to Grolier and sold at the Dent Sale for £16; it is evidently the same copy which brought at the Beckford Sale £125. The present copy, printed on parchment, was discovered in Italy by the late Tessier and is generally regarded as unique. Leaf 89 is executed in written facsimile upon parchment, and last leaf containing the anchor, missing. Some of the leaves, especially in the beginning, are rather yellow. 40. ALDINE PRESS.-Speroni (Sperone). Dialoghi di M. Speron Speroni. 8vo. CONTEMPORARY BINDING IN VENETIAN MOROCCO, WITH INTERLACED GILT ORNAMENTS ON THE SIDES, GILT BACK, GILT EDGES. (Name on title, otherwise fine copy.) Vinegia: in casa de' figliuoli di Aldo, 1545 41. ALDINE PRESS.-Liburnio (Nicolo). Le Occorrenze Humane. 8vo, full orange levant morocco extra, Aldine anchor stamped in gold on the centre of both covers, gilt edges, by RIVIÈRE. Vinegia in casa de' figliuoli di Aldo, 1546 42. ALDINE PRESS.-Medici (Lorenzo de'). Poesie Volgari. 8vo, old vellum. One of the copies with signature 0 in 4 leaves only, the other four having been suppressed by the printer on account of containing licentious songs. Vinegia in casa de' figliuoli di Aldo, 1554 43. ALDINE PRESS. -Catullus. Catullus, et in eum commentarius M. A. Mureti. Ab eoden correcti, & illustrati, Tibullus, et Propertius. 8vo, contemporary German binding in stamped pigskin, with a figure representing the Justice on the central panel of the upper cover, and a figure representing the Chastity on the central panel of the lower cover. Fine condition. Venetiis: apud P. Manutium, 1558 44. ALDINE PRESS.-Ioannes Chrysostomus (S.) De Virginitate liber a Iulio Pogiano conversus. 4to, original vellum. Romæ apud Paulum Manutium, 1562 45. ALDINE PRESS. -Catechismus ex decreto Concilii Tridentini. With 42 fine woodcuts. 8vo, full light green levant morocco, with the Aldine anchor stamped in gold on the centre of both covers, gilt edges. Venetiis: apud Aldum, 1575 *First illustrated edition. 46. ALDINE PRESS.-Manutius (Aldus). Epitome Ortographiæ. Medallion portrait of Aldus the Senior beneath the title. 8vo, full green levant morocco, with the Aldine anchor printed in gold on the centre of both covers, gilt edges, by RIVIÈRE. Venetiis: apud Aldum, 1575 * From the library of Secretary of State H. S. Randall. 47. ALDINE PRESS.-Tasso (Torquato). Delle Rime parte prima, insieme con altri componimenti del medesimo. 12mo, full light green levant morocco gilt, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, by BRADSTREET. Vinegia [Aldo], 1582 48. ALDINE PRESS.-Regio (Luigi). La Vicissitudine o mutabile varietà delle cose, nell' universo. Tradotta dal Sig. Cavalier Hercole Cato. Title engraved on wood, with Aldine anchor. 4to, full light green crushed levant morocco extra, gilt, gilt edges, by BRADSTREETS. Venetia: Aldo, 1585 A very curious and interesting work, giving short accounts of the inventions of the various arts, travels, scientifical discoveries, etc. First edition of this Italian translation. 49. ALDINE PRESS.-Livius. Historiarum ab Urbe Condita libri qui extant XXXV cum universæ historiæ epitomis, additis Caroli Sigonii Scholiis. Woodcut medallion of Aldus the Senior at the end. Folio, old vellum. Venetiis: apud Aldum, 1592 *This edition is important as having a catalogue of one page and a half of works issued from the Aldine Press, at the end. Some leaves slightly wormed and some light water-stains. 50. ALLEN (CHARLES DEXTER). American BookPlates: a Guide to their Study, with Examples. With a Bibliography by Eben Newell Hewins. Illust. with many reproductions of rare and interesting bookplates, and in the finer editions with many prints from the original coppers, both old and recent. 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, with richly tooled sides, each corner having an artistic ornament, with floral decorations with a pointellé ground, inside borders, gilt top, uncut, by the CLUB BINDERY. N. Y. 1894 * PRINTED ON JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER, OF WHICH ONLY 75 WERE ISSUED, EACH AUTOGRAPHED BY THE AUTHOR. Contains 41 full-page plates printed from the original coppers. AN EXCEEDINGLY CHOICE COPY. 51. ALLEN (CHARLES DEXTER). A Classified List of Early American Book-Plates. With a Brief Description of the Principal Styles, and a Note as to the Prominent Engravers. Engraved frontispiece by E. D. French, and fullpage reproductions. 8vo, full brown crushed levant, gilt tooled on back and sides, inside gold borders, gilt edges on the rough, by the CLUB BINDERY. N. Y. The Grolier Club, 1894 * LARGE PAPER. One of 350 copies so issued on Italian handmade paper. 52. ALLIBONE (S. AUSTIN). Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors, living and deceased, from the Earliest Accounts to the latter half of the Nineteenth Century, containing over Fortysix Thousand Articles (Authors), with Forty Indexes of Subjects, 3 vols. ; Supplement, containing over Thirty-seven Thousand Authors, by John Foster Kirk, 2 vols. Together 5 vols. imp. 8vo, half roan. Phil. 1859-91 * A marvel of industry, and such a work as has long been required by the student. It is not only a most reliable Bio graphical Dictionary, but the most comprehensive Bibliographical Lexicon of English and American Authors ever compiled. What gives a great and novel charm to the work is the introduction of Criticisms on the various authors, which are selected from the best authorities. The article on Shakespeare alone occupies forty-nine pages, in which 1040 printed võlumes and tracts are named. 53. ALLEN (ETHAN). Reason the Only Oracle of Man; or, A Compendious System of Natural Religion. Alternately adorned with Confutations of a variety of Doctrines incompatible to it; deduced from the most exalted Ideas which we are able to form of the Divine and Human Characters, and from the Universe in General. Svo, original sheep. FINE AND LARGE COPY. Bennington, Vt.: Haswell & Russell, 1784 * "Remarkable as being the first work published in America in direct opposition to the Christian Religion."-SABIN. "Nearly all the copies, it is said, were burned (as they richly deserved to be) by the conscience-stricken publisher.”—J, H. TRUMBULL. 54. [ALLOT (ROBERT).] ENGLANDS | Parnassus: | or The choysest Flowers of our Moderne | Poets, with their Poeticall comparisons. | Descriptions of Bewties, Personages, Castles, | Pallaces, Mountaines, Groues, Seas, | Springs, Riuers, &c. | Whereunto are annexed other various discourses, both pleasaunt and profitable. | 12mo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt back, edges, and inside borders, by STIKEMAN. Measures 5 x 3 in. A FINE, TALL COPY OF THIS RARE AND MOST INTERESTING WORK. Imprinted at LONDON: 1600 *The FIRST POETICAL ANTHOLOGY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, and is also the MOST VALUABLE. This extremely rare Selection from SHAKESPEARE and other Poets has enabled Editors to assign to their true authors various pieces not otherwise known. It has also preserved numerous verses of the Elizabethan and ante-Elizabethan period nowhere else to be met with, and the names of poets who are not otherwise known in literary history than by their mention in England's Parnassus. IT CONTAINS NO LESS THAN 79 EXTRACTS FROM SHAKESPEARE ALONE. The McKee copy with bookplate engraved by French. [See Reproduction.] 55. ALMANACH ROYAL. Commençant avec la guerre de l'an 1701 . . . ou est exactement observé le cours du soleil d'injustice; avec ses eclips, ou la juste punition du ciel. 12 satyrical copper-plates of Louis XIV. and his grandson Philip V., with engraved verses in French and Dutch. Small folio, full red straight-grained morocco, with gilt broad ornamental borders on the sides in the empire style. Paris: à l'Imprimerie Royal du Petit Louis [ca. 1707] 56. AMERICAN TURF REGISTER and Sporting Magazine. [Edited by A. J. Davie.] Numerous full-page engraved portraits of famous American and Imported Race Horses, Sporting Scenes, Views, etc., and cuts in the text. (Vols. I-VIII.) 8 vols, 8vo, handsomely bound in full green morocco gilt, gilt tops, some wrappers preserved, inside gold borders. Balt. 1830-'37 * A fine and clean run of this interesting and scarce periodical 57. AMMAN (JOST). Kunstliche und wolgerissene Figuren der furnembsten Evangelien. With 81 fine woodcuts by J. Amman. Small 4to, full levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by ZAEHNSDORF. Frankfurt: [S. Feyrabend] 1579 *First edition, and so rare that it was unknown to Brunet, who mentions only the second. 58. ANACREON EN BELLE HUMEUR, ou le plus joli Chansonnier François. Fine engraved front., proof before letters. 4 parts in one volume 24mo, old red morocco gilt, gilt edges, by DEROME. (Library stamp on the half title.) Paris: chez Desnos [1782] 59. ANDRÉ. An Authentic Narrative of the Causes which led to the Death of Major John André, AdjutantGeneral of his Majesty's Forces in North America. By Joshua Hett Smith. To which is added a Monody on the Death of Major André, by Miss Seward. With the rare and beautiful portrait of André in uniform, engraved by Scoles. 16mo, full red crushed levant morocco, extra, gilt edges, by RIVIÈRE. N. Y. 1809 *Fine copy. Rare. 60. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). Reminiscences of an Old Yorker. By the late William Duer, President of Columbia College. 4to, cloth, uncut. N. Y. Printed for W. L. Andrews, 1867 * EXTREMELY RARE. Only 35 copies printed. One of the copies printed on one side of the paper only. 61. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). A Choice Collection of Books from the Aldine Presses, with a short Introductory Account of the Aldus Family, taken mostly from Horne's Introduction to Bibliography. Facsimiles. 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut, with original covers bound in, by BRADSTREETS. N. Y. 1885 *FINE COPY. EXTREMELY SCARCE. Only 50 copies privately printed, this being No. 9, autographed by the author. 62. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). Jean Grolier de Servier, Viscount d'Aguisy. Some Accounts of his Life and of his famous Library. With facsimiles of bindings, MS.,etc. 8vo, full brown crushed levant morocco, richly and artistically tooled on both sides and back, to a Grolier de sign, with exquisite doublé of crimson crushed levant morocco, with broad interlaced appropriate borders, watered silk linings, leather joints, with original covers bound in, gilt edges. Bound by CHAMBOLLE-DUru. N. Y. 1892 * An exceedingly handsome copy. Only 140 printed. Enclosed in case. 63. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). Roger Payne and his Art: a Short Account of his Life and Work as a Binder. Portrait and facsimiles. 8vo, full dark levant morocco extra, gilt toolings on the sides, gilt tooled back and inside borders, in Roger Payne's manner, gilt top, by N. Y. 1892 TOUT. 64. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). The Bradford Map. The City of New York at the time of the granting of the Montgomerie Charter. A Description thereof compiled to accompany a facsimile of an actual survey made by James Lyne and printed by William Bradford in 1731. With Bradford map, views, facsimiles and other illustrations in the text. 8vo, full brown crushed levant morocco extra, gilt tooled ornaments on the sides, gilt back, doublé with blue levant morocco extra, gilt tooled borders of leaves, gilt edges, silk lining, by the CLUB BINDERY. *Only 142 copies printed. N. Y. 1893 65. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). A Stray Leaf from the Correspondence of Washington Irving and Charles Dickens. Front. and tail-piece, engraved by E. D. French, and other illusts. 12mo, full brown levant morocco extra, with inlaid blue borders in the sides, finely tooled and gilt, gilt tooled back, doublé with blue levant morocco extra tooled and gilt with small flowers, gilt edges, with linings, by the CLUB BINDERY. N. Y. 1894 * JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER, only 77 copies printed. 66. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). The Journey of the Iconophiles around New York in Search of the Historical and Picturesque. Front. view of the Battery in 1793, engraved by E. D. French. Royal 8vo, wrappers, uncut. N. Y. 1897 *One of only 87 copies issued on Imperial Japan paper. 67. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). A Trio of Eighteenth Century French Engravers of Portraits in Miniature. With portraits, etc. 8vo, full brown crushed levant morocco, with a rich and artistic border on both sides, composed of curved lines with floral embellishments, and with inlays of a different shade of brown levant, the surfaces of which are covered with small dots, back tooled to match, double with russet levant, in the centre of each |