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Only the more important titles are given, including occasionally other than recent additions, for the purpose of correcting the old cataloguing or of calling attention to important books.


Including Bibliography.

Adler, C. Catalogue of a Hebrew library, the collection, with a few additions, of Joshua I. Cohen, M.D., of Baltimore. Balt., 1887. 80. pp. 47.

Annual (The) American catalogue, 1888. N. Y., 1889. 8°.

Book-worm (The); an illustrated treasury of old-time literature. Vol. i. Dec., 1887 - Nov., 1888. m. L., 1887-88. 8°. Illus.

"With which is incorporated Booklore."

British Museum Library. Catalogue of printed books. L., 1888-89. 9 pts. fo.

Contents: - Gowic - Great Ayton. - H- Hages. HallinHanmore. Hann-Harsy. -Hart-Hawkers.- Hawkes-Heindorffer. Heine-Henrotte. Henry-Hermapion. - Van-Verburgius.

Same. Accessions. Sect. A. & B., C., D. L., 1888. 7 pts. 4°.


-A. & B. New English and foreign books. Pt. xcviii.-ci. C. Old English books, also works in foreign languages printed in England. Pt. xxviii, xxix. D. Old foreign books. Pt. xlii.

Canada-Parliament — Library. Annual supplement to the catalogue, in alphabetical and subject order, containing all books and pamphlets added from Feb. 10th, 1888, to Jan. 10th, 1889. Ottawa, 1889. 8°. Chambers's encyclopædia; a dictionary of universal knowledge. New ed. Vol. iii. L., etc., 1889. 1. 8°. Wdcts.

Contents: - iii. Catarrh-Dion.

Cincinnati, Ohio — Public Library. Bulletin of books in the various departments of literature and science added during 1888. Cin., 1889. 4°. Cornell University Library. Catalogue of the historical library of Andrew Dickson White. Ithaca, N. Y., 1889. 8°. pp. vi + 93.


Contents: -i. The Protestant Reformation and its fore


Edited by George Lincoln Burr.

Encyclopædia (The) Britannica. Vol. xxiv. Edin., 1888. 4°. Plates.

Contents:-xxiv. Ural-Zymotic

Enoch Pratt Free Library of Baltimore City. The Enoch Pratt Free Library of Baltimore City: Letters and documents relating to its foundation and organization, with the dedicatory addresses and exercises, January 4, 1886. Balt., 1886. 8°. pp. 122. Port. and 2 plates.

Finding list, central library. 3d ed., June, 1887. Balt., 1887. 8°. pp. viii + 215.

Same. Supplement containing books added May 1, 1887-Feb. 1, 1888. Balt., 1888. 8°. pp. 57.

[blocks in formation]

Edited by A. Leskien.

Fletcher, W. I, editor. Coöperative index to periodicals. 1887. N. Y., etc., 1888. sm. 4°. - Public Library. Catalogue. Haverhill, Mass. Haverhill, 1878. 8o. pp. (3) + 1033. Hazell's annual for 1889; a cyclopædic record of men and topics of the day; containing concise articles on every topic of general interest. L., 1889. sm. 8°.

Index Society. Index to the obituary and biographical notices in the Gentleman's magazine, 17311780; by R. H. Farrar. Pt. 1. L., 1886. Contents:-1. A-Gi.

sm. 4°.

InItaly - Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione. dici e cataloghi. ix. Roma, 1888. 8°. Port. and engr. t.p.

Contents:-ix. Indice de Mare magnum di Francesco Marucelli pubblicato a cura del G. Biagi. Massachusetts-State Library. Report of the librarian for the year ending Sept. 30, 1888, and 9th annual supplement to the general catalogue. Bost., 1889. 80.

Monod, G. Bibliographie de l'histoire de France; catalogue méthodique et chronologique des sources et des ouvrages relatifs à l'histoire de France depuis les origines jusqu'en 1789. P., 1888. 8°. pp. xi + 420. Morgan, H. H. Topical Shakespeariana; or, A collection of English Shakespeariana, exclusive of editions, arranged under headings, to facilitate reference to special subjects of investigation. St. L., 1879. 8°. pp. (3) + 83.

Ohio-State Library. 42d annual report of the commissioners. 1887. Columbus, 1888. 8°.

Oxford University Bodleian Library. The Bodleian Library in 1882-7; a report from the librarian. Oxf., 1888. 4o.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
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Edited by G. S. Hall. To be continued. Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie. Bd. i. 9. Berl., 1888. 80.

Edited by Ludwig Stein. Contains a Jahresbericht über sämmtliche Erscheinungen auf dem Gebiete der Geschichte der Philosophie." To be continued.

Avenarius, R. Philosophie als Denken der Welt, gemäss dem Princip des kleinsten Kraftmasses; Prolegomena zu einer Kritik der reinen Erfahrung. Lpz., 1876. 8°. pp. xiii + 82.

Balfour, A. J. The religion of humanity; an address at the Church Congress, Manchester, Oct., 1888. Edin., 1888. 8o. pp. 57.

Belugoux, Table générale des matières contenues dans les douze premières années, 1876-1887 [de la Revue philosophique]. P., 1888. 8°. pp. 100. Bender, W. Das Wesen der Religion und die Grundgesetze der Kirchenbildung. 4e unveränderte Aufl. Bonn, 1888. 80. pp. vii + 337.

Bible - Old Testament - Hebrew. Biblia Hebraica; secundum editiones Ios. Athiae, Ioannis Leusden, Io. Simonis, aliorumque, inprimis E. van der Hooght; recensuit sectionum propheticarum recensum et explicationem clavemque masorethicam et rabbinicam addidit A. Hahn. Ed. stereotypa, tertium recognita et emendata. Lipsiae, 1833. 8°. Pp. xiv +(3)+660.

Bosanquet, B. Knowledge and reality; a criticism of F. H. Bradley's "Principles of logic." L., 1885. sm. 80. pp. xi + 333.

Carpenter, W. B. Nature and man; essays, scientific and philosophical. N. Y., 1889. 120. pp. vi +483. Port.


Contents: Memorial sketch of W B. Carpenter by J. E. Carpenter The method and aim of the study of physiology. The brain and its physiology. The automatic execution of voluntary movements. The influence of suggestion in modifying and directing muscular movement, independently of volition. The phasis of force. Man the interpreter of nature. The psychology of belief. The fallacies of testimony in relation to the supernatural. The doctrine of human automatism. — The limits of human automatism. The deep sea and its contents. — The force behind nature. - Nature and law. The doctrine of evolution in its relation to theism. The argument from design in the organic world. — List of Dr. Carpenter's writings.

Charcot, J. M. Euvres complètes; recueillies et publiées par Bourneville et E. Brissaud. Tom. iv. P., 1887. 80. Figs.

Contents: - iv. Leçons sur les localisations dans les maladies du cerveau et de la moelle épinière.

Crusius, C. A. Entwurf der nothwendigen Vernunft-Warheiten, wiefern sie den zufälligen entgegen gesetzet werden. Lpz., 1745. 120. pp. (28) +948 +(59). Frontisp.

Ebbinghaus, H. Über das Gedächtniss; Untersuchungen zur experimentellen Psychologie. Lpz., 1885. 80. pp. ix + 169.

Fechner, G. T. Revision der Hauptpunkte der Psychophysik. Lpz., 1882. 8°. pp. xii+ 426 +(2).

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Flint, Rev. R. Anti-theistic theories. 4th ed. Edin., etc., 1889. sm. 8o. Pp. xi+554. (Baird lecture. 1877-)

Theism. 6th ed., revised. Edin., etc., 1887. sm. 80. pp. ix + 447. (Baird lecture. 1876.) Fluegel, M. Gedanken über religiöse Bräuche und Anschauungen; der Parsismus und die biblischen Religionen; ein Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte des Morgen- und des Abendlandes. Cin., [1888]. 240. pp. (8) + 100.

Green, T. H. Works; edited by R. L. Nettleship. Vol. iii. L., etc., 1888. 8°. Port. Contents:- iii. Miscellanies and Memoir: Memoir. The force of circumstances. The influence of civilization on genius. The value and influence of works of fiction in modern times. - The philosophy of Aristotle. - Popular phiPhiloslosophy in its relation to life.-Review of E. Caird, ophy of Kant." Review of J. Caird, "Introduction to the philosophy of religion.". - Review of J. Watson, "Kant and his English critics." - - Fragment on mmortality. Essay on Christian dogma. -The conversion of Paul; extract from lectures on the Epistle to the Galatians. — Justification by faith; extract from lectures on the Epistle to the Romans The incarnation; extract from lectures on the fourth Gospel - Fragment of an address on Romans x., 8, "The word is nigh thee.' Address on 1 Corinthians v., 7, 8, "The witness of God." Address on 2 Corinthians v., 7," Faith." - Four lectures on the English commonwealth._- Lecture on liberal legislation and freedom of contract. - Lecture on the grading of secondary schools. -Two lectures on the elementary school system of England. - Lecture on the work to be done by the new Oxford High School for boys.


Gunkel, H. Die Wirkungen des heiligen Geistes, nach der populären Anschauung der apostolischen Zeit und nach der Lehre des Apostels Paulus. Teil.- Inaug.-diss. Göt., 1888. 8°. pp. 34. In vol. lettered "Göttingen dissertations, 13."

Hatfield, Rev. E. F. The early annals of Union Theological Seminary in the city of New York. N. Y., 1876. 8o. pp. 27.

Bd. with the General Catalogue of Union Theological Seminary, 1876.

Höffding, H. Psychologie in Umrissen, auf Grundlage der Erfahrung. Unter Mitwirkung des Verfassers nach den 2en dänischen Aufl. übersetzt 80 von F. Bendixen. Lpz., 1887. pp vi+ (1) Horwicz, A. Psychologische Analysen auf physiologischer Grundlage; ein Versuch zur Neubegründung der Seelenlehre. Halle, Magdeburg, 1872-78. 3 v. bd. in 1. 80.

+ 463.


Contents: - i. Allgemeine Vorbegriffe. Organisation. Organisation der Seele. Die Empfindungen und das Bewusstsein. Reproduktion und Association. - Analyse der Vorstellungsbildung. — ii. Was ist Denken? - Aufsuchen der Elemente des Denkens - Denken und Objektivität. Organik des Denkens - - iii. Von den Gefühlen im Allgemeinen. - Die qualitative Gefühlsverschiedenheit. - Moralische Gefühle. -Liebe und Hass. — Die historischen oder Verbandgefühle.

Jakob, L. H. Prüfung der Mendelssohnschen Morgenstunden, oder aller spekulativen Beweise für das Daseyn Gottes. Nebst einer Abhandlung von

Professor Kant. Lpz., 1786. 160 pp. lx + (3)


Janitsch, J. Kants Urteile über Berkeley, ein Beitrag zur Kantphilologie. Strassburg, 1879. 8° pp. iv + 57.

Kant, I. Menschenkunde; oder, Philosophische Anthropologie, nach handschriftlichen Vorlesungen herausgegeben von F. C. Starke. Lpz., 1831. sm 8°. pp. xx +380.

Kay, D. Memory; what it is and how to improve it. N. Y., 1888. 120. pp. xxvi + (1) + 334. (Harris, W. T., editor. International education series. viii.)

Kern, H. Grundriss der Pädagogik. 4° Aufl. Berl., 1887. 80. pp. xii +326.

Klauwell, A. Das erste Schuljahr; praktische Anleitung für den ersten Unterricht im Anschauen, Sprechen, Zeichnen, Schreiben, Lesen, Memorien, Singen, und Rechnen. 6 Aufl. Lpz., etc., 1883. 8°. pp. xii+219. Music.

"Preisgekrönt auf den Weltausstellungen zu Paris 1867 und Wien 1873."

Krafft-Ebing, R., Freiherr von. Psychopathia sexualis, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der contraren Sexualempfindung. 3e, vermehrte Aufl. Stuttg., 1888. 80. pp. viii+177.

Lipps, T. Grundtatsachen des Seelenlebens. Bonn, 1883. 8°. pp. viii+ 709.

Meier, G. F. Auszug aus der Vernunftlehre. 2o, verbesserte und vermehrte Aufl. Halle, 1760. sm. 80. pp. 160. Orn.

Mill, J. S. An examination of Sir William Hamilton's philosophy and of the principal philosophical questions discussed in his writings. L., 1865. 8°. pp. viii+560.

Mirbt, Č. Die Stellung Augustins in der Publicistik des gregorianischen Kirchenstreits. 1er Teil. Inaug.-diss. Lpz., 1888. 80. pp 75.

In vol. lettered "Göttingen dissertations, 13."

Münsterberg, H. Die Willenshandlung; ein Beitrag zur physiologischen Psychologie. Freiburg, i. B., 1888. 80. pp. v+(1) + 163.

Percival, T. Moral and literary dissertations. 2d ed., revised. Warrington, 1789. 120. pp. (364).

Contents:- Socratic discourse on truth. - Influence of habit and association. - Inconsistency of expectation in literary persuits.Taste for the beauties of nature. - Taste for the fine arts. Alliance of natural history with poetry. - Intellectual and moral conduct of experimental persuits. - Tribute to Charles de Polier. Appendix.

Perez, B. La psychologie de l'enfant : l'enfant de trois à sept ans. 2e éd. P., 1888. 8°. pp. xxv +307.

The author's "The first three years of childhood, translated by A. M. Christie," Chic., 1885, is also in the library.

Preyer, (T.) W. Die Seele des Kindes; Beobachtungen über die geistige Entwicklung des Menschen in den ersten Lebensjahren. 2o, vermehrte Aufl. Lpz., 1884. 8°. pp. xii + 487. Contents:- Von der Entwicklung der Sinne. Von der Entwicklung des Willens. Von der Entwicklung der Verstandes.

Same, English. The mind of the child: observations concerning the mental development of the human being in the first years of life; translated from the original German by H. W. Brown. Pt. i. N. Y., 1888. 120. pp. xxv + (1) + 346. (Harris, W. T., editor. International educational series. vii.) Contents: i. The senses and the will.

Richet, C. Essai de psychologie générale. P., 1887. 120. pp. xiv + 193 + (1). Figs.

Romanes, G. J. Mental evolution in animals; with a posthumous essay on instinct by Charles Darwin. L., 1885. 80. pp. 411. Plate.

Mental evolution in man; origin of human faculty. N. Y., 1889. 8o. pp. viii+ (1) + 452. Table.

Santa-Anna Nery, F. J. de. Folk-lore brésilien. P., 1889. sm. 8°. pp. xii + 272.

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Contents: Poésie populaire. Contes et légendes. - Fables et mythes. Poésie, musique, danses, et croyances des Indiens. Schrader, E. The cuneiform inscriptions and the Old Testament; translated from the 2d German

ed. by O. C. Whitehouse. Vol. ii. L., etc., 1888. So. (Theological Translation Fund Library. [38].) Schurman, J. G. The ethical import of Darwinism. N. Y., 1888. sm. 8°. pp. xv + 264.

Stewart, D. Elements of the philosophy of the human mind. Bost., etc., 1847. 8°. pp. 627.

Stuckenberg, Rev. J. H. W. Introduction to the study of philosophy. N. Y., 1888. 8°. pp. vii +(1) + 422.

Union Theological Seminary, New York City. General catalogue. 1836-73, '36-86. N. Y., 1876-86. 2 v. 8o.

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In vol. lettered “Göttingen dissertations, 13." Williams, Sir M. Monier-. Buddhism, in its connexion with Brahminism and Hinduism, and in its contrast with Christianity. N. Y., 1889. So. pp. xxx+(2) + 563. Frontisp. and wdets.

Zeller, E. (G). Ueber das Kantische Moralprincip und den Gegensatz formaler und materialer Moralprincipien. [Berl.], 1879. 4o. pp. 32. "Philos.-histor. Kl. 1879, Abh. v.," der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin.

Vorträge und Abhandlungen. Lpz., 187584. 3 v. bd. in 2. 80.

Contents:-i. Die Entwicklung des Monotheismus bei den Griechen. Pythagoras und die Pythagorassage. -Zur Ehrenrettung der Xanthippe. - Der platonische Staat in seiner Bedeutung für die Folgezeit. - Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. Wolff's Vertreibung aus Halle, der Kampf des Pietismus mit der Philosophie. Johann Gottlieb Fichte als Politiker.Friedrich Schleiermacher, zum zwölften Februar.- Das Urchristenthum. - Die Tübinger historische Schule. Ferdinand Christian Baur. - Strauss und Renan. ii. Ueber Ursprung und Wesen der Religion. Religion und Philosophie bei den Römern. Eine Arbeitseinstellung in Rom, zur Charakteristik römischer Volkssagen. Alexander und Peregrinus; ein Betrüger und ein Schwärmer. - Römische und griechische Urtheile über das Christenthum. - Die Sage von Petrus als römischen Bischof. Der Process Galilei's. - Lessing als Theolog. Albert Schwegler. Theodor Waitz.-Georg Gottfried Gervinus. -Die Politik in ihrem Verhältniss zum Recht. - Das Recht der Nationalität und die freie Selbstbestimmung der Völker. - Nationalität und Humanität. — Ueber die Aufgabe der Philosophie und ihre Stellung zu den übrigen Wissenschaften. Ueber die gegenwärtige Stellung und Aufgabe der deutschen Philosophie. - Ueber Bedeutung und Aufgabe der Erkenntnisstheorie. - Ueber teleologische und mechanische Naturerklärung in ihrer Anwendung auf das Weltganze. iii. Die Lehre des Aristoteles von der Ewigkeit der Welt. Ueber die griechischen Vorgänger Darwin's. - Eine heidnische Apokalypse. - Ueber den wissenschaftlichen Unterricht bei den Griechen. Ueber akademisches Lehren und Lernen. — Ueber die Bedeutung der Sprache und des Sprachunterrichts für das geistige Leben. - Ueber das Kantische Moralprincip und den Gegensatz formaler und materialer Moralprincipien.Ueber Begriff und Begründung der sittlichen Gesetze. Ueber die Gründe unseres Glaubens an die Realität der Aussenwelt.

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Clark, A., editor. Register of the University of Oxford. Vol. ii. (1571-1622). Pt. 3. Oxf., 1888. 80. (Oxford Historical Society. Inter[Publications.] xii.)

tribunal. Referendum and initiative. Political parties
The communes. The cantons. - Cantonal tribunals. — The
Religion. Education.
army. -
Agriculture. - Commerce.
-Socialists and anarchists. - Capital punishment.
national unions. - Comparison of Swiss and U. S. political in-
stitutions. Conclusion.

Alexandria, Va. — Auditor. 107th annual statement of the finances of the city; with department reports for the fiscal year ending May 31, 1887, the revenue and license laws, and the official directory for 1887-8; by E. F. Price. Alexandria, Va., 1887. 8°.

Annalen des deutschen Reiches für Gesetzge bung, Verwaltung, und Statistik. 1er-[20er] Bd. Jahrg. 1868-87. Berl, 1868-87. 20 v. 4° and 8°.


Bd. i., ii. have title: "Staatshandbuch für Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung, und Statistik des norddeutschen Bundes und des deutschen Zollvereins." Edited by G. Hirth, and, since 1881, by G. Hirth and M. Seydel. Each vol. contains a consolidated subject index to the set. To be continued.

Arnold, M. Reports on elementary schools, 1832-82; edited by Sir F. Sandford. L., etc., 1889. 120. pp. xv +302.

Bagehot, W. Some articles on the depreciation of silver and on topics connected with it. L., 1877. 80. pp. viii+136.

Reprinted from "The Economist."
Bastiat, F.

'63, '64. 7 v. 8o.

Euvres complètes. P., 1862, '64,

Contents: -ii., 3. Degrees.

Cohn, G. System der Nationalökonomie. I er Bd. Stuttg., 1885. 8°.

Contents:-i. Grundlegung der Nationalökonomie. Columbia College. Catalogue of officers and graduates, 1754-1888. N. Y., 1888. 8°. pp. 361. Compiled by J. H. Van Amringe.

Connecticut - Bureau of Statistics of Labor. Ist-4th annual report. 2d series. 1885-88. Hartford, 1885-89. 4 v. 8o.

Cornwallis, K. The gold room and the New York stock exchange and clearing house. N. Y., [1879]. 8° pp. 58. (Atlas series. 8.) Courtney, W. L. Life of John Stuart Mill. L., etc., 1889. 8°. pp. 194 + xi + (1). (Robertson, E. S., editor. Great writers." [xxiii.])

Contains, pp. i-xi, a bibliography of Mill by J. P. Anderson. Culin, S. China in America; a study in the social life of the Chinese in the eastern cities of the United States. Phil., 1887. 8°. pp. 16. Plate.

Read before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, section of anthropology, at the 36th meeting, New York, 1887. Bound with the two following.

Chinese drug stores in America. [Phil., 1887.] 80. pp. 6. Reprinted from the American journal of pharmacy, lix, 1887. 2e éd. vii. Essais.

Contents: i. Correspondance. Mélanges. 2e éd. — ii. Le libre-échange. 2e éd. iii. Cobden et la ligue; ou, L'agitation anglaise pour la liberté des échanges. 3d éd. iv., Sophismes économiques. - Petits pamphlets. vi. Harmonies économiques. Ébauches. - Correspondance.


5e éd.


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Bax, E. B. The religion of socialism; essays in modern socialist criticism. L, [1886?]. sm. 80. pp. xi +(1) + 177.

Baxter, R. D. The taxation of the United Kingdom. L., 1869. 80. pp. vii + (1) + 180.

Partly read before the Statistical Society of London, Jan. 19, 1869.

Benton, J. H., jr. The veto power in the United States, what is it? Bost., 1888. 8o. pp. 58.

Bernegg, (J.) H. S. von. Die Verteilung der bodenständigen Bevölkerung im Rheinischen Deutschland im Jahre 1820; ein Beitrag zur Methodik der Dichtigkeitskarten und zur Anthropogeographie des südwestlichen und westlichen Deutschland.. Inaug. diss. Göt., 1887. 8o. pp. 98 + (1). Map. In vol. lettered "Göttingen dissertations, 16."

Block, M. Traité théorique et pratique de statistique. 2e éd., revue, augmentée et mise à jour. P., 1886. 8°. pp. viii + 577.

Boston, Mass.- Primary School Committee. Annals, from 1818 to 1855; compiled by J. M. Wightman. Bost., 1860. 80. pp. (8) + 305.

Bourne, W. O. History of the Public School Society of the city of New York. N. Y., etc., 1870. 80. pp. xxxii + 768.

Lacks portraits.

Canada - House of Commons. Report of the select committee to investigate and report upon alleged combinations in manufactures, trade, and insurance in Canada. Ottawa, 1888. 8°. pp. xxv + (1) + 750.

Charity Organization Society, Baltimore, Md. Report of a conference on charities and other subjects pertaining to the prevention of suffering, pauperism, and crime, held in Baltimore April 15 and 16, 1887, under the auspices of the Society. Balt., 1887. 8°. pp. (224).

Contains, as an appendix, Notes on the literature of charities, by H. B. Adams, reprinted from Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science.

The practice of medicine by the Chinese in America. [Phil., 1887.] 80. pp. 3.

Reprinted from the "Medical and surgical reporter," vol. lvi., 1887.

Daire, E., compiler. Économistes financiers du XVIIIe siècle. 2e éd. P., 1851. 80. pp. 932. (In his Collection d'économistes. i. 1851.)

Contents:- Vauban, S. LE PRESTRE, seigneur de. Projet d'une dîme royale.-Boisguillebert, P. LE PESANT, sieur de. Détail de la France. - Factum de la France. Traité de la nature, culture, commerce et intérêt des grains. Dissertation sur la nature des richesses, de l'argent et des tributs. Law, J. Considérations sur le numéraire et le commerce. - Mémoires et lettres sur les banques. Lettres sur le nouveau système des finances, et particulièrement sur le remboursement des rentes constituées. -Mémoire sur les monnaies. Melon, J. F. Essai politique sur le commerce. - Dutot, - Réflexions politiques sur le commerce et les finances.

, compiler. [Mélanges d'économie politique]; précédés de notices historiques sur chaque auteur, et accompagnés de commentaires et de notes par E. Daire et G. de Molinari. P., 1847-48. 2 v. 8°. (In his Collection d'économistes. xiv., xv. 1847-48.)

Contents:i. Hume, D. Essais sur le commerce, le luxe, l'argent, l'intérêt de l'argent, les impôts, le crédit public, etc. Forbonnais, F. V. de. Principes économiques. Condillac, E. BONNOT de, abbé de Mureaux. Le commerce et le gouvernement. - Condorcet, M. J. A. N. CARITAT, marquis de. Mélanges d'économie politique: Monopole et monopoleurs. - Réflexions sur la jurisprudence criminelle. Lettre d'une laboreur de Picardie [Condorcet] à M. N*** [Necker}. - Réflexions sur l'esclavage des nègres. De l'influence de la révolution d'Amérique sur l'Europe. · Sur l'impôt progressif. - Lavoisier, A. L. De la richesse territoriale du royaume de France - Essai sur la population de la ville de Paris, sur sa richesse et ses consommations.Lagrange, J. L., comte de. Essai d'arithmétique politique, sur les premiers besoins de l'intérieur de la république. Diannyère, A. Preuves arithmétiques de la nécessité d'encourager l'agriculture, et d'abandonner, dans les temps ordinaires, l'approvisionnement des grains au commerce libre. Franklin, B. La science du bonhomme Richard; ou, Le chemin de la fortune, et autres opuscules. ii. Galiani, F. Dialogues sur le commerce des grains.-Necker, J. Sur la législation et le commerce des blés. — Montyon, A. J. B. R. AUGET, baron de. Quelle influence ont les diverses espèces d'impôs sur la moralité, l'activité et l'industrie des peuples. Bentham, J. Lettres sur la défense de l'usure.


-, compiler. Physiocrates; avec une introduction sur la doctrine des physiocrates, des commentaires et des notices historiques. P., 1846. 8o. pp. 1118. (In his Collection d'économistes. ii. 1846.)

Contents:- Avant-propos. Introduction. Quesnay, F. Le droit naturel.- Analyse du tableau économique Maximes générales du gouvernement économique d'un royaume agricole. Dialogues sur le commerce et les travaux des artisans.-Articles extraits de l'Encyclopédie: Fermiers. - Grains. - Dupont de Nemours, P. S. Note bibliographique sur les écrits de Dupont de Nemours. - De l'origine et des progrès d'une science nouvelle. - Abrégé des principes de Péconomie politique. - Correspondance avec J. B. Say. Mercier de la Rivière. L'ordre naturel et essentiel des socié és politiques. - Baudeau, N., l'abbé de. Première introduction à la philosophie économique; ou, Analyse des états policés. Explication du Tableau économique. Le Trosne, G. F. De l'intérêt social par rapport à la valeur, à la circulation, à l'industrie et au commerce intérieur et extérieur.

Democratic Party (U. S.)- National Convention, St. Louis, Mo., 1888. Official proceedings; reported by E. B. Dickinson. St. L., 1888. 8°. pp. xviii + (1) +182. Plates and ports.

Dillon, W. The dismal science; a criticism on modern English political economy. Dublin, etc., 1882. sm. 8°. pp. xiv + (1) + 236.

Dittes, F. Schule der Pädagogik. 3, verbesserte Aufl. Lpz., etc., [1882 ?]. 80. pp. (1064).


Contents: i. Lehrbuch der Psychologie und Logik. 8e Stereotyp-Aufl. 1882. ii. Grundriss der Erziehungsund Unterrichtslehre. 6e, verbesserte Aufl. 1877. - -iii. thodik der Volksschule, auf geschichtlicher Grundlage. 4e, verbesserte Aufl. 1878. -iv. Geschichte der Erziehung und des Unterrichtes, für deutsche Volksschullehrer. 6e, verbesserte Aufl. 1878.

Each part has a separate t.-p.

Dublin University. Calendar. 1889. Dublin, 1889. 12°.

Examination papers; supplement to the Calendar for 1889. Dublin, 1889. 12o.

Edwards, H. S. The Germans in France; notes on the method and conduct of the invasion, the relations between invaders and invaded, and the modern usages of war. L., [1874]. 12o. pp. iv +350 + (1).

"Partly reproduced from 'The Times.' "


Fairchild, Rev. J. H. Oberlin; the colony and the college. 1833-1883. Oberlin, O., 1883. PP. 377. Ports. and plates.

Fawcett, H. Pauperism, its causes and remedies. L., etc., 1879. 120. pp. viii + 270.

Finance, pseud. The British taxpayer and his wrongs; including an analysis of a typical year's imperial and local taxation, with remarks on the budget proposals of 26th March, 1888, and an appendix. L., 1888. 8°. pp. viii + 167.

Foster, J., editor. Alumni Oxonienses: the members of the University of Oxford 1715-1886, their parentage, birthplace, and year of birth, with a record of their degrees; the matriculation register of the University alphabetically arranged, revised, and annotated. L., 1888. 4 v. 1. 8o.

Gill, R. Free trade under protection. Edin., etc., 1889. sm. 8o. pp. xix + 344.

Gilman, N. P. Profit sharing between employer and employee; a study in the evolution of the wages system. Bost., etc., 1889. sm. 8o. Pp. x + 460.

Contains, pp. 446-448, a “bibliography." Göttingen University. Chronik, 1887-88. Göt., 1888. sm. 4°.

In vol. lettered "Göttingen, Preisschriften, 3."

Festrede zur Feier ihres 150 Jährigen Bestehens am 8. Aug., 1887, gehalten von A. Ritschel; nebst den von den vier Facultäten vollzogenen Ehrenpromotionen. Göt., 1887. sm. 4o.

pp. 27.

In vol. lettered "Göttingen Preisschriften, 3."

Festrede zur akademischen Preisvertheilung, am IV. Juni, MDCCCLXXXVIII., gehalten von F. Frensdorff. Göt., [1888]. sm. 4°. pp. 24.

Select com

In vol. lettered "Göttingen, Preisschriften, 3.1 Great Britain - House of Commonsmittee on the High Price of Gold Bullion. Report, together with minutes of evidence and accounts. L., 1810. 80. pp. (443).

Parliament- Debates. Hansard's parliamentary debates, 3d series. Vol. cccxxv.-cccxxxi. 20 Apr.-11 Dec., 1888. L., 1888. 7 v. 80.

State Trials Committee. Reports of state trials. New series, vol. i. Edited by J. Macdonell. L., 1888. 8o. Port.

Contents:- i. 1820-23.

In 1885 the Lord Chancellor appointed a State Trials Committee to superintend" the publication of reports of the state trials since 1820, the date at which the well known collection of Howell ceases.' 99 "It is intended to publish other volumes at short intervals and it is estimated by the editor that the whole work, containing reports of the chief state trials which have taken place between 1820 and the present time, will probably occupy about eight or ten volumes." Howell's collection is in the University library, and also in the library of the Law School.

Harper, J. C. Law of inter-state commerce, especially as applied to the "Act to regulate commerce approved Feb. 4, 1887; with notes of decisions. Cin., 1887. 80. pp. xxi + 225.

Hill, E. Principles of currency; means of ensuring uniformity of value and adequacy of supply. L., 1856. 120. pp. (2) + 216. Plate.

Illinois - Bureau of Labor Statistics. 4th biennial report. 1886. Springfield, 1886. 80.


Industrial Remuneration Conference. ceedings and papers. L., etc., 1885. 8o. pp. xxiv + 528.

International Monetary Conference, Paris, 1881. Proceedings. 1881. Wash., 1887. 8°. pp. xiii + (1) + 558. Tables.

"Held, in compliance with the invitation to European gov. ernments by the governments of France and of the United States, under the auspices of the ministry of foreign affairs of the French republic.'

Jacob, W. An historical inquiry into the production and consumption of the precious metals. L., 1831. 2 v. 80.

Kaufmann, G. Die Geschichte der deutschen Universitäten. 1er Ed. Stuttg., 1888. 80.

Contents: i. Vorgeschichte.

Knies, K. Geld und Credit. Berl., 1885, '79. 2 V. 80.

Contents:-i. Das Geld; Darlegung der Grundlehren von dem Gelde, insbesondere der wirtschaftlichen und der rechtsgiltigen Functionen des Geldes, mit einer Erörterung über das Kapitel und die Übertragung der Nutzungen. 2o, verbesserte Aufl. ii. Der Credit.

Landon, J. S. The constitutional history and government of the United States; a series of lectures. Bost., etc., 1889. 8°. pp. vii + 389.

Lansing, G. L. Natural principles regulating railway rates. Chic., 1887. 80. pp. 44. Figs. L'Aulne, A. R. J. TURGOT, baron de. Œuvres. Nouvelle éd.; classée par ordre de matières avec les notes de [P. S.] Dupont de Nemours, augmentée de lettres inédites, des questions sur le commerce, et d'observations et de notes nouvelles par E. Daire et H. Dussard, et précédée d'une notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de Turgot par E. Daire. P., 1844. 2 v. 80. (Daire, E., editor. Collection d'économistes. iii., iv. 1844.)

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