Æschylus. Agamemnon; tr. by R. Browning. Same. Tr. by Morshead. Has been previously translated by Potter (1819, "paraphrastic"), Symmons (1824), Harford (1831, "tame"), Conington (1848, "scholarly" "but not poetical"), Miss Anna Swanwick (1865, "neat"), Milman (1865, "smooth", "feels bound to elevate the style of Æschylus"), Davies (1868); Plumptree (1868, "prosaic"), Copleston (1871, in the "Ancient classics for English readers"), Fitzgerald (1876; "has more poetical verre than Mr. Morshead, and here and there rises to a high level; but he misses out all that does not come home to him, and it is amusing to find the translator or writer of the 'Rubayat' omitting all the simple straightforward religion preached by the chorus," - Edin. rer.) Browning would have a translator "to be literal at every cost save that of absolute violence to our language, while, with respect to amplifications and embellishments, anything rather than "to gape for Æschylus and get About his success critics difTheognis". - Preface. fer. The British quar. rev. for Jan. declares that "If Æschylus really wrote such nonsense as his translator attributes to him it would be worse than a waste of time to study him at all". - And the Edin. rev. (April) complains that "Mr. Browning at times has preferred to give us a mosaic copy where every beautiful tint in the original is represented by half a dozen coarse, broken bits, ill patched together. He is faithful to word arrangement and etymology, false to art and feeling." On the other hand, the Atheneum (Oct. 27) and J. А. Symonds in the Academy (Nov. 3) are warm in praise of his "dexterity in matching word for word and maintaining the exact order of the original". "Mr. Morshead gives us a flowing version made with care, but, not being a poet, he worries his reader by a frequent use of stock expressions, such as 'rapine fell' and 'presage fair', often reducing Æschylus to the level of Scott's lays." - Edin.rev. "He says (Preface, p. 27) that his object has been, throughout, to be, if possible, readable. He has entirely succeeded. His version is more than readable, it is enjoyable." - Brit. q.rev., Jan. American architect and building news, 1876. Vol.1. Amicis, E. de. Constantinopoli. 2 v. Eng. Constantinople; tr. by C. Tilton. "Each traveller has a special world of his own which interests him: the Oriental world seen by De Amicis is not the same that occupied Lamartine, Chateaubriand, Lady Wortley Montague, De Nerval, Prince Puckler, Theophilus Gautier." - A. de Gubernatis in Contemp. rev., Mar. "This has taken Italy by storm. No one must seek in these volumes for any solution of the Eastern problem, or any new view of the political future of Turkey. They are simply descriptive. De Amicis carries you with him from point to point of the wondrous city, exhibits it to you in all its aspects, enumerates everything minutely without becoming tedious, and is the best of guides, without ever adopting the guide-book style." - L. Villari in Acad., Feb. 23. Marocco. "The 'Marocco' is of superior merit to the Olanda; it contains much solid information in addition to vivid travel pictures, and is a book which all artists will read with delight. I am not aware that De Amicis has ever wielded brush and palette, but it is certain that he generally sees things with a painter's eye; and this faculty, coupled with a power of giving interest and charm to insignificant details, occasionally recalls the genius of W. Black." L. Villari in Acad., Feb. 23. Novelle. Contents. Gli amici di collegio. - Camilla. Furio. Un gran giorno. Alberto. Fortezza. Olanda. 3a ed. Spagna. 6a ed. "He went to Spain at the time of the failure of Amadeo to endear himself to the Spaniards." La vita militare; bozzetti. "M. de Amicis est devenu en quelques années l'un des écrivains les plus populaires de l'Italie. En 1867, vingt et un ans, étant officier, il dirigeait à Florence un journal, l'Italia militare. Une série de jolies nouvelles et d'articles qui ont été réunis en volume fondèrent sa réputation. Il quitta le service militaire, se mit à courir le monde et raconta ses pérégrinations dans des livres où l'on retrouve les qualités qui ont fait chez nous la vogue des ouvrages de M. de Beauvoir. C'est le même naturel, la même facilité, la même bonne humeur assaisonnée d'une pointe d'humour." - A. Barine in Rev. pol. et lit. Augier, G. V. E. Théâtre complet. success. Contents. Vol. 1. La ciguë. 1844. (A Greek story. It was the first play of the author, and was an entire "Ce frais tableau antique, peint de couleurs légères, naturelles, et charmantes." G.) - Un homme de bien, ou Féline. ("N'obtint pas la même faveur que 'La ciguë', malgré tout son mérite; cette fine étude de tartufe consciencieux, qui non-seulement trompe les autres mais se trompe lui-même, était d'un effet moins certain." G. "La vivacité de son esprit, le commerce familier qu'il a entretenu avec les poëtes de l'antiquité, lui avaient fourni tous les éléments de la Ciguë", mais, "en écrivant sa seconde comédie, M. Augier a senti trop tard la nécessité de connaître le monde où nous vivons pour le peindre." P.) - L'aventurière. ("A retrouvé la veine heureuse de La ciguë." G. "De toutes ses pièces en vers L'aventurière est restée la meilleure." La.) -L'habit vert. Avec A. de Musset. ("Une fraîche et légère esquisse de la vie de rapin et d'étudiant." La.) Gabrielle. ("Abonde en détails charmants, en vers heureux et francs, en traits d'esprit du meilleur aloi, où brille ce mélange de sensibilité et de bonne humeur qui est charactéristique du talent de M. Augier. La versifi. cation est nette et ferme a part quelques archaïsmes et quelques négligences voulus." G. "Gabrielle, où les principes de vertu, les saintes affections, le respect du lien conjugal, les joies paisibles du foyer domestique sont prêchés sur tous les tons et avec toutes les rimes." J. "Traitant la passion comme une chimère, l'auteur fait bon marché de l'idéal, et des aspirations de l'âme." La.) - Le joueur de flute. ("Réproduction mal déguisée de 'La ciguë', " M. "L'esprit le moins enclin à la pruderie ne peut se défendre d'un mouvement de dépit en voyant les Images les plus gracieuses encadrées dans les plaisanteries du goût le plus douteux." P.) 2. Diane. ("Une mauvaise pièce." G. The subject is the same as that of Victor Hugo's Marion Delorme.) Philiberte. ("Très jolie." L. "Pièce lestement troussée, où la préciosité se mêle au trivial, mais où la grâce de détails fait oublier le vide de l'in. trigue. Philiberte n'est autre chose que 'La laide' de Scribe." La.) Le gendre de M. Poirier. Avec J. Sandeau. ("Comédie ferme et vive, qui met en scène avec une grande verve comique l'ancien conflit de l'aristocratie et de la roture, qui peint les travers de la noblesse vaniteuse et ruinée et les sottises de la bourgeoisie enrichie.") Ceinture dorée. ("Très Jolie." L.) 3. La pierre de touche. Avec J. Sandeau. ("La donnée se trouve tout entière dans un délicieux roman de Sandeau, 'L'héritage'. Les auteurs nous ont représenté deux artistes pauvres, l'un aimant sa pauvreté, l'autre ne rêvant que la richesse; le dernier devient tout à coup millionnaire et renie son passé, son génie, son amour." La. Not very successful on the stage.) Le mariage d'Olympe. ("Olympe est une héroine d'Alexandre Dumas fils mariée, c'est la courtisane se faisant comtesse et qui, en fin de compte, a la nostalgie des rigolbochades.) - La jeunesse. ("Une copie maladroite de 'L'honneur et l'argent' de M. Ponsard." M. "Commence comme une satire, se termine en eglogue à la Théocrite." La.) - Sapho; opéra. 4. Les lionnes pauvres. Avec E. Foussier. ("Conception hardi mais non immorale." "Une des œuvres des plus puissants du théâtre contemporain. De belles scènes, une action d'un intérêt poignant, une plaie sociale [française] mise à vif, un style incisif et nerveux. Cette œuvre hardie a été quelque temps arrêtée par la censure, qui reculait devant cette expression parfois cynique des mœurs contemporains." La.) Les Un beau mariage. Avec E. Foussier. effrontés. ("De toutes parts on cria à la satire, à la personnalité. Le succès fut grand. Néanmoins l'action est confuse, les situations embrouillées, les scènes trop longues." La.) 5. Le fils de Giboyer. "Quoi qu'on en ait dit, cette comédie n'est pas une pièce politique, dans le sens courant du mot; c'est une pièce sociale. Elle n'attaque et ne défend que des idées, abstraction faite de toute forme de gouvernement. Ma comédie [peint] les trois fractions du parti clérical, unies dans la haine ou la peur de la démocratie." Préface. "Giboyer appar. tient à cette famille de vertueux criminels qui croit et multiplie depuis une trentaine d'années sur la scène et dans le roman." Prerost Paradol. "Le fils de Giboyer' souleva les colères du parti clérical. M. Veuillot [who has lately attacked Molière] put se reconnaître sons les traits de Déodat." Za.) - Maître Guérin. ("Eut un immense succès. Dénote un effort puissant vers un art supérieur à ce que nous offre le théâtre actuel. On y retrouve cette excès de verve qui réussit toujours à M. Augier." La.) - La contagion. 6. Paul Forestier. ("La critique a été unanime à reconnaître la hardiesse de la donnée. Pandace de Fexé. cution, l'ardeur des situations que la passion anime, et surtout la vigeur du style." La.) Le postscriptum. ("Ce petit proverbe se relève par les mots spirituels que les interlocuteurs ne cessent de se renvoyer comme la balle à la paume." La.) - Lions et renards. ("Tres-jolie." L.) - Jean de Thomme. ray. Avec J. Sandeau. Mme. Caverlet. For estimates of Augier see G. Planche's Nouveaux portraits littéraires, II. 221-57 (P. in the notes above), a very hostile sketch by the pamphleteer E. de Mirecourt (pseud. for C. J. B. Jacquot) no. 92 of his Hist.contemp. (M.,) and an article in Larousse's Grand dict. univ., v. 1 (La.). "Augier was one of the followers of Ponsard in the reaction against the Romantic school that began about 1843. His first play 'La cigus had a Greek story. He soon turned to the comedy of contemporary manners, but so long as he wrote in verse it was evident that the Greeks and the poets of the seventeenth century had all his admiration; and even in his prose comedies there is that restraint and absence of passion and sensation that becomes a disciple at once of the classic school and the 'school of good sense'. Many of the plays seem in some respects more like novels than dramas. The movement is a little slow, the action is peaceable, there is a certain want of force to which we are not aceustomed on the stage. Nevertheless, almost every one has been warmly applauded, and they are excellent reading, with their graceful versification, sparkling dialogue, and most ingenious studies of character. Some of the co dies that are highly esteemed by the French critics and indeed, so far as their words go, have little that is objectionable - offend Americai sensibilities by their subject. Naturally the pieces 'qui relèvent une plate sociale' are not altogether agreeable reading. But the following can be recommended to any one: 'L'habit vert,' 'Ceinture dorée. La pierre de touche. Un beau mariage,' 'Maître Guérin,' 'Lions et renards. 'Le post. scriptum,' and, less unreservedly, 'Philiberte'. Augier has just brought out Les Fourchambault' with success." Nation, May 16. come. Berti, D. Copernico e le vicende del sistema Copernicano in Italia; con doc. ined. int. a G. Bruno e G. Galilei. Il processo originale di Galileo Galilei. Galileo was punished for contempt of court, in publishing his "Dialogue on the Ptolemaic and Copernican systems", (1632), after receiving from the commissary of the Inquisition, and promising to obey, an order not to defend the heliocentric theory, either by word of mouth or in writing. Till lately historians unfriendly to the Inquisition have contented themselves with denouncing the interference of a religions tribunal in scientific matters; but the bulk of the documents connected with the trial having been published by H. de l'Epinois in 1867, Prof. Em. Wohlwill detected in them proof that the order was never delivered to Galileo, and that the minute recording its delivery, on the strength of which Galilco was condemned, was a forgery by an officer of the Inquisition. Berti undertakes to defend the genuineness of the minute. Of Wohlwill, Sedley Taylor says (Acad., Feb. 3, 1877): "The evidence has been collected with exhaustive thoroughness, and stated with masterly perspicuity. His pamphlet is a remarkable specimen of keen insight, strenuous argument, and terse exposition." Berti's dis. cussion he calls (Acad., Feb. 10) "extremely uncritical and inconclusive.' Bertocci, G. Repertorio bibliografico delle opere stampate in Italia nel secolo XIX. Vol. 1. Block, M. Traité théorique et pratique de statistique. "An attempt to formulate the principles and practice of statistics in a manual with the same precision as those of the more exact sciences." - Fortnightly rev., Feb. Buonarotti, M. A. Sonnets of Michael Angelo Buonarroti and Campanella; tr. by J. A. Symonds. Michel-Angelo's poems were first published 50 years after his death, touched up by his Della Crusean nephew, and from this refacimento all previous translations have been made. In 1863 the true text was for the first time printed, and that has been taken as the basis of the present version. "To translate Michael Angelo and Campanella, two of the most crabbed and obscure of writers, into rhymed sonnet-form is indeed a tour de force.... The sonnets of Campanella remind us of the Elizabethan gnomic poets, Chapman and Lord Brooke, and they are at least as crabbed and grotesque. Their intense earnestness and fiery conviction contrast most strangely with the Italian poetry of their age, which was either, with Marini, gone wholly astray after rococo ornament and clustering concetti, or, with Tassoni and the writers of burlesque epics, had lost all sense of the serious mission of the poet." - Eram, Feb. 9. "If Michael Angelo's poetry is difficult to translate, Campanella's is all but impossible. He gives us strange and startling combinations of Platonic fancy, Dantesque indignation, and Aristophanie invective. Or perhaps, widely different though the motives of the two poets were, we should rather go to Catullus in his savage mood for a parallel to one or two things in these sonnets." - Sat. rer., Mar. 9. "Proves that Campanella was greater as a poet than a philosopher." - Fortnightly rer., Feb. Burlingame, E. L. Current discussion; a coll. from the chief English essays on questions of the time. Vol. 1.: International politics. Contents. Vol. 1. Forbes, A. The Russians, the Turks, and the Bulgarians. - Canning, Sir S., Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe. Turkey. Gladstone, W. E. Montenegro. - Smith, G. The political destiny of Canala. Blackis, J. S. Prussia in the 19th century. Dicay, E. The frure of Egypt. Suith. G. The slaveowner and the Turk - Own. S. J. The stability of the British Empire in In lia. Fraaman, E. 1. The relation of the English people to the Russo-Turkish war. Cantù, C. Della indipendenza italiana cronistoria, [1793-1876]. 3 v. in 4 pt. Carducci, G. Ai parentali di G. Boccacci. sort. Objects to the strong anti-Russian tone of the 3d vol. Durand, Mme. A. (Fleury). Dosia. ""Dosia' has just been crowned by the Academy." Nouvelles russes; par H. Gréville. 2e éd. Contents. Stéphane Makarief. - Véra. - L'examinateur. Le meunier. Anton Malissof. "Except the 'Meunier', which is badly planned, these little stories are told with life, and make one smile or weep with emotion. International rev., May. "Dans 'Stéphane', et 'L'examinateur, nous avons deux joyaux qu'on dirait sortis de la cassette de Mérimée ou de l'écrin de Tourguéneff. 'L'examinateur pourrait même entrer, sans conteste, dans le petit nombre des contes non fantastiques d'Hoffmann." - F. Boissin in Polybiblion, avril. La princesse Oghérof. 3e éd. Sonia. "La Russie est à la mode. Voici encore une nouvelle étude sur les mœurs russes. Elle ne pénètre pas bien avant, et on aurait pu à la rigueur l'écrire sans quitter le boulevard Montmartre. Le récit est agréable et touchant. La pauvrete du fond disparait sous le charme des détails, et certaines scènes attendrissantes sont délicatement touchées." - Rev. pol. et lit., Sept. 8. Errera, A. L'Italia industriale. Storia e statistica delle industrie venete. Ewald, G. H. A. von. Commentary on the prophets of the O. T.; tr. by J. F. Smith. Vol. 2. Fanfani, P. Spigolatura Michelangiolesca. Ferrigni, P. C. (pseud. Yorick figlio di Yorick). Su e giù per Firenze. Figanière, Viscount. Elva; a story of the dark ages; [in verse]. Folengo, T. Histoire maccaronique; avec notes par G. Brunet. Nouv.éd. Froude, J. A. Life and times of Thomas Becket. Gardiner, S. R. The first two Stuarts and the Puritan Revolution, 1603-60. 2d ed. Gibson, J. Reminiscences of Sir Walter Scott. Gotti, A. Vita di Michelangelo Buonarotti. 2 v. Greco, O. Bibliobiografia femminile italiana del 190 sec. Haller, G., pseud. Le bleuet. "George Sand, who certainly ought to know what constitutes a good story, pronounces this a 'remarkable effort of an exceedingly refined man or of a very powerfully-gifted woman'. To the 'brooding and introspective Anglo-Saxon mind,' as Taine calls it. the love-making and the expressions of feeling generally are apt to appear a trifle theatrical and spectacular, but the French ought to be the best judges of what French nature really is." "Madame Sand wrote a laudatory preface for it, and 'Le bluct' was added to the short list of books accessible to the 'jeune fille'. King Solomon says: 'There be three things which are too wonderful for me; yea, four which I know not'. Certainly if he had lived in these days he might have added a fifth mystery - a Frenchman's notions of morality. The whole substance of this book consists of careful, detailed description of relations, abnormal and other, between young men and young women. As unwholesome a book as we have lately read, but which, from its omission of murder, seduction, or suicide, is considered in Paris a moral and 'most refined' tale." - Nation, Apr. 18. "A charming, innocent little tale." - Atlantic. Hamersly, L. R. Records of living officers of the U. S. Navy and Marine Corps. 3d ed. Horatius Flaccus, Q. Life and character; an epitome of his satires and epistles; by R. M. Hovenden. Italy. Deputazione Ministeriale Istit. Presso la Soc. Geog. Ital. Studj bibliografici e biografici sulla storia della geografia in Italia. Contains lives and a bibliography of the Italian travellers, a treatise on the mappamondi and portolani of the Middle Ages and the centuries of the great discoveries, and a list of the geographical works in the chief government libraries of Italy. Studj sulla geografia naturale e civile dell' Johnston, A.K. Africa; with ethnol. app. by A. L'Epinois, H. de. Les pièces du procès de Galilée. The first edition of the trial by L'Epinois in 1867 having been deformed by serious omissions and errors, and Berti in correcting L'Epinois having himself committed some blunders, L'Epinois published the present text, carefully corrected by the original ms. Mantegna, A. Œuvre; reprod. et pub. par AmandDurand; texte par G. Duplessis. "Si les documents abondent pour contredire l'opinion qui veut faire admettre que Mantegna est le premier qui ait en Italie gravi sur métal, on trouvera au contraire ses estampes furent les premières qui attirèrent l'attention générale et qui contribuèrent à faire admettre la gravure au nombre des arts du dessin." - Préface. "His reproductions are no blurred and rotten phototolithographs, that tantalize rather than satisfy; they are always carried out with the best French finish and dexterity of manipulation-in fact, line for line, they are exact facsimiles of the old engravings. In some cases, except from the newness of the paper, it would be impossible to distinguish them from the originals. Mantegna, like Rembrandt, Donatello, and some very few other artists of the same individuality, has the faculty of asserting an absolute sway over the imagination of his admirers. They accept him unconditionally: criticism, if not flung aside with seorn and contempt, is simply quietly ignored. His faculty was so intense, was developed with such perfection, was in every direction so thoroughly satisfying that they feel that nothing can be added to his work with profit, or taken from it without the loss of some expression which is necessary to the charm of its personality; and when one considers that his themes deal with the deepest passion or the highest ideals of poctic symbolism, one realises the impression he makes on those of strong and cultivated artistic sympathies. As a natural consequence of this fervid acceptance, he meets with equally strongly-expressed antipathy." IH. Wallis in Acad., Apr. 6. Manzoni, L. Bibliografia statutaria e storica italica. Vol. 1. Marmora, A. la. I segreti di stato nel governo costituzionale. Mason, A. J. Persecution of Diocletian; a hist. essay. Melzi, G. Francesco Melzi d'Eril, duca di Lodi. Memorie; lettere ined. di Napoleone 1. e Beauharnais. 2 v. Monti, L. Adventures of a consul abroad. "The story is told in the plainest style, but the moral is emphatic, and the defects and insufficiency of the consular service are shown in both a melancholy and a ludicrous light." - B. d. Advertiser. Nason, E. History of Dunstable, Mass., to 1873. Palfrey, F. W Memoir of W. F. Bartlett. Passerini, L. La bibliografia di Michelangelo Buonarotti e gli incisori delle sue opere. Peck, F. M., and Earl, H. H. Fall River and its industries. Pfeiffer, L. Nomenclator botanicus. 2 v. in 4 pts. Phillips, H., Jr. Poems; tr. from the Spanish and German. Philochristus; memoirs of a disciple of the Lord. "'Philochristus' is in form what M. Renan's 'Vie de Jésus' is in substance, a romantic delineation of the life of Christ, composed rather with an eye to the religious needs of the nineteenth century than to the religious experiences of the first. As a work of art it presents a marked analogy to Mr. H. Hunt's scriptural pictures, more especially 'The Light of the world'. Both are works of extraordinary talent, and of originality bordering upon genius. Both are reverent, and at the same time iconoclastic. Both bear a possibly unconscious witness to the need of divesting the Gospel history of its supernatural halo, and bringing it within the compass of ordinary human sympathy. Both display inimitable skill in the delineation of all subordinate details, and both are substantially failures from the inferiority of the principal figure to the accessories. The author is not simply writing about Jesus, but is introducing Jesus himself as a living, moving, acting personage in a narrative. Such a person cannot be a mute; but what has the Jesus of 'Philochristus' to say? He must either repeat the Evangelists or compete with them; he must be either insipid or absurd. Yet there is enough spirit and vitality in the minor personages to reveal dramatic power of no mean rank, and the style is throughout that of a master." - Examiner, Mar. 30. "Philochristus was one of the small company of those who followed Jesus wherever he went. Of the scenes in which he thus bore a part, Philochristus gives his personal recollections in pure and simple English of the time of our Received Version. Most readers will feel. I think, that they did not know Galilee so well before. Its imported civilization, its traditional religion, its mongrel government, the fierce discontent and eager hopes of its Jewish population, the soft beauty of its scenery, have received touches which make the whole environment in the midst of which Jesus lived and taught more real to us. He takes a new position: to believe in and worship Christ as the Son of God in the spirit of the Fourth Gospel, and at the same time to put aside what, for want of a better word, we call the miraculous element in the New Testament history." J. L. Davies in Contemp. rev., Mar. Pieralisi, S. Correzioni al libro Urbano VIII. e Galilei', con 'osserv. sopra 'Il processo originale di Galilei'; pub. da D. Berti. Urbano VIII. e Galileo Galilei. Pike, J. S. The financial crisis; its evils and their Powell, A. M. State regulation of vice. Regu- Providence. City Council. Ceremonies at the unveiling of the monument to Roger Williams; with the address by J. L. Diman, Oct. 16, 1877. Putnam, S. P. Prometheus; a poem. Robida, A. Les vieilles villes d'Italie. "Texte et dessins à la plume, de Robida. Le nouveau voyageur qui nous raconte ses impressions est un vrai fantaisiste, ennemi des clichés. Pas d'enthousiasmes de convention, pas d'admiration de commande. Quand il a été désenchanté, il vous dit tout ingénument son mécompte. Ce qu'il a cherché surtout, c'est le détail pittoresque, le coté moyen âge, ce qui a de la physionomie et du cachet." - Rev. pol. et lit. Rubieri, E. Storia della poesia popolare italiana. Treats Italian popular poetry "in its origin and form, in its psychological characteristics, and in its moral aspects". Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Correspondance, 1822-65. Т.1. "A collection of the highest interest, and promising to become still more interesting, the correspondence of the last two or three years of his life being apparently more copious than that of the preceding forty." - Fortnightly rev., Feb. "We see the independent and highly susceptible nature of the man, sometimes a little prone to bitterness, but loving above all things sincerity and truth." G. Monod in Acad., Feb. 16. Sands, J. Out of the world; or, Life in St. Kilda. 2d ed. Schaff, P. Harmony of the Reformed confessions. Sketches of Australian life and scenery; by a res ident for thirty years. 2d ed. South Kensington Museum. Conferences held in connection with the special loan collection of scientific apparatus, 1876. Streckfuss, A. F. K. Too rich; after the German by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Sweetser, M. F. Claude Lorraine. (Artist biog.) Rembrandt. (Artist biog.) Sir Joshua Reynolds. (Artist biog.) Temple Bar for April. Has a paper on Cruikshank by Wedmore, "a more thorough estimate of his work and its qualities than has appeared before." - Acad. Tommaseo, N., and Bellini, B. Dizionario della lingua italiana. Vol. 1-4. 4 v. in 7 pts. Tucker, Rev. H. W. Memoir of the life and episcopate of E. Feild, Bp. of Newfoundland, 1844-76. 2d thous. Trench, R. C. Lectures on medieval church his- "Depuis quelque temps, il se manifeste en Russie un désir très-vif de ressaisir l'art national, si longtemps dominé par l'imitation des arts occidentaux. Existe-t-il un art national russe? Une masse enorme de documents, reproduction de monuments, manuscripts, copies de tableaux, de sculptures, procédés de construction, faits historiques, ont été mis à la disposition de l'auteur, avec un empressement qui indique combien ce sujet tient au cœur des vrais Russes. L'auteur a porté l'examen de sa critique au milieu de ce chaos, et il est arrivé à établir incontestablement la constitution, dès de 12e siècle, d'un art original, susceptible de progrès, en relation intime avec l'art byzantin, sans cependant se confondre avec lui." Bibliog. de la France. Walker, F. A. Money. "Its contents are largely historical and critical, and nothing can be apparently more candid, impartial, and conscientious than the tone, both of the narrative and its criticism." J. S. Ropes in Lit. world, Apr. The author has "definitely abandoned the word 'currency'". The Ta Balfour, F. H. Waifs and strays from the far east; essays relating to China. Contents. Different views of the Chinese. Tsing dynasty. The previous dynasties of China. Secret societies and their political significance. The armaments of China. The kingdom of Liuchiu. Legendary Corea. - Early Japanese invasions of China. Japanese influence on China. The extension of foreign trade. The doctrine of previous rights. Opium. The rival evangelizers of China. Chinese views of foreign culture. A superficial view of Buddhism. Astrology. A Chinese Munchausen. Chinese domestic romance. Chinese Jews. - The Chinese theory of creation. Barkley, H. C. Between the Danube and the Black Sea; five years in Bulgaria. Pictures of Bulgarian life observed by a civil engineer in constructing a railroad. Barry, C. A. Primer of design. mit Wort- u. Sacherklärungen. ór Bd.; Batterson, Rev. H. G. A sketch-book of the American episcopate. Bauer, K. (pseud. K. Detlef). Bis in die Steppe. 2e Aufl. Nora. 3e Aufl. 2 v. Unlösliche Bande. 3e Aufl. Burlingame, E. L. Current discussion. 2 v. Contents. Vol. 1. International politics. Forbes, A. The Russians, the Turks, and the Bulgarians. Canning, Sir S., Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe. Turkey. - Gladstone, W. E. Montenegro. - Smith, G. The political destiny of Canada. - Blackie, J. S. Prussia in the 19th century. Dicey, E. The future of Egypt. Smith, G. The slaveowner and the Turk. Owen, S. J. The stability of the British Empire in India. Freeman, E. A. The relation of the English people to the Russo-Turkish war. 2. Questions of belief. Harrison, F. The soul and future life. A modern symposium; by Hutton, Huxley, Greg, Martineau, Harrison, Clifford, and others. Lewes, G. H. The course of modern thought. - Hughes, T. Condition and prospects of the Church of England. Mallock, W. H. Is life worth living? Burton, Capt. R. F. Sind revisited; with notices of the Anglo-Indian army, railroads, etc. 2 v. Cameron, Mrs. H. Lovett. Deceivers ever. "This book is very refreshing to the jaded reviewer of contemporary fiction. It is written in decent English, it has a real plot and genuine characters, and it contains only so much vulgarity as is essential to any faithful picture of modern British life. But above and beyond all this it has a hero." - Exam, Mar. 23. Cervantes Saavedra, M. Spanish salt; all the proverbs which are to be found in 'Don Quixote'; with tr. by U. R. Burke. "His plan is to take a proverb, and, so to speak, give us its history, and illustrate it by other proverbs from other nations. He brings stores of quaint illustrations from all quarters, which fit into one another and throw light upon the proverb in hand." Westminster rev. Child, Mrs. L. M. Aspirations of the world. A collection of quotations on moral and religious topics. Clarke, J. F. Memorial and biographical sketches. Contents. J. A. Andrew. J. Freeman. - C. Sumner. T. Parker. - S. G. Howe. - W. E. Channing. Walter Channing and some of his contemporaries. E. S. Gannett. - S. J. May. - 8. Dimock. - G. Keats. -R. J. Breckinridge. - G. D. Prentice. - J. B. Booth, the elder; an incident in his life. Washington, and the secret of his influence. Shakspeare. - J. J. Rousseau. The heroes of one country town. W. Hull. Collins, W. L. Thucydides. (Ancient classics for Eng. readers.) Contemporary rev., May. Has, besides the articles mentioned in No. 10, one by Goldwin Smith on 'The greatness of the Romans', which a critic calls "A new proof of the prodigality, the positive waste of thought and industry and knowledge, with which men are now-a-days pouring themselves out in these ephemerals. Time was when a paper like this, diluted to perhaps double its number of pages, and called a monograph on the early history of Rome, would have made a reputation. Mr. Smith gives us a new and intelligible, and as far as we can test, an accurate account of the reason for the rise of the Roman power which mastered the world around the Mediterranean. The secret of that power was intellect applied to the formation of armies in other words, discipline- and the reason why the Romans so applied their intellect was their permanent and serious danger of being plundered by the tribes around them." Rome, he says, was commercial first, then military to defend its commerce. Corahill, May. Has an amusing article on Athenæus, probably by the author of the article on Aulus Gellius, in the March no.; a paper on The origin of flowers, by G. A.; and a lyric, 'The mænad's grave', by Gosse. Dingelstedt, F. Sämmtliche Werke. Vol. 9-12. Zu Beethoven's Gedächtniss-Feier bei Austellung seines nach Boston bestimmten Denkmales. - Zum Shakespeare-Jubiläum. Bei Eröffnung des Wiener Opernhauses. - Zu Molière's Gedächtniss-Feier am 2n Saculartage seines Ablebens. Das Haus des Barneveldt; Trauerspiel. Der Erntekranz; Festspiel. Molière, J. B. P de. Geiziger; Lustspiel. 10. Shakespeare, W. Sturm; Schauspiel; - Wintermärchen; Schauspiel. - Beaumarchais, P. A. C. de. Ein toller Tag; oder, Figaro's Hochzeit, Lustspiel. 11. Shakespeare, W. König Richard II; - König Heinrich IV; König Heinrich v. 12. Shakespeare, W. König Heinrich VI; - King Richard III. Doran, Dr. J. Memories of our great towns; with anecdotic gleanings concerning their worthies and oddities. Reprinted from the Athenœum, 1860-77. "There are nineteen towns treated of in the volume, and there is not a single one of them whose annals are not rendered most amusing. Not one dull page disfigures the book." - Acad., May 11. Edinburgh rev., April. "The 'Age of bronze' is written by a man who speaks with authority. The results obtained by Prof. Boyd Dawkins, in his 'Cave hunting'- that palæolithic man is represented by the present Eskimos, and neolithic man by the present Basques - are fully accepted." - J. Edkins, in Acad., Apr. 27. Edwards, Mrs. A. A blue-stocking. "A very idyllic picture of the life led in Jersey by three old north-country ladies and their fair niece. Ath., Oct. 20. Fane, V. Anthony Babington. Another play founded on the rivalry of Mary Queen of Scots and Elizabeth. "Unfitted for stage representation, yet shows a dramatic capacity not common among writers for the stage." - Ath., Mar. 31, 1877. The queen of the fairies, and other poems. |