Slike stranica

nowned John Boccaccio, the first refiner of Italian Prose. 2 woodcut title-pages and woodcut illusts. (repeated in the text). Small folio, full red morocco, gilt edges.

Lond. Taggart, 1625–1620 *First English Translation. Some copies have the date of 1620 on both titles, the McKee copy in this state sold for $310. With the autograph of (John) Mitford and MS. Notes in his autograph.

197. BOILEAU. Euvres de Boileau Despreaux. Edition Dédiée au Roi. With beautiful vignette illusts. by Picart. 2 vols. folio, full crimson crushed levant morocco, panelled sides, with corner ornaments, richly tooled backs, ornate inside borders, gilt tops, uncut, by CHAMBOLLE-DURU.

Paris: Pierre Didot, 1819


OF THE TIME, all carefully selected engravings by such masters
The rare por-
traits of Boileau and Molière, engraved by Alix, ARE PRINTED
IN COLORS, and the PROOF SET of the plates by Picart, for "Le
Lutrin," is in THREE STATES, as well as numerous other rare


198. BOISSARD (JACOBUS). Romanæ Urbis topographiæ et antiquitatum, qua succincte et breviter describuntur omnia quæ tum publice quam privitatim videntur animadversione digna. Boissard's and De Bry's portraits, numerous fine plates and maps engraved by Th. De Bry. 6 parts in 3 vols. Folio, old calf (rubbed and cracked). Frankfurt: Theo. de Bry, 1597-1602 *ORIGINAL EDITION. Collation: Part I. 8 prelim. 11. (including engraved title and portraits of De Bry and Boissard), a map of Italy, and 163 pages; Part II. Engraved title-page, portraits of De Bry and Boissard, text pp. 1-18, 55-211, 11 pages of index, one leaf for the imprint, 36 plates and 3 11. of letterpress description: Part III. 9 prelim. ll. (according to Brunet should be 11, but according to the signat. and the catchwords the vol. is complete), 42 pp. of text, plates numb. 43-150, and 3 unnumb. plates; Part IV. Engraved title, portraits of Boissard and De Bry, 6 prelim. leaves, text paged 16-52, plates numbered 53-149 (on account of a mistake of numberation no plate for 125); Part V. Engraved title, Dedication, 3 pp. (according to Brunet should have 10 prelim. 11.), 1 unnumb. plate, 129 numb. plates, and 2 unnumb. plates (dogs); Part VI. Engraved title, 3 prelim. 11. 47 pp. of text and 146 numb. plates. The complete copies of the First Edition are very rare. The Sunderland copy.

199. BOLLIOND-MERMET. Crazy Book-collecting; or, Bibliomania, showing the great folly of collecting rare and curious books, first editions, unique and large paper copies, in costly bindings, etc., first published anonymously in 1761, and now done into English and republished for the

perusal and delectation of the Club of New York et amicorum.

members of the Grolier 12mo, cloth, uncut.

N. Y. 1894

200. BOOKBINDINGS. One Hundred and Seventy-Six Historic and Artistic Book-Bindings, dating from the Fifteenth Century to the present time. Pictured by etchings, artotypes, and lithographs after the originals selected from the Library of Robert Hoe. 2 vols. folio, full dark blue crushed levant morocco, the sides and backs covered with gold tooling, with centre ornaments, doublé with crimson crushed levant, with tooled borders, vellum end-papers, leather joints, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery, LEON MAILLARD, finisher. In cases. N. Y.: Dodd Mead, 1895

* A SUMPTUOUS COPY OF ONE OF THE FINEST WORKS ON BOOKBINDINGS EVER EXECUTED. PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPANESE VELLUM, AND LIMITED TO 200 COPIES. The reproductions include specimens of the most famous binders of all times, among which may be mentioned Le Gascon, Padeloup, Trautz-Bauzonnet, Derome, Duru, Bozerian, Roger Payne, Clovis Eve, and others of note, many of the volumes having rich associations, having been in the collections of Napoleon Bonaparte, Charles V., Marie de Medicis, De Thou, Grolier, Marie Antoinette, Josephine, Louis XIII., Henry II. of France, Mme. de Pompadour, Mme. du Barry, and others.

201. BOOKBINDINGS. La Collection Dutuit. Livres et Manuscripts. With numerous large facsimiles of historical bindings, finely executed in gold and colors. Folio, vellum, uncut. Paris, 1899

* No. 127 of 350 numbered copies printed. Scarce. 202. BOOTH (HENRY AND OTHERS). Report of the Directors of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, on the Comparative Merits of Locomotive and Fixed Engines as a Moving Power. An Account of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, etc. 8vo, half dark blue crushed levant gilt, gilt top, uncut, by BRADSTREETS.

Phil. 1831

*The American issue of one of the scarcest works on early English railroads.

203. BOSSUET (JACQUES). Histoire des Variations des Églises Protestants. 2 vols. in one vol. 4to, full polished

calf, gilt lines on the sides, gilt-tooled back and inside borders, gilt edges, by BAUZONNET-TRAUTZ.

Paris: Veuve de S. Mabre-Cramoisy, 1688

* FIRST EDITION. Official document, written on vellum, dated 1682, with autograph signature of Bossuet and his seal inserted. Very fine copy.

204. BOUCHOT (HENRY). The Book: its Printers, Illustrators and Binders, from Gutenberg to the present time. With a Treatise on the art of collecting and describing early printed books, and a Latin-English and EnglishLatin topographical index of the earliest printing places. Edited by H. Grevel. With 172 facsimiles of early typography, book-illusts., printers' marks, bindings, etc. Royal 8vo, cloth gilt, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1890

205. BOUCHOT (HENRY). Catherine de Medicis. 4to, splendidly bound by DAVID in full maroon crushed levant morocco, the initials of the Queen interlaced in the four coiners, back gilt, with fleur-de-lys and initials, straightline filet borders inside, figured white silk linings and end papers, gilt on uncut edges, original covers bound in. Paris: Goupil, 1899

*Illustrated with a beautifully colored portrait of the Queen and other portraits, reproduced in tints from famous paintings, miniatures, enamels, medals, etc., etc.

206. BOURGET (PAUL). Pastels. Dix Portraits de Femmes. Nouvelle Édition, revue et corrigée par l'auteur. 8vo, full dark blue crushed levant morocco, with inlays of violets, gilt, broad inside borders in colored inlays gilt and doublé of light blue crushed levant figured brocade end papers, gilt edges, in slip case, by MICHEL.

Paris: L. Conquet, 1895

* No 130 of only 230 signed copies, printed throughont on Japanese vellum and illustrated WITH 11 ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR DRAWINGS, STUDIES IN FEMALE LOVELINESS, BY RABAUDI. Illustrated title and 35 colored head and tail pieces by Giraldon, hand colored.

207. [BOYLE (E. V.)] Days and Hours in a Garden. 12mo, original vellum, uncut. Lond. 1884

* FIRST EDITION. Presentation copy from the authoress, with autograph inscription, and with two autograph letters signed inserted.

208. B[OYLE] (E. V.) Ros Rosarum ex Horto Poetarum. Dew of the ever-living Rose gathered from the Poets' Gardens of many Lands. 12mo, full red crushed levant morocco extra, the sides tooled and gilt with roses and leaves, gilt-tooled back and inside borders in the same style, brocatelle linings, gilt edges, by SMITH, finished by F. MANSELL. In a solander case. Lond. 1885

209. BRABANT CHRONICLE. Die alder excellenste cronyke van Brabant, Hollant, Seelant, Vlaenderen. BLACK LETTER to two columns; handsome title-page, with lettering in large woodcut gothic letter in red, with woodcut arms of Brabant beneath, 2 long folding genealogical plates, being full of figures with xylographic inscriptions, and above 150 interesting and remarkable wood engravings in the text from early sources, representing battle scenes (with cannons), portraits, coats-of-arms, etc. (several woodcuts badly colored). Folio, old calf, gilt back. Some leaves mended. Very rare. Antwerp: 1512


210. BRATHWAITE (RICHARD). The Arcadian Princess; or, The Trivmph of Ivistice. Prescribing excellent rules of Physicke for a sicke Iustice, etc. THE RARE FIRST EDN. With the finely engraved front. by Marshall, and the leaf preceding it" Vpon the Frontispiece." 12mo, full red morocco extra, gilt edges. Lond. 1635

* FINE COPY, with the rare four leaves at the end containing the Life of the Author and the Errata. The work consists of poetry and prose, of the former Dibdin bestows much praise, and thinks that Braithwaite shines with more lustre as a poet from some passages than any other to which his name is attached. The Edward H. Bierstadt copy, with bookplate.

211. BRATHWAITE (RICHARD). A Comment upon the Two Tales of our Ancient, Renowned and Ever-Living Poet St. Jeffrey Chaucer (Tne Miller's Tale and the Wife of Bath). 12mo, blue morocco, yellow edges, by WINSTANLond.: W. Godbid, 1665


* FIRST EDITION. Very nice copy. The volume is dedicated by the author to "Sir John Wintour." On the verso of the dedication is the following paragraph: This Comment was an Assay, whereto the Author was importun'd by Persons of Quality to Compleat with Brief, Pithy and proper Illustrations, Suitable to such Subjects."

Lefferts' copy, with his bookplate.

212. [BRATHWAITE (RICHARD)]. A Preparative to Study; or, The Vertue of Sack. Small 4to, four leaves (including title), full red crushed levant morocco, gilt doublé panelled sides, gilt-tooled back and inside borders, gilt edges, by RIVIÈRE. Lond. Printed Anno Dom. 1641

* THE FIRST EDITION of an extremely rare anonymous poem, attributed by Halkett and Laing, Lowndes and the Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica to Thomas Heywood, on what grounds it is difficult to imagine. This attribution is very doubtful, the poem having slight resemblance to the writings of Heywood, but more closely approaching those of either John Taylor, the water-poet, or Richard Brathwaite, the author of Drunken Barnaby, and in all probability it is the work of the former. A later edition was issued in 1651, together with another poem apparently by the same author: "The Valiant Battell between the Norfolk and Wisbech Cock." The first edition of this latter was published in 1642, and the author was stated on the titlepage to be Thomas Randall, an attempt to foist the authorship on Thomas Randolph, the author of "Amyntas." Randolph could not be the author of this "Preparative,” as he died in 1635, and allusions are made in the poem to Charles I., the Rebels, and General Leslie. Both Brathwaite and Taylor were Royalists, and the metre, style, incidental allusions and similes in the poem strikingly suggest the known writings of the celebrated water-poet. Taylor issued many anonymous publications of this character, and was for some time col

lector of the wine dues in the Port of London. The opening lines are:


Fetch me Ben Jonson's scull, and Fill 't with sacke,
Rich as the same he dranke, when the whole packe
Of jolly Sisters pleg'd, and did agree

It was no sinne to be as drunk as he."

A fine tall copy, with broad margins, from the Lefferts library, with his bookplate.

Euvres Galantes.

213. BREGY (COMTESSE DE). 12mo, blue straight-grained morocco gilt, gilt edges, by THOUVENIN. Leyde et Paris: Iean Ribou, 1666

214. BRETON (LIET.) Scandinavian Sketches; or, A Tour in Norway: intended as the Tourist's Guide through the Interior of that Country. Map and numerous full-page plates. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt back and top, uncut.

Lond. 1837

215. BRIDGES (ROBERT). The Growth of Love. 4to, full pale blue crushed levant morocco extra, with a bunch of five lilies of white and green morocco inlaid on the front cover, and with gilt leaves, within an inlaid oval border formed of brown morocco, with red corner pieces, and with a similar inlaid lily on the back cover, within an oval frame equal to that of the front cover, gilt mosaic back, doublé with orange crushed levant morocco extra, with an inlaid band of blue morocco, and with gilt-tooled leaves on the corners, brocatelle linings, gilt edges, by the CLUB BINDERY. Portland: Mosher, 1894

* LARGE PAPER; one of the 10 copies printed on Japanese vellum paper. In case.

216. BRIDGES (ROBERT). Ode for the Bicentenary Commemoration of Henry Purcell, with other Poems and a Preface on the musical setting of Poetry. FIRST EDN. 16mo, original wrappers, uncut. Lond. 1896

217. BRIDGES (ROBERT). Eight Plays: Nero, Parts I.-II.; Palicio; Ulysses; Captives; Achilles; Humours; Feast of Bacchus. 4to, three quarter crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by the CLUB BINDERY.

Lond. Bell, n. d.

* FIRST EDITIONS. With general title-page and all the original gray wrappers bound in.

218. BRODIE (GEORGE). A Constitutional History of the British Empire from the Accession of Charles I. to the Restoration. 3 vols. 8vo, full yellow calf, gilt backs and tops, inside gold borders, uncut, by TOUT.

Lond. Longmans, 1866

219. [BRONTË SISTERS.] Poems by Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell. 12mo, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled inside borders, gilt top, by BRADSTREET, original covers bound in. Lond. 1846

*FIRST EDITION of the Bronte Sisters' first book.

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