Since you to non-regardance cast my faith, That screws me from my true place in your favour, Live you, the marble-breasted tyrant, still; But this your minion, whom, I know, you love, Him will I tear out of that cruel eye, Where he sits crowned in his master's spite.Come boy, with me; my thoughts are ripe in mis chief: I'll sacrifice the lamb that I do love, To spite a raven's heart within a dove. [Going. Vio. And I, most jocund, apt, and willingly, To do you rest, a thousand deaths would die. [Following. Oli. Where goes Cesario? After him I love, More than I love these eyes, more than my life, Oli. Ah me, detested! how am I beguil'd! Vio. Who does beguile you? who does do you wrong? Oli. Hast thou forgot thyself! Is it so long!- Call forth the holy father. [Exit an Attendant. Come away. [TO VIOLA. Oli. Whither my lord? -Cesario, husband, stay. Duke. Husband? Oli. Ay, husband; Can he that deny? Duke. Her husband, sirrah? No, my lord, not I. Oli. Alas, it is the baseness of thy fear, That makes thee strangle thy propriety: ' Fear not, Cesario, take thy fortunes up; Be that thou know'st thou art, and then thou art As great as that thou fear'st.-0, welcome, father! Re-enter Attendant and Priest. Father, I charge thee, by thy reverence, Priest. A contract of eternal bond of love, Strengthen'd by interchangement of your rings; Since when, my watch hath told me, toward my grave, I have travell'd but two hours. Duke. O, thou dissembling cub! what wilt thou be, When time hath sow'd a grizzle on thy case?? Or will not else thy craft so quickly grow, That thine own trip shall be thine overthrow ? Farewell, and take her; but direct thy feet, Where thou and I henceforth may never meet. Vio. My lord, I do protest, Oli. O, do not swear; Hold little faith, though thou hast too much fear. Disown thy property. 2 Skin. Enter Sir ANDREW AGUE-CHEEK, with his head broke. Sir And. For the love of God, a surgeon; send one presently to sir Toby. Oli. What's the matter? Sir And. He has broke my head across, and has given sir Toby a bloody coxcomb too: for the love of God, your help: I had rather than forty pound, I were at home. Oli. Who has done this, sir Andrew? Sir And. The count's gentleman, one Cesario: we took him for a coward, but he's the very devil incardinate. Duke. My gentleman, Cesario! Sir And. Od's lifelings, here he is :-You broke my head for nothing; and that that I did, I was set on to do't by sir Toby. Vio. Why do you speak to me? I never hurt you: You drew your sword upon me, without cause; But I bespake you fair, and hurt you not. Sir And. If a bloody coxcomb be a hurt, you have hurt me; I think, you set nothing by a bloody coxcomb. Enter Sir TOBY BELCH, drunk, led by the Clown. Here comes sir Toby halting, you shall hear more : but if he had not been in drink, he would have tickled you othergates 3 than he did. Duke. How now, gentleman? how is't with you? Sir To. That's all one; he has hurt me, and there's the end on't.-Sot, did'st see Dick surgeon, sot? Clo. O he's drunk, sir Toby, an hour agone; his eyes were set at eight i'the morning. Sir To. Then he's a rogue. After a passy-measure, or a pavin, 4 I hate a drunken rogue. Oli. Away with him: Who hath made this havock with them? Sir And. I'll help you, sir Toby, because we'll be dressed together. Sir To. Will you help an ass-head, and a coxcomb, and a knave? a thin-faced knave, a gull? Oli. Get him to bed, and let his hurt be look'd to. [Exeunt Clown, Sir TOBY, and Sir ANDREW. Enter SEBASTIAN. Seb. I am sorry, madam, I have hurt your kins man; But, had it been the brother of my blood, Duke. One face, one voice, one habit, and two persons; A natural perspective, that is, and is not. How have the hours rack'd and tortur'd me, Since I have lost thee. Ant. Sebastian are you? + Serious dances. Seb. Fear'st thou that, Antonio? Ant. How have you made division of yourself? An apple, cleft in two, is not more twin Seb. Do I stand there? I never had a brother: Nor can there be that deity in my nature, Vio. Of Messaline: Sebastian was my father; You come to fright us. Seb. A spirit I am, indeed; But am in that dimension grossly clad, Vio. And died that day when Viola from her birth Had number'd thirteen years. Seb. O, that record is lively in my soul! Vio. If nothing lets to make us happy both, $ Out of charity tell me. 6 Hinders BB 2 |