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(Vide Adv. 65.)


JONES (J.)-A few Remarks on Religion, with Special Reference to the Present Day. By the Rev. Joseph Jones, M.A. 12mo. (Derby), pp. 46, sewed, 1s.......[409 JOHNSTON (W.)-England as it is, Political, Social, and Industrial, in the Middle of the Nineteenth Century. By William Johnston. 2 vols. post 8vo. pp. 733, cloth, 18s.

...[410 (Vide Adv. 40.) JUNIUS and his Works compared with the Character and Writings of Philip Damer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield. By William Cramp. 8vo. pp 114, sewed, 2s. 6d..... [411 | KEN (T.)-The Life of Thomas Ken, Bishop of Bath and Wells. By a Layman. 8vo. pp. 540, cloth, 14s.....[412 KING EDWARD the Sixth's Latin Accidence; or, Elements of the Latin Tongue, for the Use of Schools. 12mo. pp. 154, cloth, 2s..... [413 | (Vide Adv. 91.) KNOX (A)-Vaccination and Re-vaccination, as Preventive of Small-Pox. Reprinted from Nos. 23 and 24 of the "London Journal of Medicine." By Alexander Knox, M.D. 1s. .[414 KUGLER'S Handbook to the Schools of Painting in Italy. Translated from the German. By a Lady. Edited, with Notes, by Sir Charles Eastlake. 2d edition, illustrated with 100 woodcuts from the Old Masters. 2 vols. post 8vo. pp. 530, cloth, 24s.

(Vide Adv. 40.)


LADY'S KEEPSAKE; or, Treasures of the Needle. Oblong, cloth, 5s. (Vide Adv. 59.)..


LAST (THE) DAY of the Week. New edition, square, pp. 120, boards, Is.


LAXTON'S (W.) Builder's Price Book, 1851. 12mo. cloth, 48.

[418 LETTS' Interest Time Tables, containing 366 Openings, each corresponding with the several Days of the Year, and showing the Number of Days between itself and every other Day of the Year. 12mo. pp. 732, cl. 10s. [419 LITTLE'S (Mrs.) Conversion and Deathbed Experience. By John Little. New edition, 32mo. sewed, 18.; cloth, 1s. 6d. .[420 LONGFELLOW (H. W.)-The Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 12mo. pp. 406, cloth gilt, 5s. 6d. MACKAY (MRS. COL.)—The Wycliffites; or, England in the Fifteenth Century. By Mrs. Colonel Mackay. 2d edition, fcp. 8vo. (Edinburgh), pp. 456, cloth, 5s..... [422 MACKINTOSH (J.)-The Miscellaneous Works of the Right Hon. Sir James Mackintosh; including his Contributions to the "Edinburgh Review." Edited by Robert James Mackintosh, Esq. New edition, complete in 1 vol square crown 8vo. pp. 820, with portrait and vignette, cloth, 21s.; or, handsomely bound in calf, by Hayday, 30 ..





(Vide Adv. 23.) MACNEVEN (R. C.)-The Practice of the Encumbered Estates Court in Ireland, from the Presentation of the Petition for a Sale to the Distribution of the Funds; with Notes of all important decisions, and approved Precedents of Costs. By Richard Charles Macneven. 12mo. (Dublin), pp. 330, cloth, 10s...... MAISTRE (J. DE)-Letters to a Russian Gentleman on the Spanish Inquisition. By the Count Joseph de Maistre. Translated by the Rev. Æneas M'D. Dowson. 18mo. pp. 120, cloth, 2s... [425 MARTIN (W.)- The Poetry of Truth, Hope, and Charity; with many Original Poems. By William Martin. 2d edition, 32mo. pp. 170 cloth, 1s. 6d... .[426

The Poetry of Nature, the Feelings and Affections. By William Martin. 2d edition, 32mo. pp. 196, cloth, 1s. 6d. .[427 The Book of Sports; containing In-door Sports, short Games, Recreations, Conundrums, Charades, &c. &c. for Boys and Girls. By William Martin. 18mo. pp. 152, boards, 1s.. .[428 (Darton's Holiday Library.) MARTINEAU (H.)-Illustrations of the Poor Laws. By Harriet Martineau. 2 vols. cloth, reduced to 2s. 6d. [429 MAYHEW (Brothers) -Acting Charades; or, Deeds not Words: a Christmas Game to make a Long Evening Short. By the Brothers Mayhew. Illustrated by H. G. Hine. New edition, square, pp. 148, cloth, 5s....... [430 MAYO (H.)-On the Truths contained in Popular Superstitions, with an Account of Mesmerism. By Herbert Mayo. 2d Edition, post 8vo. pp. 190, cloth, 6s..... [431 MEE (MRS.)-Crochet and Knitted Polka Jackets. By Mrs. Mee. Square, sewed, 6d........... [432 MEETING (The) in the Wilderness: an Allegory. By the Author of "Wayfaring Sketches." In enamel cover and ornamental border, pp. 40, boards, 25....... . [+33

MIDLAND FLORIST (The) and Suburban Horticulturist. Conducted by John Frederick Wood. Vol. 4, 12mo. cl. 4s. 6d. (434

MILLS (Geo.) Treatise on the Cucumber and Melon. 12mo. cloth, reduced to 5s. .[435 M'INTOSH (M. J.)-Charms and Counter Charms. By Maria J. M'Intosh. New edit. 12mo. pp. 270, cl. 2s.[ +36 MIRKE (J. A.)- Fables, and other Poems; being Free Translations from the German of Gellert and other Poets. By John A. Mirke. Roy. 8vo. (Farnham), pp. 68, sewed, ls. 3d. [337 MITCHISON (W.)-Handbook of the Songs of Scotland; with Illustrations, Descriptive and Historical Notes. Edited by William Mitchison. To which is added, a Biographical Sketch of the Life of the late John Wilson, Esq., the celebrated Scottish Vocalist. Post 8vo. pp. 228, boards, 5s.... .[438

(Vide Adv. 47.) MONEY. Part 1, How Old Brown made it. Part 2, How Young Brown spent it. In 16 Outline Plates, by Luke Limner, Esq. Oblong Svo. sewed, each, 1s.; 4to. India paper, 5s. complete



MONEY v. LIFE: a Review of Colliery Casualties. By C. Colwell. 12mo. pp. 108, sewed, 1s. MONTHLY (The) Packet of Evening Readings, for Younger Members of the Church. No. 1, for Jan. 1851 ...... ......[441 (Vide Adv. 6.) MORFIT (C.) Chemical and Pharmaceutical Manipulations: a Manual of the Chemico-Mechanical Operations of the Laboratory. By Campbell Morfit. 8vo. pp. 490, cloth, 14s... [442 MULLER (C. O.)-Ancient Art and its Remains. By C. O. Müller. New edition, by F. G. Welcker. Svo. cloth, 18s.. [443 MUSEUM (The) of Classical Antiquities: a Quarterly Journal of Architecture, and the Sister Branches of Classic Art. No. 1, royal 8vo. sewed, 6s. 6d. ......[444 NAPIER (SIR W. F. P.)-History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France, from the Year 1807 to 1814. By Major-General Sir W. F. P. Napier, K.C.B. New edition, revised by the Author. Vol. 1, post 6vo. pp. 546, cloth, 10s. [447 (Vide Adv. 67.) NARRATIVE of the Second Sikh War in 1848-9; comprising detailed Accounts of the Battles of Ramnuggur, the Passage of Chenab, Chillianwallah, Goojerat, &c. By a Staff-Officer present. Post 8vo. pp. 398, cl. 10s. 6d. [448 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Eighth Treatise rology. 12mo. pp. 84, cloth, Is.


(Chambers' Educational Course.) NATURAL PHILOSOPHY for Beginners; being Familiar Illustrations of the Laws of Motion and Mechanics: intended as a Text-book for Schools and Self-Instruction, as a Companion to the Lecture Room, or for Model Schools. 3d edit. 12mo. pp. 144, cloth, 2s... [450 NEALE (E.)-The Earthly Resting Places of the Just. By the Rev. Erskine Neale. 12mo. pp. 398, cloth, 7s... [451 (Vide Adv. 23.)

NEWTON (C.)-Ambition. By Mrs. Courtenay Newton. 12mo. (Bath), pp. 182, cloth, 3s. 6d...


NICHOL (J. P.)-The Planetary System; its Order and Physical Structure. By J. P. Nichol. Post 8vo. pp. 360, cloth, 68. 6d.


NORTHWOOD: the Friendship of a Jesuit. 8vo. (Edinburgh), pp. 260, sewed, 2s.


OGILVY (MRS. D.)-Traditions of Tuscany, in Verse. By
Mrs. D. Ogilvy. 12mo. pp. 334, cloth, 6s.
OLD TREE (The); or, Filial Piety. 18mo. pp. 24, cloth,



[456 OLIVER AND BOYD'S New Edinburgh Almanack and National Repository for 1851. 18mo. bd. 4s.........[457 O'MOORE (S.) Annie Grey; or, the Experience of a Week: a Story for Children. By Sidney O'Moore. Square 18mo. (Bath), pp. 45, boards, 1s. [458

The Family of Glencarra: a Story of the Irish Rebellion. By Sidney O'Moore, 12mo. pp. 16, with engravings, cloth, 4s. 6d... .[459 PAGE (J.)-The Fractional Calculator; or, New Ready Reckoner: with Discount Tables; being particularly adapted to Lace Manufacturers. By James Page. 3d edition, 12mo. pp. 252, bd. 4s.



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CHRISTIE (T. W.)-Extracts from Books taught in Salcombe Regis National School; with Remarks on their Popish Character By T. W. Christie. 8vo. (Sidmouth), pp. 40, sewed, 6d. [465 CONNELL (J.)- Forewarned is Forearmed; or, the Warnings of the Word of God against the Church of Rome. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 24, sewed, 6d... .[466

Have you signed the Petition against Popery? a Dialogue between a Minister and his Parishioner. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 8, sewed, 1d.. .[467 COX (F. A.) and KATTERNS (D.)-A Course of Eight Lectures on the Main Points of Difference between Roman Catholics and Protestants. 12mo. sewed, 2d. each

[469 GILLIS (Bp.)-Facts and Correspondence relating to the Admission into the Catholic Church of Viscount and Viscountess Fielding. By the Right Rev. Bishop Gillis. 8vo. (Edinburgh), pp. 164, sewed, 2s. 6d... [470 GRIFFITH (T.)-Why we should protest against the Recent Encroachments of the Bishop of Rome. 2d edit. fep. 8vo. pp. 16, sewed, 2d... .[471 | MORRIS (A. J.)-A Review of the Year 1850, and a Glance at the last Half-Century. By A. J. Morris. Fep. 8vo. pp. 32, sewed, 6d. ; cloth, 9d.. [472 NEWLAND (H.)-Whom has the l'ope aggrieved? By the Rev. Henry Newland. Sewed, 1d... (473 PIOUS BULL and JOHN BULL; or, the Blunder of the Man who never makes a Mistake: a Serio-comic Extravaganza, in Three Acts. Sewed, 3d. 1474 POPE (The), the Premier, and the People: Plain Words to Plain Churchfolk on the late Papal Aggression. By One of Themselves. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 24, sewed, 3d... [475 PROTESTANT LAYS from Many Lyres. Collected by a Lady. 12mo. pp. 60, cloth, 1s. 6d...... [475 PROTESTANT PLEA (A) in support of Cardinal Wiseman's "Appeal." By Anglo-Catholicus. 8vo. pp. 18, swd. 6d.

[476 PUGIN (A. W.) An Address to the Inhabitants of Ramsgate. Svo. swd. 1d...... [477 REMARKS suggested by the Pamphlet entitled "The One Cure for Popery in our Protestant Church." 12mo. (Bath), pp. 12, sewed, 3d. .[477* ROCHE (H. P.)-The Recent Letters Apostolical of the Pope a direct Infringement of the Queen's Prerogative, as far as the New Roman Catholic Sees of Shrewsbury and Nottingham are concerned. By H. P. Roche, Esq. Svo. swd. Is... . [478 RYLAND (J.)-The Overthrow of Popery predicted: the Book of the Revelation explained. By the Rev. J. Ryland. 12mo. sewed, sd. SERMONS:-


BLACKETT (H.)-Is the Church of Rome Idolatrous? preached in the Parish Church of St. George, Hanover Square, on Sunday, December 8, 1850. 8vo. swd. 6d.


CLAIM (The) to Infallibility considered, and the Obedience due to the Church: Two Sermons preached in the Parish Church of St. Barnabas, Homerton. 8vo. pp. 36, sewed, 1s. 6d... [481 CONNELL (J.) What is Popery? addressed to a Country Congregation. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 16, sd. 3d.[482 CURLING (W.)-The Papal Diotrephes: preached in the Parish Church of St. Saviour, Southwark, Nov. 5, 1850. 8vo. pp. 26, sewed, 6d. . [483 GRESLEY (J. M.)-No. 1 of Plain Sermons on Present Events. 8vo. swd. 3d... [484 WAY (C. J.)-The Pope bound by the Threefold Cord of Prophecy: Three Sermons preached in Isleworth Church in November and December 1850. 8vo. swd. 25.. ..[485

STUART (E.)-"Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus." 8vo. swd. 6d. .[486 WINCHESTER (Bp. of).-Preached at the Consecration of the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Penge, Nov. 21, 1850. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 24, sewed, 6d............. [487 WRIGHT (I.)-Satan's Corruptions of the Truth, Past and Present. 8vo. sewed, 6d. (488

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STONE (G. L.)-The Appeal Aggression; the Fact, the Cause: a Letter to his Parishioners, by the Rev. G. L. Stone, A.B. 8vo. (Wrexham), pp. 22, swd. 2d..... [491 THOMAS (D.)-The Core of Creeds; or, St. Peter's Keys. By the Rev. Dr. Thomas. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 92, cloth. 2s. [492

TUPPER (M. F.)-Half a dozen No-Popery Ballads; with Prologue and Epilogue. By M. F. Tupper, Esq. 12mo. pp. 12, sewed, 2d.... . [494 WARREN (S.)-Queen or the Pope: in a Letter to S. II. Walpole. By S. Warren. 3d edition, 8vo. sewed, reduced to 1s. 6d...... [495 WHAT English Churchmen should do: an Appeal to Churchmen. By a True Son of the Church. Svo. sd. ljd. .[496

WILSON (F.)-A Letter to the Rev. William Gresley, in Reply to his Letter entitled "A Word of Remonstrance with the Evangelicals." By Francis Wilson, M.A. 8vo. sewed, Gd. . WRIGHT (J.)-Christian Sacrament not a Sacrifice. Parts 1 and 2, sewed, 6d. each..... .[499

WISEMAN (Cardinal).—The Real Presence of the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Eucharist proved from Scripture: in Eight Lectures delivered in the English College, Rome. By Cardinal Wiseman. 2d edit. 12mo. pp. 312, cloth, 4s. 6d. .. [498 YORKE (G. M.)-The Church of England and the Church of Rome contrasted by means of their Authoritative Documents; in a Series of Lectures delivered in St. Philip's Church, Birmingham. By the Hon. and Rev. Grantham M. Yorke, M.A. 12mo. (Birmingham), cl. extra, 2s. 6d. .. . [500 PEOPLE'S (The) and Howitt's Journal. New series, Vol. 3, roy. 8vo. cloth, 4s. 6d. PERCY'S (Thos.) Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. New edit. 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, reduced to 15s........ [502 PERRY (SIR E.)-A Letter to Lord Campbell on Reforms in the Common Law. 8vo. pp. 90, reduced to 1s... [503 PETER LITTLE and the Lucky Sixpence, the Frog's Lecture, and other Stories: a Verse Book for my Children and their Playmates. 12mo. pp. 36, sewed, 1s....... [504 POOLE (T. E.)-Life, Scenery, and Customs in Sierra Leone and the Gambia. By Thomas Eyre Poole. 2 vols. post 8vo. pp. 662, cloth, 21s... 505


. [506

[509 510

. [511 What

PRATT (J.)- Record of the College of Christchurch, Brecon. By the Rev. Jermyn Pratt, M.A. Royal 8vo. sewed, 18. PRENTICE (A.)-Historical Sketches and Personal Recollections of Manchester: intended to illustrate the Progress of Public Opinion from 1792 to 1832. By Archibald Prentice. Post Svo. pp. 440, cloth, 6s.... . {507 PULMAN'S Vade-mecum of Fly-fishing for Trout. 3d Edition, re-written and enlarged; with several Woodcuts. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 198, 6s. (Vide Adv. 20)... PULPIT. Vol. 58, 8vo. cloth, 8s. 6d. PUNCH. Vol. 19, 4to. cloth, 8s. 6d. PUSEY (PH.)-The Improvement of Farming. ought Landlords and Farmers to do? By Ph. Pusey. M.P. 8vo. pp. 64, sewed, 1s. (Vide Adv. 40)........ [512 RANKING'S (W. H.) Abstract of the Medical Sciences. Vol. 12, post 8vo. cloth, 6s. 6d. ..[513 REJECTED ADDRESSES; or, the New Theatrum Poetarum. By James and Horace Smith. 22d edit. with additional notes, 12mo. pp. 236, cloth, 5s. ..[514 RENDELL (E. D.)-The Antediluvian History and Narrative of the Flood, as set forth in the early Portions of the Book of Genesis, critically examined and explained. By the Rev. E. D. Rendell. Post 8vo. pp. 472, cloth, 6s.[516 RICHARD EDNEY and the Governor's Family, a RusUrban Tale; containing also Hints on being Good and doing Good. By the Author of "Margaret, a Tale," and "Philo, an Evangeliad." 12mo. pp 468, cl. 8s. 6d. . [517 RICHARDSON (C.)-Aceldama, and other Poems and Lyrics. By Charles Richardson. Post 8vo. (Leeds), pp. 310, cloth, 6s..

. [518 SACRED INCIDENTS Doctrinally considered and Poetically described, or, the Harmony subsisting between the Book of Revelation and the Volume of Nature, setting forth the Operations of the Antagonistic Powers of Good and Evil, as pourtrayed in Creation, in the History of Mankind, in Redemption, and the Resurrection. 4 vols. 8vo. pp. 822, cloth, 30s.. . [519 SANDEMAN (A.)-A Treatise on the Motion of a Single Particle, and of Two articles acting on one another. By Archibald Sandeman. 8vo. pp. 204, bds. 8s. 6d... [520 SANDFORD and MERTON, History of. New edit on, royal 18mo. pp. 348, bd. reduced to 3s. 6d... ... [521 SARGENT (M. and G. E.)-The Holly Tree: a Winter Gift of General Prose and Poetry. By Myra and George E. Sargent. 12mo. cloth, reduced to 2s. 6d. . [522 SCHMITZ (L.)-A History of Greece, from the Earliest Time to the Destruction of Corinth: mainly based upon that of Connop Thirlwall. By Dr. Leonhard Schmitz. Post 8vo. pp. 672, cloth, 7s. 6d. ..[523

(Vide Adv. 87.)

SCOTT (R.)-Twelve Sermons. By Robert Scott, M.A. 12mo. pp. 240, cloth, 7s.... . [524 SECOND LETTER to the Shareholders of the Great Northern Railway. By a Railway Shareholder. 8vo. pp. 16, sewed, 3d. .(525 SERMONS:

THOMSON (H. T.)-Preached in the Church of St. John the Baptist, Wellington, on the Twenty-fourth Sunday after Trinity. 1850: suggested by the recent Demise of the Rev. William Procter Thomas. Svo. pp. 16, cloth, (525

18... SERMONS selected from various sources, and arranged for Domestic Use. 8vo. pp. 264, cloth, 7s... . [526 SHAW'S Union Officer's Manual for 1851. Edited by William Cunningham Glen. 12mo. pp. 224, cloth, 4s.[527 SHERIFF (D.) The Whole Science of Double Entry Bookkeeping, simplified by the introduction of an Unerring Rule for Debtor and Creditor. By David Sheriff. Post 8vo. pp. 122, cloth, 4s. ..[528 SHILLINGLAW (J. F.)-A Narrative of Arctic Discovery, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time; with the Details of the Measures adopted by Her Majesty's Government for the Relief of the Expedition under Sir John Franklin. By John J. Shillinglaw. 2d edition, post 8vo. pp. 380, cloth, 10s. 6d... [529 SHILLING'S WORTH (A) about our State Church. Tracts in a packet, 1s. .[530 SICKNESS; its Trials and Blessings. 2d edit. 12mo. pp. [531


328, cloth, 6s.. . . . . . . .

SMITH (H.)--Poetical Works. By Horace Smith. 2 vols. in 1, 12mo. cloth, reduced to 6s. . [532 SMITH (J.)-Oracles from the British Poets: a DrawingRoom Table-Book and Pleasant Companion for a Round Party. By James Smit 18mo. pp. 176, cloth, 3s.; cloth gilt, 3s. 6d.

. [533 SMITH (J.)-Refreshing Dew Drops; or, Hints for the Heart. By the Rev. James Smith. 32mo. pp. 290, cloth, 1s...


SMITH (J. L.)-The Emigrant Ship, and other Poems. By James Lister Smith. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 102, cl. 3s.6d.[535 (Vide Adv. 49.) SOLLY (E.)-Rural Chemistry. By E. Solly. 3d edition, 12mo. cloth, 5s. 6d. .... [536 ..[537

SPECULATION. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 240, cloth, 5s......... (Vide Adv. 22.)

UNDERWOOD'S Medical Appointment Book. Roan tuck, 18mo. 3s. 6d.; 12mo. 6s. 6d. ; 8vo. 9s... [562 UNIVERSALIST (The). Vol. 1, 8vo. pp. 292, cl. 4s... [563 UNWIN (W. J.)-The Moral Training-School Reader. Edited by William J. Unwin, M.A. 1st Book, fcp. 8vo. pp. 88, cloth, 6d... [564 VERY LITTLE TALES for Very Little Children, in Single Syllables of Four and Five Letters. 2d series, square, pp. 168, cloth, 2s. (565 VETERINARY HOMOEOPATHY; comprising Rules for the General Treatment of Domestic Animals. 12mo. pp. 490, cloth, 8s. ......[ 566 VOICES from the Garden; or, the Christian Language of Flowers. 2d thousand, 12mo. pp. 38, sewed, 1s.; cloth,



WALPOLE'S (H.) Memoirs of the Reign of King George III. By Horace Walpole. Edited by Sir Denis le Marchant, Bart. 2d ed. Vol. 1, 8vo. pp. 424, cl. 10s. 6d. [568 WALTER, a Little Boy who Loved, Feared, and Served God. . [539 With a Preface by the Rev. John N. Griffin. 18mo. (Dublin), pp. 98, cloth, 1s.... [569

[538 18mo.

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STORIES of the Five Divisions of the World. . [54] sewed, 18. STORIES of the Five Senses; or, Which is Best: an Entertaining Little Book for Little Ladies and Little Gentlemen. 12mo. pp. 56, sewed, 1s..

..[542 SUNDAY SERVICES at Home for Young Children. By different Authors. Edited by the Countess of Ducie. 12mo. pp. 220, cloth, 3s. 6d....

..[543 SWAN (T.)-Lectures on the Existence and Attributes of the Divine Being. By Thomas Swan. Fcp. 8vo. (Birmingham), pp. 366, cloth, 3s. 6d. [544 TATE (T.)-The Elements of Mechanism; containing a Familiar Explanation of the Construction of various kinds of Machinery, &c. By Thomas Tate. 12mo. pp. 184, cloth, 3s. 6d...

(Vide Adv. 86.)


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TAYLOR (J.)—The Marriage Ring. By Jeremy Taylor. 24mo. pp. 64, cloth, 1s.. [550 TAYLOR (JEREMY)-Rules and Exercises of Holy Living; with Life of the Author. By Dr. Croly. 12mo. pp. 500, cloth, 2s. 6d... [552

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The Rules and Exercises of Holy Dying; together with Prayers and Acts of Virtue to be used by Dying Persons, or by others standing in their attendance; to which are added, Rules for the Visitation of the Sick, &c. By Jeremy Taylor. New edition, 18mo. pp. 272, cloth, reduced to 1s. 6d... .... [553

The Rules and Exercises of Holy Living; together with Prayers. Containing the Whole Duty of a Christian, &c. By Jeremy Taylor. New edition, 18m0. pp. 334, cloth, reduced to 1s. 6d. .[554 THIBAUDIN (M. A.)-Le Dictionnaire de tous les Verbes entièrement conjugués; or, all the French Verbs, regular and irregular, alphabetically arranged and completely conjugated in all their various modifications of Moods, Tenses, Numbers, Persons, &c. on the authority of the French Academy. By M. A. Thibaudin. Royal 8vo. pp. 150, cloth. 6s. 6d... .[555 THIRLWALL (Bp.)-A Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury on the Statements of Sir Benjamin Hall, Bart. M.P., with regard to the Collegiate Church of Brecon. From Connop Thirlwall, D.D., Bishop of St. David's. 8vo. sd. ..[556


THOMSON (J.)-Exposition of the Gospel according to St. Luke in a Series of Lectures. By James Thomson. Vol. 2, 8vo. (Edinburgh), pp. 530, cloth, 10s. 6d. .... [557 THORP (A.)-With God all Things are Possible; or, the Story which Aunt Kate promised to tell. By Ann Thorp. 18mo. pp. 96, cloth, 1s. .[558

TOMES (J.)-Instructions in the Use and Management of Artificial Teeth. By John Tomes, F.R.S. 12mo. pp. 98, woodcuts, 3s. 6d. .[559 TOURNAY (S.)-A Practical Guide to the Law of Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes; for the use of Bankers, Merchants, Traders, and others. Post 8vo. pp. 116, bds.



TOWNSHEND (C. H.)-Sermons in Sonnets, with a Text on the New Year, and other Poems. By Rev. Chauncy Hare Townshend, M.A., of Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Fcp. 8vo. cloth, 7s. 6d.... [561 (Vide Adv. 15.)

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WHAT was said in the Woods. Translated from the German. Demy 16mo. pp. 166, 2s. 6d. . [574 (Vide Adv. 20.) WHAT'S WHAT in 1851 a Guide to London for the Year of the Great Industrial Exhibition. 12mo. pp. 94, cloth, ..[575 WHITEHEAD (C.)-The Solitary, and other Poems; and the Cavalier, a Play. Crown 8vo. cloth, reduced to 3s. 6d.... [576 WHO'S WHO in 1851. Edited by C. H. Oakes. 18mo. cloth, 2s. 6d. ..[577 WILKINSON (G.)—The Miracles of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; with the Practical Exposition of John Bird Sumner, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. Extracted from His Grace's larger Work on the Four Gospels, with His Grace's Permission. By the Rev. George Wilkinson. 12mo. pp. 278, cloth, 4s.. [578 WILLIAMS (D.)-Science Simplified, and Philosophy, Natural and Experimental, made Easy. By the Rev. David Williams. 2d series, 12mo. pp. 130, cloth, 2s. ...[582 WILLIAMS (T. S.)-Modern German and English Dialogues, and Elementary Phrases; adapted to the use of Learners in both Languages. The German revised and corrected by C. Crueger. 11th edition, enlarged, 12mo. pp. 257, cloth, 3s. 6d. .......

..[583 WILLIAMS (W.)-Prize Poems, in Welsh. By W. Williams. 12mo. (Chester), cloth, 2s. [579 WILSON (E.)-The Anatomist's Vade-Mecum: a System of Human Anatomy. 5th edition, 12mo. pp. 670, cloth, 12s. 6d. [580 WILSON (J. M.)-Rural Cyclopædia. 4 vols. royal 8vo. ctloh, 90s.... [581

WILSON (J.)-Our Israelitish Origin: Lectures on Ancient Israel and the Israelitish Origin of the Modern Nations of Europe. By J. Wilson. 3d edition, 8vo. pp. 164, sewed, 3s. 6d.


WINSLOW (0.)—Grace and Truth. By Octavius Winslow. 2d edit. 12mo. pp. 346, cloth, 4s. 6d.... . [585 (Vide Adv. 56.) WINSLOW (O.)–Midnight Harmonies; or, Thoughts for By Octavius

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