PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. ix whole of that district, which formed the first Regio of Augustus. It is hoped that this Abridgment will open the eyes of many English students to the delusion by which they have been blinded, and will convince them that the early history of Rome, which for the last half-century has been considered as fabulous only, is the true history. There is no other manner of explaining the remains now brought to light by the excavations; even the measurements of important objects were found to agree exactly with the legendary history preserved by Dionysius and Livy. JOHN HENRY Parker, C.В. ASHMOLEAN MUSEUM, OXFORD, LIST OF PLATES TO ILLUSTRATE CHAPTER I. OF THE MATERIALS USED IN BUILDING AT ROME, AND OF THE VARIOUS STYLES OF CONSTRUCTION. PLATE I. Referred to in the text at 1. Opus Quadratum. -Squared Work, A. U.C. 3, B.C. 750 II. Opus Incertum. Irregular Work, A.U.C. 558, в.с. 195 II. III. Opus Reticulatum. -Reticulated, or Net-work, A.U.C. 725, B. C. 28 to A.D. 118 IV. Opus Lateritium.-Brickwork, A.U.C. 810, A. D. 57 CHAPTER II. - ROMA QUADRATA. III. II. IV. 1. Roma Quadrata. -Plan of the Surface and the Sides • III. Bath-chambers of Livia, made in that Foss IV. Section of it, at the West End V. CHAPTER III. -THE CITY ON THE TWO HILLS. 23 VI. 1. Tower of the same in the Forum of Augustus VII. III. Cloaca Maxima, the part visible in the Forum Romanum CHAPTERS IV. AND V. - THE FORTIFICATIONS ON THE OTHER FIV HILLS AND ON THE HEIGHTS ADJACENT. THE CITY ON TH SEVEN HILLS WITHIN ONE ENCLOSURE. VIII. 1. Wall of the Latins on the Aventine II. Muro-Torto, at the N. E. corner of the Wall of Rome PLATE IX. 1. Porta Capena, in the Wall of Servius Tullius, Exterior 1. Interior of the same Tower, with the Aque 53 54 duct passing through it X. III. Porta Capena-A. Part of the Aqueduct, near the Gate 53 B. Section of the Eastern Tower of that Gate C. Part of the Arcade of the Aqueduct, and of the crepido, or footpath of the Via Appia ib. 53 50 XI. v. Part of the Agger or Rampart, and Wall of Servius Tullius (in the Exquiliæ), near the Porta Tiburtina. 51 VI. Plan and Section of the Horn-work at the north end of • 47 CHAPTER VI. THE AGGER OF TARQUINIUS THE SECOND. ΧΙΙ. 1. Part of the Wall of Tarquinius II., between the Præ- • II. Section of the same part of the Wall and Rampart • 57 58 XIII. CHAPTER VII. -THE WALLS OF AURELIAN AND HONORIUS. I. PORTA MAGGIORE (Prænestina, Labicana, Esquilina, Sessoriana) 79 II. Porta Asinaria (of the Asinii) 69 72 68 69 ib. |