Stevenson, R. L. Vailima letters; being correspondence addressed by S. to Sidney Colvin, Nov. 1890 Oct. 1894. 2 v. Swan, R. T. Paper and ink. Swettenham, F. A. Malay sketches; (the characteristics and inner life of the people]. Thaxter, Mrs. C. L. Stories and poems for children. Thayer, W. M. Turning points in successful ca reers. * Tiffany, F. This goodly frame, the earth; stray impressions of scenes, incidents, and persons in a journey touching Japan, China, Egypt, Palestine, and Greece. U.S. Census Office. 11th census. Report on insur- ---Report on statistics of churches in the U. S., 1890; H. K. Carroll, special agent. 1894. ---Vital statistics of Boston and Philadelphia, covering six years ending May 31, 1890; J. S. Billings, special agent. Usher, E. P. A memorial sketch of Roland Greene Usher, 1823-1895; to which is added a genealogy of the Usher family in New Eng., from 1638 to 1895. Ussher, Sir T., and Glover, J. R. Napoleon's last voyages; being the diaries of Sir Thomas Ussher and John R. Glover; with explanatory notes. Illust. + Valentine, W. W. New high German; a comparative study; ed. by A. H. Keane. 1894. 2 v. Contents. Vol. 1. Phonology and morphology 2. Syntax. Valera, J. El hechicero; El Bermejino prehistórico; ó, Las salamandras azules. Illust. (Colección Klong.) Vandyke, H. Little rivers; a book of essays in profitable idleness. Illust. Vasari, G. Le vite de'più eccellenti pittori, scultori, ad architettori: con nuove annotazioni e commenti di G. Milanesi. 1878-85. 9 v. Note. Vol. 9, indici, aggiunte, e correzioni. Wagner, C. La vie simple. 2e éd. Walker, F. Double taxation in the U. S. (Columbia College. Studies in hist., economics and pub. law.) + Warburton, P. E. Journey across the western interior of Australia; with an introd. and add. by C. H. Eden; ed. by H. W. Bates. 1875. Illust. Watson. J. Hedonistic theories from Aristippus to Spencer. + Weld, C. R. The Pyrenees west and east. 1859. Wells, B. W. Modern German literature. Contents. The origins. -The first fruits: Klopstock, Wieland, Herder. - Lessing the reformer. The young Goethe. Goethe's manhood and old age. Goethe's "Faust." - Schiller's early years. Schiller on the height. Richter and the romantic school. - Heinrich Heine. - Imaginative literature since 1850. Wells, H. G. The time machine; an invention. † Wette, W. M. L. de. Kurzgefasstes exegetisches Handbuch zum Neuen Testament. 1845-57. 3 v. Wetzel, W. A. Benjamin Franklin as an economist. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies.) Weyman, S. J. The red cockade; a novel. Illust. † Whitfield, R. P. Mollusca and crustacea of the miocene formations of New Jersey. 1894. Illust. Whittaker, T. Essays and notices, philosophical and psychological. • Williams, A. M. Studies in folk-song and popular poetry. 1894. Wilson, S. G. Persian life and customs; with scenes and incidents of residence and travel in the land of the lion and the sun. Illust. † Winsor, J. The earliest printed sources of New England history, 1602-29. 1894. Note. Reprinted from the Proc. of the Mass. Hist. Soc., Nov. 1894. The rival claimants for North America, 14971755. Note. From Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Soc., annual meeting, Oct. 24, 1894. Wister, O. Red men and white; illust. by F. A Contents. Dorothy. A transplanted boy. Florentine experiment. -A waitress. - At the château of Corinne. Wyndham, F. M. Wild life on the fjelds of Norway. Illust. International Law and Diplomacy. Anzilotti, D. La codificazione del diritto internazionale privato; discorso, R. Istituto di Scienze Sociali "Cesare Alfieri," Firenze, Nov., 1893. 1894. Daguin, C. De l'exception de chose jugée, en droit romain; Del'autorité et de l'exécution des jugements étrangers en matière civile et commerciale en France et dans les divers pays, en droit français; thèse pour le doctorat. 1887. (Faculté de Droit de Paris.) Geffroy, M. A. Recueil des instructions aux ambassadeurs, etc., de France depuis les traités de Westphalie jusqu'à la Révolution; Danemark; avec introd, et des notes. Lassalle, J. de. Etude sur la condition à faire aux étrangers établis en Algérie. 1893. Viaris, -, marquis de. Les dépêches secrètes et les conventions internationales. 1893. Additions. 2d ser.] BOSTON ATHEN MUM. * Abbott, E. A. Shakespearian grammar; an attempt to illust. the differences between Elizbethan and modern English. 1894. Allen, J. L. Aftermath; part second of " A Kentucky cardinal." American book-prices current. Vol. 1. 1895. Anderson, J. C. Old Testament and monumental coincidences; with an historical essay on Christianity and its early introduction into Britain. 1895. Illust. † Appleton, W. S. A century of the Senate of the U. S.; [roll of members. 1895.] Note. Communicated to the Mass. Hist. Soc. meeting 14 Mar., 1895; repr. from its Proc. Arnold, M. Letters, 1848-88; collected and arranged by G. W. E. Russell. 1895. 2 v. † Association Littéraire Internationale. La Hollande et la liberté de penser au 17e et au 18e siècle; avec une introduction par L. Ulbach. 1884. Avenel, G., vicomte d'. Histoire économique de la propriété, des salaires, des denrées et de tous les prix en général, 1200-1800. Vol. 1, 2. 1894. 2 v. Baedeker, K. Berlin und Umgebungen; Hand- Balfour, A. J. The religion of humanity; address at the Church Congress, Manchester, Oct. 1888. 1888. Ballard, H. H. The world of matter; a guide to the study of chemistry and mineralogy. 1894. Illust. Balzac, H. de. A daughter of Eve. 1895. (The comedy of human life.) Contents. A daughter of Eve. A commission in lunacy. The rural ball. Barlow, J. Strangers at Lisconnel; a second se ries of Irish idylls. 1895. Benson, A. C. Essays. Contents. The ever-memorable J. Hales. A min. ute philosopher, [John Earles]. Henry More, the Platonist. Andrew Marvell. - Vincent Bourne. - T. Gray. W. Blake. Poetry of Keble.- E. B. Browning. The late master of Trinity, [W. H. Thompson]. -H. Bradshaw. - C. Rossetti. - Poetry of Edmund Gosse. Epilogue. Besant, W. Westminster. 1895. Illust. Note. Repr., with additions, from the Pall Mall mag azine. [No. 354. Mar. 2, 1896 Blackmore, R. D. Fringilla; or, Tales in verse; with decorative picturings by W. H. Bradley. 1895. Illust. Contents. Preface. - Prologue; lines to my pen. Lita of the Nile. - Pausias and Glycera. - Kadisha. Mt. Arafa. The well of St. John. Buscombe. Epilogue; lines to fame. Blaney, H. B. Old Boston, reproductions of etchings and text. Bolton, C. K. The love story of Ursula Wolcott; being a tale in verse of the time of the great revival in New England; with designs by E. Reed. 1895. Illust. Bonney, T. G. Charles Lyell and modern geology. 1895. (Century science ser.) * Bradford, G., Jr. Types of American character. 1895. Contents. The American pessimist. - The American idealist. - The American epicurean. -The American philanthropist. The American man of letters. The American out of doors. The scholar. Bran, son of Febal. The voyage of Bran, son of Febal to the land of the living; an old Irish saga ; ed., with tr., notes, and glossary, by K.Meyer; with essay upon the Irish vision of the happy other world and the Celtic doctrine of rebirth, by A. Nutt, sect. 1. 1895. (Grimm library.) † Bridgman, A. M., ed. A souvenir of Mass. legislators, 1895. Vol. 4. 1895. Illust. Bromley, G. W. and W.S. Atlas of Somerville, Mass. 1895. Brooks, P., Bp. Sermons for the principal festivals and fasts of the church year; ed. by J. C. Brooks. 7th series. 1895. Broughton, R. Scylla or Charybdis. 1895. Brown, J. The Pilgrim fathers of New England and their Puritan successors; with introd. by A. E. Dunning. Illust. † Brown University. Historical catalogue, 1764- Bulloch, J. M. A history of the University of seen; [poems). 1895. Illust. Cavour, C. B., conte di. Nuove lettere inedite; [French and Ital.]; con. pref. e note di Edmondo Mayor. 1895. Cheney, J. V. That dome in air; thoughts on poetry and poets. 1895. Contents. The relation of poetry to life, with special reference to religion. Emerson. Lowell.Whittier- Longfellow. Bryant. - Whitman. - W. Blake. Cowper. - Wordsworth. A forgotten vol. [Bishop Lowth's Lectures on the sacred poetry of the Hebrews]. Child, F. S. An old New England town; sketches of life, scenery, character [in Fairfield, Ct.]. 1895. Illust. † Clement, Mrs. C. E. Constantinople, the city of the sultans. 1895. Illust. 1470 Contents. Le chevalier de Haussey. - Armand de Chateaubriand. - Un chouan à Londres; [L.C. R. Collin de la Contrie]. Les gentils hommes poètes de l'armée de Condé. Puisaye et d'Avaray. Crickmore, H. H. Old Chester; etched and described. 1895. Illust. Crowe, Sir J. A. Reminiscences of thirty-five years of my life. 1895. Cuellar, F. de. A letter written Oct. 4, 1589, to Philip 11., recounting his misadventures in Ireland and elsewhere after the wreck of his ship; tr. by H. D. Sedgwick, Jr. (Spanish Armada tracts.) *Curry, J. L. M. The Southern states of the American union considered in their relations to the constitution of the U. S. and to the resulting union. 1895. D'Arcy, C. F. A short study of ethics. 1895. Dasent, A. I. The history of St. James's Square and the foundation of the west of London; with a glimpse of Whitehall in the reign of Charles 11. 1895. Illust. * Daudet, E. Un amour de Barras. 5e éd. 1895. Contents. Un amour de Barras. Nuit de nocев. Aventure d'émigré. Le dernier Barny. - Un vendredi saint. Une nuit de Noël. Un coup de main. présailles. Une matinée de Fouché. dossier de police. complot. ReEn marge d'un Madame Jambe. - Le roman d'un Mar. 2, 1896 Ebers, G. M. Im blauen Hecht; Roman aus dem deutschen Kulturleben im Anfang des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts. 4e Aufl. Ellwanger, G. H. Idyllists of the country side; being six commentaries concerning some of those who have apostrophized the joys of the open air. Contents. The wand of Walton. Gilbert White's pastoral. The landscape of Thomas Hardy. - Afield with Jefferies. The sphere of Thoreau. A ramble with Burroughs. Firth, C. H., ed. Scotland and the Commonwealth; letters and papers relating to the military government of Scotland, from Aug. 1651 to Dec. 1653; with introd. and notes. 1895. (Scottish Hist. Soc.) Fitzgerald, E. Letters to Fanny Kemble, 187183; ed. by W. A. Wright. 1895. Fitzgerald, P. H. Stonyhurst memories; or, Six years at school. 1895. Foote, Mrs. M. H. The cup of trembling: and other stories. 1895. Contents. The cup of trembling. - Maverick. - On a side-track. The trumpeter. Forbes, R., Bp. of Ross and Caithness. The Lyon in mourning; or, a collection of speeches, letters, journals, etc, relative to the affairs of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, 1746-75; ed., with preface, by H. Paton. Vol. 1, 2. 1895. 2 v. (Scottish Hist. Soc. Pub.) Fraser, Mrs. H. The brown ambassador, a story of the three days' moon. 1895. *Fullerton, Lady G. C. L. G. Grantley Manor. [1895.] Gagnon, P. Essai de bibliographie canadienne; inventaire d'une bibliothèque comprenant imprimés, manuscrits, estampes, etc., relatifs à l'histoire du Canada et des pays adjacents; avec des notes bibliographiques. 1895. Gardner, P., and Jevons, F. B. A manual of Greek antiquities. 1895. Illust. • Gibson, L. H. Beautiful houses; a study in house-building; foreign examples in domestic architecture, a collection of American house plans, materials and details for the artistic house-builder, the architect. [1895.] Illust. Gordon, A. C. Congressional currency; an outline of the federal money system. 1895. (Questions of the day.) Gore, F. St. J. Lights and shades of hill life in the Afghan and Hindu highlands of the Punjab; a contrast. 1895. Illust. Graves, R. H. Forty years in China; or, China in transition. 1895. Illust. Great Britain. Parl. Accounts and Papers. U. S., no. 1-11, 1893: Behring Sea arbitration. [1893.] 11 nos. Namely. No. 1. Case of [Gr. Brit.). 2. Report of Behring Sea commission, and of British commiss. of 1892. 3. Counter-case of [Gr. Brit.). 4. Argument of [Gr. Brit.]. 5. Map of N. portion of north Pacific Ocean. 6. Case of U.S. 7. Counter case of U. S. 8. Argument of U.S. 9. Correspondence resp. a proposal of U. S. 10. Award. 11. Papers rel. to proceedings. Grinnell, G. B. The story of the Indian. 1895. Illust. (Story of the West series.) Grosvenor, E. A. Constantinople; with an introduction by Lew Wallace. 1895. 2 v. Illust. Grove, Mrs. L., and others. Dancing; with musical examples. 1895. Illust. (Badminton library.) Hall, O. The track of a storm. of Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, Henry Alford, Harnack, A. History of dogma; translated from the 3d German ed. by Neil Buchanan. Vol. 1. 1895. Harper, C. G. The Dover Road; annals of an ancient turnpike. 1895. Illust. Harrison, Mrs. C. C. A Virginia cousin; and Bar Harbor tales. 1895. Contents. A Virginia cousin. Out of season. On Frenchman's Bay. Hendren, S. R. Government and religion of the Virginia Indians. 1895. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies.) Holmes, O. W. Complete poetical works. Cambridge ed. [1895.] Hoppus, M. A. M. David Pannell; a study of conscience. 1894. * Horatius Flaccus, Q. Echoes from the Sabine farm; str. from his odes, etc.], by Eugene and Roswell Martin Field. 1895. Howe, Mrs. J. W. Is polite society polite? and other essays. 1895. Contents. Preface. Is polite society polite? - Paris. Greece revisited. The salon in America. Aristophanes. The halfness of nature. Dante and Beatrice. * Hudson, T. J. A scientific demonstration of the future life. 1895. Hungerford, Mrs. M. H. A tug of war; a novel. 1895. Hurst, J. F. Literature of theology; a classified bibliography of theological and general religious literature. 1895. Inderwick, F. A. The king's peace; a historical sketch of the English law courts. Illust. (Social England series.) Ingalls, H. The Boston charades. 1895. James, W. Naval history of Great Britain, from the declaration of war by France in 1793 to the accession of George IV. New ed.; with additions and notes bringing the work down to 1827. 1886. 6 v. Index to James' Naval history, edition 1886; prepared by C. G. Toogood; ed. by T. A. Brassey. 1895. (Navy Records Soc. Pub.) † Jameson, Mrs. A. B. M. Legends of the Madonna; ed., with additional notes by E. M. Hurll. Illust. [Mar. 2. 1896 Memoirs of early Italian painters; thoroughly revised and in part rewritten by E. M.Hurll. Sacred and legendary art; ed. with additional notes by E. M. Hurll. 2 v. Illust. Jensen, W. Chiemgau-Novellen. 1895. Contents. Die Glocken von Greimharting. - Hunnenblut. Aus der "vergessenen Zeil." Die Katze; ein Roman. 1895. 2 v. Johnson's universal cyclopædia. New ed.; C. K. Adams ed.-in-chief. 1893-95. 8 v. Jones, H. A critical account of the philosophy of Lotze; the doctrine of thought. 1895. Károly, K. A guide to the paintings of Venice; an historical and critical account of all the pictures in Venice; with quotations from the best authorities, and short lives of the Venetian masters. 1895. Illust. King, G. New Orleans; the place and the people. 1895. Illust. Kingston, W. B. Men, cities, and events. [1895.] Contents. A visit to Sydney Smith. - An improvisation by Mendelssohn. - The king of Hungary's coronanation. A memorable Christmas dinner. A royal marriage [that of Humbert and Margaret of Italy]. "The great Frenchman" [De Lesseps]. - Interview with Victor Emmanuel. - The Abbé Liszt. The second German emperor. Two Roumanian statesmen [Jón Bratiano and Michel Kogalniceanu]. - Servian premier [Gospodin Garaschianin). - A Roman pontiff [Pius IX.]. - The Belgian Brighton [Ostend]. - A Christmas dinner in prison. The great diamond show. A modern Italian statesman [F. Crispi]. - Prince Bismarck at home. Pope Leo XIII. Out of doors. Latimer, Mrs. E. W. Europe in Africa in the nineteenth century. 1895. Lee, V. (pseud. of V. Paget). Renaissance fancies and studies; being a sequel to Euphorion. 1895. Contents. The love of the saints. The imaginative art of the Renaissance. Tuscan sculpture. A seeker of Pagan perfection, being the life of Domenico Neroni, pictor sacrilegus. - Valedictory. Leypoldt, A. H., and Iles, G., eds. List of books for girls and women and their clubs. 1895. 5 pts. * Lindau, R. Schweigen Neue Novellen. 2e Aufl. 1895. Contents. Schweigen. - Der Hamal. - Ein ganzes Lloyd, E. Three great African chiefs; Khâmé, pli.) Longfellow, W. P. P., ed. Cyclopædia of works of architecture in Italy, Greece, and the Levant. 1895. Illust. McGarvey, W. Litturgiæ Americanæ; or, The Book of common prayer as used in the U. S. compared with the proposed book of 1786 and with the prayer book of the Church of Eng.; and hist. account and docs.; added, bibliog. sketch of standard eds. of Amer. prayer book and crit. exam. of the psalter, by F. Gibson. 1895. Mackay, G. L. From far Formosa; the island, its people and missions; ed. by J. A. Macdonald. Illust. Macpherson, H. A., and others. The pheasant; Natural history by H. A. Macpherson, shooting by A. J. Stuart-Wortley, cookery by A. I. Shand. 1895. Illust. (Fur and feather series.) • Magruder, J. Princess Sonia, with illust. by C. D. Gibson, 1895. Massart, J., and Vandervelde, E. Parasitism, organic and social; tr by W. Macdonald, rev. by J A. Thomson; with pref. by P. Geddes. 1895. + Maurice, J. F. Hostilities without declaration of war; an historical abstract of the cases in which hostilities have occurred between civilized powers prior to declaration or warning, 1700-1870. 1883. Maxwell, Sir II., Bart. Post meridiana; afternoon essays. 1895. Contents. Clothes. - Games. - Speech. Ornament.- Bores. The conduct of friendship. -The craving for fiction. The first Eng. freethinker [Roger Bacon]. Woodlands; with a postscript on London trees. Gardens. - Trouting tattle. - Salmon flies. -Index. Molesworth, Mrs. M. L. S. The carved lions. 1895. Illust. White turrets. Illust. Montresor, F. F. The one who looked on. 1895. Nevius, J. L. Demon possession and allied themes; an inductive study of phenomena of our own times; with introd. by F. F. Ellinwoord [1894.] The The The Noble, J. A. Impressions and memories. 1895. Contents. The justification of impressions. music of prose. Oliver Wendell Holmes. charm of autobiography. Music and form. burden of Christina Rossetti. - Nathaniel Hawthorne's paradox. Some skylark poems. Annie Keary. The hypocrite of fiction. - Mr. Du Maurier's magic mirror. In Elleray wood. The lady of Shalott. Sandycombes. - Two Thanet sketches: In Birching. ton churchyard; - A Ramsgate Arabian night. O'Meara, B. Е. Napoleon at St. Helena. 2 v. Illust. 1888. Smith, G. Bishop Heber, poet and chief missionary to the East, second Lord Bishop of Calcutta, 1783-1826. Illust. Smith, G. The Arabella and Araminta stories; with an introduction by M. E. Wilkins. Illust. (Yellow hair library.) Stimson, F. J. Labor in its relations to law; four lectures delivered at the Plymouth school of ethics, July 1895. 1895. Contents. History of the law of labor. The employment contract. Strikes and boycotts. of the future. * Thiébault, P. C. F. A. H. D., baron. Forecast Mémoires; Tynan, K. An isle in the water. 1895. Contents The first wife. - The story of Father Anthony O'Toole. The unlawful mother. - A rich wo man. How Mary came home. Mauryeen.-A wrestling. The sea's dead. - Katie. The death spancel. - A solitary. The man who was hanged. A prodigal son. - Changing the nurseries. The fields of my childhood. +U.S. Census Office. 11th Census. Report on wealth, debt and taxation, 1890; J Kendrick Upton, special agent. 1892-95. 2 ν. Contents. Part 1. Public debt. 2. Valuation and taxation. Verga, G. Under the shadow of Etna; Sicilian stories from the Italian by N. H. Dole. Illust. (Round table library.) Contents. How Peppa loved Gramigna. - Jeli, the shepherd. - Rustic chivalry. - La Lupa. - The story of the St. Joseph's ass. - The bereaved. * Webster, Mrs. A. Dramatic studies. Contents. A preacher. - A painter. -Jeanne d'Are. -Sister Annunciata: An anniversary; Abbess Ursula's lecture. The snow waste. With the dead. By the looking-glass. - Too late. Weeks, E. L. From the Black Sea through Persia and India; illust. by the author. White, G. Outline of the philosophy of English literature. Pt. 1. 1895. Contents. Pt. 1. The Middle Ages. Whitman, S. Teuton studies. 1895. Contents. The Germany of the past. The Germany of today. - The working man. The forest. Das Lied. The drama. The anti-Semitic movement. A visit to a factory. Glimpse of a watering-place. Count Moltke, Field-Marshal. Bismarck at Friedrichsrun. - Friedrichsruh revisited. * Winslow, Mrs. C. M. R. Readings from the old English dramatists; with notes. 2 v. Contents. Pt. 1. Miracle to masque. - Predecessors of Shakespeare. Minor Elizabethan dramatists. 2. Earlier Stuart drama. - Comedy of the restoration. Comedy of the 18th century. * Woolsey, S. C., pseud. S. Coolidge. An old convent school in Paris; and other papers. 1895. Contents. An old convent school in Paris. - The Countess Potocki. The girlhood of an autocrat [Catherine II., of Russia]. - Miss Eden. - The Duc de Saint-Simon. Workman, F. B. and W. H. Algerian memories; a bicycle tour over the Atlas to the Sahara. [1895.] Illust. * Zangwill, I. The big Bow mystery. 1892. |