PARKER are the sole Publishers of the Editions of the "Christian Year" issued with the sanction and under the direction of the Author's representatives. All Editions without their imprint are unauthorized. The Architeftural History of the City of Romenapisao/la Arthur Shadwell - 1883 - Broj stranica: 273Potpun prikaz - O ovoj knjizi
| William Laud - 1854 - Broj stranica: 542
...WORKS COMPLETE. With LIFE, by Rev. J.Krni.F. 7 roli., (8 Parts,) 8vo., /S 8s. A complete tett £25. THE AUTHORIZED EDITIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN YEAR, With...latest Corrections and Additions. NOTICE. — Messrs. PARKER are the sole Publishers of the Editions of the "Christian Year" issued with the sanction and... | |
| William Beveridge - 1848 - Broj stranica: 540
...LIFE, by Rev. J. Ki MI:. 7 vols., (8 Parts,) 8vo., £3 3s. A complete »et, 80 Polt, in 88 Parte, £21. THE AUTHORIZED EDITIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN YEAR, With...Author's latest Corrections and Additions. NOTICE.— Me««r«. PARKER are the sole Publisher» of the Edition« of the " Christian Year" issued with the... | |
| Saint John Chrysostom - 1854 - Broj stranica: 454
...WILSON'S (BP.) WORKS COMPLETE. With LIFE, by Rev. J. KKBLE. 7 vols., (8 Parts,) 8vo., £3 3s. 8 POETRY, THE AUTHORIZED EDITIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN YEAR, With...Author's latest Corrections and Additions. NOTICE. — Me»»rs. PARKER are the §ole Publishers of the Editions of the "Christian Year" issued with the... | |
| John Cosin - 1855 - Broj stranica: 606 Rev. J. K 1:1:1,1:. 7 vols., (8 Parts,) Svo., £3 3s. A complete set, 80 Vok. in 88 Partt, £21. THE AUTHORIZED EDITIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN YEAR, With...latest Corrections and Additions. NOTICE.— Messrs. PARKER are the sole Publishers of the Editions of the "Christian Year" issued with the sanction and... | |
| Magdalen College (University of Oxford) - 1857 - Broj stranica: 636
...COMPLETE. With LI vols., (8 Parts,) 8vo., £3 3s. A eompkte set, 80 Fob. in 88 Part1, £21. 8 POETSr, THE AUTHORIZED EDITIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN YEAR, With the Author's latest Corrections and Additions. NOTIC E.—Nfemrs. PARKER are the sole Publishers of the Editions of the "Christian Year" issued with... | |
| Edward Burton - 1860 - Broj stranica: 724
...COMPLETE. With LIFE, by Bov. J. KEBLE. 7 vols., (8 Parts,) 8vo., £3 3s. A complete set, £21. 8 POETRY, THE AUTHORIZED EDITIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN YEAR, With...latest Corrections and Additions. NOTICE.— Messrs. PARKER are the sole Publishers of the Editions of the"Christian Year" issued with the sanction and... | |
| Herbert Haines - 1861 - Broj stranica: 318
...(BP.) WOEKS COMPLETE. With LIFE, by Eev. J. KEBLE. 7 vols., (8 Parts,) 8vo., £3 3s. 8 POET&Y, Iff. THE AUTHORIZED EDITIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN YEAR, With...latest Corrections and Additions. NOTICE.— Messrs. PABKEB are the sole Publishers of the Editions of the " Christian Year" issued with the sanction and... | |
| 1880 - Broj stranica: 762
...J . KEBLK. 7 vols., (8 Parts,) St .... £3 3*. ' . : A ctmplttt >tt, 80 Voh. in 88 Party £21. . . THE AUTHORIZED EDITIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN YEAR, With...latest Corrections and Additions. NOTICE.— Messrs. PARKER »re the sole Publishers of the Editions of the "Christian Year" issued with the sanction and... | |
| Goldwin Smith - 1865 - Broj stranica: 216
...his Solitudes and Sufferings. New Edition, with an Historical Preface by CM PHILLIMOES. Cloth 5s,. THE AUTHORIZED EDITIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN YEAR, With...latest Corrections and Additions. NOTICE.— Messrs. PARKER are the sole Publishers of the Editions of the " Christian Year" issued with the sanction and... | |
| William Burges - 1865 - Broj stranica: 152
...WILSON'S (BP.) WORKS COMPLETE. With LIFE, by the late Rev. J. KEBLE. 7 vols., (8 Parts,) 8vo., £3 3s. THE AUTHORIZED EDITIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN YEAR, With the Author's latest Corrections and Additions. NOTICE.—Messrs. PARKER are the sole Publishers of the Editions of the " Christian Year" issued with... | |
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