PLATE XXXIII. ANCIENT PRISON OF THE TIME OF THE KINGS. I. THIS front is now in the Vicolo del Ghettarello. It was at one period the north end of the Forum of Julius Cæsar; at present the lower part, here distinguished by the dark tint, is underground. The arches only are now visible, and these have evidently been rebuilt of the old materials; the stones are large blocks of tufa, plainly used a second time. The horizontal line at the springing of the arch is travertine, of the time of the Early Empire, the upper part is modern, and is distinguished by thin lines. II. PLAN, including the Vestibule and the passage connecting it with the body of the Prison; this Vestibule is now under the church of S. Giuseppe (or Joseph). The short passage from this crosses a branch of the Cloaca Maxima. There is a step up from one to the other. These passages were for the use of the workmen only. The water runs under the pavement of them, as in all the branches of the Cloaca Maxima. A-B. Line of Section through the Cells of the Prison and the Vestibule. C-D. Line of Section across the Passage. E-F. Line of Section through the Cells of the Prison only. G-H. Line of the Front in the Vicolo del Ghettarello. I. I. Cells of the Prison. J. J. J. The passage over the branch of the Cloaca Maxima. K. Modern staircase made in one of the old Cells. L. The Vestibule, now the Church. M. M. Ancient Cells. N. N. N. Modern Chambers on the site of the old Prison. O. Steps to ascend to the Capitol. P. Steps to descend to the level of the Prison. |