Catalogue of Mr. John A. Rice's Library: To be Sold by Auction on Monday, March 21st, 1870, and Five Following Days by Bangs, Merwin & CoJ. Sabin & sons, printers and compilers of the catalogue, 1870 - Broj stranica: 556 |
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Catalogue of Mr. John A. Rice's Library: To Be Sold by Auction on Monday ... John Asaph Rice Pregled nije dostupan - 2015 |
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50 copies printed Account Albany Alexander Hamilton American Revolution Author AUTOGRAPH beautiful Bedford best edition Biographical blue crushed boards Boston Bradstreet British Catalogue Charles Church cloth Collection Colonies contains copy sold Cotton Mather crown 8vo crushed levant morocco Dibdin England English ENGRAVINGS FACSIMILES Fcap Folio Franklin George Washington gilt edges gilt top half blue morocco half brown morocco half calf half green morocco half levant morocco half morocco half red levant half red morocco Hamilton Henry History Illustrated INDIA PAPER Indians James John Joseph Sabin LARGE PAPER late Letters Library London Massachusetts Mathews MDCCCXLI Memoirs morocco extra Munsell Narrative New-England New-York Notes old calf Oration Philadelphia Pickering Poems polished calf PORTRAIT inserted post 8vo published rare red levant morocco Reprinted Sabin Samuel scarce Second Edition Series Sketches Smith Thomas tion tracts Translated uncut United vols volume Voyages William York
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