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220. BROWN (ROBERT). Races of Mankind: being a Popular Description of the characteristics, manners and customs of the principal varieties of the Human Family. With over 500 illusts. 4 vols. in 2 vols. small 4to, half calf. Lond. Cassell & Co., n. d.

221. BROWNE (EDWARD G.) A Traveller's Narrative written to Illustrate the Episode of the Bab. Edited in the original Persian and translated into English, with Introduction and Notes. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1891

222. BROWNE (SIR THOMAS). Hydriotaphia, UrneBuriall; or, A Discourse of the Sepulchrall Urnes lately found in Norfolk. Together with the Garden of Cyrus, or the Quincunciall, Lozenge, or Net-work Plantations of the Ancients, Artificially, Naturally, Mystically Considered. With Sundry Observations. Engraved front. displaying 4 urns. Small 8vo, dark pigskin, ornamentally blind tooled on back and sides, inside borders, gilt edges, by ZAEHNSLond. Printed for Henry Brome, 1658


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* FIRST EDITION. RARE. The concluding chapter of Hydriotaphia" forms a solemn homily on death and immortality, unsurpassed in literature for sustained majesty of eloquence. "The Garden of Cyrus" is the most fantastic of all of Browne's writings. Beginning with the Garden of Eden, he traces the history of horticulture down to the time of the Persian Cyrus, who is credited with having been the first to plant a quincunx. 223. BROWNE (SIR THOMAS). Works. Including his Life and Correspondence. Edited by Simon Wilkin. Portrait and plates. 4 vols. 8vo, full polished calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by TOUT, (two joints cracked, others weak). Lond. Pickering, 1836


224. BROWNING (ROBERT). Strafford: an Historical Tragedy. FIRST EDN. 8vo, full russet crushed levant morocco, decorated with interlacing double fillets outer and inner borders of a lighter shade of russet levant, doublé with light brown levant with rich ornaments of gold tooled roses, sage green silk linings, leather joints, rough gilt edges, by the CLUB BINDERY. Lond. 1837

* FINE COPY. With original wrappers, advertisements and front label bound in. The advertisements "April 15, 1837," prove that it is one of the earliest copies of the first edition. The tragedy was performed at Covent Garden, May, 1837, and this and two other plays by Browning were all that were ever produced on the stage. In case.

225. BROWNING (ROBERT). Sordello. FIRST EDN. 12mo, full dark blue crushed levant morocco, with broad tooled borders to an Arabesque pattern on sides, panelled back, gilt edges, with red silk linings, by the CLUB BINDLond. 1840


*FINE COPY. Presentation copy from Frederick C. Stephens to Watts Phillips.

226. BROWNING (ROBERT). Bells and Pomegranates. 8 parts in one volume. 8vo, full red crushed levant morocco extra, with a gilt border of pomegranates on the sides, gilt back and inside borders, gilt edges, by the CLUB BINDERY. Lond. E. Moxon, 1841-46

*First Edition of each part, with the exception of Part V, which is a second edition. A very choice copy.

227. BROWNING (ROBERT). Dramatis Personæ. FIRST EDN. Post 8vo, three-quarter blue crushed levant morocco, richly tooled back, gilt top, edges scraped, by TOUT.

Lond. 1864 228. BROWNING (ROBERT). Poetical Works. 6 vols. 12mo, full calf gilt, marbled edges. Lond. 1868

229. BROWNING (ROBERT). Balaustion's Adventure: including a transcript from Euripides. FIRST EDN. 8vo, full crushed levant morocco extra, gilt tooled inside borders, gilt top, uncut, by the CLUB BINDERY. Lond. 1871

230. BROWNING (ROBERT). Red Cotton Night Cap Country; or, Turf and Towers. FIRST EDN. 12mo, full crushed levant morocco extra, gilt tooled inside borders, gilt top, uncut, by the CLUB BINDERY. Lond. 1873

231. BROWNING (ROBERT). Aristophanes' Apology, including a transcript from Euripides: being the Last Adventure of Balaustion. FIRST EDN. 12mo, full crushed levant morocco extra, gilt tooled inside borders, gilt top, uncut, by the CLUB BINDERY. Lond. 1875

Letters to Various Cor

232. BROWNING (ROBERT). respondents. Edited by Thos. J. Wise. Facsimile. 2 vols. post 8vo, original cloth, uncut.

Lond.: Privately printed, 1895

*One of a very limited edition, printed on fine hand-made paper for private circulation only, compiled by Mr. Wise from Browning's Correspondence and consisting of 68 letters to Dr. Furnivall, T. J. Wise, Buxton Forman, E. Gosse, Dante Rossetti, and others, mainly literary in character.

LAID IN ARE TWELVE (12) OF THE ORIGINAL LETTERS OF ROBERT BROWNING USED IN MAKING UP THE VOLUME. Of these twelve letters, one was written to Thos. J. Wise, and appears as No. 17, Vol. II; the remaining eleven are to Dr. Furnivall-two of which appear as Nos. 30 and 33, Vol. I, and the remainder as Nos. 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 24 and 25 of Vol. II. The letters range in date from 1881 to 1887, are dated from London, Venice, Switzerland and other points and cover from one to six pages each. Nearly all have their respective stamped addressed envelopes.

The letters are valuable for the light they shed on many points connected with the works of Browning and his wife. Some extracts are as follows:

Dec. 8, 1881: "As to the one-volume edition of E. B. B.'s works, and Story's preface to the same, I never knew of the existence of either."'

Mch. 11, 1882: "The Story of 'Old Tod' as told in Bunyan's
'Life and Death of Mr. Badman' was distinctly in my
mind when I wrote 'Ned Bratts'-at the Splugen without
reference to what I had read when quite a boy. I wrote
'Ivan Ivanowitch' at the same place and altitude.''
Apl. 15, 1883: "My poor friend, Miss Haworth, was the first
to call my attention, long ago, to the existence of the old
ballad of 'Johnnie Fad' which I was in total ignorance
about when I wrote the poem some years before. The
story originally grew out of this one intelligible line of a
song that I heard a woman singing at a bon-fire Guy Faux
night when I was a boy, 'Following the Queen of the
Gypsies, O!' From so slender a twig of fact can these
little singing birds start themselves for a flight to more or
less distances.''

Sept. 7, 1885: (To Dr. Furnivall.) "Certainly nobody will
ever treat of my wife and myself more graciously and
partially (if that is desirable at all) than you; so, by all
means biographize about both of us. For my own part I
will do what I can in the talk over the matter that is to
be. I have nothing to keep back, and will answer any
question to the best of my power. But in the other case,
the little I confidently can profess to know I am forced to
be silent about; and how very little that little is appears
extraordinary to me, and may seem almost incredible to
anybody else. The personality of my wife was so strong
and peculiar that I had no curiosity to go beyond it and
concern myself with matters which she was evidently disin-
clined to communicate. . . Yes, I am writing another
" etc.
May 3, 1886: "I spoke too hastily on a very imperfect recol-
lection, for I afterwards did remember having heard that
some such poem was in existence (alluding to the 'Battle
of Marathon'). 'Hope End' was built as well as in-
habited by Mr. Barrett." Mentions Shelley, Keats and

Mch. 4, 1887: "Don't trouble yourself about Smart (Smart's
'Song to David'). Depend upon it no goody-goody writer
ever conceived or executed the stanzas I could repeat-as I
did with all the effect I supposed would follow-to Tenny-
son, the Bishop of London, and last year to Wendell
Holmes, who asked me innocently at Oxford 'whether I
knew the wonderful poem?'"'

Aug. 21, 1887: "The days glide away uneventually, nearly, and I breathe in the pleasant idleness at every pore. My intimates are the firs on the hillside and the myriad butterflies all about it, every bright wing of them under the snow to-day, which ought not to have been for a fortnight yet. Moral: Flutter out your own life while you can, and don't crush it with the 'wheels'.

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BARRETT AND Post 8vo, full brown original wrappers Lond. 1854

233. BROWNING (ELIZABETH ROBERT). Two Poems. FIRST EDN. crushed levant morocco, gilt top, with bound in, by the CLUB BINDERY.

234. BRUGSH-BEY (HEINRICH). Egypt under the Pharaohs. A History derived entirely from the Monuments. New edn., Revised by M. Brodrick. Maps, plans and illusts. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt, inside gold borders, gilt top, uncut, by TOUT. Lond. 1891

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