Slike stranica



ONE of the Cells of the Prison, with the aperture in the vault for letting the prisoners down into it, in the manner shewn in the drawing. In this instance there are two doorways, but it is doubtful whether they are original.

1. Interior of the Cell, level of the ground.

2. Doorway to another Cell.

3. Doorway to a subterranean passage.

4. Aperture in the vault for letting prisoners down.

5. Part of an upper chamber of the Prison.

6. A prisoner in the act of being let down.

[ocr errors][graphic][subsumed][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

33 3. Upper part of the Via Sacra, or Summa Sacra Via.

4. Clivus Sacer.

6. Basilica Constantine.

5. Part of the Via Sacra.

7. Wall of the Templum Urbis Romæ, on which the Marble Plans

of Rome were placed.

8. Site on which were found buildings belonging to the Via Sacra. 10. Arch of Titus.

9 9. Farnesi Gardens, on the Palatine.

11. Porticus Liviæ, &c.

13. Tower called Cartularia.

12. Church of Santa Francesca Romana.

14. Church of S. Maria Nova, in the Bath-chambers of Heliogabalus. 20. Meta Sudans. 29. Flavian Amphitheatre, or Colosseum.

30. Via del Colosseo, or the Via Fossa, under the Velia.

31. Part of the ancient pavement of the same, found in the excavation.

34. Convent of the Mendicant Friars.

35. Garden of the same.

36. Concrete pavement under the Sacellum Streniæ.

37. Circular wall found in the excavation.

38. Part of a Porticus found in the excavation.

39. Middle apse of the Basilica of Constantine.

40. Side apse of the same.

41. Wine-shop built up against the wall of the Basilica.

42. Entrance to the subterranean passage under the north-east corner

of the Basilica, passing under the Arco de' Ladroni.

Exit from the said passage.


44. Ancient street from the said passage, under the modern Via del Tempio della Pace.

45. The modern Via del Tempio della Pace.

46. The modern Via dell Agnello.

47. Courtyard of the houses between the Via del Colosseo and dell Agnello.

48. Courtyard of the Monastery of SS. Cosmas and Damian, upon the wall on which the Marble Plans of Rome were placed, with the representation of the Porticus Liviæ.

[graphic][subsumed][ocr errors][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][ocr errors][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed]




A. Palatine Hill. B. Celian Hill. C. Esquiline Hill. D. Velia.

1. Caput Viæ Sacræ, on the Velia.
3. Summa Sacra Via (the upper part).

5. Via Sacra.

2. Sacellum Streniæ.

4. Clivus Sacer.

6 6. Basilica of Constantine.

7. Wall of the Templum Urbis Romæ, with the Marble Plans. 8. Site on which were found buildings adjoining the Via Sacra.

9. Farnesi Gardens on the Palatine.

11. Porticus Liviæ.

10. Arch of Titus.

12. Church of Santa Francesca Romana.

13. Mediæval tower called Cartularia

14. Church of S. Maria Nova, and Bath-chambers of Heliogabalus.

15. Quarters of the Guards of the Empire.

16. Church of S. Sebastian on the Palatine.

17. Church of S. Bonaventura.

18. House formerly the Villa Mills, now (in 1882) a Monastery.

21. Botanical Garden, at the foot of the Celian Hill.

19. Arch of Constantine.

20. Meta Sudans.

22. Clivus Scauri.

23. Church of S. Gregory.

25. Thermæ of Caracalla.

24. Remains of the house of S. Gregory the Great.

26. Church of SS. John and Paul on the Celian Hill.

27. Church of S. Stefano Rotondo.

28. Platform of the Claudium.

29. Flavian Amphitheatre, or Colosseum.

30. Via del Colosseo, made in the great foss under the Velia.

31. Part of the ancient pavement of the same.

32. Cliff of the Velia, on the east side.

33. on the north side.

34. Poor-house and Convent of the Mendicant Friars.

35. Garden, now of the Friars, formerly of Cardinal Pio.

36. Pavement of concrete under the Sacellum Streniæ (?).

37. Circular wall found in the excavation.

38. Part of a Porticus found in the excavation.

39. Middle apse; and 40. Side apse of the Basilica of Constantine.

41. Wine-shop built against the Basilica.

42. Entrance to the subterranean passage under the corner of the plat

form of the Basilica, over which was the Arco de' Ladroni.

43. Exit from the said passage which led from the Carinæ, and is now

buried under the modern Via del Tempio della Pace.

44. Continuation of road from the Carinæ.

45. Modern road called Via del Tempio della Pace.

46. Modern road called Via dell Agnello.

47. Courtyard between the Via del Colosseo and dell Agnello.

48. Courtyard of the Monastery of SS. Cosmas and Damian, upon the

wall of which the Marble Plans of Rome were placed.

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