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Of the noble Order of St Michaell, and one of the Gentlemen in Ordinary of the French king, Henry the third his Chamber.

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830. OFFICIUM PENTAGLOTTON B. Mariæ Virginis (Hebraice, græce, latine, gallice et italice). Engraved title and engraved portrait of Pope Benedict XIV. 12mo, half calf. Neapoli, 1741

831. OLDNORDISKE SAGAER udgivne i Oversættelse af det Nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab. 12 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. Kopenhagne, 1826-37

832. OLIPHANT (MRS. MARGARET). The Makers of Florence, Dante, Giotto, Savonarola and their City, 1876; The Makers of Venice, Doges, Conquerors, Painters and Men of Letters, 1887; Francis of Assisi, 1887; Royal Edinburgh, her Saints, Kings, Prophets and Poets, 1890; Jerusalem, 1891. Illusts. Together 5 vols. 8vo and crown 8vo, full polished calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by ToUT (slightly rubbed). Lond. 1876-1891

833. ONGANIA (FERDINANDO). L'Arte della Stampa nel Rinascimento Italiano, Venezia. With hundreds of facsimiles of early printed books, woodcuts, ornaments, initial letters, ancient Venetian bindings, etc. 2 parts, small folio, wrappers, in a board portfolio. Venice, 1894

834. OPHIOLATREIA: An Account of the Rites and Mysteries of Serpent Worship, with a Description of the Serpent Mounds and Temples. Post 8vo, boards, uncut. [Lond.]: Privately printed, 1889

835. ORBELLIS (NICOLAUS DE). Logica cum textu Petri Hispani. Gothic charac., double coll.; 134 unnumb. leaves, 46 lines to the page. With woodcuts, diagrams and ornamental initials. 4to, vellum (upper margins of several leaves mouse-eaten, impairing the text, title missing, and some 11. water-stained). Hain-Copinger, 12052; Proctor, 5151. Venetiis: Albertinus Vercellenois, 1500

836. OSBURN (WILLIAM). The Monumental History of Egypt, as recorded in the Ruins of her Temples, Palaces and Tombs. With plates, some in colors, and plans. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1854

* Original edition. Scarce.

837. OVID. Les Amours. Traduction du Comte de Seguier. With vignette illusts. by Meyer, finely engraved on wood by Meaulle, and printed in tints, text printed within borders. 18mo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, rolled gold lines on sides, richly tooled back and inside borders, gilt top, uncut, by AMAND. Paris, 1879

* Limited edition, printed on China paper.

838. OVID. The Heroides, or Epistles of the Heroines, the Amours, Art of Love, Remedy of Love and Minor Works of Ovid. Transl. by Henry T. Riley. Front. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1887

839. PALGRAVE (FRANCIS). The Rise and Progress of the English Commonwealth. Anglo-Saxon Period. Containing the Anglo-Saxon Policy and the Institutions arising out of Laws and Usages which prevailed before the Conquest. 2 vols. 4to, half morocco gilt, gilt tops.

* Original edition. VERY SCARCE.

Lond. 1832

840. PALGRAVE (F. T.). The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language, selected and arranged, with notes. 12mo, full calf gilt, gilt top, by TOUT. Lond. 1890

841. [PALTOCK (R. S.).] Peter Wilkins: the Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins, a Cornish Man, taken from his own Mouth in his Passage to England from off Cape Horn, in America, in the Ship Hector, by R. S., a Passenger in the Hector. FIRST EDN. Plates. 2 vols. 12mo, full polished calf gilt, yellow edges. Lond.: J. Robinson, 1751

842. PARDOE (JULIA). The Court and Reign of Francis the First, FIRST EDN., 2 vols. 1849; Louis the Fourteenth, and the Court of France in the Seventeenth Century, Third edn., with an index now first added, 3 vols., 1849; The Life of Marie de Medicis, Queen of France, FIRST EDN., 3 vols., 1852. With numerous engraved portraits, vignettes and facsimiles. 8 vols. 8vo, uniformly bound in full polished calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut (some of the bindings cracked). Lond. 1849-52

843. PARVUS (CATO). Magnus Cato. Transl. by Benet Burgh. Printed at Westminster by William Caxton about 1477. Facsimile reprint. Royal 8vo, boards, vellum back, uncut. Cambridge: University Press, 1906

* Only 250 copies printed.

844. PASSIONAL. Der text des passions oder leydens christi ausz vier evangelisten züsammen in ein sinn mit schönen figuren. With 25 full-page woodcuts, illustrating the passion of Christ by Urs Graf (badly colored). Folio, contemporary stamped calf (rebacked).

Strassburg: Joannes Knoblouch, 1507

* A rare and interesting book. The 25 plates bear the initials "V. G.," and accurate researches have established the fact that these engravings are the work of Urs Graf. This work, creditable alike typographically and artistically, is now highly esteemed by collectors of early printed books with woodcuts.

845. PEACOCK (THOMAS LOVE). WORKS. Edited by Richard Garnett: Head-long Hall; Melincourt, 2 vols. ; Nightmare Abbey; Maid Marian; The Misfortunes of Elphin; Crotchet Castle; Gryll Grange, 2 vols.; Calidore and Miscellanea. With portraits and illusts., proofs on India paper. Together 10 vols. 8vo, uniformly bound in three-quarter red levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, by TOUT. Lond. 1891

* LARGE PAPER. Only 100 sets printed. Dent's fine edition. 846. PEARS (EDWIN). The Destruction of the Greek Empire and the Story of the Capture of Constantinople by the Turks. Maps and illusts. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1903

847. PERKINS (SAMUEL). Historical Sketches of the United States from the Peace of 1815 to 1830. 12mo, half dark blue crushed levant gilt, gilt top, uncut, by BRADN. Y. 1830


*Fine copy. Scarce.

848. PERUVIAN TALES related in One Thousand and One Hours by one of the select Virgins of Cusco to the Ynca of Peru. Fronts. and vignette. 16mo, calf, gilt. Lond. 1817

849. PETRARCA (FRANCESCO). Opera Latina FIRST EDN. Roman character: 389 unnumb. leaves (last 22 leaves missing); 49 lines to the page. Folio, full maroon crushed levant morocco extra, gilt inside borders, gilt edges. HainCopinger, 12749; Proctor, 7608.

Basilea: Joannes de Amerbach, 1496

850. PETRARCA (FRANCESCO). De Remediis vtriusque Fortunæ. Medallion portrait of Petrarch on title. 16mo, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt edges (several headings cut into). [n. pl.] Esaias le Preux, 1616

851. PETRIE (GEORGE). The Ecclesiastical Architecture of Ireland, anterior to the Anglo-Norman Invasion: comprising an Essay on the Origin and Uses of the Round Towers of Ireland. Numerous illusts. Numerous illusts. Royal 8vo, cloth. Dublin, 1845

852. PICKERING DIAMOND EDITION. Quintus Horatius Flaccus. Engraved front. 48mo, full red crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled corners on a pointillé ground, back and inside borders, gilt top, by ZAEHNSDORF.

Lond. Pickering's Diamond Edition, 1824

853. PINDARUS. Olympia, Pythia, Nemea, Isthmia. Cæterorum octo Lyricorum carmina, Alcæi, Sapphus, Stesichori, Ibyci, Anacreontis, Bacchylidis, Simonidis, Alcmanis, nounulla etiam aliorum (græce et latine). 24mo, full blue levant morocco extra, gilt, gilt edges.

Ebroduni (Yverdun): ex Societatis Helvet. Cald., 1624

*Books from the Press of the Société helvetiale Caldoresque" of Yverdun (Switzerland) are very rare. Foxed.

854. PISTOFILO (BONAVENTURA). Il Torneo. Engraved title, portrait, and 117 copper-plates of men in armour, going through exercises with lance and sword, engraved by Coriolano. 4to, original vellum. Bologna, 1627 * A scarce and curious book. On pp. 121 and 122 is Music for the Drums.

855. PLUTARCH. Morals, translated by several hands, corrected and revised by W. W. Goodwin, with an Introduction by R. W. Emerson, 5 vols., 1871; Lives, the translation called Dryden's, corrected from the Greek and revised by A. H. Clough, 5 vols., 1882. Together 10 vols. 8vo, uniformly bound in half calf gilt, marbled edges.

Bost. 1871-82

856. POPISH PLOT. The History of the Damnable Popish Plot, in its various branches and progress. Published for the satisfaction of the present and future ages, by the authors of the Weekly Pacquet of advice from Rome. 12mo, original calf. Lond. 1680

857. PORCACCHI (THOMASO). Funerali antichi di diversi popoli, et nationi; forma, ordine, et pompa di sepolture, di essequie, di consecrationi antiche et d'altro. Title within an architectural border engraved on copper, and 23 curious copper-plate engravings illustrating the burial rites of the ancients by the well-known Italian engraver Girolamo Porro. Large 4to, old vellum (lower cover torn).

* First Edition. Fine copy of this rare book.

Venetia, 1574

858. PRÉVOST (L'ABBÉ). HISTOIRE de Manon Lescaut et du Chevalier des Grieux. Préface de Guy de Maupassant. Illust. with 12 large and beautiful etchings by Louis Ruet and 225 vignettes and ornamental head-pieces by Jules Huyot, after the designs of Maurice Leloir. Royal 4to, full heliotrope crushed levant, finely gold tooled, inside borders, gilt top, uncut, by STIKEMAN. Paris: Launette, 1885

* ONE OF 40 COPIES ON JAPAN PAPER WITH ALL THE BEAUTIFUL ETCHINGS IN FOUR PROOF STATES, one of them being on white satin; also, with an extra set of the vignettes inserted and with a spirited WATER COLOR DRAWING BY MAURICE LE


859. PRIDEAUX (COL. W. F.). Notes for a Bibliography of Edward Fitz-Gerald. Fronts. Crown Svo, cloth. Lond. 1901

860. PRIOR (R. C. ALEXANDER). Ancient Danish Ballads. Transl. from the originals by R. C. A. Prior. 3 vols. 8vo, full polished calf gilt (slightly rubbed), bound by TOUT. Lond. 1860

* Original issue of the best collection of ballads from the land rich in ballad lore, and including some here first published.

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