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alfo, about the fame time built forts at Chester, Elfinburgh, and other places. John Printz then governed the Swedes, who, in 1654, deputed his fon-in-law, John Papgoia, and returned to Sweden. Papgoia foon followed his father-in-law to his native country, and John Ryfing fucceeded to the government.

In 1655, the Dutch, under the command of Peter Stuyvesant, arrived in Delaware river, from New-Amsterdam (now New-York) in seven vessels, with 6 or 700 men. They dispossessed the Swedes of their forts on the river, and carried the officers and principal inhabitants prifoners to New-Amsterdam, and from thence to Holland. The common people fubmitted to the conquerors and remained in the country.

On the first of October, 1664, Sir Robert Carr obtained the fubmiffion of the Swedes on Delaware river. Four years after, Col. Nicolls, governor of New-York, with his council, on the 21st of April, appointed a feout and five other perfons, to affift Capt. Carr in the government of the country.

In 1672, the town of Newcastle was incorporated by the government of New-York, to be governed by a bailiff and fix assistants; after the first year, the four oldelt were to leave their office and four others to be chofen. The bailiff was president, with a double vote; the conftable was chofen by the bench. They had power to try caufes not exceeding ten pounds, without appeal. The office of scout was converted into that of sheriff, who had jurisdiction in the corporation and along the river, and was annually chosen. They were to have a free trade, without being obliged to make entry at New-York, as had formerly been the practice.

Wampum was, at this time, the principal currency of the country. Governor Lovelace, of New-York, by proclamation, ordered that four white grains and three black ones, should pass for the value of a stiver or penny. This proclamation was published at Albany, Efopus, Delaware, Long-Island, and the parts adjacent.

In 1674, Charles II. by a fecond patent, dated June 29th, granted to his brother, duke of York, all that country called by the Dutch Neur Netherlands, of which the three counties of Newcastle, Kent, and Suflex were a part.

In 1683, the duke of York, by deed, dated August 24th, fold to William Penn the town of Newcastle, with the district of 12 miles round. the same; and by another deed, of the fame date, granted to him the remainder of the territory, which, till the revolution, was called the Three Lower Counties, and has fince been called the Delaware State. Till 1776, these three counties were confidered as a part of Pennsylvania, in matters of government. The fame governor presided over both, but the assembly and courts of judicature were different: different as to their constituent members, but in form nearly the fame.


[blocks in formation]

Boundaries.] B

OUNDED north by Pennsylvania; east, by the Delaware State; fouth-east and fouth, by the Atlantic Ocean, and a line drawn from the ocean over the peninfula (dividing it from Accomac county in Virginia) to the mouth of Patomak river; thence up the Patomak to its first fountain; thence, by a due north line, till it interfects the fouthern boundary of Pennsylvania, in lat. 39° 43' 18", so that it has Virginia on the fouth, fouth-west, and west. It contains about 14,000 square miles, of which about one-fixth is water.

Civil Divisions.] Maryland is divided into 18 counties, to of which

are on the western, and 8 on the caftern shore of



with their population in 1782, are as follows:

[blocks in formation]

Number of Negroes in the State of Maryland, taken by the feveral affeffors, in March, 1782.

Negroes under 8 years of age,



Males and females, from 8 to 14 years of age, 13.399


Males from 14 to 45 years of age,



Females from 14 to 36 years of age,


do. Małes above 45 years of age.


Females above 36 years of age,





[blocks in formation]

N. B. Those counties marked (+) are on the east, the rest are on the weft fide of the Chefapeck-Bay.


Each of the counties fends four Reprefentatives to the Houfe of De egates, befides which the city of Annapolis, and town of Baltimore, fend each two, making in the whole 76 members.

Climate.] Generally mild and agreeable, fuited to agricultural productions, and a great variety of fruit trees. In the interior hilly country the inhabitants are healthy; but in the flat country, in the neighbourhood of the marshes and ftagnant waters, they are, as in the other fouthern ftates, fubject to intermittents.

Bays and Rivers.] Chefapeek Bay, as we have already hinted, divides this itate into the eastern and weitern divifions. This Bay, which is the largest in the United-States, was particularly defcribed, page 47. It affords feveral good fisheries; and, in a commercial view, is of immenfe advantage to the ftate. It receives a number of the largest rivers in the United States. From the eastern shore in Maryland, among other fmaller ones, it receives Pokomoke, Choptank, Chester, and Elk rivers. From the north the rapid Sufquehannah; and from the weft, Patapfco, Severn, Patuxent and Patomak, half of which is in Maryland, and half in Virginia. Except the Sufquehannah and Patomak, thefe are small rivers. Patapfco river is but about 30 or 40 yards wide at the ferry, juft before it empties into the bafon upon which Baltimore stands. Its fource is in York county, in Pennfylvania. Its courfe fouthwardly, till it reaches Elkridge landing, about 8 miles weftward of Baltimore; it then turns caftward, in a broad bay like fream, by Baltimore, which it leaves on the north, and paffes into the Chefapeek.

The entrance into Baltimore harbour, about a mile below Fell's-Point, is hardly piftol-fhot acrofs, and of courfe may be easily defended against naval force.

Severn is a fhort, inconfiderable river, paffing by Annapolis, which it leaves to the fouth, emptying, by a broad mouth, into the ChefapeekBay.

Patuxent is a larger river than the Patapfco. It rifes in Ann Arundel county, and runs fouth eastwardly, and then caft into the bay, 15 or 20 miles north of the mouth of Patomak. There are feveral finall rivers, fuch as Wighcocomico, Eaftern Branch, Monocafy, and Concgocheague, which empty into Patomak river, from the Maryland fide.

Face of the Country, Soil, and Productions.] Eaft of the blue ridge of mountains, which stretches across the western part of this ftate, the land, like that in all the fouthern ftates, is generally level and free of ftones and appears to have been made much in the fame way; of courfe the foil must be fimilar, and the natural growth not noticeably different.

The foil of the good land in Maryland, is of fuch a nature and quality as to produce from 12 to 16 bushels of wheat, or from 20 to 30 bushels of Indian corn per acre. Ten bushels of wheat, and 15 bushels of cora per acre, may be the annual average crops in the ftate at large.

Wheat and tobacco are the staple commodities of Maryland. Tobacco is generally cultivated by negroes, in fetts, in the following manner : The feed is fowed in beds of fine mould, and tranfplanted the beginning of May. The plants are fet at the distance of 3 or 4 feet from each other, and are hilled and kept continually free of weeds. When as many leaves have hot out as the foil will nourish to advantage, the top of the


plant is broken off, which prevents its growing higher. It is carefully kept clear of worms, and the fuckers, which put out between the leaves, are taken off at proper times, till the plant arrives at perfection, which is in Auguft. When the leaves turn of a brownish colour, and begin to be fpotted, the plant is cut down and hanged up to dry, after having fweated in heaps one night. When it can be handled without crumbling, which is always in moift weather, the leaves are ftripped from the ftalk, tied in bundles, and packed for exportation in hogsheads containing 8 or 900 pounds. No fuckers nor ground leaves are allowed to be merchantable. An induftrious perfon may manage 6000 plants of tobacco, (which yield 1000 lb.) and four acres of Indian corn.

In the interior country, on the uplands, confiderable quantities of hemp and flax are raised. As long ago as 1751, in the month of October, no lefs than 60 waggons, loaded with flax feed, came down to Baltimore from the back country.

Among other kinds of timber is the oak of feveral kinds, which is of a ftrait grain, and eafily rives into ftaves, for exportation. The black walnut is in demand for cabinets, tables, and other furniture. The apples of this ftate are large, but mealy; their peaches plenty and good. From these the inhabitants diftil cyder brandy and peach brandy.

The forests abound with nuts of various kinds, which are collectively called Maft. On this Mast vaft numbers of swine are fed, which run wild in the woods. These fwine, when fatted, are caught, killed, barrelled and exported in great quantities. Douglas fays, that in the year 1733, which was a good mafting year, one gentleman, a planter and merchant, in Virginia, falted up 3000 barrels of pork.'

Population and Character.] The population of this ftate is exhibited in the foregoing table. By that it appears that the number of inhabitants in the ftate, including the negroes, is 254,050; which is 18 for every fquare mile. The inhabitants, except in the populous towns, live on their plantations, often feveral miles diftant from each other. To an inhabitant of the middle, and especially of the eaftern ftates, which are thickly populated, they appear to live very retired and unfocial lives. The effects of this comparative folitude are vifible in the countenances, as well as in the manners and drefs of the country people. You obferve very little of that chearful fprightlinefs of look and action which is the invariable and genuine offspring of focial intercourse. Nor do you find that attention paid to drefs, which is common, and which decency and propriety have rendered neceffary, among people who are liable to receive company almoft every day. Unaccustomed, in a great measure, to these frequent and friendly vifits, they often fuffer a negligence in their drefs which borders on flovenlinefs. There is apparently a difconfolate wildnefs in their countenances, and an indolence and inactivity in their whole behaviour, which are evidently the effects of folitude and slavery. As the negroes perform all the manual labour, their mafters are left to faunter away life in floth, and too often in ignorance. These obfervations, however, muft in juftice be limited to the people in the country, and to thofe particularly, whofe poverty or parlimony prevents their spending a part of their time in populous towns, or otherwife mingling with the world. And with thefe limitations they will equally apply to all the


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for hern ftates. The inhabitants of the populous towns, and those from the country who have intercourfe with them, are in their manners and customs like the people of the other states in like fituations.

That pride which grows on flavery, and is habitual to those who, from their infancy, are taught to believe and to feel their fuperiority, is a vifible characteristic of the inhabitants of Maryland. But with this characteristic we must not fail to connect that of hofpitality to ftrangers, which is equally univerfal and obvious, and is, perhaps, in part, the offspring

of it.

The inhabitants are made up of various nations of many different religious fentiments; few general observations, therefore, of a characteristical kind will apply.

Chief Towns.] ANNAPOLIS (city) is the capital of Maryland, and the wealthieft town of its fize in America. It is fituated juft at the mouth of Severn river, 30 miles fouth of Baltimore. It is a place of little note in the commercial world. The houses, about 260 in number, are generally large and elegant, indicative of great wealth. The defign of those who planned the city, was to have the whole in the form of a circle, with the streets, like radii, beginning at the center where the Stadt House ftands, and thence diverging in every direction. The principal part of the buildings are arranged agreeably to this awkward plan. The Stadt House is the nobleft building of the kind in America.

BALTIMORE has had the moft rapid growth of any town in the continent, and is the fourth in fize and the fifth in trade in the United States*. It lies in lat. 39° 21', on the north fide of Patapfco river, around what is called the Bafon, in which the water, at common tides, is about five or fix feet deep. Baltimore is divided into the town and Fell's Point by a creek, over which are two bridges; but the houses extend, in a fparfe fituation, from one to the other. At Fell's Point the water is deep enough for fhips of burden; but small veffels only go up to the town. The fituation of the town is low, and was formerly unhealthy; but the increase of houses, and of course of smoke, the tendency of which is to deftroy or to difpel damp and unwholefome vapours, and the improvements that have been made, particularly that of paving the streets, have rendered it tolerably healthy. The houfes were numbered in 1787, and found to be 1955; about 1200 of which were in the town, and the reft at Fell's Point. The number of ftores was 152, and of churches nine; which belong to German Calvinifts and Lutherans, Epifcopalians, Prefbyterians, Roman Catholics, Baptifts, Methodists, Quakers, Nicolites, or New Quakers. The number of inhabitants is between 10 and 11,000. Not more than one in five of thefe attend public worship of any kind, notwithstanding they have fuch a variety in their choice. Their main object (in which, indeed, they are far from being peculiar) appears to he to make their fortunes for this world; while preparation for another is either unthought of, or deferred to a more convenient feafon. There are many very respectable families in Baltimore, who live genteely-are hof

*In point of fize, the towns in the United States may be ranked in this order; Philadelphia, New-York, Bofton, Baltimore, Charleston, Sc. In point of trade, New-York, Philadelphia, Bofton, Charleston, Baltimore, &c.

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