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Schäfer, J: W: Goethe's leben. 3te aufl. Portr. Leipz. 1877. 2 v. in 1. O. 928.3:80 Schmidt, Ferdinand. Goethe's jugend- und jünglingszeit; ein lebensbild für jung und alt. 4te aufl. Ill. Kreuznach. [1882]. S. 928.3:93 Viehoff, H: Goethe's leben, geistentwickelung und werke. 4te umgearb. aufl. Stuttg 1877. 4 v. in 2. D. 928.3:84 Eckermann, J: P: Gespräche mit Goethe in den letzten jahren seines lebens. 6te aufl. mit einleitenden abhandlungen und anmerkungen von H: Düntzer; nebst neuem register. Leipz. 1885. 3 v. D. 928.3:54 -eng. Conversations with Goethe in the last years of his life. Tr. from [the 2 first v. of] the german by S. M. Fuller, marchesa Ossoli. New ed. Bost. 1852. D. 928.3:15 Franke, L: A: Zur biographie Franz Grillparzer's. 2te verm. aufl., mit portr. Wien. 1884. D. 928.3:78

Roquette, 0): Leben und dichten Joh. Christ. Günther's. Stuttg. 1860. O. 928.3:52 Friedrich Halm; [biographische skizze]. Cassel. 1853. T. 928.3:4

Längin, G: J: P: Hebel; ein lebensbild. Portr. Karlsruhe. 1875. O. 928.3:89 Heinrich Heine. Phila. 928.3:16

Arnold, Matthew. 1863. S.

Heine, H: Memoirs and some newly discovered fragments of his writings; with an introd. essay by T: W. Evans. Lond. 1884. D. 928.3:28

Meissner, Alfred. Erinnerungen an H: Heine. Hamburg. 1856. D. 928.3:17 Stigand, W: Life, works and opinions of H: Heine. N. Y. 1880. 2 v. O. 928.3:18 Strodtmann, Adolf H: H. Heine's leben und werke. 3te aufl. Hamburg. 1884. 2 v. S. 928.3:82 Selden, Camille. The last days of H: Heine. Tr. into english by Clare Brune. Lond. 1884. D. 928.3:50 Schober, J: N. J: Jakob W: Heinse, sein leben und seine werke; ein kultur- und literaturbild. Portr. Leipz. 1882. D. 928.3:85 Haym, Rudolph. Herder, nach seinem leben und seinen werken dargestellt. Berlin. 1880. 1885. 2 v. O. 928.3:83 Schmidt, Ferdinand. Herder, als knabe und jüngling; für jung und alt erzählt. 9te auff. ill. Kreuznach. [1883]. S. 928.3:98 Strauss, D: F: Ulrich v. Hutten. Als anhang: Vorrede zu "Gespräche von Ulrich v. Hutten, übers und erläutert von D: F: Strauss. Leipz. 1860". 4te aufl. Bonn. 1878. O. 928.3:77

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Düntzer, J: H: Joseph. Lessings leben.
Leipz. 1882. O.
Schmidt, Ferdinand.

III. 928.3:58 Gotthold Fphraim Lessing; ein lebensbild. 3te aufl., ill. Kreuznach. [1883]. S. 928.3:92 Sime, James. Lessing. Portr. [Eng. and foreign phil. library]. Lond. 1879. 2 v. O. 928.3:19 Thiele, R: Eva Lessing; ein lebensbild. Portr. Halle a. S. 1881. O. 928.3:62 Stahr, Fanny, born Lewald. Meine lebensgeschichte 1te abth., Im vaterhaus; 2te abth., Leidensjahre 3te abth., Befreiung und wanderleben. Berlin. 1861, 1862. 6 v. S. 928.3:37 Meding, J: Ferdinand Martin Oskar, (Gregor Samarow). Memoiren zur zeitgeschichte. Leipz. 1881. 3 v. D. 928.3:86 Contents. V. 1. Vor dem sturm. 2. Das jahr 1866. 3. Im exil. Schmidt, Ferdinand.

Moses Mendelssohn; ein lebensbild. 2te aufl., ill. Kreuznach. [1883]. S. 928.3: 100 Seuffert, Bernhard. Maler Müller. Anhang: Mittheilungen aus Müller's nachlass. Berlin. 1877. O. 928.3+56 Classen, Johannes. Barthold G: Niebuhr; eine gedächtnisschrift zu seinem hundertjährigen geburtstage den 27. aug. 1876. Portr. Gotha. 1876. O. 928.3:76 Life and letters of Barthold G: Niebuhr, The; with essays on his character and influence by the chevalier Bunsen and profs. Brandis and Lorbell [sic, Loebell]. N. Y. 1852. D. 928.3:27

Note. Tr. and abridged by Susan Winkworth from the Lebensnachrichten über Niebuhr, ed. by frau Dora Hensler, born Behrens. Weinhold, K: Martin Opitz von Boberfeld; ein vortrag in der Harmonie zu Kiel, am 15. feb. 1862 gehalten. Kiel. 1862. O.


928.3:72 W. O. von Horn (Wilhelm Oertel), ein wahrer freund des volkes; ein lebensbild für das deutsche volk gezeichnet von einem, der ihn lieb gehabt hat. Ill. Wiesbaden. 1868. 928.3:104 Pichler, Caroline, born v. Greiner. Denkwürdigkeiten aus meinem leben. Wien. 1844. v. S. 928.3:21 Rellstab, L: Aus meinem leben. Berlin. 1861. 2 v. D. 928.3:22 Ebert, Hermann. Fritz Reuter; sein leben und seine werke. Güstrow. 1874. D.



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Schmidt, Ferdinand.

Schiller; ein lebensbild für jung und alt. 7te aufl., ill. Kreuznach. [1883]. S. 928.3:99 Sime, James. Schiller. [Foreign classics for eng. readers.] Phila. [1882]. S. 928.3:26 Viehoff, H: Schiller's leben, geistesentwickelung

und werke auf der grundlage der Karl Hoffmeister'schen schriften neu bearb. Stuttg. 1874. 3 v. in 1. D. 928.3:88 [Biographische skizze von] Gustav Schwab. Cassel. 1852. T. 928.3:36 Düntzer, J: H: Joseph. Charlotte v. Stein, Göthe's freundin; ein lebensbild, mit benutzung der familienpapiere entworfen. Portr. Stuttg. 1874. 2 v. O. 928.3:67 Jung-Stilling, J: H: Heinrich Stillings jugend, jünglingsjahre, wanderschaft; mit einer einleitung von Robert Boxberger. 928.3:44 Stuttg. [1883]. Ď. Zeller, E: D: F: Strauss, in seinem leben und seinen schriften geschildert. 2te aufl. Bonn. 1874. O. 928.3:48 Friesen, Hermann freiherr v. L: Tieck; erinnerungen eines alten freundes aus den jahren 1825-1842. Portr. Wien. 1871. 2 v. D. 928.3:60 Mayer, K: F: Hartmann. L: Uhland, seine freunde und zeitgenossen; erinnerungen. Stuttg. 1867. 2 v. in 1. O. 928.3:57 [Biographische skizze von] J: Nepomuk Vogl. Cassel. 1853. T. 928.3:38

Herbst, W: J: H: Voss. Leipz. 1872-76. 2 v. in 3. O. 928.3:91 Contents. V. 1. 1751-1782. 2. 1ste abth. 1782-1802; 2te abth. 1802-1805.

Wilmanns, W: Franz. Leben und dichten Walthers von der Vogelweide. Bonn.

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5. French authors. Collective biogr.

Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, and others. Lives of the most eminent french writers. Phila. 1840. 2 v. in 1. D. 928.4:45

Contents. V. 1. Montaigne.-Rabelais. - Corneille. Rochefoucauld. - Molière. -La Fontaine. - Pascal.Mme. de Sévigné. — Boileau. - Racine. - Fénélon. 2. Voltaire. Rousseau.-Condorcet.-Mirabeau.-Mme. Roland. Mme. de Staël.

Gautier, Theophile, Eugène C: J: Baptiste Jacquot, (Eugène de Mirecourt), and others. Famous french authors; biographical portraits of distinguished french writers. N. Y. 1879. D. 928.4:38

Contents. Sainte-Beuve, C: A:, Theophile_Gautier. Jacquot, E. C: J: B., Sainte-Beuve. - Pontmartin, A. de. Mme. Swetchine.-Imbert de SaintAmand, A. L., Mme. de Girardin. - Jacquot, E. C: J: B., Arsène Houssaye; George Sand.-Musset, P. E. de, Alfred de Musset.-Jacquot, E. C: J: B.. Vietor Hugo.-Gautier, T., Paul de Kock; Alphonse de Lamartine; Gavarni; C: Baudelaire; Honoré de Balzac; Béranger. Jacquot, E. C: J: B., Brizeux; H: Monnier. Fitzgerald, P., Alexandre Dumas. Arnold, M., Maurice de Guérin.-Morley, J:, Denis Diderot. Jean de La Fontaine.

Mauris, Maurice, marchese di Calenzano. French men of letters. [Appleton's new handy-vol. ser.] N. Y. 1880. S. 928.4:2

Contents. Victor Hugo.-Alfred de Musset.-Théophile Gautier.-H: Murger.--Sainte-Beuve.--Gérard de Nerval. A. Dumas, fils. Émile Augier. - Octave Feuillet. Victorien Sardou. - Alphonse Daudet. Emile Zola.


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Sainte-Beuve, C: A: Portraits of celebrated women. Tr. from the french by H. W. Preston. Bost. 1868. D. 928.4:3

Contents. Mme. de Sévigné.-Mme. de La Fayette.Mme. de Souza.-Mme. Roland.- Mme. de Staël. Mme. de Duras. Mme. de Rémusat.-Mme. de Krudener.-Mme. Guizot.

Stoddard, R: H:, ed. Bric-a-brac series: Prosper Mérimée's letters to an incognita, with recollections by Lamartine and George Sand. N. Y. 1874. S. 928.4:4

Contents. Preface.-Prosper Mérimée, Letters to an incognita. Alphonse de Lamartine, Twenty-five

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Saltus, Edgar Evertson. Balzac. Portr. Bost. 1884. D. 928.4:39 Loménie, L: Léonard de. Beaumarchais and his times; sketches of french society in the 18th century from unpub. documents. Tr. by H: S. Edwards. N. Y. 1857. D.

928.4:5 Guizot, François P: Guillaume. Corneille and his times. N. Y. 1855. D. 928.4:6 Sainte-Beuve, C': A: Memoirs of Mme. Desbordes-Valmore; with a selection from her poems. Tr. by Harriet W. Preston. Bost. 1873. D. 928.4:7


Morley, J: Diderot and the encyclopædists. New ed. N. Y. 1878. O. Borel, T: Count Agénor de Gasparin. Tr. from the french by O. O. Howard. N. Y. 1881. D. 928.4:9 Guérin, Eugénie de. Journal; ed. by G. S. Trébutien. Lond. 1865. D. 928.4: 14 Barbou, Alfred. Great citizens of France : Victor Hugo; his life and his works. From the french by Frances A. Shaw. Chicago. 1881. S. 928.4:15

Victor Hugo and his time. Tr. from the french by Ellen E. Frewer. Ill. Lond. 1882. 928.4+40

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Q. Same. Hugo, J. Adèle, born Foucher. Victor Hugo, by a witness of his life. Tr. from the original french by C: Edwin Wilbour. N. Y. 1864. 928.4+16


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Smith, J: Stores.

Dumont, P: Étienne L: Recollections of Mirabeau and of the first two legislative assemblies of France. 2d ed., rev. Lond. 1832. O. 928.4:17 Mirabeau ; a life-history. Phila. 1848. D. 928.4: 18 Mahrenholtz, R: Molière's leben und werke, vom standpunkt der heutigen forschung. Heilbronn. 1881. O. 928.4:43 Oliphant, Margaret O. born Wilson, and F. Tarver. Molière. [Foreign classics for eng. readers]. Phila. 1878. S. 928.4:19 Collins, W: Lucas. Montaigne. [Foreign classics for eng. readers]. Phila. [1879]. S. 928.4:20

Musset, Paul Edme de. Biography of Alfred de Musset. Tr. from the french by Harriet W. Preston. Bost. 1877. D. 928.4:34 Haussonville, Gabriel Paul Othenin de Cléron, vicomte d'. The salon of madame Necker. Tr. from the french by H: M. Trollope. N. Y. 1885. Q. 928.4:41 Brightwell, Cecelia Lucy. Palissy the potter, or The huguenot, artist and martyr, a true narrative. N. Y. n. d. S. x 928.4:21 Morley, H: Palissy the potter; [his] life, with an outline of his philosophical doctrines and a tr. of illustrative selections from his works. Bost. 1853. 2 v. D. 928.4:22 Tulloch, J: Pascal [Foreign classics for eng. readers]. Phila. [1878]. S. 928.4:23 Jacqueline Pascal, or A glimpse of convent life at Port Royal. From the french of Victor Cousin, Prosper Faugère, M. Vinet and other sources, tr. by H. N.; with an introd. by W. R. Williams. N. Y. 1860. D. 928.4:24 Besant, Walter. Rabelais. [Foreign classics for eng. readers]. Phila. [1880.] S.

928.4:25 Récamier, Jeanne Françoise Julie Adélaïde, born Bernard. Memoirs and corresp. Tr. from the french and ed. by Isaphene M. Luyster. 5th ed. Bost. 1867. S. 928.4:26 Rénan, Joseph Ernest. Recollections of my youth. Tr. by C. B. Pitman. N. Y. 1883. S. 928.4:37 Brockerhoff, F. J: Jacques Rousseau; sein leben und seine werke. Leipz. 1863-74. 3 v. in 2. O. 928.4:44 Contents. V. 1. Genf-Paris, 1712 1741. - Paris, 1741-1756. 2. La Chevrette, 1756 - 1757. — Montmorency, 1757 - 1762. 8. Montmorency, 1757 - 1762, schluss. -Schweiz-England, 1762 1767.-Frankreich, in der provinz.-Paris-Eremonville, 1768 - 1778.

Graham, H: Grey. Rousseau. [Foreign classics for eng. readers]. Phila. 1883. S. 928.4:33 Rousseau. Lond. 1873. 2 v. O. 928.4+27

Morley, J:

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Ritchie, Anna Isabella, born Thackeray. Madame de Sévigné. [Foreign classics for eng. readers]. Phila. [1881. S.

928.4:28 Stevens, Abel. Madame de Staël; a study of her life and times, the first revolution and the first empire. N. Y. [1880]. 2 v. D. 928.4:30 Child, Lydia Maria. Memoirs of mme. de Staël and mme. Roland. New ed. rev. and enl. N. Y. 1854. S. 928.4:29 Tocqueville, Alexis C: H: Clérel de. Memoirs, letters and remains. Tr. from the french by the tr. of Napoleon's corresp. with king Joseph; with add. Bost. 1862. 2 v. D.


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Stebbing, H: Lives of the italian poets. 2d ed.. with add. Lond. 1832. 3 v. D. 928.5:2 Contents. V. 1. Dante. - Petrarch. Boccaccio.Lorenzo de' Medici.-Angiolo Poliziano.-The Pulci.Burchiello. Girolamo Benivieni. Serafino Aquilano.-Antonio Tibaldeo.-Giusto de' Conti.--Antonio Fulgoso. Antonio Cornazzani dal Borzetti.- Gasparo Visconti. Francesco Cieco. 2. Boiardo. Sannazzaro.- Ariosto. - Bembo. - Vittoria Colonna. Pietro Aretino. — Bernardo Tasso. Giovan-Giorgio Trissino. Francesco Berni. Luigi Alamanni. Battista Guarini. — Marco Girolamo Vida. - Girolamo Fracastoro. Jacopo Sadoleto. 3. Torquato Tasso.-Chiabrera. Tassoni.-Giambattista Marini.Marini and Murtola.-Marini and Stigliani.-Achillini and Preti. Fulvio Testi. Metastasio. - Apostolo Zeno. Filicaia. Alexander Guidi. Frugoni. Giuseppe Parini.-Vittorio Alfieri. Melchior Cesarotti.-Ippolito Pindemonte.-Vincenzo Monti.-Ugo Foscolo.

Alfieri, V: conte. Autobiography; with an essay by W: D. Howells. Bost. 1877. S.

928.5:3 Azeglio, Giuseppe Maria Gerolamo Raffaele Massimo Taparelli, marchese d'. Recollections. Tr. with notes and an introd. by count Maffei. Lond. 1868. 2 v. D. 928.5:18

Trollope, T: Adelphus. Life of Vittoria CoIonna. [Biogr. ser.] N. Y. 1877. T.


Balbo, Cesare. Life and times of Dante Alighieri. Tr. from the italian by F. J. Bunbury. Lond. 1852. 2 v. D.

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Hasell, E. J.


Calderon. [Foreign classics for eng. readers]. Phila. 1880. S. 928.5: 19 Trench, R: Chenevix. Calderon; his life and genius, with specimens of his plays. N. Y. 1856. D. 928.5:12

Oliphant, Margaret O., born Wilson. Cervantes. [Foreign classics for eng. readers]. Phila. [1881]. S. 928.5: 14 Fox-Vassall, H: R:, 3d baron Holland. Some account of the life and writings of Felix Lope da Vega. Lond. 1806. O. 928.5:13

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Erslew, T: Hansen.

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Goldoni, C: Autobiography: Memoirs, tr. from the original french by J: Black; with an essay by W: D. Howells. Bost. 1877. S. 928.5: 7

Pellico, Silvio. Le mie prigioni;

memorie :

15: L

Almindeligt forfatter-lexicon for kongeriget Danmark, 1814-1853.


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Bremer, Fredrika. Life, letters, and posthumous works, ed. by her sister, Charlotte Bremer. Tr. from the swedish by F: Milow; [some of] the poetry tr. by Emily Nonnen. N. Y. 1880. D. 928.5:20

Butler, C: Life of Hugo Grotius, with brief minutes of the civil, ecclesiastical and literary history of the Netherlands. Lond. 1826.

10. Genealogy and heraldry.

1. Onomatology.

Arthur, W: An etymological dictionary of family and christian names, with an essay on their derivation and import. N. Y. 1857. D. 929:2 Yonge, Charlotte Mary. History of christian names. New ed., rev. N. Y. 1885. D. 929:6 Wilkinson, W: Francis. Personal names in the Bible, [interpreted and ill.] Lond. 1866. D. 929.6:1 Lower, M: Anthony. English surnames; an essay on family nomenclature; historical, etymological and humorous, with several illustrative app. 3d ed. enl. Lond. 1849. 2 v. O.


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2. Heraldry and insignia.

Barrington, Archibald. A familiar introduction to heraldry; explaining, in a series of lectures, the principles of the science, and showing its application to the study of history and architecture. Ill. Lond. 1848. S. 929:3 Whitmore, W: H: The elements of heraldry ; containing an explanation of the principles of the science and a glossary of the technical terms employed; with an essay upon the use of coat-armor in the U. S. N. Y. 1866. O. 929+4

929: R1

Jones, W: Crowns and coronations; a history of regalia. Ill. Lond. 1883. D. 929:5 Orden, wappen und flaggen, Die, aller regenten und staaten in originalgetreuen abbildungen. Leipz. 1880. Q. Macgeorge, A. Flags; some account of their history and uses. [Ill.] Lond. 1881. O. 929: 7 United States. Bureau of navigation. Flags of maritime nations; from the most authentic sources, prepared by order of the sec. of the navy. 5th ed. (U. S. 47th cong. 1 sess. House misc. doc. no. 48.) Wash. 1882. Q. in 929: D Preble, G: H: History of the flag of the U. S. of America, and of the naval and yacht-club signals, seals and arms and principal national songs of the U. S., with a chronicle of the symbols, standards, banners, and flags of ancient and modern nations. 2d rev. ed. Ill. Bost. 1880. O. 929.1+P2 Hamilton, Schuyler. History of the national flag of the U. S. of America. Phila. 1852. D. 929.1:1

3. Special countries.
United States.

Hotten, J: Camden, ed.

The original lists of persons of quality, emigrants, religious exiles, political rebels, serving men sold for a term of years, apprentices, children stolen, maidens pressed, and others who went from Great Britain to the american plantations, 1600-1700; with their ages, the localities where they formerly lived in the mother country; the names of the ships in which they embarked, and other interesting particulars. From mss. preserved in the state paper department of her majesty's public record office, England. Lond. 1874. Q. 929.1: R3

Farmer, J: A genealogical register of the first settlers of New England; containing an alphabetical list of the governours, deputygovernours, assistants or counsellors, and ministers of the gospel in the several colonies from 1620 to 1692, representatives of the general court of Massachusetts from 1634 to 1692, graduates of Harvard college to 1662, members of the ancient and honorable artillery company to 1662, freemen admitted to the Massachusetts colony from 1630 to 1662, with many other of the early inhabitants of New England and Long Island, N. Y., from 1620 to 1675. Added, various genealogical and biographical notes collected from ancient records, Lanmanuscripts and 929.1: R5

caster, Mass. 1829. Printed works. Savage, James. A genealogical dictionary of the first settlers of New England, showing three generations of those, who came before may 1692, on the basis of Farmer's Register. Bost. 1860-62. 4 v. Q. 929.1: R4 Durrie, Daniel Steele. Bibliographia genealogica americana; an alphabetical index to american genealogies and pedigrees, contained in state, county and town histories, printed genealogies and kindred works. 2d ed., rev. and enl. Albany. 1878. O. 929.1:11 Slocum, C: Elihu. A short history of the Slocums, Slocumbs and Slocombs of America, genealogical and biographical; embracing eleven generations of the first-named family from 1637 to 1881, with their alliances and the descendants in the female lines so far as ascertained, also the etymology of those surnames, an account of some researches in England concerning their ancestors who bore the parent surname, Slocombe, etc. Syracuse. 1882. O.


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