdowne Library, with bookplate.

152. BIBLE: GERMAN. LUTHER'S TRANSLATION. Das All te Testa | ment | deutsch. | M. Luther. | Wittemberg. -[colophon] Gedruckt zu Wittemperg Melchior vnd | Michel Lotther gebruder | M.D.XXiij. Only Vol. I, containing the books of Moses. Title within a fine woodcut border, 11 fine full-page woodcuts and large historiated woodcut initials by Lucas Cranach. Folio, black levant morocco, gilt edges (some leaves mended). Wittemberg, 1523 * Second edition of Vol. I, issued in the same year and by the same printer, as the first.

153. BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY. Odes and Epodes of Horace: Latin text edited by C. L. Smith, with versions, paraphrases and explanatory notes by eminent scholars, statesmen and poets, with an Introduction by Archbishop Ireland. Portaits and illusts. in two states on Japanese paper and plate paper, and numerous vignettes. 8 vols. in 10. 4to, full levant morocco extra, with gilt mosaic ornaments of flowers and leaves on the sides, gilt backs, gilt inside borders, gilt tops, uncut. Bost. 1901-4

* Limited to 467 copies printed for members only. AN


154. BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY. Etchings by W. H. W. Bicknell, after Howard Pyle. Five etchings as follows: Caxton at his Press; Erasmus, Colet and More; Roger Bacon; Richard de Bury tutoring the young Edward III.; Izaak Walton. Imp. folio, printed on Japanese vellum, enclosed in vellum portfolio. Bost. 1903

The etched plates measure 18 x 10 and the vellum mat 291⁄2 x 20. After printing the requisite number for members the

plates were scarified and a duplicate set of " destroyed plate proofs made for each set." The etchings are stamped with the insignia of the Society, and signed by both artist and etcher. An unusual feature of this set of etchings is that the remarques are all executed by the artist, instead of the etcher. 155. BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY. Letter of John Paul Jones. Facsimile of letter written aboard the Ranger Feb. 13, 1778, while at anchor in Quiberon Bay, arranging for the first Natioual salute ever given the American Flag in Europe. 8vo, wrappers. Bost. 1903

* Printed for members only.

156. BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY. André's Journal. An Authentic Record of the Movements and Engagements of the British Army in America from June, 1777, to Nov., 1778, as recorded from Day to Day by Major John André. Edited by Henry Cabot Lodge. With facsimile reproductions of original maps and plans drawn by Major André while serving in the British cause. Engraved fronts., one signed by E. D. French, illuminated titles, etc. 2 vols. medium 4to, full vellum gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Bost. 1903 * One of 467 copies on hand-made paper.

157. BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY. The Idylls and Epigrams of Theocritus, Bion and Moschus. Edited by Henry Aiken Metcalf. With an Introduction by William C. Lawton. With titles on Japanese vellum paper. 3 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut, as issued.

* FINE COPY, only 477 issued.

Bost. 1 05

158. BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY. The First and Last Journeys of Thoreau, lately discovered among his unpublished Journals and Manuscripts, and Sir Walter Raleigh, by Henry David Thoreau, lately discovered among his unpublished Journals and Manuscripts. Edited by Benjamin Franklin Sanborn and Henry Aiken Metcalf. traits and facsimiles. 3 vols. 8vo, original half calf, uncut. Bost. Printed exclusively for members of the Bibliophile Society, 1905.


* FINE COPIES, OF WHICH ONLY 489 OF EACH WERE PRINTED. By the courtesy of the owner of the original manuscript these volumes are here first published. Sir Walter Raleigh was Thoreau's favorite character in English history, and the original MS. shows that the work was written with scrupulous care, he having written out no less than three separate drafts before getting it finally to suit him. In thus departing from the natural bent of his genius, and devoting himself to the exploits of this adventurous knight, Thoreau reveals a hitherto unknown phase in his literary character. The First and Last Journeys contains accounts of Thoreau's journey to the West, and like the above are here first published by the courtesy of the owner of the original MS.

159. BIBLIOTHECA ANGLO-POETICA; or, a Descriptive Catalogue of a Rare and Rich Collection of Early English Poetry, illustrated by occasional Extracts and

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[SEE No. 96.]

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