Slike stranica

Abbott, E. Pericles and the golden age of Ath

ens. (Heroes of the nations.) "The famous son of Xanthippus makes by his position and talents an excellent centre round which to group a general picture of his town or even of his nation. Such Mr. Watkiss Lloyd found him in his admirable 'Age of Pericles,' and so Mr. Abbott has now treated him in a sketch which, though it includes a great deal, is on a smaller scale. It is needless to say that it is clear. It contains a wonderful variety of topics, and some of the very best of Mr. Abbott's writing is to be found in his remarks on Attic tragedy. The whole volume gives a well-balanced picture of the Golden Age of Athens: the lights and shades are all there; and one feels that it is the creation of a man long acquainted with all the evidence which bears upon his subject." Academy, May 2.

American Society of Microscopists.

dex to the Proceedings, 1878-90. Barrie, J. M. My Lady Nicotine.

General in

When a man's single; a tale of literary life. 3d ed.

Bates, A. A book o'nine tales; [and eight interludes]. Baucher, F. Dressage méthodique du cheval de selle; d'après [ses] derniers enseignements; rec. par un de ses élèves.

"This little volume professes to give us Baucherism pure and undiluted. Several books have been published in France within the last few years upon systems of horse-breaking more or less founded upon that of Baucher; but this is, or says it is, the real thing itself. The author has ridden some of the last horses made,' as we should say in England, by Baucher, and he not only took notes during the courses of instruction given by that master, but also put down any hints and suggestions which he was able to obtain in private conver sation with him. As a rule, the descriptions and instructions given in this volume are clear and concise. Books of this kind are necessarily dry reading, and in taking up this handbook the reader must expect edification rather than entertainment." - Saturday rev., Jan. 10.

Bernoni, D. G. Canti popolari veneziani. 1872. Brakelmann, J. Les plus anciens chansonniers français, 12e siècle. 1870-91.

Contents. Gautiers d'Espinals. Crestiens de Troyes. -Morisse de Créon. Hues d'Oisy. Quesnes de Be. thune. Renals, li chatelains de Courcy. de Neele. Li rois Richars d'Engleterre.

· Blondels

Briggs, C: A: The authority of holy Scripture; an inaugural address. 2d ed., with add.

[blocks in formation]

Brush, Mrs. C. C. Inside our gate.
Busch, M. Neue Tagebuchsblätter. 1879.
Byrom, J: Miscellaneous poems. 1773. 2 v.
Cary Family. The Cary letters; ed. by C. G. C.
Casati, Maj. G. 10 years in Equatoria; and the

return with Emin Pasha; tr. by the Hon.
Mrs. J. R. Clay, [and] I. W. S. Landor;
illust. 2 v.

"He has seen much, experienced much, and enjoyed every opportunity for famliarizing himself with the customs of such tribes as the Zande, Mangbatu, and Wanyoro. And, indeed, he has a great deal of interest to relate, but his narrative is so disjointed that the reader, unless he has the patience to piece these scraps of information painfully together, rises from the perusal of the book with a rather vague notion of what he has been perusing." Athenæum, Mar. 28.

Chaucer, G. Birthday book; comp. by H. Waechter. 1889.

Cicogna, E., Cavaliere, and others. Biografie dei Dogi de Venezia, con 120 ritratti incisi da A. Nani. Ed. 2a, corr. e accresc. 1855. 2 v. Clifford, A. Tixall letters; or, the correspondence of the Aston family and their friends, during the 17th century, with notes, etc. 1815. 2 v.

Clutton, H: Remarks; with illust. on the domestic architecture of France, [1380-1515]. 1853.

Cluverius, T: J. My life, trial, and conviction [for the murder of F.. L. Madison]; with an account of the execution. 1887. Coignet, Mme. C. G. La réforme française avant les guerres civils, 1512-59.

"Un des plus beaux efforts historiques qui aient été accomplies depuis de longues années." Revue bleue, 14 fév.

Conrad, J, and others. Hand wörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. B. 1. "Contains a mass of material, statistical, bibliograph ical, and historical, concerning political economy that can nowhere else be found so compactly and exhaustively collected and arranged."- Nation, Feb. 20.

Corelli, M. Wormwood; a drama of Paris. 2 v. "A book for the existence of which there is no suffi.

cient justification, either ethical or artistic." - Specta tor, Feb. 28. Coronelli, M. V. zia. [1709?] Craven, Mme. P. de La F. Le comte de Montalembert; étude d'après l'ouvrage de Mme. Oliphant. 1882.

Feste e fonzioni solenni di Vene

Cudworth, R. Treatise concerning eternal and and immutable morality, with a preface by E: [Chandler], Bp. of Durham. 1731. Cuervo, R. J. Diccionario de construccion y regimen de la lengua castellana. Vol. 1. 1886. Cust, R. H: H. How I spent my summer holidays in 1876; by an Eton boy. 1887. Davenport, G: F. Homes and hearths of Salem. Didot, A. F. Essai typographique et bibliographique sur l'histoire de la gravure sur bois; suite aux Costumes anciens et modernes de C. Vecellio. 1863.

Dodge, M.. M. Along the way. 1879.

Rhymes and jingles. 1887.

Dowling, R: The crimson chair; and other sto


"A bright little story whose only defect is its shortness. The other stories in the volume are all written in the same pleasant and easy vein." — Academy, Feb. 7. Du Boisgobey, F. Un cadet de Normandie au 17e siècle, [A. H. de Cotentin, comte de Tourville].

Coeur volant. [1886.] 2 v.

Fortenay Coup-d'Epée. 2 v.

Le plongeur. [1889.] (Scènes de la vie sportive.)

Dumas, A., fils. Le demi-monde, comédie. 1855. Eastman, M.. F., and Lewis, Mrs. H. C. C. Biography of Dio Lewis, M. D.

Edwards, T: Canons of criticism, and glossary; suppl. to Warburton's ed. of Shakespear, col. from the notes in that work; by the other gentleman of Lincoln's Inn. 1750.

Number 286.]

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logue of the scholars and teachers of the English High school, 1821-90; with pictures of head masters, etc., and a hist. sketch by T: Sherwin].

Nov. 1889

Esquiline; a monthly magazine;
May, 1890.
Evolution, The. Vol. 1, 2. Jan. 1877 - Dec. 1878.
Fiske, J: The American Revolution. 2 v.
Flor O'Squarr, C: M. La Bohème bourgeoise.

"Outre les détails de la mise en scène, tres piquants parfois, et où les traits de la réalité, la plus tangible se mêlent sans discordance aux caprices de l'imagi. nation, le véritable intérêt du roman n'est ni dans la figure du brasseur d'affaires et écumeur de lettres appelé Darnaud, ni même dans l'honnête et quelque peu naïf Abel Gérard; il est tout entier dans la conception, si neuve en littérature et pourtant si vraie, de Mme. Darnaud." - Le livre, déc.

Folk-lore and legends; North American Indian. Fugger, M. Von der Gestüterei; das ist, grundt

liche Beschreibung wie man ein Gestüt von Kriegsrossen auffrichten, vnderhalten, vnd erziehen soll. 1584.

Garrison, L. M. Ballads of Harvard, and other


Gondrecourt, H: A. A., baron de. Mémoires d'un vieux garçon. 1855.

Gould, S. B-. Eve; a novel. 1888.
Grill, J. Hundert Lieder des Atharva-Veda;

übers., mit textkritischen Erläuterungen.

[ocr errors]

"La première publication de ces 'Hymnes' remonte à l'année 1879, où ils parurent dans le Programme du séminaire protestant de Maulbronn. Ils avaient été accueillis aussitôt avec faveur par les indianistes et par tous ceux qui s'intéressent à l'histoire des croyances et de superstitions. Le choix des morceaux était excelMais lent. C'était un livre utile et bien fait. M. Grill a fait mieux que cela, et c'est une édition complétement ramaniée du premier mémoir qu'il nous a donnée. Le choix des morceaux est resté le même. Mais, pour tout le reste, le travail a été remis sur le mé. tier et a bénéficié d'un très grand nombre d'additions et de retouches. Tout ce qui, dans l'intervalle, s'était publié sur la matière, a été soigneusement mis à profit.". Revue bleue, 15 juin.

Guibert, L:, and Tixier, J: L'art rétrospectif; exposition de Limoges, 1886.

Guisconi, A. Tutte le cose notabile e belle che sono in Venezia; dialogo, 1556; [ed. da A. Battaggia]. 1861.

Guyton, Dom. Voyage littéraire en Champagne, 1744-49, d'après le manuscrit autographe à la Bibliot. Nat. 1889.

Hartland, E. S. The science of fairy tales; an inquiry into fairy mythology. (Contemp. sci. ser.)

"Mr. Hartland has done his work with great care, insight, and conscientiousness. In 12 chapters, all of which are interesting, he has set before the general reader the methods pursued by specialists when a popular tradition or superstition is investigated, and has discussed some of the most remarkable." - Athenæum, Feb. 14.

Harvard Club of New York City. Constitution, by-laws, and rules, with list of officers and members. Hatch, E. Influence of Greek ideas and usages

upon the Christian Church; ed. by A. M. Fairbairn. 2d ed. (Hibbert lect. 1888.) "Calculated to stimulate thought and inquiry in no ordinary degree. Its objects may be stated in a few words. The Christianity of the Sermon on the Mount is widely different from the Nicene Creed. The Sermon on the Mount is the promulgation of a new law of conduct,' in which metaphysics are wholly absent.' The Nicene Creed is a statement partly of historical facts, and partly of dogmatical inferences' couched in metaphysical terms, in which ethics have no place.' Athenæum, Feb. 7. How did the difference arise?" Prince Headlam, J. W. Election by lot at Athens; Consort diss., 1890. (Camb. hist. essays.) Helbig, J. La sculpture et les arts plastiques au pays de Liége et sur les bords de la Meuse. 2e éd.

Hereford, E.. J. Rebel rhymes and other poems. 1888.

notes. 1821.

Hobart, Bp: J: H:

Hervey, M. L., Baroness Hervey of Ickworth. Letters [to Rev. E. Morris], with a memoir and Memorial of Bishop [J: H:] Hobart; a collection of sermons preached on [his] death; with a memoir of his life and writings, [by J: F. Schroeder]. 1831. Hochschild, Baron. Désirée, reine de Suède et de Norwège. 1888.

Horsford, E. N. The defences of Norumbega, and a review of the reconnaissances of T: W: Higginson, H: W. Haynes, J. Winsor, F. Parkman, and E. F. Slafter; a letter to [C: P.] Daly.

Howells, W: D. Criticism and fiction. Hunt, H: M. The crime of the century; or, The assassination of Dr. Patrick H:Cronin. [1889.] Huntington, Rev. W: R. The peace of the Church. (Bohlen lectures, 1891.)

Jerome, J. K. Diary of a pilgrimage; and six es


Joslin, J., and others. A history of the town of Poultney, Vt. to 1875, with family and biog. sketches. 1875.

Juritsch, G: Geschichte des Bischofs Otto i von Bamberg des Pommern Apostels. 1102-39. 1889-90.

Kavanagh, A. M. Biography; comp. by Mrs. S. L. Steele.

[ocr errors]

"There are certain lives, such as those of Sir Walter Scott, Lord Lawrence, and Henry Fawcett, to mention no others, which in virtue of the noble qualities of which they were the living examples, are amongst the It has most precious heritage of the English race. been the privilege of Mrs. Steele to add to the number Darwin was a lifelong of these priceless records. invalid, and yet contrived to write epoch-making books. Fawcett was blind, and yet became the political head of But their disabilities and their a Department of State. achievements are in many ways dwarfed by the astounding triumphs of the late Mr. Kavanagh. He was born without limbs, a mere trunk of a man, with no legs whatever, and stumps of arms only a few inches long, but by dint of sheer courage and force of will, he overcame these terrible physical disabilities, and alike as a sportsman and a man of affairs took rank along with the most athletic and able sons of an emi- Spectator, Apr. 4. nently athletic and able race."

Kemble, M. How to learn to paint with oil and china colors. 1888.

Introductory lessons in drawing and painting
with water colors.

King, Capt. C. By land and sea.
Captain Blake.

Trials of a staff officer.

Klauser, J. The septonate and the centralization of the tonal system; a new view of the fundamental relations of tones, etc.

Koch, C. G. Tableau des révolutions de l'Europe depuis le bouleversement de l'empire romain en Occident. Nouv. éd., augm. 1814. 4 v. Lacroix, P., and others. Histoire des cordonniers,

comprenant l'histoire des anciennes corporations de cordonniers, savetiers, etc.; précédée de l'Histoire de la chaussure. 1852. Le Moine, A. Précis du droit maritime international et de diplomatie. 1888. Lodge, H: C. Boston. (Historic towns.) Lowell, P. Noto, an unexplored corner of Japan. Macdonald, Rev. J. Light in Africa.

"Twelve years were spent by Mr. Macdonald in Southern Africa, and in this modestly written volume a lucid account will be found of the customs and habits of the natives of the Transkei and East Griqualand, the two scenes of a ministry which extended from 1875 to 1887. His experiences and observations of native life and character in both places form the theme of this rather desultory but interesting book." Spectator,

Feb. 7.

Marshall, I., and Porter, L. Rhyme-index to the ms. texts of Chaucer's minor poems; with introd. and append. by W: W.Skeat. 1889. (Chaucer Soc.) Maxwell, Mrs. M.. E.. B.

The shadow in the cor

ner; and The fugitives by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. [1879.]

Milanesi, G. Del Andrea del Castagno e di Domenico Veneziano; esame del racconto del Vasari. [1862.] Montague, C: Ĥ. [1889.]

The Countess Muta; a novel.

Montreuil, G. de. Roman de la violette ou de Gérard de Nevers, en vers, du 13e siècle; pub. par F. Michel. 1834.

Morelli, G. (pseud. Ivan Lermolief). Kunstkritische Studien über italienische Malerei. 1890-91. 2 v.

Contents. Vol. 1. Die Galerien Borghese und Doria Panfili in Rom. 2. Die Galerien zu München und Dresden.

Musset, G: Les faïenceries rochelaises. 1888. Mutinelli, F. Del costume veneziano sino al secolo 170. 1831.

Netscher, F., and Zilcken, P. Jozef Israëls; l'homme et l'artiste; avec un catalogue descr., des eaux-fortes, d'après [ses] études, etc., et une eau forte orginale [sic] inéd. "Jozef Israels is not only the founder of a new school in his native country, but counts his followers by the score in England and France. It is of Rembrandt, rather than any other old master,' that we are most frequently reminded by the works of Israels. Without attempting to measure the one against the other, it may be safely said that they are both poets of humanity, and leaders among their contemporaries. Mr. Steelink's etchings are excellent. The facsimiles of the artist's studies printed in the text, retain almost un

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Parry, E. A. tors.)

Charles Macklin.

(Eminent ac

"The life of Macklin practically covers the eigh teenth century, and his stage career all but links Betterton with Kean. Rough in manners, sturdy, loyal, honourable, and generous, Macklin, but for his all-mastering vanity, his ungovernable temper, and a certain disputatious delight in giving pain, would have conferred as much lustre upon the profession of actor by his personal gifts as by his abilities. Mr. Parry has written a pleasant and readable biography, extracting, as he says, the language of writers contemporary with the performance described rather than giving his own." Sat. rec., Apr. 11.

Pérau, G. L.: C., l'abbé. Description historique de l'Hotel Royal des Invalides. 1756. Pettersen, H. Anonymer og pseudonymer i den norske literatur, 1678-1890.

Plutarchus. Lives of noble Greeks and Romans; tr. into French by J. Amiot and C: de l'Escluse, and out of French into English by Sir T: North; added, lives out of Æm. Probus and A. Thevet; subj. notes, etc. 1676. Philosophy commonly called the Morals; tr. by P. Holland. 1657.

Pompadour, J. A. P., marquise de, pseud. Lettres,

1753-62. 1772. 3 v.

[blocks in formation]

Richardson, J., and J., Jr. Explanatory notes and remarks on Milton's Paradise lost with life of the author, etc. by J. Richardson. 1734. Robertson, C: Report of the Auchterarder case; the Earl of Kinnoul, and Rev. R. Young vs. the Presbytery of Auchterarder. 1838. 2 v. "This trial marks the beginning of the great schism in the Church of Scotland."

Rogers, J. E. T. Oxford city documents, financial and judicial, 1268-1665.

Rye, W. History of Norfolk. 1885. (Pop. county hist.) Schmidt-Weissenfels, E: Geschichte der französischen Revolutionsliteratur. 1859. Schmitthenner, F: J. Deutsches Wörterbuch; [umgearb.] von F: L: K: Weigand. 1857-71.

2 v.

Seeley, J: R. Students guide to the University of Cambridge. 2d ed. partly rewritten. 1874. Shore, M. E. Journal.

"The private note-book of a remarkably intelligent young girl, who died of consumption before she was twenty years old, more than half a century ago. Here and there, interspersed with matters of purely do. mestic and fugitive interest, are very pretty passages, showing the young girl's appreciation, almost amounting to a passion, for the natural world about her, and her power of scientific as well as poetical observation of its beauties and phenomena." — Athenæum, May 9. Sidney, Sir P. The Countesse of Pembroke's Ar

cadia; the ninth time published with supplements of a defect in the 3d book, by Sir W: Alexander] and J. Johnstoun, added, a 6th book by R. B[eling]. 1638. Silvestre, L: C. Marques typographiques; ou, Recueil des monogrammes, chiffres, etc. des libraires et imprimeurs en France jusqu'à la fin du 16e siècle; [et ceux] des libraires, etc. qui ont pub. hors de France des livres en française. 1853-67. 2 v.

Slater, J. H. Round and about the book stalls; a guide for the book-hunter.

Spitzer, F. La collection Spitzer; antiquité,

moyen-âge, renaissance. 1890-91. 2 v.

"The catalogue of what M. Spitzer gathered during a long life is before us, and rendered more valuable because experts of renown, such as MM. Froehmer, Darcel, Palustre, and Müntz are among its contributors. The Maison Quantin famous for the beauty of its ty pography as well as for the liberality with which its books are illustrated, has never done better work than in producing these volumes. They are worthy of the collection." - Athenæum, Nov. 1.


"An ordinary catalogue raisonne' of the collection could not but prove a very valuable book, so rich is the collection, and in so many branches of art work is its wealth conspicuous. But, as set forth in these volumes, the catalogue is an example for future ages, a model of its kind. Text and illustration are alike worthy of the exquisite objects of artistic genius and skill they treat of. The beauty and accuracy of the reproduction of these objects are truly extraordinary."- Sat. rev., Jan. 10.

[blocks in formation]

Thompson, M. By-ways and bird notes. [1885.] Tilton, S. W. First book in color; practicable theory and method of color construction as [it] appears materially. 1889. Turner, E. The cowslip; more cautionary stories in verse. 26th ed. [1885.]


The daisy; cautionary stories in verse, adapte to the ideas of children. 31st ed. [1885.] Adjutant-General. List of synonyms of organizations in the volunteer service of the U.S., 1861-65; comp. by J: T. Fallon. 1885. Dept. of the Interior. Digest of the decisions of the Supreme courts of the states and territories of the arid region, and of the U. S. circuit and supreme courts on questions relative to the use and control of water; comp. by D. W. Campbell.; W. C. Pollock.


Navy Dept. Regulations governing the uniform of comissioned officers, warrant officers and enlisted men of the navy; with plates. 1886. Vacquerie, A. Futura. 2e éd.

Une œuvre qu'on a pu nommer le troisième Faust.' Beaux vers."-Le livre, mai. Vecellio, C. Costumes anciens et modernes ; [ital. et fr.]; précédés d'un essai sur la gravure sur bois par A. F. Didot. 1859-60. 2 v. Venice. R. Accademia di Belle Arti. Catalogo degli oggetti d'arte esposti al pubblico. 1871. Verconsin, E. Saynètes et comédies. 7e éd. 188790. 2 v.

"M. Verconsin's plays are very popular with French amateurs, and probably no French dramatist of our day is more often acted in French parlors. Nearly all his little plays are in one act. There are a dozen of them in each volume; and the majority are cleanly, clever, and likely to be of service to amateur actors in America who dare venture on a performance in French." - Nation, Dec. 6.

Vico, G. B. Principes de le philosophie de l'histoire; tr. de la Scienza nuova; préc. d'un disc. sur l'auteur par J. Michelet. 1835. 2 v. Warton, T: Observations on the Fairy queen of Spenser. 2d ed., enl. 1762. 2 v.

Webster, N. 1781. Yorktown; letters from N. Webster to Washington, and from Washington to Webster. 1881.

Westcott, B. F., Bp. of Durham. Essays in the history of religious thought in the west. "In the sympathetic reproduction of philosophic or mystic thought, rather than in logical controversy, lies certainly Dr. Westcott's leading gift." Athenæum, Apr. 25.

Williams, W: K. The communes of Lombardy from the 6th to the 19th century. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies.)

Willoughby, W. W. and W: F.

Government and administration of the U. S. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies.)

Windham, W:, and Huskisson, W: Select speeches, with preliminary biog. sketches; ed. by R. Walsh. 1837.

Winslow, W: C. The Pilgrim Fathers in Holland; their condition, treatment, etc.; with special reference to the proposed monument at Delfshaven; paper before the N. E. Hist. Gen. Soc., Mar. 4.

Abbott, E. A. Philomy thus, an antidote against credulity; a discussion of Cardinal Newman's Essay on ecclesiastical miracles.


"Dr. Abbott seems to me to have rendered a most invaluable service to English thought and literature by the critical investigation he has here undertaken of one of Newman's most characteristic works, his essay on 'Ecclesiastical miracles.' If his investigation has resulted in shedding, I will not say a wholly new, but an enhanced ominous and sinister light on Newman's mental conformation, we may accept it as a needed correction of the posthumous hyperlaudation with which our ears have been recently dinned. So far as a book can be controversially crushed, so far as its arguments, with their countless perversities, disingenuous and worthless reasonings can be torn limb from limb, Dr. Abbott has performed the annihilating operation with a verve and zest which is almost savage in its ruthless intensity." John Owen in the Academy, June 13. Adam, P. En décor. (Les volontés merveilleuses.) Adams, H: History of the U. S. during the second administration of James Madison. 3 v.

Alix, E. L'esprit de nos bêtes.

Barron, L. Les fleuves de France; La Garonne. Beauregard, Gen. P: G. T. Commentary on the

campaign and battle of Manassas, July 1861; with a Summary of the art of war. Beck, C: The manuscripts of the Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter described and collated. 1863.

Bouchot, H: Les ex-libris et les marques de pos

session du livre.

Breusing, A. Die Lösung des Trierenrätsels, die Irrfahrten des Odysseus, nebst Ergänzungen und Berichtigungen zur Nautik der Al

ten. 1889.

"Comme il joint a une connaissance approfondie des choses de la mer un grand souci de l'information philologique, c'est actuellement l'homme qu'il y a le plus d'intérêt à écouter dans le dialogue qui se poursuit sur l'archéologie navale, entre les marins et les philologues de profession."- Revue critique, 10 mars, 1890. Brinton, D. G. Rig Veda Americanus; sacred songs of the Ancient Mexicans with a gloss in Nahuatl, a paraphrase, notes, and vocabulary.

Buchanan, R. The coming Terror; and other essays and letters.

"The book, as a whole, is stimulating. If Mr. Bu chanan were less impetuous, he would be a great critic. As it is, carried away by his emotion- sometimes, pos. sibly, by a desire to be brilliant - he overstates, occasionally repenting and retracting; more frequently, in another mood contradicting himself. Errors of judgment there may be, and errors of taste there are; but the thought he speaks is, at least, his own thought and never an echo."-Academy, June 6.

Charles, C. Honduras; the land of great depths; with map and portraits. Clarke, Sir E: Treatise upon the law of extradi

tion; with the conventions upon the subject existing between England aad foreign nations, and their cases decided thereon. 1888. Clinch, G: Marylebone and St. Pancras; their

history, celebrities, buildings, etc.; illust. "Altogether he has made an interesting contribution to the history of London." - Spectator, Feb. 14. Crawford, F. M. Khaled; a tale of Arabia.

"While it is due to Mr. Crawford to commend his ef fort in his new book, it is equally due to his public to say that the effort has not been successful. It shows no falling off in Mr. Crawford's power as a writer of pleasant English, or as a lively describer." - Athenæum, June 6.

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"L'histoire de la période si troublée que M. Denis a retracée n'est pas seulement intéressante au point de vue de la formation des Etats de l'Europe centrale; elle permet aussi de bien comprendre les grands problèmes de la politique contemporaine. Car, en Autriche plus partout ailleurs l'avenir dépend du passé et les tendances contradictoires de la monarchie austro-hongroise, les luttes intestines qui l'affaiblissent, ont leur source dans les aspirations des divers peuples qui, malgré leur réunion séculaire sous un même sceptre, ont conservé avec une étonnante vivacité leur individualité propre et leurs antiques traditions."- Revue bleue, 7 fév. De Windt, H. A ride in India across Persia and Baluchistan; illust.

"A work by Mr. A. W. Hughes (The country of Balochistan, London, 1877) has been made use of in a way which seems utterly indefensible. His ill-digested and unmannerly plagiarisms make it impossible to review the book seriously. The customary inscription all rights reserved' appears on the title-page, but there is no telling how much of it or how little of it is really his own." Academy, Apr. 18.

Erskine, C: Twenty years before the mast; with scenes and incidents while circumnavigating the globe under command of Admiral C: Wilkes, 1838-42.

Farnell, G: S. Greek lyric poetry; a collection of the surviving passages from the Greek songwriters; with prefatory articles, introd. matter, and commentary.

"Of course Bergk had done the work with Teutonic thoroughness before him, and the monumental Poetæ lyrici' of that editor still remains unshaken in its preeminence. But Mr. Farnell's book, in which he aims at including everything that can fairly be regarded as readable,' while he secures completeness by relegating the corrupter fragments and single phrases and epithets to the seclusion of an Appendix, will hold a distinct place of its own. The selection seems to us to have been, on the whole, judiciously made. ... The value of the book is also enhanced by the Commentary, which is scholarly and full without being diffuse, and by the va. rious essays prefixed to it, which deal with Greek lyric poetry from every possible point of view in a careful, if somewhat frigid style." - Academy, June 13. Ferguson, D. Vicissitudes of bush life in Australia and New Zealand.

"We do not doubt that many will read these vicissi tudes' with pleasure, though most will wish that the conversations had been curtailed."- Academy, May 30. Fiore, P. Organisation juridique de la société des

états; Le droit international codifié et sa sanction juridique; suivi d'un résumé historique des principaux traités internationaux; tr. par A. Chrétien. Foote, A. R. Municipal ownership of industries. Fournier l'Heritier, C., dit l'Américain. Mémoires secrets pub. par F. A. Aulard.

"Arrêté en l'an II et incarcéré à l'Abbaye, il écrivit de Mémoires secrets' que personne n'a encore consultés que M. A. publie aujourd'hui. Nous en conseillons la lecture. Elle offre de l'intérêt; si Fournier écrit grossièrement, brutalement, comme il a agi, si l'on voit d'après son récit qu'il ne s'est jeté dans la Révolution

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