Slike stranica

leaves. Folio, full dark brown morocco extra, the sides gilt with fleurons, gilt edges. 1425

* A SUPERB MANUSCRIPT BIBLE, commencing with the Proverbs and continuing to the end of the Apocalypse. At the end there is the scribe's note, in which he says that this manuscript was completed on Christmas' eve, 1425. The name of the scribe, according to the note, is Jacobus Prymkonaw.

768. MANUSCRIPT. Horæ B. Mariæ Virginis. French MS. on vellum of the XVth Century, written in large, bold Gothic character; with 10 beautiful large illuminations in gold and colors, 10 fine borders composed of fruits, flowers, leaves, etc., and hundreds of pretty initials, all illuminated in gold and colors. Square 8vo, full red crushed levant morocco extra, gilt tooled ornaments in the corners, gilt tooled back and inside borders, gilt edges, in the manner of ROGER PAYNE. XVth Century

* 12 leaves for the calendar and 113 leaves for the Office. The miniatures represent the following subjects; 1, the Annunciation; 2, the Meeting of the Virgin and St. Elizabeth; 3, Birth of the Saviour; 4, Announcement of the Birth of Jesus to the Shepherds; 5, the Flight into Egypt; 6, Coronation of the Virgin; 7, the Crucifixion; 8, the Descent of the Holy Ghost; 9, King David in Prayer; 10, Job Immersed in the Dung-hill. A very fine and interesting specimen of the French art of illumination in the 15th Century.

[See Reproduction.]

769. MANUSCRIPT. HEURES DE NOSTRE DAME (for the Use of Paris), with Penitential Psalms, Hours of the Holy Ghost, Vigils of the Dead and the Memoriæ to various Saints. MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, 74 by 5 in., well written in bold Gothic characters on 316 pages. WRITTEN AND ILLUMINATED IN NORTHERN FRANCE, probably Paris, in the second half of the XVth Century, with 8 LARGE MINIATURES representing the Adoration of the Magi, the Circumcision, the Presentation, the Flight into Egypt, the Crucifixion, Pentecost, Service for the Dead, David in Penitence (diapered background injured), and Virgin and Child adored by an Angel, all enclosed in borders of natural and conventional foliage, brightly colored, besides a number of initial letters, about one inch square, of good design on solid gold backgrounds, and hundreds of smaller initials similarly illuminated. The Kalendar, which is full Parisian, is written throughout in black-and-red, with illuminated initials at the heads of the months. Bound in oak boards covered with purple velvet. XVth Century

* A well-preserved and attractive manuscript, written chiefly in old French. The pictures are well drawn and painted in bright colors on solid gold backgrounds, and, with the exception noted, are in excellent condition, with good margins.

770. MANUSCRIPT. Horæ Beatæ Mariæ Virginis cum Calendario. Manuscript on vellum of 102 leaves, written in a bold Gothic character in red and black by a French scribe. Ornamented with 11 miniatures, surrounded by fine borders composed of leaves and flowers, illuminated in gold and colors, besides several similar semi-borders and hundreds of initials illuminated in gold and colors. 4to, calf gilt (rubbed). XVth Century

*The miniatures represents: 1-4, the four Evangelists; 5, the Annunciation; 6, Meeting of the Virgin with St. Elizabeth: 7, Announcement of the Birth of Christ to the Shepherds; 8, Massacre of the Innocents; 9, the Circumcision; 10, David in Prayer; 11, the Last Judgment. These miniatures are remarkable and original in treatment, especially the Annunciation to the Shepherds and the Last Judgment. 4 leaves are missing.

[See Reproduction.]

771. MANUSCRIPT. Hora B. Mariæ Virginis. Italian manuscript on vellum of the end of the XVth Century, or first years of the XVIth, written in a very fine, clear, and well-formed Gothic character in black-and-red, with 12 charming initials, and decorative semi-borders, finely illuminated in gold and colors. 8vo, old calf. XVth-XVIth Cent.

* 120 unnumbered leaves. The leaves of the calendar misplaced, and first leaf of the text supplied with another leaf printed in Gothic character on vellum, with a woodcut representing the Annunciation, and surrounded by an historiated woodcut border, probably taken from the Officium B. M. Virginis," Venice, Giunta, 1501.


772. MANUSCRIPT. German Manuscript on vellum, containing Prayers and Masses for the Dead; written in large and bold characters, in black-and-red. 29 unnumbered leaves, 27 lines to the page. 4to, red morocco. XVth Century

* An uncommon German MS., written in the High Middle German. One leaf apparently missing, and another damaged in the margins.

773. MANUSCRIPT. ARABIC MANUSCRIPT. Written in gold-and-black on glazed paper, each page within a gold border, and with a head- and tail-piece finely illuminated in gold and colors. 12 leaves, 8vo, old red morocco gilt (rubbed). XVIIIth Century

774. MARCUS (AURELIUS ANTONINUS). Thoughts. Reprinted from the revised translation of George Long. 16mo, half crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut

Lond. 1890

775. MARCY (R. B.). The Prairie Traveller. A HandBook for Overland Expeditions. Edited, with Notes, by Richard F. Burton. Illusts. Post Svo, half polished calf Lond. 1863

gilt, gilt top.

776. MARLOWE (CHRISTOPHER). The Tragicall History of the Life and Death of Dr. Faustus. Printed, with new Additions, as it is now acted. With several New Scenes, together with the Actors' names. Written by Ch. Mar. Woodcut on title of Faustus raising Mephistopheles. Small 4to, half calf, 30 leaves, unpaged (browned with age).

[Lond.]: Printed for W. Gilbertson, 1663

* A very rare early edition. The Alex. Gardyne copy. 777. MAROT (CLEMENT). Euvres. 16mo, old marbled calf gilt (water-stained throughout and 2 leaves damaged). Very scarce. Lyon: Jehan Gauthier, 1597

778. MASSON (FREDERIC). Joséphine, Empress and Queen. Transl. by Mrs. Cashel Hoey. With exquisite front. in colors, and numerous facsimiles of rare portraits, etc. Royal 4to, full green morocco, rich borders on sides, with Arms in gold in centre, gilt back and top, uncut.

N. Y. and Paris, 1899

*One of the fine Goupil Historical Monographs. Only a limited number were printed, and it is now out of print and


779. MASSON (FREDERIC). L'Imperatrice MarieLouise. With portrait as front. beautifully executed in colors, and numerous full-page illusts., in brown, of famous historical scenes. Thick royal 4to, half blue crushed levant morocco, richly tooled back, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1902

* One of the fine Goupil Historical Monographs; limited and numbered issue.

780. MAUDSLAY (A. P.). Contributions to the Knowledge of the Archæology of Mexico and Central America. Complete set. Text, 16 parts 4to, of which 8 parts are in wrappers, and the rest bound in 2 vols., half morocco; plates, in 16 parts, oblong folio, original boards.

Lond. 1888-1902

*This forms the Archæological Section of the Biologia Centrali-Americana, edited by F. Ducane Godman and Osbert Salvin. A magnificent work, dealing with the Archæology of Mexico and Central America previous to the conquest by the Spaniards. The plates, which number over 400, are beautifully reproduced by the autotype process, and represent monuments, altars, remains of temples, and other buildings, inscriptions, etc., etc. There are also hundreds of wood engravings in the text. No atlas to Part VIII, was published nor letterpress to Part XII.

781. MILITARY COSTUME OF EUROPE (THE), exhibited in a series of Highly Finished Military Figures in the Uniform of their Several Corps, with a Concise Description and Historical Anecdotes, forming Memoirs of the various Armies of the Present Time. 2 vols. folio, three-quarter crimson morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by ZAEHNSDORF.

Lond. 1822

* LARGE PAPER COPY. VERY SCARCE. Included in this magnificent work on all the Costumes of the European Armies are

representations on nearly 100 plates, ALL OF WHICH ARE RICHLY
COLORED, of the British, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Danish,
Swedish, Russian, Austrian and Prussian Armies. A FINE

782. MILITARY COSTUMES OF FRANCE. A Collection of 115 Large, Finely Colored Plates of French Military Costumes, by Hyppolite Bellange. Lithographed by Villain and others. Imp. 4to, finely bound in three-quarter crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut.

Paris: Gibaut, n. d. [1831]

* The original edition, with all the plates colored by hand. Includes many uniforms of the past epochs of royalty, now no longer in use. Scarce in this state.

783. MILLAIS (J. G.). A Breath from the Veldt. Front. by J. E. Millais and illusts. by the author. Folio, buckram, gilt top (loose in binding).

Lond. 1895

*The scarce first edition, much superior in every respect to the later issues.

784. MILLER (THOMAS). History of the Anglo-Saxons from the Earliest Period to the Norman Conquest. Fullpage engravings by W. Harvey. 12mo, half crimson crushed levant, by LAUNDER. Lond. 1867

785. MILLHOUSE (JOHN). A New English and Italian Dictionary. With corrections and additions by F. Bracciforti. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Lond. and N. Y. 1897 786. MINIATURE BOOK. The Complaint or Night Thoughts. By Edward Young. Portrait. 64mo, full brown crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled and dotted sides and back, inside borders, gilt top, by the GUILD OF WOMEN BINDERS. Lond. 1822

787. MINIATURE BOOK. The Little English Warbler. [Songs.] With folding colored front. and colored vignette. 64mo, original wrappers. Derby, n. d. [circa 1830] 788. MINIATURE BOOK. Schloss's English Bijou Almanac for 1840. With 5 portraits. Size, inch by inch. Full light brown crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled sides, back and two lined inside borders, gilt edges, original gilt wrappers bound in, in case, 1 inch by inch to match binding, by RIVIERE. Lond. 1840

* A beautiful specimen of miniature binding.


The Almanack explained.

Engraved throughout. 96mo, contemporary binding in

paper, inlaid with gilt paper inches.

of various colors, 2 x 18 [n. p., circa 1772]

790. MINIATURE BOOK. Tesoretto della poesia italiana. 64mo, gilt roan. 23 x 13 inches.

791. MINIATURE BOOK. Petit Paroissien Jeunesse. 128mo, bound in ivory, with silk back. inches.

de la 18x14 Paris, n. d.

792. MISSALE ROMANVM Ex Decreto Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini Restitutum, Pii V. Pont. Max. Ivssv Editvm, et Clementis VIII. Primum, Nunc Denvo Vrbani Papæ Octavi Avctoritate Recognitum, etc. Printed in red and black. With fine full-page plates, ornamental initials, etc. Folio, contemporary morocco, bevelled boards with brass clasps, old gold edges (rubbed). Antverpiæ: Ex. officina Plantiniana Balthasaris Moreti, 1686.

* VERY FINE COPY. Inserted at the end are 21 leaves of a similar character to the book, though of later date.

793. MOLIÈRE (J. B. POQUELIN DE). L'Escole des Femmes. Front. 12mo, half calf.

Paris: Gabriel Quinet, 1663

*Second issue. Very scarce.

794. MOLIÈRE (J. B. POQUELIN DE). LES | EVVRES DE MONSIEVR | MOLIÈRE. | TOME PREMIER [and TOME SECOND] A PARIS, Chez CLAVDE BARBIN, au Palais, sur le Perron de la Sainte Chapelle, | au Cygne de la Croix. | MDCLXVI. | Avec Privilege du Roy. Fine fronts. engraved by François Chauveau. 2 vols. 12mo, full red levant morocco extra, doublé with green levant morocco extra, small gilt tooled dentelle borders, watered silk linings, gilt edges, by LORTIC. Paris, 1666

*The extremely rare FIRST COLLECTED EDITION of the works of Molière, and with continuous pagination, which contains all the pieces separately published to that date. Frontispiece of Vol. I. in facsimile, otherwise a very fine and perfect copy, with all the blank leaves preceding the single pieces, which are included in the pagination. Vol. II. has the imprint "Chez Louys Billaine, au second Pillier de la | grand' Salle du Palais, à la Palme, & | au grand Cesar"; but an association having been formed between Quinet, to whom the privilege was granted, Jolly, De Cercy, Billaine, De Luines, Guignard fils Loyson and Barbin, it is not difficult to find copies bearing a different imprint.

[See Reproduction.]

795. MOLIÈRE (J. B. POQUELIN DE). Euvres, avec des Remarques grammaticales, des avertissement, et des observations sur chaque pièce par M. Bret. Portrait and plates engraved by Simonet, Duclos, Le Veau, etc., after Moreau. 6 vols. 8vo, old marbled calf gilt, gilt edges (binding of one vol. cracked). Paris, 1804

796. MONCRIEFF (W. F.). Poems. Portrait by Reading. 12mo, full green levant, rough gilt edges, red silk linings. Lond.: Printed for Private Distribution only at

the Author's Private Press, 1829.

*The author's real name was Thomas. He wrote "Tom and Jerry, or Life in London," and under the name of Moncrieff produced over 170 plays for the stage. He died blind in the Charterhouse.

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