63. ARNOLD (THOMAS). COLLECTED WORKS AS FOLLOWS: Miscellaneous Works, 1845; Sermons, 3 vols., 1850, '51, '45; History of Rome, 3 vols., 1848-50; History of the Roman Commonwealth, 2 vols., 1849; Introductory Lectures on Modern History, 1849; Sermons chiefly on the interpretation of Scripture, 1851. Together 11 vols. 8vo, uniformly bound in half crimson crushed levant morocco extra, gilt backs, gilt tops. Handsome collection. Lond. 1845-51 64. ARNOLD (WILLIAM HARRIS). First Report of a Book-Collector. Comprising a Brief Answer to "Why First Editions ?" Chapters of Anecdote and Advice to the Beginner in Book-collecting. With an Account of BookWorms. With many facsimiles, portraits and illusts.; also some original leaves to illustrate the boring of book-worms, etc. Royal 8vo, flexible vellum, uncut. Jamaica, N. Y.: Marion Press, 1897-8 * No. 73 of 85 copies printed on hand-made paper. 65. ARNOLD (WILLIAM HARRIS). A Record of First Editions of American Authors, collected by W. H. Arnold, with an Essay on Book-madness by L. H. Vincent; A Record of Books and Letters collected by W. H. Arnold, with an Essay on the Collector's point of view by L. H. Vincent. With facsimile. 2 vols. 4to, cloth. Jamaica, 1901 * JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER, only 24 copies printed of the first and 29 of the second. 66. ARNOLD (W. T.). Studies of Roman Imperialism. Edited by Edward Fiddes. With Memoir of the Author, by Mrs. Humphry Ward and C. E. Montague. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Manchester, 1906 67. ASCHAM (ROGER). The Scholemaster, or plaine and perfite way of teaching children to understand, write and speake the Latin Tong, but specially purposed for the priuate bringing up of youth in Ientlemen and Noble mens' Houses, etc. Second edn. Black letter. Title within border of printer's ornaments, and colophon containing fine printer's device. Small 4to, full crimson morocco extra, gilt edges, by BEDFORD. Lond. Iohn Daye, 1571 *The Griswold-Lefferts copy, with the arms of the former and the bookplate of the latter. This edition differs slightly from the first edition. 68. ASHBEE (C. R.). From Whitechapel to Camelot. Illust. by M-or-N. Square 8vo, cloth. Loud.: Published by the Guild of Handicraft, Essex House, 1892. 69. AUBIGNÉ (AGRIPPA D'). Euvres Complètes. Edited by Eugène Réaume et De Caussade from the Original MS. With biographical, bibliographical and literary Notes. Etched portrait by Massé. o vols. small 8vo, half blue levant, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, 1873 *The only complete edition of this important historical work, with the Satires and Epigrams, the curious Divorce Satyrique and Avantures du Baron de Faneste. Handsomely printed on fine paper by Quantin, and entirely out of print. 70. AUCASSIN AND NICOLETTE. A Love Story. Rendered in modern English, with Introduction, Glossary, etc., by F. W. Bourdillon. 12mo, half calf gilt, gilt top, Lond. 1887 uncut. 71. AUDUBON (JOHN J.) AND BACHMAN (JOHN). The Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America, including the Text in 3 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, 1846-51-54; and the three large folio volumes, containing 150 beautifully colored full-page plates. 3 vols. large folio, half morocco, 1845-46– 48. Together 6 vols. N. Y. 1845-54 * These volumes of plates are rarely found perfect, as many copies have been broken up for framing. 72. AUGURELLUS (JOANNES AURELIUS). Carmina. FIRST EDN. Roman character: 38 unnumbered leaves; signature a-e; woodcut representing a fiddle and a bow on the verso of the first leaf. 4to, full red levant morocco extra, gilt tooled inside borders, gilt edges, by TRAUTZ BAUZONNET. Hain-Copinger, 1943; Proctor, 6924; Pellechet, 1457. VFRY FINE COPY. Veronæ, 1491 73. AUSTEN (JANE). Novels: Pride and Prejudice; Sense and Sensibility; Mansfield Park; Emma; Northanger Abbey and Persuasion; and a Memoir by her Nephew, J. E. A. Leigh. Portrait and plates. 6 vols. post 8vo, half calf, gilt backs and tops. Lond. 1878-80 74. BAB AESSLER (ARTHUR). Ancient Peruvian Art. Contribution to the Archæology of the Empire of the Incas, from his Collections. With plates. Folio, the 15 original parts in 10, in half cloth portfolios, to be bound in 4 vols. Berlin and N. Y. 1902-03 * Illustrated with a large number of plain, tinted and colored plates, exhibiting drawings and paintings, earthenware representations in relief of mythical persons and animals, human beings, houses and temple-pyramids, ornamental motives, etc., of ancient Peruvians. Fine copy. 75. BAFFO (GIORGIO). Poésies Complètes de Giorgio Baffo en dialecte Vénitien. Littéralement traduites pour la Première fois, avec le Texte en regard. Portrait of the author (in two states). 4 vols. royal 8vo, three-quarter orange colored crushed levant morocco, ornate backs, with small inlays, gilt tops, uncut, with original wrappers bound in. Paris, 1884 *VERY CHOICE SET. Large Paper, of which only 100 copies were printed. 76. [BAILEY (PHILIP J.).] Festus. FIRST EDN. half morocco, gilt top, uncut (one cover loose). * Scarce. 8vo, Lond. Wm. Pickering, 1839 77. BAKHTYAR NAMA: A Persian Romance, transl. from a manuscript text, by William Ouseley. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by W. A. Clouston. Small 8vo, half buckram, uncut. [Lond.]: Privately printed, 1883 * Only 30 copies printed on hand-made paper. 78. BALFOUR (GRAHAM). The Life of Robert Louis Stevenson. With 2 portraits and a map. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1901 *First edition. It contains some letters which were omitted in later issues. 79. BALZAC (H. DE). ŒUVRES COMPLÈTES. Scènes de la vie privée, 11 vols.; Scènes de la vie de province, 10 vols.; Scènes de la vie parisienne, 10 vols.; Scènes de la vie politique, 4 vols.; Scènes de la vie militaires; Scènes de la vie de campagne, 3 vols.; Études philosophiques, 7 vols. ; Études analytiques, 2 vols.; Contes drolatiques, 2 vols. Together 50 vols. 12mo, uniformly bound in half morocco extra, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, by STIKEMAN. CHOICE SET. Paris, 1891-92 SO. BARBEAU (A.). Life and Letters at Bath in the XVIIIth Century. With a Preface by Austin Dobson. Full-page plates and illusts., some colored and in duplicate. Svo, half dark blue crushed levant, richly gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by MORRELL. Lond. 1894 .*No. 1 of only 100 copies printed. 81. BARING-GOULD (S.). Curious Myths of the Middle Ages. Illusts. 12mo, half green crushed levant gilt, gilt top. Phil. [Lond.] 1869 82. BARING-GOULD (S.). The Origin and Development of Religious Beliefs (Heathenism, Mosaism, Christianity). 2 vols. 8vo, haff yellow calf gilt, gilt tops (joints rubbed). * Original library edition. Lond. 1869-70 83. BARTHOLOMEUS DE CHAIMIS. Confessionale. 4to, full green levant morocco extra, with large blind tooled borders on the sides, blind toolings on the back, gilt edges, by RIVIÈRE. [n. p., n. d., but Heidelberg: Printer of Lindelbach, c. 1485.] *Gothic character, double coll, 105 unnumbered leaves and one blank; 35 lines to the page; signatures a-n. Hain-Copinger, 2480; Copinger, III, p. 244; Pellechet, 1858; Proctor, 3134. One of the first books printed in Heidelberg. The first book printed in that city with a certain date bears that of January 21, 1485. 84. BASKERVILLE PRESS.-Virgilius. Bucolica, Georgica et Eneis. Engraved front. 8vo, calf gilt, gilt edges Birmingham: John Baskerville, 1766 (foxed). 85. BAYLE (PETER). Historical and Critical Dictionary, selected and abridged, with a Life of Bayle. Portrait. 4 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt tops. Lond. 1826 86. BEARDSLEY (AUBREY). A Second Book of Fifty Drawings. 4to, cloth gilt, gilt top. N. Y. 1897 *Limited edition. 87. BEARDSLEY (AUBREY). The Early Work of Aubrey Beardsley, with a Prefatory Note by H. C. Marillier. Portrait and 157 facsimiles. 4to, cloth extra, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1899 * JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER, only 120 copies printed. 88. BEAUMONT (FRANCIS) AND FLETCHER (JOHN). A King and no King. Acted at the Black Fryars by His Majesties Servants and now the second time printed, according to the true copy Small 4to, half brown calf neat. Lond. Printed for Thomas Walkley, and are to be sold at his shop at the Eagle and Childe in Brittan's Burse, 1625. *RARE EDITION. "The character of Arbaces in his insolence and magnanimity is certainly one of the most striking figures in the English drama." From the famous Hailstone collection, with his gilt morocco label. 89. BEAUMONT (FRANCIS) AND FLETCHER (JOHN). Fifty Comedies and Tragedies. All in one volume. Published by the Authors Original Copies, the Songs to each Play being added. With fine portrait of Fletcher by Marshall. Thick folio, original calf. Lond. Printed by J. Macock, etc., 1679 : *FINE COPY OF THE SECOND COLLECTED EDITION, containing several prologues and epilogues, besides seventeen plays not found in the first collected edition. Unusually tall copy, from the Lefferts collection. 90. [BECKFORD (WILLIAM).] Vathek. Transl. from the Original French. 2 portraits, also 3 original watercolor sketches inserted. Crown Svo, half morocco. Lond. 1832 91. BEDIER (J.). The Romance of Tristan and Iseult. Transl. by H. Belloc. Colored illusts. by Robert Engels. 4to, original wrappers, uncut. Lond. 1903 Limited edition of which this is No. 41. 92. BEERS (H. A.). A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century. 12mo, cloth, gilt, uncut. N. Y. 1899 93. BELCHER (JOHN) AND MACARTNEY (MERVYN E.). Later Renaissance Architecture in England. A series of examples of the domestic buildings erected subsequent to the Elizabethan period. With 170 plates and 53 text illusts. 2 vols. folio, half morocco, gilt. Lond. 1901 94. BENDALL (HERBERT). A Compendium of the Comparative Grammar of the Indo-European, Sanskrit, Greek and Latin Languages. 8vo, half calf gilt, gilt top. Lond. 1874 95. BENJAMIN (S. G. W.). Portrait and numerous illusts. uncut. Persia and the Persians. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, Lond. John Murray, 1887 96. BENTLEY BALLADS, containing the Choice Ballads, Songs and Poems contributed to "Bentley's Miscellany." With front. engraved by G. Cruikshank. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1864 The Horses of Antiquity. 97. BERJEAN (CHARLES). Middle Ages and Renaissance, from the Earliest Monuments down to the XVIth Century. With 60 fine plates illustrative of the horse and his rider from the earliest times. 4to, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1864 * Very scarce. 98. BERNARD (THALES). La Lisette de Béranger, souvenirs intimes. With pretty etched front. 12mo, full green crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by HARDY. Paris, 1864 * PRINTED ON VELLUM. ONLY A FEW COPIES ISSUED. 99. BERTARELLI (A.) AND PRIOR (D. H.). Gli Ex Libris Italiani. With 9 plates and 233 facsimiles of bookplates in the text, of which 29 were printed from the original plates. 4to, wrappers, uncut. Milano, 1902 * Only 300 copies printed. The best work on the subject. 100. BESANT (WALTER). Studies in Early French Poetry. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth. *First edition of Besant's first book. Lond. 1869 101. BIBLE. ENGLISH BIBLE. Coverdale's Bible. The whole Byble, that is the holy scripture of the Olde and Newe testament faythfully translated into Englyshe by Myles Coverdale. The second foreign edition of Coverdale's English Bible, printed at Zurich by Christopher Froschover in 1550. Wanting the title and all folios to No. 64, from there contains folios 65 to 120, 129 to 160, 185 to 207, 258 to 314, 315 has part torn off, 316 to 494, ending the Old Testament, then New Testament folios 1 to 56, 57 half torn off, 58 to 104, and another leaf further on. Wanting from the 2nd Epistle of Peter to end. (Poor copy, many leaves stained and edges worn.) 4to, modern velvet on oak boards. Sold with all faults. Zurich, 1550 *It is nearly as difficult to obtain a complete copy of this edition as of the first. |