Adamson, R. On the philosophy of Kant. "The main object of these lectures is to consider the causes and significance of the recent revival of interest in the Kantian philosophy, and to give a statement of Kant's theory of knowledge which shall bring into due prominence its intimate connexion with the metaphysical idea that underlies the three 'Critiques'. They therefore contain a brief study of the fundamental elements of the Kantian system, both in themselves and in relation to the chief problems of more recent philosophy." Mind, Oct. Bergerat, E. Théophile Gautier; entretiens, souvenirs, et correspondance; avec une préface de E. de Goncourt et une eau-forte. 2e éd. "M. Bergerat, the son-in-law of Gautier, was intimate with him only during the last few years of his life. All of Gautier's correspondence which can ever be published, is contained in this book, besides a few of his inedited poems." B. P. L. Berkeley, G:, Bp. Selections; with an introduction and notes by A. C. Fraser. (Clarendon press ser.) Blanc, Mme. T., (pseud. T. Bentzon). Un châti ment. La grande saulière; Ma tante Hermine. "La grande saulière. Une assez touchante idylle encadrée entre les douces collines du Nivernais et qui rappelle, un peu trop peut-être, celles que George Sand encadrait dans les halliers du Berri. Th. Bentzon ne voit pas les paysans en laid. Pour lui, la campagne est le séjour fortuné de toutes les vertus. Le mal n'y saurait naître; si on l'y rencontre, il est venu d'ailleurs. Et d'où? de Paris. Ce parti pris un peu trop absolu n'empêchera par les Parisiens et les Parisiennes de lire l'idylle de Th. Bentzon; on la lira avec plaisir même, et en goûtant ce style doux et pur, plus pur que le lait que nous expédient les honnêtes habitants de la campagne." M. Gaucher in Rev. pol. et lit., 14 avril, 1877. La petite perle; - Desirée Turpin. ""Petite perle', petit drame à l'eau de rose, mais étude délicate et curieusement fouillée." M. Gaucher in Rev. pol. et lit., 22 déc., 1877. Chadwick, J: W. The faith of reason; a series of discourses on the leading topics of religion. "6 discourses preached in Jan., Feb., 1879, by the author of 'The Bible of to-day', entitled: Agnostic religion; The nature of religion; Concerning God; Immortality; Prayer; Morals. The writer, an agnostic in religion, does not enter into anything controversial, nor attempt to analyze the processes by which religious doctrines have lost their hold upon so many minds, but accepting the situation, asks, if this is so, what is there left of religion, and what is the nature and good of it?" Title-slip registry. Chéruel, A. Histoire de France, pendant la minor ité de Louis XIV. 2 v. "It is surprising to see how many new things remain to be said about a period which, one might have thought, was thoroughly well known. The archives of Foreign Affairs, the collections of the Bibliothèque Nationale, the despatches of the Venetian ambassadors, have furnished M. Chéruel with an ample harvest." G. Monod in Contemp. rev., May. "Le 3e volume conduit les événemens jusqu'en l'année 1648, c'est-à-dire jusqu'aux commencemens de la Fronde et jusqu'à la conclusion des traités de Westphalie. On sait que, dans la 'Correspondance' et dans les 'Carnets' de Mazarin, M. Chéruel, aidé d'autres documens encore, a trouvé le moyen de renouveler l'histoire orageuse et glorieuse à la fois de la minorité de Louis XIV. Peutêtre le récit manque-t-il parfois de couleur; il ne manque au moins ni de solidité ni de cette précision méticuleuse que donnent à l'historien la longue pratique des documens originaux et l'entière connaissance des faits." Revue d. Deux Mondes. Chodzko, A. Les chants historiques de l'Ukraine, et les chansons des Latyches des bords de la Dvina occidentale; trad. sur les textes orig. "M. Chodzko has done good service by rendering generally available a considerable part of the contents of several valuable works which seemed to be destined to remain sealed books so far as most readers are concerned." - Acad., Oct. 18. Crawley, Capt. R. Hand-book of lawn tennis, expérimentale. le pte. "M. Daubrée has, during the last thirty years, published numerous very important memoirs describing the production, upon a small scale in the laboratory, of various natural geological phenomena. These papers are now for the first time brought together. They are the life-work of a trained and careful investigator in an almost untrodden direction." Nature, Sept. 25. Douen, O. Clément Marot, et le psautier huguenot; contenant les mélodies primitives des psaumes et des specimens d'harmonie. 2 v. "La traduction des psaumes reprend dans l'œuvre de Marot la place qu'on s'obstinait à lui refuser, et cette place se justifie moins peut-être par la grâce et l'élégance de son interprétation que par un souci remarquable de se tenir le plus rapproché possible de l'original. C'est à peine si parmi les plus récents traducteurs en vers, un seul peut être comparé a cet égard au poëte de la Renaissance." Rev. pol. et lit., 3 mai. Douglas, R. K. Confucianism and Taouism. (Soc. for Prom. Christ. Knowl. Non-Christian relig. systems.) Dupont-Vernon, H. Quelques réflexions sur l'art de bien dire. "On diction ('delivery', as we may English it). Slighter than M. Legouvé's book on the 'Art of reading', but its aim is identical, and it reinforces the argument of the author of Adrienne Lecouvreur' with fresh illustrations." Durand, Mme. A. F., (pseud. H: Gréville). Un violon russe. 6e éd. 2 v. Eucken, R. Geschichte der philosophischen Terminologie. "Hitherto no writer had systematically traced the development of philosophy as fixed in language; and Prof. Eucken has made, to say the least, a good beginning in the construction of such a history. He has carefully collected the chief terms which each great thinker has added to the stock of philosophical 'counters'. But his work is not merely the dry enumeration of names which such collection might be taken to imply. In his hands, terminology becomes an index to the history of philosophy; and the different contributions of successive thinkers are made to throw no inconsiderable light upon the leading tendencies of their systems. The ambiguity of Aristotle's phraseology is shown to result from his attitude to Plato; the subjective character of Stoicism is indicated by a survey of the psychological expressions introduced; the importance of Scholasticism is brought out by an enumeration of the terms which Duns Scotus and his immediate followers have bequeathed to modern Europe." - Acad., April 5. Foucher de Careil, L: A., comte. Descartes, la princesse Elisabeth et la reine Christine d'après des lettres inédites. "La princesse Elisabeth a été l'élève préférée de Descartes, livrée tout entière à l'étude, à la méditation, ayant sacrifié un trône à sa religion et le mariage à la recherche de la vérité. Cette gravité, cette austérité, n'est pas chose surprenante dans une fille de la maison des Stuarts, cette race violente, agitée, presque tragique comme celle des Atrides: tel est le problème psychologique que M. de Careil essaye de résoudre grâce à cette correspondance. On pouvait déjà trouver des explica tions dans les cruelles épreuves qui avaient attristé sa Gaboriau, E. Le dossier, no. 113. 19e éd. Monsieur Lecoq. (T. 1, 11e éd.; 2, 10e éd.) 2 ν. Gazier, A. Les dernières années du cardinal de Retz, 1655-79; étude historique et littéraire. "Les dernières années de Retz, depuis la mort de Mazarin jusqu'à 1679, nous étaient connues par un ouvrage récent de M. A. Gazier, ouvrage plein de recherches, d'ingénieuse érudition, de révélations instructives, qui a été fortement mis à contribution par M. Chantelauze et que l'œuvre de ce dernier ne fera pas tomber dans l'oubli." Georges de Nouvion in Rev. pol. et lit., 16 août. Girard, J. A. Le sentiment religieux en Grèce d'Homère à Eschyle. 2e éd. "La thèse fondamentale de M. Girard, c'est que les Grecs n'ont pas été seulement les gais et robustes adolescens qu'on s'est plus quelquefois à nous représenter, heureux de vivre, ne rêvant rien au delà des satisfactions de la vie présente, indifférens au grand problème de la destinée de l'homme. Et cette opinion, justifiée par l'histoire de la littérature, ou plus exactement de la poésie depuis les temps d'Homère jusqu'à Eschyle, fait du livre de M. Girard, en même temps que la démonstration d'une thèse originale, une véritable histoire de la grande poésie grecque." Rev. d. Deux Mondes. Gower, Ld. R. The figure painters of Holland. (Illust. biog. of the great artists.) Gras, F. Li carbounié; epoupèio en 12 cant; trad. franç. en regard. ... "Li carbounié' ranks among the more serious works of the modern Provençal literature. The hero is a charcoal burner of the Mont Ventour. Fired by a love of change, and feeling his young life and energy restless within him, he determines to seek adventures in the plains and towns below, and to learn further of the ways of men. Here are incident, movement, interest, considerable power, a fine subject full of local color, and yet we are struck by an absence of artistic proportion, and a tendency to exaggeration. M. Gras has produced a great work full of life and color, and when he has put curb and rein upon his Pegasus, and controlled its fiery energy, we hope to follow him in his flights with unmixed admiration and pleasure." - Emilie L. Marzials, in Acad., Sept. 13. Gray, Mrs. J: H: Fourteen months in Canton. Guiteau, C: J. The truth; a companion to the Bible. Haden, F. S. About etching. "Mr. S. Haden was really the first to make any stir in England about etching as a special branch of art, and it is quite appropriate that he should be chosen to write a technical guide to it." Sat. rev., Oct. 4. James, H:, Jr. Confidence. "If Mr. James be not incapable of describing passion, at all events he has still to show that he is capable of it. During the last fifteen years, more or less, he has been writing stories of remarkable subtlety, charm, and literary finish; he has introduced us to many characters who seemed to have in them capacities for the highest passion, as witness Christina Light, in the novel called Roderick Hudson; and yet he has never allowed them to bring those capacities to the proof. He uniformly evades the situations; but the evasion is managed with ingenuity and plausibility." - Spectator, Jan. 10. Jean, l'abbé, pseud. Francisque; histoire contemporaine de l'éducation cléricale et monastique. "Voici un livre qui fait et fera du bruit. L'abbé Jean déclare qu'il ne vise pas au style et qu'encore moins il recherche un succès de scandale. Rien n'est plus exact. Le style est souvent lâche, gonflé, et diffus, et il a un parfum de séminaire et de sermon de campagne. Peut-être est-ce sa propre histoire qu'il raconte. Il le fait avec émotion et sincérité, sans chercher, en effet, le scandale. Ce n'est pas là un pamphlet comme 'Le maudit', mais un tableau fidèle où il y a des coins de lumière, s'il y a beaucoup d'ombres. Pas d'hostilité contre l'essence du dogme, pas de colères contre les personnes, mais seulement un souvenir attristé d'épreuves vraiment cruelles et la protestation d'une âme énergique, indépendante, aimante surtout et éprise de l'idéal, contre la tyrannie de règles étroites et glacées." Maxime Gaucher, in Rev. pol. et lit., 20 sept. Keary, A. A doubting heart. (Franklin Sq. libr.) "It is not often that a critic peruses a book from end to end without marking a single passage for praise or blame." Athen., Nov. 22. Largeau, V. Le pays de Rirha, Ouargla; voyage à Rhadamès. "The author's project was to reach the Niger from Algeria by following the great valleys of the Sahara, but he appears only to have penetrated as far south as Zmaïla, about 31° N. lat., after staying at Wargla." Royal Geog. Soc. Proc., Nov. Lock, C: G. W. The home of the Eddas; with a chapter on the Sprengisandr by Dr. C. Le Neve Foster. "It is difficult to praise work so loosely put together, so pedantic, and so full of repetitions; but it is equally difficult to blame a volume of such genuine research, stored with so much information and even learning, and containing the results of such untiring observation." Athenaum, June 14. Lorrain, F. Le problème de la France contemporaine. "An analysis of the works of Pierre G. F. Le Play, and B. de Saint-Bonnet, the former of whom proposed, as a means of settling social problems in France, a return to feudalism. The author advocates the establishment of a social hierarchy or aristocracy, and is decidedly anti-democratic." - B. P. L. Lubomirski, le prince J. Le nihilisme en Russie. Maberly, J. The print collector; ed., with notes by R. Hoe, Jr. "Written in a plain, direct fashion, and beginning as it ought, with the simplest and most rudimentary details. It is an admirable handbook, and is supplemented with some excellent notes by the editor. The appendix contains practical instruction in the various arts of etching, engraving, etc., and a very good and concise account of modern etchers, with a list of their principal works. There are, besides, complete lists of the works of Dürer and Rembrandt, and a full catalogue of the bibliography of prints." Int. rev., Feb. McCarthy, J. History of our own times from the accession of Queen Victoria to the Berlin Congress. Vol. 1. McCosh, J., D. D. The emotions. "Treats, first, of the elements of emotion, and, secondly, of the classification and description of the emotions. He has been led to the consideration of his theme, as he says in his preface, by the vagueness and ambiguity in common thought and literature in connection with the subject, and by 'the tendency on the part of the prevailing physiological psychology of the day to resolve all feeling and our very emotions into nervous action, and thus gain an important province of our nature to materialism." Malleson, Col. G. B. History of the Indian mutiny, 1857-58, commencing from the close of Kaye's Hist. of the Sepoy war. 2d ed. 2 v. Mohl, J. Vingt-sept ans d'histoire des études orientales. Tome 1. M. Mohl was secretary of the Société Asiatique from 1840 to 1867; this work contains his annual reports. "Il y comprit le champ entier des études orientales, et se chargea de rendre comte à ses confrères de tous les Embrassant le travaux accomplis dans l'année. monde entier, Mohl groupait dans un exposé simple, facile, lumineux, tous les progrès que faisaient ces belles recherches. Et combien les circonstances furent favorables à ce grand et large rapporteur! L'Assyrie, qui semblait perdue à jamais, sortant de dessous terre, l'égyptologie atteignant un degré de certitude qu'on avait à peine osé espérer, le chinois compris dans ses plus délicates profondeurs, les Védas et les origines aryennes éclairés de lumières inattendues, les monuments du bouddhisme découverts et compris, l'histoire de la littérature hindoue se dégageant des chimères dont on l'avait entourée d'abord: ce fut l'âge d'or des études orientales; Mohl en fut le digne, savant et éloquent historien." E. Renan. Morin, P. A. Les lois relatives à la guerre. 2 v. Muir, J: Metrical translations from Sanskrit writers. Muir, Sir W: The Coran; its composition and Poplimont, C: La France héraldique. 8 v. "Opens with an article remarkable in every way, and admirable in style, on that of the late much-neglected character, Lord Bolingbroke. Had Lord Macaulay only died last month instead of unfortunately twenty years earlier, we should have unhesitatingly ascribed this brilliant essay to his pen. There is also a learned and almost exhaustive treatise on 'Greek civilization in the East." Examiner, Jan. 24. Reade, T. M. Chemical denudation in relation to geological time. "A vast amount of good solid fact is environed by curious calculations, and by hypotheses of a highly exciting nature. All the hypotheses and conclusions in the book are the product of a geological imagination of the highest and most vigorous order." Nature, Oct. 2. Regnaud, P. Matériaux pour servir à l'histoire de la pl philosophie de l'Inde. 2 pts. Revue des Deux Mondes, jan. 1. "Every one interested in Gibbon should read the article by M. O. d'Haussonville in the Revue des Deux Mondes, entitled 'Le salon de Madame Neckar'. м. d'Haussonville, who is very severe upon Gibbon's conduct, prints the celebrated epistle addressed by Gibbon to Mlle. Curchod, when 'he sighed as a lover, and obeyed as a son', and a very spirited letter by Mlle. Curchod, which is couched in scathing terms." Athenœum, Jan. 17. Rivers, T: The orchard-house; or, The cultivation of fruit-trees under glass. 16th ed., reedited by T. F. Rivers. Rothan, G. Les origines de la guerre de 1870: La politique française en 1866. Scheffer-Boichorst, P. Florentiner Studien. "In this work the author first brought forward the evidence which he claims proves the spuriousness of Dino Compagni's 'Chronicon Florentinum' and of Malispini's 'Storia'. In a later work, 'Die Chronik des Dino Compagni', he has maintained this view. For an acсcount of the controversy to which this charge gave rise, consult the 'Archivio storico italiano', 1874, p. 165; 1875, p. 453; and articles in 'Historische Zeitschrift', by Hegel, v. 35, p. 32; and Bernhardi, 1877, p. 77. The following works were published in regard to the dispute: Fanfani, 'Dino Compagni vendicato'. Milano, 1870; Hegel, 'Die Chronik des Dino Compagni'. Leipzig, 1875. Hegel takes issue with Scheffer-Boichorst. Burckhardt says that in Germany Boichorst's view is generally accepted, while in Italy the genuineness of the chronicle is maintained. The Italian view is set forth in Capponi's 'Storia della repubblica di Firenze', v. 2, p. 569-574." - B. P. L. Schiltberger, J: [His] bondage and travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, 1396-1427; tr. by K: F: Neumann. (Hakluyt Soc.) "Schiltberger was made prisoner at the battle of Nicopolis, and was taken into the service of Bajazet, sharing in expeditions to Egypt and Asia Minor. Falling into the power of Timour, he took part in the invasions of Armenia and Georgia, the expedition to Abkase, and the return to Samarcand across the Araxes and through Persia. He remained in the service of Timour's son and grandson at Kars and Erivan, from which latter place he traversed the western provinces of the Caspian, passing through Derbent into great Tartary, afterwards visiting Siberia, and eventually crossing the kingdom of Kiptchak and arriving at Kaffa in the Crimea. He then went again to Egypt and to Palestine and (probably) Arabia, returning to the Crimea, whence he journeyed to the Caucasus and back to Mingrelia. Escaping to the shores of the Black Sea, he reached Lazistan, was taken by ship to Constantinople, and finally found his way to Bavaria. It is unnecessary to do more than refer to the interest of a record of these extended travels at such an early date." - Royal Geog. Soc. Proc., Nov. Shakespeare, W: History of the life and death of The tempest. Tragedy of Hamlet. Tragedy of King Lear. Tragedy of Macbeth. Skeat, Rev. W. W. Etymological dictionary of "Not a story at all, the love affair being uninteresting and uneventful to the last degree, and the book itself being no more than a wordy and rather dreary set of sketches of Anglo-Indian and Afghan life and manners." Acad., Oct. 4. Vachon, M. La bibliothèque du Louvre et la collection bibliographique Motteley. (L'art français pendant la guerre de 1870-71.) Valroger, L. de. Les Celtes, la Gaul celtique. "Treats of the legislation of the Gauls and Celts. The subject has never yet been examined except in the most superficial manner. M. de Valroger begins with a descriptive sketch of Gaul in the primitive ages; an instructive parallel is then drawn between what classical antiquity knew about the Celts and the results obtained by modern research; and the last section of the volume contains the practical application of the data previously collected, and gives an account of the fundamental principles of law as it existed amongst the various branches of the Celtic family." Sat. rev., June 7. Vast, H: Le cardinal Bessarion, 1403-72; étude sur la chrétienté et la Renaissance vers le milieu du 15e siècle. "Le cardinal Bessarion, si savant, si hospitalier, si delicat, Mécène de la littérature et des littérateurs grecs exilés de Constantinople, méritait à tous les titres d'être remis en lumière. M. Vast n'a épargné ni les recherches, ni le travail. On pourrait peut-être lui reprocher d'avoir voulu tout dire; mais comment s'interdire l'érudition en traçant le portrait d'un erudit?" - Rev. d. D. M., 15 mars. Véra, A. Essais de philosophie hégélienne. a descriptive catalogue of the artist's work. Wood, "H. C., M.D. Sat. rev., Sept. 9. (Keen, W. W. Woolsey, T. D. Communism and socialism in their Zeller, B. Le connétable de Luynes, Montauban, history and theory. et la Valteline. "Reprenant une tâche commencée par M. Cousin et la reprenant à l'aide de documens nouveaux, M. B. Zeller entreprend de prouver que le favori de Louis XIII. n'a pas mérité les mépris dont l'ont accablé la plupart des historiens, et qu'il a été un véritable homme d'état, un prédécesseur inégal, mais non pas indigne, de Richelieu. Il met les renseignemens en œuvre avec beaucoup de discernement et de critique." Rev. d. D. M. Adeline, J. Sculptures grotesques et symboliques, 1830-80. "Mr. Amos has dealt very largely with the events of the last half-dozen years, and has treated them with sufficient clearness, though constantly with judicial caution. The least satisfactory part is that which treats of the liberty of the subject. It is certainly incorrect to say that 'legislative assemblies are not the less despotic for being democratised'. Mr. Amos would be the first to admit that, since the House of Commons has become a more popular assembly, it has given civil liberties which a narrower franchise refused or dreaded." J. E. T. Rogers, in Acad., Feb. 14. 2 v. Annales de démographie internationale, 1877-78. Antiquary, The; Jan. "If its editor can keep up to the very high level which he has attained, it will be a valuable addition to historical literature. Dr. Hayman contributes the first portion of a most interesting account of Tewkesbury Abbey." Acad., Jan. 3. Baker, W. M. Carter Quarterman. A year worth living; a story of a place and of a people one cannot afford not to know. Barire, A. L'œuvre de Jésus-ouvrier; les cercles catholiques. "Il y a là des faits bien curieux et des scènes fort piquantes. Il a en même temps une séricuse portée. Il révèle d'une tajon saisissante le dessein nettement arrêté et patiemment poursuivi par l'Association de ré. organiser la société contemporaine sur les assises que l'Eglise romaine prétend établir. Les membres de PŒuvre sont les soldats d'une idée, et cette idée c'est la contre-révolution faite au nom du Syllabus. Il s'agit de subordonner le pouvoir civil au pouvoir religieux, d'absorber l'éducation de toutes les couches de la société, de donner à l'Eglise la suprématie sur les hautes classes, le protectorat des classes inférieures. La question n'est plus de résister, mais de dominer; de se défendre, mais de prendre l'offensive; de repousser le contrôle de l'état, mais de contrôler l'état, de se substituer à lui, et de dire: 'l'état c'est moi'." - Rev. pol. et lit., 27 sept. Bentham, G. Handbook of the British flora. 2 v. Berthet, E. B. La bête du Gévaudan. 2 v. "La bête du Gévaudan, animal fameux, qui répandit, au siècle dernier, une grande terreur dans la province de Gévaudan. Son apparition soudaine, en l'année 1765, occupa bientôt toute la France. Dans La bête du Gévaudan' par Berthet l'intérêt principal est dirigé sur une jeune héroïne. "- Larousse. ... Braithwaite, W: and J., eds. Retrospect of medicine, July - Dec. 1879. Brewer, E. C. The reader's handbook of allusions, references, plots, and stories; with two app. Brinsmead, E. The history of the pianoforte; with an account of the theory of sound and of the music and musical instruments of the ancients. "A labor of love that has engaged his careful attention during the last ten years. Mr. Brinsmead's concise little volume has thoroughly fulfilled its purpose." Examiner, Oct. 18. Buck, A. H., M.D. Treatise on hygiene and public health. 2 v. Burton, J: H. History of the reign of Queen Anne. 3 v. "The reader will open these three handsome volumes with expectations of pleasure, and will continue his perusal with constant feelings of enjoyment; but before he has read many pages he will find that they are disfigured by many errors of detail, and that the discussion of some important points of English life has been altogether overlooked." W. P. Courtney, in the Academy, Jan. 24. Cogordan, G: Droit des gens: La nationalité au point de vue des rapports internationaux. "Un livre excellent. C'est un sujet qu'on s'est mis à étudier sérieusement seulement depuis quelques années, que celui de la nationalité sous les rapports internationaux." Louis Renault, in Revue de droit inter national, v. 11. 1879. College of New Jersey. The Princeton book; a series of sketches pertaining to the history, etc., of the College; by officers and gradu ates. Contemporary rev., Feb. "Dr. Radcliffe's paper 'On the pedigree of man', a partly thoughtful, partly dreamy, effort to suggest, rather than prove, that the Ego in man is the telegraphclerk, and not part of the electric machine; and that man differs from all other created things, and especially from all other sentient things, in being in some fashion a part of God, or rather a partaker of the nature of God." Spectator, Feb. 7. Cowley, C: Famous divorces of all ages. "Among other noted men and women whose marital infelicities are here recorded, are Charles Sumner, Charles Dickens, Charles O'Conor, the Princess de Bauffremont, Daniel Sickels, George Sand, Lord Percy, Lord Nelson, Caroline Norton, Mirabeau, the Duchess of Kingston, the Duchess of Cleveland, the Countess of Somerset, Patti, Queen Caroline, Queen Vashti, Lady Grosvenor, Lady Ross, John Philpot Curran, Dion, Cæsar, Cicero, Edwin Forrest, Cardinal Fesch, Philip of Macedon, Madame Tallien, 'the Victoria Woodhull of the French Revolution', Mary, Queen of Scots, Napoleon and his two brothers, Louis and Jerome (husband of the late Mrs. Patterson-Bonaparte), Henry VIII., Queen Eleonora, Pope Adrian 11., Henry IV., John Wesley, and Jane Shore." Leaves from a lawyer's life afloat and ashore. Cutter, B: and W: R. History of Arlington, Mass. De Peyster, F: Life and administration of Richard, Earl of Bellomont, Governor of the provinces of N. Y., Mass., and N. Н., 1697-1701. Dodge, M. A. Our common school system. |