Slike stranica



329. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The Life of Napoleon. A Hudibrastic Poem in Fifteen Cantos. By Doctor Syntax. Embellished with 30 engravings by G. Cruikshank. 8vo, full mottled calf, gilt tooled on back and sides, inside gold borders, red leather labels, gilt edges, by TOUT.

Lond. T. Tegg, 1815



330. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The Englishman's Mentor. The Picture of the Palais Royal, describing its Spectacles, Gaming Rooms, Coffee Houses, Milliners' Shops, Sharpers, Artists, Epicures, Courtesans and other Remarkable Objects in that High Change of the Fashionable Dissipation and Vice of Paris. Long folding front. in colors by G. Cruikshank. 12mo, full crushed levant gilt, inside gold borders, gilt top, uncut, by the CLUB BINDERY.

Lond. Wm. Hone, 1819

331. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Tales of the Cordelier Metamorphosed, as narrated in a Manuscript from the Borromeo collection, and in the Cordelier Cheval of M. Piron. Vignettes by Geo. Cruikshank. 4to, three-quarter crimson morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond.: The Shakespeare Press, 1821 Scarce. Only 64 copies privately printed.

332. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Der Freischutz Travestie. By Septimus Globus. FIRST EDN. With 12 etchings by Cruikshank after Alfred Crowquill. Royal 8vo, half blue polished morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1824

333. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Peter Schlemihl. From the German of Lamotte Fouqué. FIRST ISSUE of THE FIRST EDN. With plates by Geo. Cruikshank. 12mo, full polished calf extra, gilt top, uncut, by TOUT. Lond. 1824 * With the error on title where the name of Fouqué appears instead of Chamisso.

334. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Mornings and More Mornings at Bow Street. FIRST EDN. With Geo. Cruikshank. 2 vols. 12mo, three-quarter olive green crushed levant morocco extra, gilt tops, edges scraped, by TOUT. Lond. 1824-27

* Fine tall copy. Scarce.

335. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). [Hugo (Victor).] Hans of Iceland. With four full-page etchings by G. C. Post 8vo, half morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. Lond. J. Robins, 1825

*First Edition. Very scarce.


336. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Greenwich Hospital, a series of Naval Sketches descriptive of the Life of a Manof-War's-Man. By An Old Sailor (M. H. Barker). FIRST EDN. With 12 full-page illusts. by Geo. Cruikshank. 4to, half green morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1826

* FINE COPY. With a colored set of the plates inserted.

337. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Facetiæ and Miscellanies. By William Hone. With 120 engravings by Geo. Cruikshank. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt tooled, gilt top. Lond. 1827

* Inserted is a copy of the "Toy" Queen's Matrimonial Ladder opposite the Queen's Matrimonial Ladder. This ladder consists of 14 steps, each step being a colored illustration. It once sold with the original pamphlet, but has now become very rare. This work contains also the "Political House that Jack Built," "Man in the Moon,' Form of Prayer for the Queen," Bank Note," "Slap at Slop," Aspersions Answered," etc., etc.

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338. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The Pocket Magazine. Edited by Robins. Jan., 1827-June, 1830. With numerous cuts by Cruikshank and full-page plates by Crowquill, Stothard, Landseer, Horace Vernet and others. 8 vols. 18mo, three-quarter blue crushed levant morocco gilt, gilt tops. Lond. 1827-30

*Pretty set. Contains extracts from the leading journals of the time, including John Bull, New Monthly Magazine, Sunday Monitor, English Spy, Bell's Life in London, European Magazine and many others, most of which are now obsolete. George and Robert Cruikshank, Rowlandson, T. Lane and others illustrated the volumes.

339. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The Diverting History of John Gilpin. With 6 full-page engravings by Cruikshank. Square 16mo, full polished calf gilt, gilt top, original covers bound in. Lond. Tilt, 1828

*First issue of this edition, with duplicate set of proofs before letters on paper.

340. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). [Collier (John).] Tim Bobbin's Lancashire Dialect and Poems. FIRST EDN. With 5 full-page plates by G. Cruikshank. 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1828

341. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. By Daniel Defoe. Engraved fronts. and numerous cuts by G. C. 2 vols. crown 8vo, full polished calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut.

Lond. John Major, 1831

* Choice copy of the First Edition, with the Cruikshank plates. Scarce.

342. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Philosophy in Sport made Science in Earnest. With numerous illusts. by Geo. Cruikshank. 3 vols. 12mo, half olive levant extra, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1831

* First edition with these illustrations. With the fine pictorial bookplates of T. L. Marshall, engraved by Wright of Philadelphia.


343. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The Bee and the Wasp. A Fable in Verse.


etchings by Geo. Cruikshank. 12mo, wrappers bound in.

With designs and half calf, original

Lond. 1832

344. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Sunday in London; and a few Words by a Friend of His (Charles Dickens), with a Copy of Sir Andrew Agnew's Bill. FIRST EDN. With cuts by Geo. Cruikshank. 8vo, original boards, uncut. Lond. 1833 *With the back, which is nearly always missing, and the advertisements.


Cruikshankiana; or, A Selection of the most Popular Works of Geo. Cruikshank. 81 plates on 68. Folio, cloth, original covers bound in, uncut. Lond. 1835

*The rare original issue, not to be confounded with the reprint usually in red cloth.

346. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). [Smith (James and Horace).] Rejected Addresses; or, The New Theatrum Poetarum. Portraits by Finden and cuts by G. C. 12mo, three-quarter russet polished morocco gilt, gilt top. Lond. Murray, 1839 (GEORGE). Scoffern (John). Chemistry no Mystery. FIRST EDN. Front. and vignette by G. Cruikshank. 12mo, full polished calf extra, gilt top, by RIVIÈRE. Lond. 1839


348. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE), AND DIBDIN (C.) Songs, Naval and National, with a Memoir and Addenda (National Songs inserted by special desire). Illust. by George Cruikshank. 12mo, calf, super extra, gilt top, UNCUT, by F. BEDFORD.

J. Murray, Publisher to the Admiralty, 1841 *FIRST EDITION. FINE COPY. The Earl of Minto and the Admiralty subscribed for 500 copies. Autograph inscription on title: "Mrs. Bourne with Admiral Sykes' kind regards." 349. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The Bachelor's own Book, being the Progress of Mr. Lambkin (Gent.) in the Pursuit of Pleasure and Amusement and also in search of Health and Happiness. 12 plates, each containing 2 illusts., engraved title-page, and pictorial wrappers, designed, engraved and COLORED by G. C. Oblong 12mo, half morocco. Lond. D. Bogue, 1844

* A COLORED COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION. Very scarce. 350. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). George Cruikshank's Table-Book. Edited by Gilbert Abbott A'Beckett. FIRST EDN. 12 full-page etchings and 116 woodcuts by G. C. Royal 8vo, full paneled yellow calf gilt, gilt edges, with the original front wrapper preserved. Lond. 1845

Fine copy.

Rare. Contains original contributions by Thackeray, Mayhew and other notable authors of the period. 351. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Clement Lorimer; or, The Book with the Iron Clasps. A Romance. By Angus B. Reach. FIRST EDN. With 12 full-page etched plates by Cruikshank. 12mo, full crushed green levant morocco gilt, gilt top, by BRADSTREETS. Lond. Bogue, 1849

352. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Stowe (Harriet Beecher). Uncle Tom's Cabin. With illusts. by George Cruikshank. Post 8vo, three-quarter levant morocco, gilt extra, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1852

*First edition with these illustrations.

353. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Brough (Robert B.) The Life of Sir John Falstaff. With a Biography of the Knight from authentic sources. Illust. with 20 full-page etchings and a full-page woodcut by G. C. Royal 8vo, half contemporary red morocco gilt, gilt top, UNCUT.

Lond. Longman, 1858

* FIRST EDITION. This copy contains the rare woodcut following the title-page. Scarce.

354. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Old Faces in New Masks. By Robert Blakey. FIRST EDN. Etched front. and title by G. C. Post 8vo, half red morocco, gilt back and top. Lond.: W. Kent, 1859

355. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Stenelaus and Amylda: a Christmas Legend for Children of Larger Growth. FIRST EDN. With three colored illusts. on wood by Geo. Cruikshank. 12mo, half green polished morocco, gilt top, with pictorial wrappers bound in. Lond. 1858

356. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). An Essay on the Genius of George Cruikshank. By W. M. Thackeray. The article from the "Westminster Review" of 1840 reprinted, and EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 160 etchings and woodcuts from Cruikshank's works, including rare colored caricatures from "The Meteor," etc., etc., some on India paper, and mainly skilfully inlaid. Imperial Svo, full crimson straight-grained morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, by LARLond. 1840 [1870]


* FINE COPY, containing some very scarce material. specially made title in red, black and green.


357. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The Life of George Cruikshank in Two Epochs. By Blanchard Jerrold. FIRST With illusts. 2 vols. 12mo, full polished calf, extra, Lond. 1882


gilt edges, by TOUT.

*FINE COPY. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 38 specimens of the work of George Cruikshank. The Daly copy, with bookplate in both volumes.

358. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Drawings prepared by him to illustrate an intended Autobiography published by Sir Benjamin Richardson. With 48 plates. 4to, half brown Lond. 1895


*FIRST ISSUE. One of 50 copies on India paper and autographed by B. W. Richardson. Laid in is a facsimile of an original unpublished drawing by G. C.

359. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE AND ROBERT). Hone's Political Tracts, comprising The Old Black Cock; The Political" A, Apple-Pie"; The Kettle Abusing the Pot; The Queen's Budget Opened; The Origin of Dr. Slop's Name;

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