Slike stranica
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aux diverses époques.

An account of the archæological discoveries of Beulé and others, viewed in the light of modern ideas. Unlike most histories this begins with one of the latest epochs, the Turkish, and thence the investigation is pushed back through five others to the ante-Pelasgian.

Burridge, F. W. Horticulture. (Brit. industries.)

Butt, G. Dieudonnée. (Half-hour series.)
The time of roses. (Half-hour series.)
These stories are praised by the Academy.
Carmina clericorum; Studentenlieder des Mittel-


Carpenter, Wm. B., M.D. Mesmerism, etc., historically and scientifically considered. By a decided disbeliever in spiritualism. A reply, by A. R. Wallace, is printed in Pop. science monthly, suppl., no. 5.

Chadbourne, P. A. Strength of men and stability

of nations; sermons. Characteristics of old church architecture in the mainland and western islands of Scotland. Chatfield, A. W. Songs and hymns of earliest Greek Christian poets; trans. into English


Cherbuliez, V. Samuel Brohl and Company.
Not a novel of much interest. - Ath.
One of Cherbuliez's best. - C. A. С.

Collins, Mrs. Francis. Mortimer Collins.

A gossippy, readable sketch of a Bohemian pur sang, with liberal extracts from his letters and his verses. Collins wrote half a score of bright, improbable novels, sprinkled with verses, usually epigrammatic, sometimes poetical.

Collins, Wilkie. Percy and the prophet. (Halfhour series.)

In Collins's usual style; a story with an ingenious plot told simply.

Comte, I. A. M. F. X. Lettres à J. S. Mill, 1841-46. 45 letters. "Self-sufficiency and arrogance appear in nearly all." Mill's answers, unfortunately, are not yet published.

Conway, Moncure D. Idols and ideals.

"Pleasantly written but of the sermon class, and representing the views of an extreme party."

Conwell, R. H. History of the great fire in St. John, June 1877.

Cournot, A. A. L'enchaînement des idées fondamentales dans les sciences et dans l'histoire. "Rare vigor of thought and a boldness and independence which will ensure him a lasting place in the his. tory of philosophy of the 19th century." - Acad. Crowe, J. A., and Cavalcaselle, G. B. Titian.

A mass of material with which former historians adorned the life of Titian is swept away, without giving us much beyond dry records and business-like correspondence in its place." - Mrs. Heaton in Ath.

Daudet, A. Jack; (trans.) by M. N. Sherwood. Daudet, E. Contes choisis.

Le crime de Jean Mallory.

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Fortnum, C. D. E. Descriptive catalogue of the bronzes in the S. Kensington Museum, with introd. notice. With 25 photos and 9 etchings.

Freeman. The Ottoman power in Europe.

"He writes as only a man can write who is saturated with his subject. Every line shows that he knows all about it, and that his knowledge is not of recent date. He demonstrates the utter hopelessness of effecting any real change for the better through the instrumentality of the Turks in that part of Europe now under their control." Nation.

Freshfield, D. W. Italian Alps; sketches.
Freytag, G. Die Ahnen. 4e Abth.: Marcus König.
Gardner, Francis. MEMORIAL.
Gebler, K. v. G. Galilei u. die römische Curić.

"Well written and instructive." - Acad.

Gill, W. F. Life of E. A. Poe.

"Mr. Gill is a partisan of Poe's and loses no opportunity to expose and upbraid Dr. Griswold and other alleged defamers."

Goedeke, K. Goethe's Leben und Schriften.
Gonse, L. L'œuvre de J. Jacquemont.
Gould, S. Baring-. Yorkshire oddities. 3d ed. 2 v.
Grant, Sir A. Aristotle. (Ancient classics for

English readers.)

Green, W. L. Vestiges of the molten globe, in
the figure of the earth, volcanic action, etc.
Believes in a present thin crust and molten interior.
Grimm, Herman. Göthe. 2 v.
Habberton, J. Other people's children.
Hale, E. E. G.T. T.; or, The wonderful adven-

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Hugo, V. M., comte. L'art d'être grand-père. 5e éd. "Depicts his grand children in every attitude"; "splendid poetry"; yet "never has Victor Hugo indulged in such outbursts of bad taste". - G. Monod. La légende des siècles. Nouv. sér.

See an able article in Rev. pol. et lit., 1877, p. 877, which complains of the exaggeration and want of perspective, and the affectation of bonhommie and naiveté,

Hutton, R. H. Essays in literary criticism.

Useful for "people who have a little time, but not much, for study, and who know not whither to turn. Contains a long and really admirable essay on Goethe and his influence, one nearly as long on George Eliot's writings, and four on Hawthorne, Matthew Arnold, Wordsworth (full of instruction), and Clough."

Irving, Washington.

Old Christmas, from the

Sketch book', illustrated by R. Caldecott. Charming wood cuts.

Jackson, C., ed. Yorkshire diaries and autobiogra

phies. (Surtees Soc., v. 65.)

The diaries of a Parliamentary captain, who yet was by no means a puritan (1646/7-49), a Puritan rector (1608-64), a yeoman (1699-1760), a tanner (1725/6-34/5), and a dean (1664/5-1739).

James, H. The American.

"Reaches excitement without descending to sensation." - Sat.rev.

"Mr. James has read Balzac just a little too much and has fallen into the tendency to bestow refined dissection and analysis on characters which are not of sufficient intrinsic interest to deserve such treatment: yot the excellence of his manipulation forces one to interest oneself in his story." - Acad.

Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of celebrated Etonians.
Kavanagh, J. English women of letters.

Agreeable sketches of the earlier English novelists, Behn, Miss Fielding, D'Arblay, Charlotte Smith. Radcliffe, Inchbald, Edgeworth, Austen, Opie, Lady Morgan. Keats, J. Poetical works; ed., with a memoir,

by Lord Houghton.

Kitchin. History of France. 3 v.

"Relates in capital style the political history, but leaves almost unnoticed all that concerns the manners, the ideas, the literature, and even the institutions of the country. A by-gone method; for people are agreed nowadays that what it is above all important to make known to young people is not facts, but the ideas of which those facts are the expression." - Ath.

Kock, C. Paul de. Œuvres.

Said to contain faithful pictures of a certain sort of French life. Certainly not to be recommended for indiscriminate reading.

Kremer, A. von. Culturgeschichte des Orients

unter den Chalifen. 2 v.

Laird, E. K. Rambles of a globe trotter.


Lange, F. A. History of materialism.

Polemic as well as historical.

Lawrence, E. Primer of Greek literature. (Halfhour series.)

Primer of Latin literature. (Half-hour ser.) LeHon, II. L'homme fossile en Europe, son indus

trie, ses mœurs, etc. 4e éd.

Leigh, H. S. Jeux d'esprit.

Lodge, H. C.. Life and letters of George Cabot.

A history of New England federalism. Gives new documents relating to the scheme to dissolve the Union in 1804, the Hartford Convention in 1814, etc. "The papers are excellently edited."

MacDonald, G. The Marquis of Lossie.

"A much better book than the novel to which it is the sequel, Malcolm, though wildly improbable and heavily weighted with matter which has no business in a novel." Acad.

Macedo, J. M. de. Brazilian biographical annual.

3 v.

McKeen, S. History of Bradford, Vt.
McLean, John. History of the College of New
Jersey. 2 v.
Macquoid, K. S.

Mill of St. Herbot. (Half-hour

Mansfield, R. B. Log of the Water Lily.

A pleasant account of the cruise of a four-oar on the German streams in 1851-52, one of the earliest trips of the sort.

Marcoartu, A. de. Internationalism; two prize


Marenho Marenholz-Bülow, B. Reminiscences of Froebel. Michaelis, C. Antologia española; poesias liricas.

la pte.

Michelet, J. L'étudiant.

Political lectures delivered in 1848.

Miln, J. Excavations at Carnac, Brittany [of the remains of a Gallo-Roman establishment]. With numerous woodcuts and chromos.

Morley, J. Critical miscellanies. 2d series.

A style healthy and vigorous. Studies on Turgot, Robespierre, J. S. Mill. Taine's 'Ancien régime, Macaulay, and Popular culture. Of Mill he is an enthusiastic but perfectly independent admirer. The essay on Robespierre is distinguished for its manful attempt at absolute fairness of treatment." - Ath.

Mullinger, J. B. Schools of Charles the Great [i.e., Charlemagne].

A prize essay by a young man; learned, perhaps too learned.

Musset, P. de. Biog. de Alfred de Musset. 4e éd. "Readable but singularly deficient in pièces justificatives. Paul Lindau in his life of Musset in supplying the deficiency combines French liveliness with German thoroughness." - Sat. rev.

The Revue pol. et lit. complains of a certain fraternal reticence.

Nagler, G. K. Die Monogrammisten. Vol. 5.
Nimport. (Wayside series.)

Olfers, M. von. Novellen.
Neue Novellen.

Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. Mrs. Arthur.


"A decidedly original story, with the object of showing how very detestable women can be." "Full of clever touches both of thought and character." Sat. rev.

O'Meara, K. Fr. Ozanam.

"A graphic and graceful sketch of the life of the chief founder of the modern Society of St. Vincent de Paul." - Spectator.

Page, H. A. T. de Quincey.

"But for Mrs. B. Smith. whose graphic reminiscences are here freely used, we should never have known half of De Quincey's whims and oddities, - peculiarities so great that opium-eating seems merely the commonplace beginning of the series. The work has very great merits."


Pascoe, F. P. Zoological classification.

Pepys, S. Diary and correspondence, deciphered

by M. Bright. Vol. 4.

In this ed. a considerable portion is published for the first time.

Peters, S. General history of Connecticut; [ed.] by S. J. McCormick.

The editor defends his ancestor, Dr Peters, against J. H. Trumbull, from the charge of inventing the famous 'Blue laws'.

Procter, B. W. Autobiography.

"Mr. Procter's part of this col. is very pleasant reading; the editor's is cumbrous and clumsy." - Acad.

Reade, C. The jilt. (Half-hour series.)

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Rémusat, Charles de. Abélard, drame philosophique.

Written in 1838, now first published.

Reumont, A. von.

Geschichte Toscana's. 2 v.

"R. shows care, judgment, and discretion, but has not the gift of graphic description." Acad.

Rimmer, W. Art anatomy.
Rink, H. Danish Greenland, its people and its
products; with illustrations by the Eskimo.
The author spent 16 winters and 22 summers in

Roberts, Sir R. Asia Minor and the Caucasus.
Robinson, C. E. Cruise of the Widgeon.
Ruskin, J. Mornings in Florence. 6: The shep-
herd's tower [i.e., Giotto's Campanile].
Schuebeler, F. C. Die Pflanzenwelt Norwegens.
Schumann, R. Music and musicians; essays and
criticisms; trans. by F. R. Ritter.

"Everybody who carefully studies these notices will be better prepared to enjoy music by entering into its many meanings, and by connecting it with the composer's personality." - Sat. rev.

Seyd, E. The fall in the price of silver, its causes, consequences, and their possible avoidance. Shairp, J. C. Poetic interpretation of nature.

"The place of poetry in the interpretation of Nature, and the mode in which poets have represented her voice to mankind." "A true intellectual feast."

Shakespeare. Midsummer-night's dream, with notes by Rolfe. Sheppard, J. B. Christ Church, Canterbury; mediæval letters rel. to [its] affairs. (Camden Soc.)

Simcox, Edith. Natural law; an essay in ethics. "Discusses the source and nature of obligation, -legal, moral, and religious. The object is to trace the common elements in laws 'properly so called', the moral law generally acknowledged, and the scientific laws

of nature."

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Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy.

"Rhetorical coloring, frequent use of metaphor or simile, graphic portraitures of individual characters, and numerous anecdotes. A skillfully constructed and most readable volume." -Acad.

Taelen, Mme. van der. Histoires à l'envers.
Tenney, E. P. Coronation.

"A singular charm in the conversations, in the quaint moralizing, and odd, incisive, strong way of putting things, and in the devotional spirit." - Lit. world.

Tevis, A. H. Beyond the Sierras.
That husband of mine.

Theuriet, A. Gérard's marriage.

Thirlwall, Bp. C. Literary and theological remains.

Vol. 1, 2: charges.

Thomas, E. Jainism, or the early faith of Asoka, with illust. of the anc. religions of the East from the Pantheon of the Indo-Scythians.

Toepffer, R. Genfer Novellen.

Towle, G. M. Brief history of Montenegro.
Modern Greece.

Townley Hall mss.; Eng. Jacobite ballads, songs,
and satires, etc.; ed. by A. B. Grosart.
Spending of the money of Robt. Nowell of
Reade Hall, Lancashire, 1568-80; ed. by
A. B. Grosart.

Trollope, A. The American senator.

The horsey and hunting element prevails as largely as usual in his later novels. An American congressman is made the vehicle for satire on English customs, and in his person the peculiarities of some Americans are not unjustly ridiculed. "It is rumored that Trollope is beginning to let out' parts of his novels" as Dumas


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Second Series.

No. 2. November 24, 1877.


Achard, L. A.E. Envers et contre tous. Nouv.éd. Alfieri, V. Life; with an essay by W. D. Howells. Allen, G. Physiological æsthetics.

"Mr. Allen's theory is that æsthetic pleasure is simply nerve stimulation well adjusted in degree to nerve nutrition, the balance between function and waste on the one hand and rest and repair on the other. He confines his investigations for the most part to the simpler and sensuous side of æsthetic feeling."

It might be worth while to compare this work with the chapters in which the French evolutionist, Léon Dumont, treats of taste, wit, grace, the picturesque, moral beauty, etc., in his "Theorie scientifique de la sensibilité."

Appletons' annual cyclopædia, 1876.
Ball, B. L. Three days on the White Mts.
Dr. Ball was lost on Mt. Washington.
Baumann, F. L. Quellen zur Geschichte des Bau-
ernkriegs in Oberschwaben. (Stuttgart. Lit.

Bigelow, E. B. The tariff policy of England and of the U. S. contrasted.

Billroth, T. Lectures on surgical pathology and therapeutics. Vol. 1.

Bonnechose, C. de. Montcalm et le Canada français.

"Au 17e siècle les deux tiers de l'Amérique Septentrionale appartenaient à la France." This book gives a sketch of its loss.

Bowen, F. Modern philosophy, from Descartes to

Schopenhauer and Hartmann. Bradley, F. H. Mr. Sidgwick's hedonism. Brooks, Phillips. Lectures on preaching; at Yale


Bullen, G. Caxton celebration, 1877; catalogue of the loan collection of antiquities, etc., connected with the art of printing. So. Kensington.

Burnaby, Capt. F. On horseback through Asia Minor. 2 v.

A light and amusing narrative of a five months' journey to Armenia. Much space filled with the quarrels of the author's English groom and his Turkish servant, and it has been unkindly suggested that the Turk was hired for this purpose.

Burnett, Mrs. F. H. Dolly.

Surly Tim and other stories.

"Surly Tim" and "That lass of Lowrie's" are the only works "corrected for publication" by Mrs. Burnett. The present issue of "Theo," one of the earlier works, is against her wishes.

Burty, P. Maîtres et petits maîtres.

Essays on modern French painters, Delacroix, Rousseau, Diaz, Millet, Huet; with an estimate of SainteBeuve as a critic of art, a chapter on the teaching of drawing, etc. "An agreeable collection."

Calvert, G. H. Charlotte von Stein.

Carr, J. C. Drawings by the Italian masters reproduced by the autotype process from originals in the British Museum. f.

Contents. Mantegna. Perugino. Francia.
Raphael. Da Vinci. Di Credi. Buonarrotti.
Titian. Veronese. Del Sarto.
Romano. Garo-
falo. Ligozzi.

Characteristics of old church architecture, etc., in the mainland and western islands of Scotland.

Charles, Mrs. E. Lapsed, but not lost.
Chase, P. E. Denominational education in the

Society of Friends.
Chasles, V. E. P. Mémoires. 2 v.

It is said that Chasles' fierce attacks upon his contemporaries Gaucher calls his second volume "une mitrailleuse" were due to his disappointed ambition. He aspired to a seat in the Academy.

Cherbuliez, V. Samuel Brohl et Cie.
Claretie, J. Les derniers Montagnards; hist. de

l'insurrection de prairial an III.
Les pauvres gens: Noël Rambert.

Clark, Rev. S. D. The New England ministry sixty years ago: memoir of J. Woodbridge. Cobden Club. Correspondence relative to the budgets of various counties; ed. by J. W. Probvn.

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Darwin, C. Different forms of flowers on plants of the same species.

"A reprint, with add., of his celebrated papers on the dimorphic condition of primroses, which appeared in the Jour. of the Linnean Soc., 1862, as well as other papers rel. to the similar conditions met with in lythum, linum, and other plants." - Athen.

Daudet, A. Contes choisis.

"Contains many stories which display a true and unforced pathos." - Sat. rev.


"Shows a distinct advance on 'Fromont jeune' in originality and power." Sat rev.

"As regards composition and power Jack is inferior to Fromont jeune." - Acad.

Dawson, J. W. The origin of the world.

De Cosson. Cradle of the Blue Nile [i.e. Abys

sinia]. 2 v.

Unusually well written travels in a country seldom described.

Delaunay, F. Moines et sibylles.

An essay on the Essenes and Therapeutæ, and the Greek and Hebrew sibyls.

De Leon, E. The Khedive's Egypt.

"There is not a dull page in it, and yet it is as instructive as it is amusing. It really depicts the Khedive's Egypt, and shows Egypt as it is." - Exam.

Desnoiresterres, G. Le B. Voltaire et la société française au 18e siècle: V.aux délices; V. et J. J. Rousseau; Son retour et sa mort. 3 v. Last volumes of a work "written with much spirit, zeal, and care".

Dodes Danz, Des; hrsg. von H. Baetheke. (Stutt

gart. Lit. Verein.)

Dolbear, A. E. The telephone.
Doudan, X. Mélanges et lettres. T. 4.

"Doudan never wrote without literary charm, without wit and knowledge of the world and books. Delightful humor, delicate judgment, modest wisdom." Atlantic. Ends with a brilliant essay on "Révolutions du goût".

"Doudan a vieilli, sa santé s'est altérée, il n'a plus autour de lui le même cercle d'admirateurs; le présent est triste, l'avenir plus sombre encore. Le voilà donc mécontent et aigri. Et néanmoins que de pages charmantes! Que de traits ingénieux! Quelle hauteur de dédain pour tout ce qui l'irrite!" Rev. pol. et lit.

Doussault, C. Le Vénus de Milo; doc. inéd.

Contains an account of an interview with M. Brest, who witnessed the discovery of the Venus.

Dowden, E. Shakspere. (Green's Lit. primers.)
Introductions to the several plays, and a sketch of
Shakespearian history to the present time.
"Sound and helpful throughout." - Acad.

Un м.

Dufau, P. A. Souvenirs d'une jeune aveugle-née. "Est-ce roman, est-ce histoire? Nous ne savons. étrange récit, plein d'un puissant et tendre intérêt. Dufau y développe à merveille les sensations à nulles autres pareilles de ces corps incomplets que la cécité retranche à part dans la vie sociale."

Several critics quoted in the preface dwell upon the wonderful skill with which the author has represented the feelings of a blind person; but neither the critics nor the author have been blind themselves.

Egger, E. Essai sur l'histoire de la critique chez les Grecs.

Elliott, C. W. Pottery and porcelain.

Fields, J. T. Underbrush.

Contents. My friend's library. A peculiar case. Familiar letters to house-breakers. Our village dogmatist. A watch that wanted cleaning'. Bothersome people. - Pleasant ghosts. The Pettibone line. - Getting home again. - How to rough it. An old-time scholar. - Diamonds and pearls. - The author of 'Paul and Virginia'. If I were a boy again. Fisher, G. P. The beginnings of Christianity.


Fleury, J. Rabelais et ses œuvres. 2 ν.

"Gives a carefully selected anthology of extracts from the Pantagruel and the most satisfactory comment on the satirist's romance yet made." - Sat. rev.

"Cet ouvrage composé par un Français, professeur à P'Université de St. Pétersbourg porte l'influence du milieu où il vit; il y a comme une saveur exotique; certains rapprochements ne seraient jamais venus à l'esprit d'un critique habitant Paris." Rev. pol. et lit.

Foucher de Careil, L. A., comte. Leibniz et Pierrele-Grand.

Frederica Sophia Wilhemina, Markgräfin von Baireuth. Memoirs; with an essay by W.D. Howells.

Gebhart, E. Rabelais, la Renaissance, et la Réforme. "Belle etude, que l'Acad. Française a couronné. Les différences et les ressemblances entre les satiriques Rabelais, Aristophane, Cervantès. et Swift, sont marquées avec une délicatesse et une précision rares" Revue politique.

Goblet d'Alviella, E., comte. Inde et Himalaya; souvenirs de voyage.

Goldoni, C. Memoirs; trans. by J. Black, with an essay by W. D. Howells.

Gould, Rev. S. B. Lives of the saints. November. Graveurs de 1468, Les.

Gray, O. W. Atlas of the United States. Grosart, A. B. English Jacobite ballads, songs, and satires.

Mostly poor stuff. For the songs which the Jacobites would have written if they had been poets and not partisans one must go to Scott and Aytoun.

Gsell-Fels, Dr. Venice; with photographs, etc.
Guillemin, A. La lumière et les couleurs.
Hamley, Col. E. B. Voltaire. (Foreign classics for

English readers.)

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Harrison, G. L. Chapter on social science as connected with the admin. of state charities. Treats of compulsory educ., reformatory educ., prison discipline, and the care of the insane.

History of the witches of Renfrewshire burned on
the gallow green of Paisley.
Originally published in 1809. Preceded by Sir Geo.
Mackenzie's "Treatise on witchcraft", 1678, and followed
by curious extracts from the records of the Presbytery
of Paisley.

Hodge, II. C. Arizona as it is.
Holland, J. G. Nicholas Minturn.
Howard, Blanche. One year abroad.
Howells, Wm. D. A counterfeit presentment;

Hugo, Victor. Notre Dame de Paris. Nouv.éd. illustrée.

Hullah, J. Music in the house.

A pleasant book on the best kind of music for the house, with chapters on 'Practice and rehearsal' and 'The musical library. "No musical performance is so de. lightful as that to the performance of which we ourselves contribute. The bulk of 'music in the house', therefore, should be of a kind that will employ the largest number of performers, choral music."

King, J. W. Report on European ships of war and their armament, etc.

Johnson. Oriental religions: China.

A careful and interesting study of the religions, government, literature, history, and character of the Chinese, 'containing the essence of all other books upon the subject' (Lit. world).

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