440. DRYDEN (JOHN). A Poem. In Three Parts. in full olive green crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled, gilt top, by BRADSTREETS. Lond. Jacob Tonson, 1687 The Hind and the Panther. * THE RARE FIRST ISSUE OF THE FIRST EDITION, with the Leaf of License preceding title, and with the three-line errata on the last leaf. This is the most important of Dryden's poems, written after he had become a convert to the Roman Catholic Religion, by way of defence of his new faith. The publication brought out Matt Prior's excellent "The Country Mouse and the City Mouse," a most witty "Counterblast" to Dryden's mistaken effort. The McKee copy, with bookplate. Some leaves cut close and a small hole in a few pages. 441. DUNLAP SOCIETY. Consisting of 15 Nos., first series and 15 Nos. new series. Contains No. 1, The Contrast, A Comedy, [by Royall Tyler], 1887; The Father, or American Shandyism, 1887; Opening Addresses [Hutton], 1887; André, a Tragedy [Dunlap], 1887; A Memoir of T.A. Cooper [Ireland]; Biennial Reports of Dunlap Society, 1888; Brief Chronicles [Winter], 2 parts, 1889; Charlotte Cushman [Barrett], 1889; Brief Chronicles, Part III., 1890; Life of John Gilbert [Winter], 1890; Occasional Addresses [Edited by Hutton and Carey], 1890; The Actor and other Speeches [Winter], 1891; Wm. E. Burton [Keese], 1891; No. 15, Bunker-Hill, or the Death of Gen. Warren [Burk], 1891. New Series No. 1, First Theatre in America [Daly], 1896; The Magazine and the Drama [Pence], 1896; Autobiography of Clara F. Maeder [Taylor], 1897; A Group of Theatrical Caricatures [Shipman], 1897; The Cirrus [Greenwood], 1898; Duse and the French [Mapes], 1898; A Wreath of Laurel [Winter], 1898; Washington and the Theatre [Ford], 1899; Players of the Present [Clapp and Edgett], 2 parts (Nos. 9 and 11), 1899-1900; Early American Plays [Wegelin], 1900; Later American Plays [Roden], 1900; Players of the Present, Part III., 1901; Edward Loomis Davenport [Edgett], 1901; No. 15, a Group of Comedians [Keese], 1901. Illust. with portraits, facsimiles, playbills, illusts., etc. Together 30 vols. 8vo, stiffened wrappers, uncut. N. Y. 1887-1901 In none of these publications were there more than 265 copies printed and in the earlier ones only 175. An unusually long set. 442. DUNLAP (WILLIAM). The Gambler's Fate. Thirty Years; or, The Life of a Gamester. Transl. from the French of Messrs. Ducange and Dinaux. THE AUTHOR'S ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT. Small 4to, half red levant morocco, pp. 89. 64 *The "First Day" (pp. 50) is ENTIRELY IN THE HANDWRITING OF WILLIAM DUNLAP, the 'Father of the American Stage,' the balance, apparently, by another hand. It was played at the Bowery Theatre, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1828, BUT NEVER PUBLISHED. From the McKee collection, with bookplate engraved by French. 443. DÜRER (ALBERT). The Passion. A series of 15 plates (should be 16) representing the Passion of Christ, engraved on copper by Albert Dürer, cut to plate and mounted on drawing paper. 4to, half morocco. [1508-12] * The plates represent the following subjects: 1. Ecce Homo, the Virgin and St. John Looking Sadly at the Suffering Christ, 1509 (B. 3); 2. Christ on the Mount of Olives, 1508 (B. 4); 3. The Kiss of Judas, 1508 (B. 5); 4. Christ before Caiaphas, 1512 (B. 6); 5. Christ before Pilate, 1512 (B. 7); 6. The Scourging, 1512 (B. 8); 7. The Crowning with Thorns, 1512 (B. 9); 8. Christ Presented to the People, 1512 (B. 10); 9. Pilate Washing his Hands (missing); 10. Bearing the Cross, 1512 (B. 12); 11. Our Lord on the Cross, 1511 (B. 13); 12. Christ Freeing Souls from Hades, 1512 (B. 14); 13. The Descent from the Cross (stained), 1507 (B. 15); 14. The Entombment, 1512 (B. 16); 15. The Resurrection, 1512 (B. 17); 16. SS. Peter and John Healing the Cripple, 1513 (B. 18). All original impressions of these beautiful prints, with Dürer's monogram and date tablet on each plate. "This "Passion on Copper," as the set of 16 small prints is usually called, must be considered equal to the best work of Dürer, and among the most extraordinary feats of the art of engraving: the curiousness of execution, the power of hand in minutiæ combined with the dramatic reality and terrible truthfulness of Dürer's nature, can never be reproduced, emulated, or supplanted." Scott (W. B.). Albert Dürer," Lond. 1869. 444. DÜRER (ALBERT). Alberti Dureri Pictoris et Architecti præstantissimi de urbibus arcibus, castellisque condendis, as muniendis rationes aliquot. With plates. Folio, half crushed levant morocco extra, gilt top, by BRADSTREETS. Parisiis: ex officina Christiani Wecheli,1535 *First Latin Edition. Very scarce. 445. DÜRER (ALBERT). Della Simmetria dei corpi humani, libri quattro tradotti da Gio. Paolo Gallucci. With numerous woodcuts. Small folio, old calf (rubbed and rebacked). Venetia 1591 * The rare First Italian Edition. 446. EARLY ARLY ENGLISH DRAMATISTS, edited by J. S. Farmer. Dramatic Writings of John Heywood, 1905; Dramatic Writings of Richard Wever and Thomas Ingelend, 1905; Anonymous Plays, First, Second and Third Series, 3 vols., 1905-6; Proverbs, Epigrams and Miscellanies of John Heywood, 1906; Dramatic Writings of Richard Edwards, Thomas Norton and Thomas Sackville, 1906; Dramatic Writings of Ulpian Fulwell (2 copies), 1906; Dramatic Writings of John Bale, 1907; Recently recovered "lost" Tudor Plays; with some others, 1907. Together 11 vols. Small 4to, buckram, uncut. Lond. 1905-07 * LARGE PAPER, only 60 copies privately printed for subscribers by the Early English Drama Society. 447. EDMONDS (C. R.) Life and Times of General Washington. Front. engraved by G. Cruikshank, portrait, and facsimiles. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. 16mo, full polished calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by RIVIÈRE (slightly rubbed). Lond. 1835 448. EGAN (PIERCE). Life in London; or, The Day and Night Scenes of Jerry Hawthorn, Esq., and his elegant Friend Corinthian Tom, accompanied by Bob Logic, the Oxonian, in their Rambles and Sprees through the Metropolis. THE RARE FIRST EDITION. Embellished with the series of 36 large and clever scenes from real life, ALL MOST BEAUTIFULLY COLORED, designed and etched by I. R. and George Cruikshank; also, numerous amusing woodcuts by the same artists, and the folding sheets of music to Tom's song "London Town's a Dashing Place," as well as the half title, which is frequently missing. Royal 8vo, full blue mottled morocco gilt, gilt edges, by TOUT. Lond. 1821 * FINE COPY of this highly interesting publication. It affords an extraordinary picture of "London by Night" in the days of George IV. All the strange places of amusement around Covent Garden and St. James's are described with great freedom. 449. EGAN (PIERCE). The Life and Adventures of Samuel Denmore Hayward, the Modern Macheath, giving an Account of the extraordinary manner in which he raised himself from . . . a Tailor's Apprentice . . . to an Association with the most Fashionable Circles . . . and his Intrigues and Villainies . . . and final execution. Spanish calf, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. * Fine Copy of the Rare First Edition. 12mo, half Lond. [1822] 450. EGAN (PIERCE). Matthew's Comic Annual; or, The Snuff Box and the Leetel Bird. FIRST EDN. Full-page illusts. by R. Cruikshank. 16mo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt top, by BRADSTREETS. Original wrappers bound in. Lond. 1831 451. ELLIOTT (CHARLES W.) Pottery and Porcelain, from Early Times to 1876. 165 illusts. and the more important marks and monograms. Royal 8vo, full morocco, gilt edges. N. Y.: Appleton, 1878 452. ELLIOT (H. M.) The History of India, as told by its own Historians. The Muhammadan Period. Edited from the Posthumous Papers by John Dawson. FIRST EDN. 8vo, full polished calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by TOUT. * SCARCE. Lond. 1867-77 453. ELZEVIR PRESS.-Smith (Thomas). De Republica Anglorum libri tres. Engraved title. 24mo, full red levant morocco extra, gilt lines on the sides, gilt-tooled back and inside borders, gilt edges, by RIVIÈRE. Lugd. Batav.: ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1625 *First issue. This is the first volume of the series on the' Elzevir Republics. 454. ELZEVIR PRESS.-Emmius (Ubbo). Vetus Græcia illustrata. Svo. ANCIENT RED MOROCCO TOOLED AND GILT, WITH A QUATREFEUILLE CENTRAL ORNAMENT, WITH TAPERING EXTENSIONS AT TOP AND BOTTOM FORMED OF LOVELY DOTTED AND POINTILLÉ ORNAMENTS, GILT-TOOLED BORDERS, EACH CORNER BEING FILLED WITH TOOLINGS IN THE SAME STYLE OF THE CENTRAL LOZENGE, GILT-TOOLED BACK, GILT EDGES, BY LE GASCON. Lugd. Batav.: B. & A. Elzevir, 1626 * A very beautiful specimen of Le Gascon binding, and in good condition. In a levant morocco slip case. Laus 455. ELZEVIR PRESS.-[Heinsius (Daniel).] Asini. Curious engraved title. 24mo, old red morocco gilt, gilt edges, by DEROME. (8 prelimin. leaves missing.) Lugduni Bat. ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1629 456. ELZEVIR PRESS.-Horatius. Q. Horatius Flaccus. Accedunt nunc Danielis Heinsii de Satyra Horatiana libri duo. 3 parts in one vol. 16mo, old tree calf gilt. Lugd. Batav. ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1629 *First Edition of the Elzevir Horace, with the letterpress title, dated 1628, to part I, which is very often missing. Name on title. 457. ELZEVIR PRESS.-Barclaius (Joannes). Argenis. Editio novissima cum clave. Engraved title. 12mo, full red levant morocco gilt, gilt top, OTHER EDGES ENTIRELY UNLugd. Bat. ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1630 *Third issue under this date, and the preferred one. one other uncut copy is known to exist, which was formerly in the library of M. La Bédoyere. 135 millimetres. CUT. Only 458. ELZEVIR PRESS.-Cæsar. C. Julii Cæsaris, quæ extant, ex emendatione Ios. Scaligeri. Engraved title, woodcuts and three maps. 12mo, full red morocco gilt, gilt edges. Lugduni Batav.: ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1635 *The rare first issue, and according to Willems one of the most beautiful productions issued from the Elzevir Press. 118 millimetres. 459. ELZEVIR PRESS.-Virgilius. Opera. Engraved title. 12mo, old marbled calf, gilt back, red edges. Lugduni Batav.: ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1636. *The second of the three issues under this date, with Errata on p. 411. Willems calls this edition "un chef d'œuvre typographique." 460. ELZEVIR PRESS.-Cicero (M. T.). Opera Cum optimis exemplaribus accurate collata. Engraved title and engraved portrait. 10 vols. 12mo, old French green morocco extra, gilt lines on the sides, gilt back, gilt edges. Lugd. Batavorum: ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1642 *Fine copy of this rare and beautiful edition of Cicero's works, the first published by the Elzevirs. Vol. IX has 301 pages, and is the preferable issue of this volume. See Willems, no. 535. This copy measures in height 127 millimetres. 461. ELZEVIR PRESS.-Seneca. L. Annæi Senecæ Opera Omnia; ex ult. I. Lipsii et I. F. Gronovii emendat. et M. Annæi Senecæ rhetoris quæ extant; ex And. Schotti recens. Cum Notis J. F. Gronovii. Engraved title. 4 vols. 12mo, old red straight-grained morocco gilt, gilt edges. Lugduni Batav.: ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1549 * A VERY FINE AND TALL COPY measuring 130 millimetres. 462. ELZEVIR PRESS.-Cl. Claudiani quæ exstant Nic. Heinsius recensuit ac Notas addidit. Accedunt quædam hactenus non edita. Engraved title. 18mo, full dark olive levant, full tooled on back and sides within inlays of orange levant on same, doublure of orange levant, leather joints, silk end papers, gilt edges, by CURTIS WALTERS. Lugd. Bat. 1650 463. ELZEVIR PRESS.-Charron (Pierre). De la Sagesse. Engraved title. 12mo, old brown straight grain morocco, gilt borders on the sides, gilt-tooled back, gilt edges, by COURTEVAL. Leide: Jean Elzevir, 1656 464. ELZEVIR PRESS.-Piso (Gulielmus). De Indiæ utriusque re naturali et medica libri quatuordecim. Fine engraved title-page and numerous woodcuts of plants, animals, reptiles, etc. Folio, old vellum. Amsterdam: L. et D. Elzevier, 1658 * Original edition of a book important for the study of the American Natural history. Very scarce. 465. ELZEVIR PRESS.--Grotius (Hugo). De veritate religionis christianæ. 12mo, old red straight grain morocco gilt, gilt edges. Amstelodami: ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1662 * First Elzevir edition, and the most esteemed. Very fine and tall copy, measuring 132 millimetres. From the Siston Park library, with bookplate. 466. ELZEVIR PRESS.--Boccaccio (Giovanni). Il Decameron, si come lo diedero alle stampe gli SSri. Giunti l'anno 1527. 12mo, old red morocco gilt, gilt edges. Second issue. Amsterdamo: [D. Elzevier], 1665 467. ELZEVIR PRESS.-LUPANIE. Histoire amoureuse de ce temps. 12mo, full red morocco extra, gilt lines on the sides, gilt-tooled back and inside borders, gilt edges, by BAUZONNET-TRAUTZ. [À la Sphère] 1668 *First and rarest edition of this licentious romance. From the Marquis de Champ-Repus library, with book-label. This volume belongs to the Elzevirs' collection, and with all probability was issued from their press. 468. ELZEVIR PRESS.-ABENÇUFIAN (ALY.) La vie du roy Almansor, écrite par le vertueux Capitaine Aly Abençufian, viceroy, et gouverneur des Provinces de Deuque en Arabie. 12mo, full green levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by BAUZONNET. Amsterdam: Daniel Elzevir, 1671 *The edition printed in large character. Fine and tall copy, measuring 133 millimetres. |