Slike stranica

134. BOCCACCIO (GIOVANNI). Fiammetta. 8vo, full light blue crushed levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by BRADSTREETS. (Last 2 leaves, of which the first is blank and the other with the printer's device, missing.)

Fiorenza: Bernardo di Philippo di Giunta, 1533 135. BOCCACCIO (GIOVANNI). Le Décaméron De Jean Bocace. Traduict par Maistre Antoine Le Maçon. Avec Notice, Notes et Glossaire par Frederic Dillaye. Finely engraved portrait. 5 vols. 12mo, half green crushed levant, gilt tops, uncut, by DAVID.

* Fine copy of Lemerre's dainty cabinet edition.

Paris, 1882

136. BOOKBINDINGS. Exhibition of Bookbindings. Published for the Burlington Fine Arts Club. Thick folio, three-quarter green crushed levant morocco, richly decorated panelled backs, gilt top, uncut, BOUND BY ZAEHNSFINE COPY. Lond. 1891


*A magnificent production and a lasting tribute to this, one of the most famous exhibitions ever held. Specimens were exhibited from the best-known collections in England and America, including many from Windsor Castle, Westminster Abbey and other equally well-known libraries. Mr. E. Gordon Duff has written an Introduction and Mr. S. T. Prideaux a lengthy historical sketch of gold-tooled bindings. THE FACSIMILES NUMBER 113 MOST SPLENDIDLY EXECUTED PLATES, MANY OF THEM BEING IN GOLD, SILVER AND COLORS, and include choice specimens of the XIth to the XIXth centuries, bound by James Van Gavere, from the Grolier Library, Nicolas Eve, Derome, Clovis Eve, Roger Payne, Bozérian, Chambolle-Duru, Lortic, Trautz-Bauzonnet, Boyet, Aldus, Hering, Koberger, Mearne, Lewis and many others.

137. BOOK-LOVERS LIBRARY. Edited by Henry B. Wheatley. Includes The Literature of Local Institutions [G. L. Gomme], 1886; How to Form a Library [Wheatley], 1886; Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cusine [W. C. Hazlitt], 1886; Modern Methods of Illustrating Books, 1887; The Enemies of Books [W. Blades], 1888; The Brotherhood of Letters [J. R. Rees], 1889; How to Catalogue a Library [Wheatley], 1889; Newspaper Reporting [Pendleton], 1890; With Poet and Player [W. D. Adams], 1891; Books Condemned to be Burnt [J. A. Farrer], 1892; Books in Chains [Blades], 1892; Literature of Music [J. E. Matthew], 1896; The Novels of Charles Dickens [F. Č. Kitton], 1897; Book Auctions in England in the 17th Century [J. Lawler], 1898; How to Make an Index [Wheatley], 1902; Minor Writings of Charles Dickens [Kitton], n. d. SOME FIRST EDNS. Portraits and illusts. Together 16 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. and N. Y.

* A long series of this interesting library in fine condition. 138. BOOKS AND BOOK-PLATES: a Quarterly for Collectors. Edited by J. J. Guthrie. Vol. IV. and Nos. 1 and 2 of Vol. V. With illusts. 6 pieces, small 4to, wrappers. Edinburgh, 1903-5


Romantic Ballads, transl. from the Danish; and Miscellaneous Pieces. FIRST EDN. 8vo, half calf gilt, gilt top. Norwich, 1826


140. BORROW (GEORGE). The Turkish Jester, or The Pleasures of Cogia Nasr Eddin Effendi, transl. from the Turkish, FIRST EDN. (No. 7 of only 150 copies issued), Ipswich, 1834; [also] The Talisman from the Russian of Alexander Pushkin, with other Pieces, FIRST EDN. (one of only 100 copies printed), St. Petersburg, 1835. Two very rare pieces in one volume. Post 8vo, half sprinkled calf. 1834-35

141. BORROW (GEORGE). The Romany Rye. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. post 8vo, original cloth, paper labels. Lond. 1857

142. BORROW (GEORGE). The Sleeping Bard; or, Visions of the World, Death and Hell. By Elis Wyn. Transl. from the Cambrian British (1720) by G. Borrow. FIRST EDN. 12mo, half green levant, by the CLUB BINDERY. Lond. Murray, 1860

143. BORROW (GEORGE). Romano Lavo-Lil: WordBook of the Romany; or, English Gypsy Language. FIRST EDN. 12mo, half morocco extra, gilt top, by the CLUB BINDERY. Lond. 1874

[blocks in formation]

144. BORROW (GEORGE). Anglia. By William A. Dutt.

George Borrow in East
Post 8vo, half dark green

crushed levant gilt, gilt top, by the CLUB BINDERY.

Lond. David Nutt, 1896

145. BORROW (GEORGE). The Death of Balder. From the Danish of Johannes Ewald. Transl. by G. BorFIRST EDN. 12mo, half green levant, gilt top, by the CLUB BINDERY. Lond. Jarrold, n. d.


* 250 copies printed.

146. BOSQUET (ÉM.). La Reliure: Études d'un praticien sur l'histoire et la technologie de l'art du relieurdoreur. Avec une lettre-préface de M. Léon Gruel. With 24 plates. Royal 8vo, wrappers.

147. BOWES (ROBERT). A Catalogue of Books Printed at or Relating to the University, Town and County of Cambridge from 1521 to 1893. With Bibliographical and Biographical Notes. By Robert Bowes. 98 illusts. of head-and tail-pieces, initial letters, etc. With Index volume. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Cambridge, 1894

* No. 15 of 100 copies printed on Dutch hand-made paper. 148. BOWLKER (R.). The Art of Angling Improved in all its Parts. Small 8vo, full brown morocco, gilt edges. Worcester [1746]

*This first edition, printed at Worcester, is of very rare occurrence. Thomas Westwood's copy, with his book plate. Library stamp on the back of title.




[graphic][merged small]

149. BOWRING (JOHN). Ancient Poetry and Romances of Spain. Selected and translated. Crown 8vo, half polished calf gilt, gilt top (name cut from title and repaired). Lond. 1824 Specimens of the Vespers; Batavian Poetry of the Magvols. crown 8vo, Lond. 1821-32

150. BOWRING (JOHN-Editor). Russian Poets, 2 vols.: Matins and Poetry; Servian Poetry; Polish Poetry; yars; Cheskian Poetry. half calf gilt, gilt tops.

Together 8

Observations on the Popular 3 vols. 12mo, half

151. BRAND (JOHN). Antiquities of Great Britain. Fronts. morocco gilt, gilt tops.

152. BRANDT (S.) Stultifera Navis. fectionis nunquam satis laudata Navis. title, and 118 curious woodcuts in the text. straight-grained morocco gilt, gilt edges.

Lond. 1849

Narragonice proWoodcut on the 4to, dark brown

Argentina: Ioannes Gruninger, 1497 *Roman letter. 112 numbered leaves with several mistakes of numberation; Signatures A-V, x-y. Hain, 3749; Proctor, 480. On f. 9 there is a very remarkable and curious woodcut representing a Bibliomaniac, and on signat. M2 will be found a reference to the Discovery of America. This edition is not mentioned by Harrisse.

153. BRANTOME (PIERRE DE BOURDEILLES). Les Sept Discours touchant les Dames Galantes du Sieur de Brantome. Publiés sur les manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Nationale par Henri Bouchot. With portrait and nine illusts. by Ed. de Beaumont, etched by Boilvin. 3 vols. 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, three-line borders on sides, emblematic backs, gilt tops, uncut, by BRETAULT. Paris, 1882

* No. 16 of 20 copies printed on China paper, with the plates in two states.

154. BRILLAT-SAVARIN. Physiologie du Gout, Précédé d'une Notice par Alp. Karr. With finely engraved full-page plates and numerous woodcuts. Royal 8vo, half crushed levant, gilt top, uncut, by KAUFFMANN. Paris, 1864 * Fine copy of this handsome edition.


155. BROOKE (FULK GREVILL, LORD). being Poems of Monarchy and Religion. 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt edges, by the CLUB BINDERY.

Lond. T. N. for Henry Herringman, 1670

* FIRST EDITION containing the leaf of imprimatur before title. The preface is signed with the initials of the publisher. The author, who was assassinated by one of his own servants, had inscribed on his tombstone: Friend of Sir Philip Sidney."

The Lefferts copy, with bookplate.

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