"The first systematic history of art in Scotland that has yet appeared. Mr. Brydall seems to have entered on his task with care and earnestness, and to have spared no pains in searching the many obscure corners in which the history of Scottish art lies hidden." — J. M. Gray in the Academy, Dec. 28. Bulkeley, O. T. The lesser Antilles; a guide for settlers in the British West Indies; and tourists' companion. Cable, G: W. Strange true stories of Louisiana. "Charming book. The work is doubly valuable, because Mr. Cable the romancer has suppressed him. self so much in order to make room for Mr. Cable the faithful and capable editor." — Academy, Feb. 1. Campbell, G. E.. B., Lady. Darell Blake; a study. "The character of Lady Colin Campbell's hero is intensely interesting. It reveals uncommon acuteness and freshness of observation, and that reserve of power which the possession and artistic control of power can alone suggest. Darell Blake is vigorously drawn and harmoniously developed. There is no disaccord between what he is at the outset and what he becomes." Sat. rev., Oct. 19. ... Chisholm, G: G. Handbook of commercial geography. Clemens, S: L. (pseud. M. Twain). A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's court. Clément, F. Les musiciens célèbres depuis le 16e siècle. 1873. Commers-Buch für den deutschen Studenten. 19e rev. u. verm. Aufl. 1874. Davillier, J: C:, baron. Le cabinet du duc d'Aumont, et les amateurs de son temps, accomp. de notes et d'une notice sur P. Gouthière, etc. 1870. De Kay, C: Barye; life and works of A. L: Barye, sculptor. "The exhibition and the book were both projected in aid of the movement to erect a monument to Barye. They will both serve a more important purpose — enabling the American public to get a comprehensive view, not only of Barye's works, but also of those of the great painters with whom he was affiliated."— Critic, Dec. 28. De Quincey, T: Collected writings. New and enl. ed. by D. Masson. Vol. 1-3. "The whole series of writings [many of which have hitherto been omitted in the collected form] are rearranged and classified on a new and systematic plan." Donisthorpe, W. Individualism; a system of politics. "Contains a good deal of independent thought and vigorous writing, though it can hardly be said to furn ish anything of the nature of a 'system.' The 'Individualism' advocated by the author is the theory of gov ernment of which, as he holds, the rough foundations' have been laid by Mr. Spencer.". Mind, Jan. Donkin, J: G. Trooper and redskin in the far North-west; recollections of life in the North-west mounted police, Canada, 1884 88. "One of the best light books that we have met with for a long time." - Athenæum, Nov. 16. Duffield, A. J. Recollections of travels abroad. "A strange galimatias' of adventures, theology, wanderings, lectures on the author's pet theories, on 'Don Quixote,' on gambling, on the influence of gold and silver mining, on the rights of the negro, on emigration, Peruvian bark, black-birding,' the value of the drama, colonial religion in Australia, colonial feeling in America, tattooing -the list is endless. ... The writer's style as well as his matter reminds us greatly of George Borrow, who like Mr. Duffield, was a good Spanish scholar; and another point of resemblance between the two is, that Mr. Duffield on whatever subject he writes is always readable."— Saturday review, Nov. 9. Edwards, H: S. Idols of the French stage. 2 v. "Biographies of French actresses, principally belonging to the eighteenth century. To the English readers most of the information will be probably new. It is, so far as the facts are concerned, fairly trustworthy. The longest life Mr. Edwards supplies is that of Sophie Arnould, the most interesting that of Mme. Favart.". · Saturday rev., Nov. 23. Edwards, M. B. The roof of France; or, The to Causses of the Lozère. "The work is readable, and will help to direct travel an interesting district of novel aspect, and Miss Betham Edwards's political comments and descriptions of the admirable character of the peasantry of the highlands of the southern half of France are worthy of all commendation.” — Athenæum, Nov. 9. Elliott, G: W. Eggleston, G: C. American war ballads and ly. rics. 2 v. (Knickerbocker nuggets.) Tariff and wages; dialogue discussion of these questions. 1888. Elwell, W: O. New and complete dictionary of the English and German languages; with pronunciation acc. to J. E. Worcester. 1870. 2 pt. Erlach de Spiez, A. d'. Mémoires historiques concernant le général d'Erlach, pour servir à l'histoire de la guerre de 30 ans. 1784. 4 v. Favre, G. Notice sur les livres imprimés à Genève dans le 15e siècle. 1855. Goodrich, Rev. M. Historical sketch of Pawtucket. 1876. Grinnell, G: B. Pawnee hero stories and folktales; with notes on the origin, customs, and character of the Pawnee people. Summer exhibition, 1884, Grosvenor Gallery. 85. 2 v. Hallett, H. S. A thousand miles on an elephant in the Shan States. "Agreeably written, and solidly illustrated with maps, figures and field sketches. Bright and informing is this book of travels, and the wanderer found much that is deeply interesting to us all, when he was seeking, on his elephant, paths for railways." - Spectator, Jan. 18. Harper, H: A. The Bible and modern discoveries. Horsford, E. N. The discovery of the ancient city of Norumbega. Julliot, F. de. La contre-allée. [188-] "Many people are glad to know of a French book which does not offend English taste or moral feeling, and to them we should like to recommend this new book by the author of that charming story Terre de France,' which was crowned by the Academy. Such a distinction is perhaps hardly deserved by La contre-allée; but it is a thoughtful, interesting, wellwritten, touching story." Spectator, July 27. Kenealy, E: V. The trial of Sir Roger C. D. Tichborne, Bart., for perjury, Apr. 23, 1873, Feb. 28, 1874. 1876-80. 8 v. -- Introd.]; pref. a biog. sketch of the defendant. 1875. Lemaitre, J. Impressions de théâtre. 4 v. "M. Jules Lemaître is always good reading, whether we do or do not take the very high view of his critical faculties which was opposed here some time ago. And his theatrical impressions are not the worst of his work, though there is, as a rule, little strictly theatrical criticism in them, the drama, and not the actors or the theatre being usually his subject of interest." - Sat. rev., Nov. 30. Le Messurier, Col. A. From London to Bokhara, and a ride through Persia. "Colonel Le Mesurier has for the most part avoided politics; but he gives us a business-like account of his journey and of General Annenkoff's great achievement. His views, too, on all topics of military interest, deserve particular attention. His experiences of Asiatic warfare in India and Afghanistan, and of railway adminis tration in India, lend an authority to his book which no mere traveller's tale can command." Stephen Wheeler in the Academy, Nov. 23. Mason, E. L. Hiero-Salem; the vision of peace. Mass. Historical Society. Tribute to the memory of C: Deane, Dec. 3, 1889. Monclar, J: P: F. de R. de, and Quesnel, P., l'abbé. Mémoire théologique et politique au sujet des mariages clandestins des protestans de France. 1755. Monselet, C: Mes souvenirs littéraires. [1880?] "Contains some curious recollections agreeably nar. rated." — Athenæum, July 6. Morison, J. Sordello; an outline analysis of Mr. Browning's poem. Morley, J: Walpole. (12 English statesmen.) "This summary of Walpole's career is a proof that a far greater share in the conduct of the world's affairs furnishes no disqualification for undertaking the portrayal of a past politician. At almost every page there occurs some novel illustration drawn from contemporary events, or a striking coincidence to some action of Walpole which may be traced in one of his successors in government. The characters of Pulteney, Bolingbroke, the second George, and the most prominent personages of the period stand out in a bright light in Mr. Morley's pages."-W. P. Courtney in the Academy, Dec. 21. Morris, W: The roots of the mountains; wherein is told somewhat of the lives of the men of Burgdale. "The men of Burgdale are a people of German blood, inhabiting a town or thorp in a valley amidst the mountains and hills and falling streams of a fair land,' situate apparently somewhere in the Southern Tyrol. There are plenty of songs interspersed with the story, and some of the best are sung by the bride.". Academy, Dec. 21. Jan. 11. Nason, Rev. E. "It is a fine and instructive appeal to the better instincts, from a man of a stamp which always commands the respect of Englishmen, from one who has been famil. iar with great ecclesiastics yet is essentially a pious lay. man, who has passed through a great crisis and retained its belief, if not its enthusiasm who has spent a long life in useful activity, and can look back upon it without illusions, yet with charity, faith, and hope."- Sat. rev., Gazetteer of Massachusetts, revised and enlarged by G: J. Varney. Nelson, H. L. Bird-songs about Worcester. Neuhof, J: Die Gesantschaft d. Ost-Ind. Geselschaft in den Ver. Niederländern an den tartar. Cham u. sinischen Keyser verrichtet durch P: de Gojern u. J. Keisern; zum 2n Mahle verb. u. verm. 1669. Nicolaij, N: de, seigneur d'Arfeville. Vier Bücher von de Raisz vnd Schiffart in die Turckey. 1576. Nimmo, J. Narrative, 1654-1709; ed., with introd. and notes, by W. G. S. Moncrieff. (Scot tish Hist. Soc.) Norris, W: E: Mrs. Fenton. (Leisure hour ser.) "Characteristic enough of Mr. Norris. It has the air of breeding one has learnt to associate with him, and the clever touches that so agreeably skim the surface of the lives he represents." Athenæum, Dec. 14. Owen, H: Gerald the Welshman. "One may doubt whether, if Gerald had been successful the scholar and lover of books would have left so splendid a legacy to posterity. Of these books, which till seven volumes of the Master of the Rolls series,' Mr. Owen has given us a remarkably well-constructed and readable epitome. A very interesting book, the result, it is clear, of much diligent study." Spectator, Feb. 1. Pater, W. Appreciations; with an essay on style. ... Reading these essays, one feels over and over again, if Lamb and Wordsworth, if Shakespeare, if Sir Thomas Browne, could come to life again and read what has here been written about them, would they not say: 'Here is a man who understands just what I meant to do, what was almost too deep in me for expression, and would have, I knew to be divined who sees what is best in my work, just where I felt it was best? With this writer criticism means sympathy, and sympathy with him is a key that opens all locks. His criticism abounding in the close and strenuous qualities of really earnest judgment, grappling with his subject as if there were nothing to do but that, the fine writing' in it being largely mere conscientiousness in providing a subtle and delicate matter with words as subtle and delicate -is, in effect, written with as scrupulons a care, with as much artistic finish, as any imaginative work whatever being indeed, in a sense in which, perhaps, no other critical work is, imaginative work itself." Athenæum, Dec. 14. Pemberton, T. E. Memoir of Edward Askew Sothern. "Mr. Pemberton, an intimate friend of Sothern's, has given us within the compass of some three hundred pages a very sympathetic and entertaining sketch of one of the most eccentric comedians of the century. Sothern, as he put it himself, boiled down all the fops he ever met into the famous part of 'Dundreary,' and presented his audience with such a double distilled de. coction of well-bred inanity, with a trace of humour ... Records of the town. Vol. 1, and shrewdness subtly imbedded in it, as never before or since has been seen on the English stage."- Spectator, Nov. 16. Plymouth, Mass. 1636-1705. Rand, Rev. S. T. Dictionary of the language of the Micmac Indians. Rayet, O., and Collignon, M. Histoire de la céramique Grecque. 1888. "A beautiful book, in every way worthy of a subject of which the interest is constantly enhanced for the student by forms of distinguished elegance and refined art. The principle kept in view was to present the ripest results of erudition and research in a form which, while it commanded the respect of his own compeers, should prove attractive to the ever-extending circle of those, who, without pretention to learning are compe. tent to appreciate its achievements when set forth with out pedantry or too many technicalities." — Athenæum, Aug. 10. Reddall, H: F: Fact, fancy, and fable; a new handbook for reference on subjects commonly omitted from cyclopædias. Richards, E. H. Chemistry of cooking and cleaning; a manual for housekeepers. 1882. Rothschild, M. D. __Hand-book of precious stones. Sandwith, F. M. Egypt as a winter resort. "The author is an accomplished Semitic philologist. His style, moreover, is usually clear, and in many cases even fluent. With all these advantages, we need not wonder if we find his lectures, even where we do not agree with them, extremely interesting, and full of new ideas and suggestions. From this limited notice an idea may be formed of the importance of the book, which is the first of its kind in English at least. Scholars will find in it a mine from which they may draw plenty of material."— Athenæum, Nov. 30. Stein, II: Inventaire sommaire des tables géné rales des périodiques historiques en langue française. 1888. Stepniak, pseud. The career of a Nihilist. "Tells the reader just what is most interesting and valuable about the Russian middle classes at home, or at any rate about such of them as are in more or less open revolt against police barbarities. No one can read this story of Russian middle-class life without deep interest, and without gaining a serviceable insight into the facts of the situation."- Athenæum, Nov. 30. Stickney, A. The political problem. Sue, M.. J. E. Le juif errant. Ed. conforme à l'éd. cor. par l'auteur en 1851. 4 v. Trollope, T: A. What I remember. Vol. 3. "Characterized by the same cheerfulness and kindly feeling towards all manner of men, women, and children as the two volumes reviewed a couple of years ago." Athenæum, Nov. 9. Vairasse, D., d'Alais. - Histoire des Sevarambes, peuples qui habitent une partie [de] la terre Australe. [1716?] Vaughan, H: H. British reason in English rhyme. "Excepting the great outgrowth of the Arthurian le gends, there is a scarcity of information, at once trustworthy and accessible to the English reader, concerning the history of Wales and its literature. To supply this deficiency in at least one department was the object which the author set himself in the present vol. ume, where he has aimed at presenting in English rhyme all the Welsh proverbs, together with such of the laws and bardic aphorisms as seemed to embody and give expression to the national wisdom.' In the interest of Welsh literature it is much to be regretted that so laudable an object has not been carried out more successfully.' Athenæum, Dec. 14. Walpole, II., 4th Earl of Orford. and ed. by C: D. Yonge. 2 v. Letters; sel. "We cannot conscientiously allow any merit to Mr. Yonge as an editor, but we are grateful to him for giving us another opportunity of reading some of Horace Walpole's delightful letters."- Athenæum, Dec. 7. Walther, J: L. Lexicon diplomaticvm ivnctis alphabetis et scriptvræ speciminibvs; cum præfatione I. H: Ivngii. 1756. Wells, D: A. Practical economics; essays respecting recent economic experiences of the U.S. 1888. Wheatley, H: B. How to catalogue a library. (Book-lover's library,) "There is quite enough information given to convince any reader who may be in need of conviction that the art of cataloguing books is anything but one that comes by nature, and that the correct application of its prin. ciples to even a small collection is by no means a process of contemptible facility, nor beneath the dignity of scholarship. The reader may even learn that he does not know all about it when he has read the book through. To say this much, is, as all scholars will perceive, as strong a testimony as one can well give to the book's honest quality." - Sat. rev., Nov. 2. Whitby, B. The awakening of Mary Fenwick. Wigand, P. Traditiones Corbeienses. 1843. Wilson, W. The state; elements of historical and practical politics; a sketch of institutional history and administration. "The work has been very well done. The best authorities have been followed intelligently, and the arrangement of details concerning modern institutions of government has evidentiy been elaborated with the most careful industry. The style is clear and there is a certain vivacity in the narrative portions of the text that relieves the dryness of the theme." Nation, Dec. 26. Wolf, J. Zoological sketches; ed. with notes by P. L. Sclater. 1861-67. 2 v. Wood, Rev. J: G: The dominion of man. "Notwithstanding that there is much in the book with which we are not prepared to agree, it is eminently readable, and, like all the author's works, contains much useful information; also being practically a collection of anecdotes lightly strung together, it can be opened at random with almost a certainty of finding something amusing."- Saturday rev., Jan. 11. Wyle, N. von. Translation oder Deütchüngen etlicher Bücher Enee Silvii, Pogii Florentini, Doctoris Felicis Hemerlin, mit sampt anderen Schrifften. 1536. Yates, E. The impending sword. 1874. 2 v. Bates, A. Albrecht. Bickerdyke, J: An Irish midsummer night's dream; a legend of the Shannon. "The story is somewhat thin and lacks inventive power; but it contains an amusing situation, when the fisherman who has been transformed into a fairy is surprised during his change to his old self, and the small wings of fairy land scarcely match red beard and shock." Academy, Oct. 26. Blyth, E. K. Life of W: Ellis, founder of the Birkbeck Schools; with some account of his writings, etc. "He was one of the pioneers of popular education, and a relentless worker as a theorist and a teacher, pushing his views on social economy with extraordinary pertinacity, regardless of all snubs and rebuffs, even in quarters that less sanguine men might have deemed in. accessible."- Sat. rev., Dec. 21. Bunyon, C: J: Memoirs of Francis T: McDougall Bp. of Labuan and Sarawak, and of Harriette his wife. "The narrative of almost the entire active life of Bishop McDougall is in fact the history of Sarawak of the little kingdom carved out for himself, and well and ably administered by a private English gentleman; how well is shown by the fact that his successor still Teigns and prospers there. The story is probably known to most of our readers from the biographies of Rajah Brooke, and other sources, but they will be none the less interested to read the story again from the point of view of the man, who stands throughout only second in interest to the Rajah himself."- Athenæum, Dec. 28. Carré, G. L'enseignement secondaire à Troyes, du Moyen Age à la Révolution. 1888. "M. Carré a exposé avec beaucoup de soin les mé. thodes d'enseignement des oratoriens; il nous a dit les matières professées, les livres mis entre les mains des éléves, la discipline, les congés, la vie des enfants et de leurs maîtres. Il semble trouver que l'éducation, plus brillante chez les jésuites, était plus solide chez les oratoriens. L'auteur a utilisé avec un soin extrême toutes les resources dont il pouvait disposer."-Le livre, sept. Catullus, Q. V. Carmina; recognovit J: P. Postgate. "The poems of Catullus in a small pocket-form, and in a type which looks well, and does not take up much Mr. Postgate has appended at the foot of each page the readings where necessary, of the three room. "Their author is never dull, always good-natured, and generally well-informed."- Academy, July 27. Daly, J. B. Glimpses of Irish industries. "No doubt a great deal could be said on the subject of Ireland that has not yet been published; but, unluckily, the historians of Erin content themselves with 'glimpses' that reveal only such salient and well-known features as are seen at a glance. So the dark places in the history of Ireland remain unexplored, except by Mr. Gilbert,and those interested in the subject content themselves with repeating what has been already said a hundred times." Athenæum, Oct. 12. Davidson, R. T:, Dean of Windsor. The Lambeth conferences of 1867, 1878, and 1888; with the official reports, etc. The "The conference may very possibly be of immense importance in the future history of the English Church, and is certainly an experiment to be watched by thoughtful Englishmen with careful interest. Dean of Windsor's narrative tells just what we want to know of the calling and history of the conferences without any superfluous comment or criticism."-Academy, Oct. 14. Decrue, F. Anne de Montmorency à la cour, aux armées, et au conseil du roi François I. 1885. DuBoisgobey, F. Le bouquet d'immortelles. [188-.] Les exploits de Georget. [188-.] Dumas, A. D. Quinze jours au Sinai; illust. 1860. Edkins, J. The evolution of the Chinese language, as exemplifying the origin and growth of human speech. 1888. Emerson, P: H: English idyls. "His subjects are what he might meet every day and every where a fisherman and his granddaughter, a gang of water-poachers, a mysterious half wizard, half wherryman; and his art is in artlessly, yet exactly describing them and their surroundings. No thrilling tales of mystery, no deeds of heroic daring, no fearful catastrophies so told as to make the flesh creep; yet sor. row enough, and pathos enough.". Academy, Feb. 8. Euripides. Three dramas; by W: C. Lawton. Faligan, E. Histoire de la légende de Faust. 1888. "Erudite and laborious. The thoroughness of his research into volumes and records very hard of access, and often crabbed and dry when discovered, deserves recognition and hearty thanks from all lovers of the great legend. It is particularly satisfactory to have a version of the original Volksbuch' of Spies." Athenæum, Sept. 7. Fry, J. B. Military miscellanies. "Après la mort de M. Louet, son trésor de précieux documents a été confié à M. Paul Gaulot qui l'a mis en œuvre, avec un soin et un talent dignes de tous nos éloges, et ce qui vaut mieux, dignes du succès réel qu'obtient l'ouvrage. C'est de beaucoup l'un des meilleurs travaux que l'on connaisse sur l'expédition du Mexique, depuis ses lointaines origines jusqu'à l'entrée én scène de Maximilien. Ce livre jette à flots la lumière sur bien des faits obscurcis par la passion ou par l'ignorance, et désormais pas un polémiste de bonne fois, pas un historien consciencieux ne traitera de ces choses sans interroger ces pages véridiques et substantielles." - Le livre, Sept. ... "He possesses not only a most facile pen, but a mem ory marvellously stored with strange characters, old songs, and genuine folklore. He has here brought together under various headings such as The last squire,' Country houses,' The hunting parson,' ‘Family portraits,' The village bard' a very magazine of quaint stories about the life of the last century.". Academy, Dec. 28. Grimm, J. L: C: Teutonic mythology; tr. from the 4th ed., with notes, by J. S. Stally brass. Vols. 3-4. 1883-88. 2 v. ... "Volume IV. brings this laborious work to a conclu. sion. Mr. Stally brass deserves the hearty thanks of students of anthropology for making this most valuable treasure of knowledge available to the English reader." - - Spectator, Oct. 5. Guy & Co. South of Ireland pictorial guide. "One of those Irish products of which it is possible to speak in terms of almost unstinted praise. It describes fully, not too rhetorically, and so far as we have been able to test it, accurately, the beautiful scenery, antiquities, etc., of the South of Ireland."-- Spectator, Sept. 21. Haines, C: R. Islam as a missionary religion. "Professes to be a reply to Canon Taylor's address on Islam at the Church Congress at Wolverhampton. But Mr. Haines is insufficiently equipped for his task. The formidable list of authorities consulted' which fills no less than four pages, contains the title of no German or Arabic work, except those which happen to have been translated. Weil, Sprenger, Nöldeke, Krehl, as well as Ibn-Hishâm, Ibn-al-Athir, and Syed Amir Ali, are conspicuous by their absence. Hence he has not read any of those writers who have best comprehended the inner genius of Islam, and who have therefore, best understood the real causes of its marvellous success." -Academy, Feb. 1. Ham, C: H. Manual training; the solution of social and industrial problems. 1886. Hawthorne, N. Legends of ye Prouince House; [illust. by F. T. Merrill]. Henley, W: E., and Walker, R. A century of ar tists; a memorial of the Glasgow International Exhibition, 1888. Hissey, J. J: A tour in a phaeton through the eastern counties. "After its nineteen illustrations the best things in the book are descriptions of Cawston and Layer Marney," Athenæum, Dec. 14. and be happy in the finding; and the product in the present volume, with its fine photographs and numer ous inscriptions, must be admitted to be full of interest. Another good point is the lucid topography of the author's narrative."- Saturday review, Feb. 1. Hungerford, Mrs. M. A troublesome girl; and other stories. Inglis, Hon. J. (pseud. Maori). Tent life in tigerland; sporting reminiscences of a pioneer planter in an Indian frontier district. 1888. Lamb, W:, Viscount Melbourne. Papers; ed. by L. C. Sanders, with pref. by Earl Cowper. "Lord Melbourne occupies a peculiar position among British Prime Ministers, his is, to a great extent, an undefined political personality. In his preface, the best thing in the book, Lord Cowper puts the question in this way: Everybody allows his personal charm, his knowledge, his originality of mind, and his upright and honourable character. But did he really govern the country, or was he a mere figure head, or rather, what intermediate position did he occupy between the two? The leisurely reader may find instruction and some amusement in these papers, which have been carfully edited on the whole, and with good taste." - Spectator, Nov. 30. ... 1887. Langlois, C: V. Le règne de Philippe 11. Larcom, L. A New England girlhood; outlined from memory. La Rochejaquelein, M. L.. V.. de D., marquise de. Memoires; pub. sur son manuscrit autographe par son petit-fils. "La destinée mit son joyeux courage à de telles épreuves que nulle femme ici-bas ne pourrait se vanter d'avoir plus souffert; cependant, elle ne prendra jamais le ton d'une victime, jamais son récit ne tombera dans le genre martyr,si cher aux moindres écrivains de l'émigration. Elle ne se plaint pas, s'indigne à peine, n'injurie personne; elle dit ce qu'elle a vu, et si nous sommes émus, c'est qu'elle a vu des choses effroyables. C'est bien une vraie dame de France, de l'adorable France du 18e siècle, que cette rieuse capable d'un sérieux tragique, nerveuse à l'excès et avec cela froidement stoïque, fidèle à sa foi, mais point du tout dévote, enthousiaste et sensée, nature saine, équilibrée, harmonieuse, - une bonne femme enfin, ce qui est tout dire." -Revue bleue, 17 août. Lighthall, W: D. Songs of the Great Dominion; voices from the forests, etc., of Canada. "The authors whose works have been put under contribution in this volume in all a number which might be roughly placed at three hundred, have' at various times produced really good verse.' ... It is the spirit of antiquity that tells against English poetry as a reflex of the life of man. It is very different, however, when we come to consider poetic art as the reflex of the life of Nature. Is it then in new countries alone that the poet can adequately reflect the life of Nature? Is it in them alone that he can confront Nature's face as it is, uncoloured by associations of history and traditions? What Wordsworth tried all his life to do, the poets of Canada, of the Australias, of the Cape have the opportunity of doing."- Athenæum, Sept. 28. ... |