Slike stranica

Agnew, Rev. D. C. A. Protestant exiles from France in the reign of Louis XIV.; the Huguenot refugees and their descendants. 3 v. Amaury-Duval, -. L'atelier d'Ingres; souvenirs. Art, L'; revue hebdomadaire illustré. Vol. 1-11. "The periodical conducted by M. Ballue, which appears in large folios of some 340 pages four times a year, corresponds in technical importance with the great British quarterlies, but literature has never had a critical organ of the sumptuousness of this commentary on the fine arts; neither has music, neither has science." Nation, Sept. 12.

Augier, V. G. E. Les Fourchambault.

"Ont obtenu au Théâtre-Français un éclatant et retentissant succès. Les critiques le célèbrent à l'envi, heureux de rendre hommage à une œuvre saine, forte, virile, inspirant de généreuses résolutions, faisant monter plus haut les cœurs." Rev. pol. et lit.

There is a well-considered criticism on Augier by A. Cartault in the Revue pol. et lit., 27 July 1878.

Beaussire, E. La liberté dans l'ordre intellectuel et moral; études de droit naturel. 2e éd. "Dans le temps où nous sommes, il n'est guère de livres plus utiles que ceux qui viennent rappeler aux politiques rétrogrades que les sociétés modernes ne sauraient s'arrêter dans la voie du progrès, comme aux impatiens qu'il ne suffit pas de décréter des réformes pour les faire entrer dans les mœurs. C'est ce que s'est proposé de faire M. Beaussire, en traitant à fond ces questions, si délicates et si controversées, de la liberté d'enseignement, de la liberté de conscience, de la liberté de la presse et de la liberté de réunion." - Revue d. D. Mondes, June 1.

Bergsõe, W: Pillone; from the Danish.

""Pillone' is a charming story. The bandit of our childhood reappears in the most gorgeous costume, with underground passages leading in every direction, a purse full of unset jewels, and all proper apparatus. We had forgotten what a delightful creature he is; how he deceives and outwits the stupid police, whom we feel to be our natural enemies; by what feats of strength, when necessary, he transcends all their foolish combinations; how he blows up old castles in a trice; and, when luck goes against him, how naturally he takes refuge in the erater of Vesuvius, and there bides his time. There is nobody like him, and when the story is threaded together with telegraph lines, railroad trains, and modern politics, the effect on our nerves is doubled." - Nation. Aug. 22.

Bernard, C. Leçons sur les phénomènes de la vie communs aux animaux et aux végétaux. Bible. The Holy Bible; with an explanatory and critical commentary; ed. by F. E. Cook. N. T., vol. 1.

"We have more than once noticed the 'Speaker's commentary' on the Old Testament, but have seldom found much to say in its favor. The first volume of the New Testament seems to us in many respects superior to its predecessors." Sat. rev., Sept. 21.

Blackwood's magazine, Sept., Oct.

"The tale of 'A Fetish city' is quite equal to any of the Tales from Blackwood." - Exam., Sept. 7. It is reprinted in Littell's, Oct. 12.

satire The

"The new ordeal' is an amusing specimen of a type that is only now beginning to be cultivated veiled under the form of a story of the future. 'Scots traveller' is Wm. Lithgow, and the paper is a recasting of his 'Most delectable discourse of peregrination from Scotland to the most famous kingdoms in Europe, Asia and Africa', a most readable article." Acad., Oct. 12.

Blanc, Mme. Remorse; a novel, from the French. "'Remorse', which appeared recently in the Revue des deux Mondes, is a novel of great power. The author, who writes under the name of Th. Bentzon, is Madame Blanc, 'a woman', says a writer in Lippincott's Magazine, 'of great intelligence and the highest character'." Bowden, J: E: Life and letters of F. W. Faber. Brooks, Phillips. Sermons.

Browne, I. Short studies of great lawyers.

Bryant, W: C., and Gay, S. H. A popular history

of the U. S. Vol. 2.

"This is not the history of the United States which the country longs for. It is not to our own country what either Hume or Macaulay is to England. There is an almost total lack of historical perspective. The material has been gathered, the characters have been studied, the author has made himself familiar with the incidents; but he possesses no art of generalization and no artistic For such a work as this the author skill in grouping. must know not only by special study the history of the time he is describing, but all history, so that he may comprehend the relation of phenomena in his own field to the great world movement of life and thought. Of this broad culture, which makes so rich the pages of Gibbon and of Macaulay, Mr. Gay's history bears no evidence." Harper's, Oct.


Burckhardt, J. The civilization of the period of

the Renaissance in Italy.

"The Italian Renaissance has almost been turned into the standard of a special school of art and thought amongst us. The translation of Dr. Burckhardt's book comes most opportunely to check the sentimental and unwholesome tendencies of this movement. It is scholarly and learned, without being at all oppressive in its erudition. He neither wishes to blacken the Renaissance as a means of glorifying the Reformation, nor to extol it by way of having a fling at dogmatic theology. He does not wish to prove that art is necessarily identified with morality, or that art is a necessary solvent of morality. He does not wish to investigate the conditions under which art flourishes, or indeed any other of those abstract problems which have misled most of those who have dealt with the Renaissance. Honestly and soberly, he wishes to show us what sort of a place Italy was in the l5th and 16th century, how its men and women wrote and thought and lived. He first examines the political condition of Italy in the 14th and 15th centuries, and shows the development of the conception of the state as a work of art, - plastic, that is, and admitting of ready manipulation by man's dexterity or energy. The unconscious 'discovery of man' (as he calls it) by himself is the great result of the chaos which Italian history at first sight presents to view. When the Italian looked about for a means of expressing these facts which he discovered about himself, he naturally turned to antiquity for a model. The enthusiasm for classical antiquity in Italy may be defined as 'The search of culture after style'. The condition of Italian life and politics developed the individual, and the individual sought a fitting Dr. Burckhardt closes his expression for himself. book by an inquiry into the influence of the Renaissance on morals and religion. He is very cautious in coming to any conclusion, but the general tendency of his remarks is opposed to the view of those who would paint the Italian Renaissance in the blackest colours." Exam., June 15.

Bynner, E. L. Tritons.

"His story is full of bright thoughts uttered by bright people, and he has quite a philosophic insight into life and character with a decided leaning to philanthropy.

Tritons is not commonplace, though there are faults to prune, not the least of which is its occasional abruptness and the stilted phrasing." - Library table, Aug. 31. "Idiosyncrasies of character rather than incidents or Mr. Samuel Curaction are the noticeable features. ley with his pottery craze is a happy hit on the times." Harper's mag., Nov.

C., R. O. Official hand-book for the National Training School for Cookery. 2d ed.

"The receipts are homely, direct, and meant only to The book, in be easily and distinctly understood. fact, belongs in the kitchen where cookery is done; and it is now republished because its success there has been demonstrated." - Pop. sci. monthly, Sept.

Calvert, G: H. Wordsworth; a biographic æsthetic

study. Carrington, Col. H. B. Crisis thoughts. Clarke, C: and M. C. Recollections of writers.

"Pre-eminently a good-natured book. If ever there

have been cheery, ingenious souls who loved their friends and valued their acquaintances, and who looked at both from the bright side, and took them at their own valuation, or even at a higher than their own, seeing all the good in them, and refusing to see or to say the evil, such are Charles and Mary Cowden Clarke. They consist of recollections of Keats, Charles and Mary Lamb, Leigh Hunt, Douglas Jerrold, and Dickens, with a considerable number of letters from all these friends excepting only Keats. A portion of the book has already appeared in the Gentleman's magazine. In the earlier chapters will be found something about Edmund Kean, Godwin, Shelley and his wife, Coleridge, Procter, Horace Smith, Hazlitt, Thalberg, Liszt, Mendelssohn, Macready, Cobden, Hood, Emerson, Etty, Mrs. Somer. ville, and a host of others." - Atheneum, Oct. 12.

Contemporary review, Oct.

"A striking paper is by Prof. F. W. Newman in defence of theism against atheism. After having delivered random blows all round, he snatches up the shield of Paley's argument from 'design' and buckles on the breast-plate of 'universal consent' to do battle with that intangible creature, an 'Agnostic." - Examiner, Oct. 5.

Cook, J. Biology, Transcendentalism.

Very favorably reviewed in the Bibliotheca sacra, for April, the first by "a scientist specially interested in the subject of the work," the second "by a scholar."

See also a notice in Brit. q. rev., July.

Cornhill magazine, Sept., Oct.

"One of the articles in the Sept. no. which best repays the reader - leaving out of sight the stories, which are always good is Mr. Symonds' paper on 'Como and II Medeghino', a paper of which the first half tells the story of the building of the lovely Duomo in the fair lake-city, and the last half that of the pirate-chief Gian Giacomo de' Medici, commonly called Il Medeghino, who, at the very time the Duomo was building, held the strong castle of Musso against all comers, fighting now for the Duke of Milan and now against him, and proving himself by his cunning, his bloodthirstiness, and his cynical changes of front, a true child of the Italian Re. naissance. Mr. Symonds tells an episodical story of this kind admirably, and, what is more, tells it better and better as time goes on. There is more restraint and reserve in his work than of old, and the gain is great in all ways." - Acad., Sept. 14.

The Oct. no. has a "paper on Runeberg, 'the greatest poet that has ever used the Swedish tongue', but, like many of the leading Swedish writers from the 17th century to our day, not properly a Swede, but a Finn. The article bears the well-known initials E. W. G[osse], from which it naturally follows that it is both enthusiastic and learned, and that the translations with which it is interspersed are melodious and vivid." - Acad., Oct. 12.

Craik, Mrs. D. M. M. A legacy; the life and remains of John Martin.

Danson, J. T. Thirteen short lectures on the political economy of daily life.

Daudet, A. The little good-for-nothing; from the French by M. N. Sherwood.

"No account' would have been a better and more taking equivalent for the title than the one chosen by the translator, which, as it stands, gives the impression that the story is for children. It is, on the contrary, by no means the least of the author's serious efforts, whether as regards carefully discriminated study of character, delicacy of touch, or sustained interest." - Nation.


Daudet, E. La terreur blanche; épisodes et souvenirs de la réaction dans le midi en 1815. "In 1815 the restoration of the Bourbons was accompanied, in the south of France, by atrocities which found their equal only in the massacres of September. Daudet has rendered a true service to the cause of impartial justice by giving us an account of the 'White Terror'; for, till recently, all we knew about it was derived from the brief statements of other historians." - Sat. rev., Sept. 7.

"Depouillée des exagérations qui reposaient sur des légendes mensongères, l'histoire de ces sanglantes péri

péties forme encore un assez sombre tableau, qui mérite d'être regardé de près, car il prouve que tous les partis ont commis des fautes." Revue d. D. Mondes, June 1.

"Il parait que M. de Vaulabelle, en nous racontant les excès de la réaction royaliste dans le Midi en 1815, a écrit un pur et simple roman. M. Daudet l'affirme. M. Daudet ne tient pour authentiques que les épisodes attestés par de bons documents officiels, bien rangés, classifiés, et étiquetés dans nos archives soit nationales, soit locales. Ne pourrait-on pas lui objecter que dans les époques où règne la Terreur mille excès se commettent et bien des crimes qui ne sont pas et ne peuvent être officiellement enregistres? M. Ernest Daudet n'a pas de rival pour appliquer les calmants et les réfrigérants à l'histoire." - Rev. pol. et lit., June 22.

The Athenaum, Sept. 14, said: "Mr. Ernest Daudet is a writer who prefixes to his new novels a list of his own works, but who would do better to replace it by a list of his brother's books, so much is his reputation the result of his brother's popularity." Mr. Daudet replied (Ath., Sept. 28): " .. Personne n'applaudit plus que moi aux succès de mon frère et ceux qui nous connaissent savent quelle affection passionnée a toujours existé et existe entre nous, mais je ne crois pas manquer aux devoirs que cette affection m'impose en rétablissant la vérité. Ma notoriété est le resultat de vingt années passées dans la presse, de plusieurs romans et de divers livres d'histoire. 'Le ministère de M. de Martignac', 'Le procès des ministres', 'La Terreur Blanche', dont l'un a été couronné par l'Académie Française.

Debidour, A. La Fronde angevine; Tableau de la

vie municipale au 17e siècle. "Eclaire à nouveau toute une époque curieuse. Les promesses du titre sont tennes, et nous avons bien là un tableau complet de la vie municipale au 17e siècle. Le livre se termine par d'importantes pièces justificatives et par une biographie du maréchal de Brézé." - Rev. d. d. Mondes. mars 1.

Denison, Rev. F: Westerly (R. I.) and its witnesses

for two hundred and fifty years, 1826-1876. Denton, J. B. Sanitary engineering; a series of lectures before the school of military engineering at Chatham, 1876. "Well arranged and useful."


Deschamps, P., and Brunet, G. Manuel du libraire et de l'amateur de livres. Supplément, contenant: lo un complément au Dictionnaire bibliographique de J. Ch: Brunet; 20 la table raisonnée des articles, au nombre d'environ 10,000, décrits au présent supplément, par P. Deschamps et G. Brunet. T. 1 (A-M). Didot. Ce supplément aura 2 volumes.

Draper, J. W. Scientific memoirs; experimental contributions to a knowledge of radiant energy.

Dudevant, Mme. A. L. A. D. (ps. G: Sand). Questions d'art et de littérature.

"Quelques pages sur toute sorte de sujets, préfaces, lettres, notices bibliographiques, etc., qui avaient paru à des époques très diverses, feuilles volantes jetées à tous les vents. On trouvera des jugemens très personnel, des appréciations parfois profondes, toujours originales sur bien des figures contemporaines, sur beaucoup de livres qui ont fait du bruit.

Eggleston, E: Roxy.

"Written in a provoking style, yet a remarkable novel. He has Mrs. Oliphant's eye for the peculiarities of people to whom religion, rather than conduct, is threefourths of life; but he does not gloat over them too long. Like Mr. Hardy, he presents us with the humours, the traditional philosophy, and the elementary passions of humble people in particular localities; but they do not always talk maxims, as in 'Far from the madding crowd'. As a literary artist, however, he is immeasurably inferior to both. 'Roxy' smacks of the soil in its mysticism, its humour, its peculiarities of dialect, and above all, in the almost Theocritean outspokenness of the characters. 'Roxy' is one of the ablest of recent American novels, and indeed of all recent works of fiction." Spectator, Oct. 5.

"There are three things in this story which suffice to stamp it as one out of the common: the entire character of Nancy, the self-conquest of the originally priggish heroine, and the courtship of parson Whittaker." - Ath., Sept. 14.

Eggleston, N. H. Villages and village life.

"Mr. Eggleston points out the double evils that ensue from the over-crowding of cities, feverish, frivolous, and sometimes ferocious life in the great centres; a sparse population, inadequately supplied with schools and churches, dwarfed and stunted in its social life, and degenerating into ignorance and semi-barbarism in the country. He gives emphasis to one of the causes of overpopulating of towns which political economists and sociologists have too little regarded - social dullness in the country. He places first in the order of necessary village improvements the cultivation of social life." Harper's mag., Nov.

Elliott, Mrs. F. Diary of an idle woman in Italy. "Is it the object of her title-page to recall Lady Blessington's 'Idler in Italy'? There are many reasons why the present author should have avoided any such comparison, for there is nothing about her book to raise it above the level of ordinary descriptions of a winter in Rome". Ath., June 10, 1871.

Emerson, R. W. Fortune of the republic; lecture. "In Mr. Emerson's lecture there are hard blows, criticisms upon American life and manners almost savage in their cold plainness of speech, and yet there is a hope. fulness and charity illumining the whole with a kindly light. The American as well as the philosopher is clearly speaking in the whole lecture, and his countrymen can be only grateful to the most thoughtful of American authors that, at the close of a life which has witnessed so much of ill report in American politics and society, he sees 'the felicity without example that has rested on the Union thus far', and finds 'new confidence for the future." - Nation, Aug. 15.

"The year that has produced this lecture and the 'North American' article on the 'Sovereignty of ethics' must be regarded as a fruitful one in an old age that keeps wonderfully the aims and the freshness of its prime." - Unitarian rev., Oct.

Fagan, L. Handbook to the department of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Fawcett, Prof. H. Free trade and protection; causes which have retarded the general adoption of free trade.

Fersen, J: A., comte de. Le comte de F. et la cour de France; pub. par le baron R. M. de Klinckowström. 2 v.

"No documents throw more light on the last years of the reign of Louis XVI., on the beginning of the French Revolution, and on the designs of Europe when the revolutionary wars began; but the chief interest of this work is not so much historical, after all, as it is personal and dramatic. It is well known that Fersen was handsome, that he felt a passionate and romantic attachment for Marie-Antoinette; and it is generally believed that Nation, Aug. 29. the Queen was not insensible to it."

"Every one knows that on the occasion of the abortive
flight to Varennes, it was a Swedish nobleman, Count
Fersen, who had a chief hand in contriving the escape
out of Paris, and who himself drove the royal family the
first stage on the road as far as Bondy. That this for-
eigner had long stood high in the Queen's favour, and
had enjoyed her confidence in a marked degree, has been
matter of general notoriety. But what hitherto has been
shrouded in much obscurity are the details of this confi-
dential intercourse, the acts in regard to the particular
influence exercised on the minds of the King and Queen
of France by this foreign nobleman who had no recog-
nized official character. The mystery surrounding the
action of this hidden agency is at last to a great extent
dissipated in the two volumes before us."
Oct. 19.

Feuillet, O. La petite comtesse.
Onesta. Nouv. éd.

Le parc.


Fortnightly review, Oct.

""The beginning of nerves in the animal kingdom' is 'quite too awfully learned to be very enchanting, but will repay the reading. The reader hungering for light literature will be pleased with the Chinese romance of 'The two fair cousins', who most amicably marry the same man, and live happily ever after. This is the more odd because he is not rich, but only clever, and the cleverness of a man is generally in inverse proportion to the happiness of his wife." Exam., Oct. 5.

"There is a highly thoughtful but rather technical paper by Mr. Romanes, on The beginning of nerves in the animal kingdom'; a poor analysis of Dumas, in which his special power of releasing himself from conditions as Asiatic story-tellers do is missed; and a delightful paper by Mr. F. Harrison' on 'The English school of jurispru. dence." Spectator, Oct. 5.

"Mr. Pater's article on Charles Lamb is a masterpiece of fine criticism subtlety tracking out a kindred subtlety. The strength of the picture lies rather in its details, in its discovery of unsuspected gleams of light and shadowy distances in Lamb, as the rarer sort among the old Dutch painters find unlooked-for effects for you in a landscape or an interior. Mr. Pater has written articles more brilliant than this one, more highly-pitched, but never one more charming: for this has the charm of its subject, the charm of Elia." Academy, Oct. 5.

France. Conseil Supérieur de l'Agriculture, etc. Enquête sur les principes et les faits généraux qui régissent la circulation monétaire et fiduciaire.

Ministère de l'Agriculture. Annuaire statistique de la France, 1878.

Gallenga, A., (pseud. L. Mariotti). Italy, past and present.. 2 v.

Gentz, F. von. Zur Geschichte der orientalischen Frage; Briefe, 1823-29; hrsg. von A. Grafen Prokesch-Osten.

"Destitute of all advantages from birth or connection, a libertine with the tastes of a magnate, and the salary of a clerk, Gentz throughout life lived on terms of intlmacy and equality, not merely with a gay society, the most aristocratically exclusive in Europe, but also with the most select spirits of Germany, who were fastidious on the score of intellectual interests and æsthetic affinities. The present volume comprises letters from statesmen of all countries." Spectator.

Good words, Oct.

"'Susan's Sunday in' is a very remarkable article." Exam., Oct. 5. Hale, W. H. Precedents and proceedings in criminal causes, 1475-1640, from act-books of ecclesiastical courts.

Harrison, J. A. Greek vignettes.


"As to the matter, it is mostly simple gush. of what Mr. Harrison thought he saw in Greece is not there at all, and most of the things that are worth seeing he did not see." - Atlantic, Oct.

Herford, Brooke. Story of religion in England. Heusy, P. Un coin de la vie de misère.

"Des tableaux plutôt que des récits, une succession de scènes prises sur le vif plutôt que des drames fortement noués et composés. Tout de cœur avec ceux qui souffrent, il nous fait assister aux différentes phases par lesquelles passe leur vie de misère. Il y avait un danger: la récrimination amère contre la société et la déclamation banale; il n'en est pas trace. Les faits parlent seuls et parlent éloquemment. Dans cet ami du pauvre on ne voit pas un ennemi du riche." Rev. pol. et lit., May 11.

Heyse, P. J. L. In paradise; from the German. The 'Paradise' of the book is a club of Munich artists and their friends.

Skizzenbuch; Lieder und Bilder. 2e Aufl. "Graceful and popular tales and dainty little poems in which the charm of the workmanship is more apparent than depth of thought or brilliancy of imagination." C. R. Gregory, in Internat. rev.

Hirth, G. 1500-1600. Der Formenschatz der Renaissance. 1. Bd.

"Those who admire German art in its Renaissance development will find abundance of such models here, drawn from the works of Dürer, Holbein, Altdorfer, Aldegrever, Beham, Virgil Solis, Jamnitzer, and numerous other masters, who made ornament their study and who have left beside their subject-pieces a large number of simply decorative designs. The work can scarcely fail to be useful in suggestions to art manufacturers, and others who are desirous of gleaning instruction from the works of a past time for use in the present; and even those who have no such practical purpose in view will be likely to find pleasure in its numerous rich, grotesque, and fanciful illustrations." Acad., Feb. 23.

Hoffman, W. Gantz new Modelbuch künstlicher und lustiger Visirung und Muster. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1607, repr. Venezia, 1878.

Holm, Saxe, pseud. Stories. 2d ser.

Contents. A four-leaved clover. Farmer Bassett's romance. - My tourmaline. - Joe Hale's red stockings. - Susan Lawton's escape.

"Two of these stories are good 'Farmer Bassett's Romance', and 'Joe Hale's Red Stockings' - but the others float in an atmosphere of unreality." - Nation, Sept. 26.

Holtei, K. von. Dreihundert Briefe aus zwei Jahr

hunderten [18., 19.]. 2 v. Arranged alphabetically.

Horton, S. D. Silver and gold, and their relation to the problem of resumption. New ed. Huebbe, J., and Perez, A. A. Mapa dela peninsula de Yucatan; aum. por C. H.. Berendt. Hugessen, E. H. K. Life, times, and character of O. Cromwell.

Hughes, A. W. The country of Balochistan; its geography, ethnology, and history.

"Mr. Hughes may claim the credit of being the first who has produced a work in any way approaching the desideratum." - Pall Mall gaz.

Hunt, H. G. B. Concise history of music. New ed., rev.

Jacobi, C. Raccolta di riproduzioni di 60 disegni orig. des più grandi artisti italiani.

Jenkins, E. Haverholme; or, The apotheosis of Jingo; a satire. (Franklin Sq. Library.) Kekulé, R. Griechische Thonfiguren aus Tanagra.

3 pts.

"One can scarcely call this a book. It is a set of pictures executed with most admirable skill in drawing, in etching, and in colour-printing. But there is a text also, which, like the substance of thought it conveys, is large, simple, and clear. Very rarely indeed does Germany come out in this fashion. The date assigned to the mass of these terracottas is the 3d century and end of the 4th B.C. Tanagra was near enough to Athens to have profited by impulse from her artistic activity. Yet it is curious how little of the individuality of Athenian types it has yielded. Of very archaic figures with scarcely any indication of bodily form, and decorated with painted geometric patterns, a small number have been discovered, apparently, from what records have been kept, in the deepest tombs. But between these and the others there seems to be no evidence of transition or development." - Acad., Mar. 2.

"Nulles fouilles depuis celles de Pompei et d'Hereulanum, n'ont mis au jour avec tant de profusion les beautés de l'art antique, n'ont donné une idée plus complète du développement de la vie artistique chez les anciens, et n'ont excité à un plus haut degré l'intérêt des savants, des artistes, et des amateurs, que les fouilles exécutées dernièrement à Tanagra. Elles sont appelées à faire époque dans les annales des arts industriels modernes et y exerceront la même influence que l'art décoratif a subi depuis la découverte des peintures pompeïennes. Ces dernières ont révélé quel degré de perfection avaient

atteint dans l'antiquité la peinture décorative et l'ornementation; la découverte des sépultures de Tanagra ouvre un horizon nouveau et nous montre ce qu'était jadis la sculpture polychrome. Les peintures pompeiennes appartiennent au temps des empereurs romains; les statuettes de Tanagra sont des originaux de l'époque d'Alexandre le Grand. Exécutées avec soin et bien conservées, elles expriment une beauté si extraordinaire au point de vue des lignes, des poses, des costumes et des couleurs, qu'elles ont un attrait irrésistible et provoquent l'admiration." Bibliog. de la France.

King, K. The bubble reputation.

"A story which is romantic without being extravagant. The hero's adventures in Prussia form the subject of a portion of the story which bears honorable testimony to Miss King's conscientious notions of work and painstaking getting-up of her subject. The author of the Pays des milliards himself has hardly looked more closely into Prussian life and customs." Spectator, Sept. 14.

King, W. F. H. Addington Venables, Bishop of Nassau; sketch of his life and labours. Labiche, E. M. Théâtre complet. 4 v.

Le 2d volume.

"Dans quelques-unes, il y a sans doute de la manière et du précieux; dans presque toutes, l'invraisemblance touche à la limite extrême; mais c'est précisément ce qui les rend propres à être représentées dans les salons. Le naturel et la vérité, voilà où il est malaisé d'arriver pour les artistes amateurs: dans le marivaudage et dans la charge, ils sont plus à l'aise." Rev. pol. et lit., June 22.

"M. Labiche a dit adieu au théâtre. Qui le remplacera? Qui aura au même degré la bonne humeur, la gaieté franche, l'imagination buffonne? Qui fera jaillir, comme lui, d'une source qui ne tarit jamais le trait plaisant, l'idée saugrenue, le mot inattendu, le coq-àl'âne? Qui aura la même fertilité d'invention dans le grotesque et le burlesque? Qui saura faire rebondir avec un élan nouveau les situations qui semblaient s'arrêter, épuisées? M. Augier dans la préface dit qu'il est un observateur profond et un philosophe. M. Augier a voulu évidemment que la préface ne fût pas moins amusante que l'ouvrage. Ce qu'il est juste de dire, c'est que ces œuvres, filles de la fantaisie, mais d'une fantaisie lestée de bon sens, sont presque aussi rejouissantes à la lecture qu'à la réprésentation." - Rev.pol. et lit., May 18. "Le 4e volume ne contient pas précisément la fleur du panier." Rev. pol. et lit., 28 Sept.

Lacombe, P. Petite histoire du peuple français. "A wonderfully terse and pregnant narrative." Nation, Oct. 3.

Lagrange, l'abbé F. Histoire de Saint Paulin de Nole.

"Charmé par cette attrayante physionomie, que nous avions rencontrée dans nos études sur sainte Paule, et voyant qu'après tout il n'y avait guère de lisible en notre langue sur saint Paulin que quelques pages suaves d'Ozanam, et quelques autres de M. Villemain et de M. Ampère", etc. "La perfection, dans un tel ouvrage, eût eté d'unir à l'érudition allemande l'art français, avec l'accent d'une âme sacerdotale", etc. - Avant-propos.

Lanfrey, P. Essai sur la Révolution Française. Lea, II: C. Superstition and force: essays on the wager of law - the wager of battle ordeal torture. 3d ed. rev.


"There are very few pages of this edition that do not show in text or notes some change to meet the conscientious requirements of the author. His researches during the past twelve years have called for an increase of twofifths in the number of pages." - Nation, Aug. 1.

Linas, C. de. Les origines de l'orfévrerie cloisonnée. T. 2.

See the note on p. 11 of this 'List'.

Lubomirski, Le prince J. Safar-Hadgi, or Russ and Turcoman. From the Fr.

"A picturesque story, illustrating life in Turkestan, and the collisions and incidents that have grown out of the Russian conquests."

Macmillan's magazine, Sept., Oct.

"By far the most striking paper in the Sept. no., and one of the most telling and vigorous pieces of historical criticism that we have met with for a long time, is the work of an American writer, the Rev. L. Woolsey Bacon, called 'Two sides to a saint', an elaborate exposure, from accepted and authentic documents, Catholic and Protestant, of the true character of St. Francis de Sales, 'the Apostle of Chablais'. Mr. Bacon's wrath has been aroused by the 'new cultus' for the memory of the saint that has lately been finding expression, not only among French Catholics, but also among such members of the English church as Mrs. Sidney Lear." - Acad., Sept. 14.

In the Oct. no. "Mr. E. A. Freeman's sketch of Messina is as charming as is most of his historic work. Another paper tells us, in an interesting way, and in some detail, that Mr. Stanley's discoveries in Africa are re-discoveries, and that many extant maps give even more details than he was able to verify." - Examiner, Oct. 5.

Mallock, W. H. The new Paul and Virginia; or, Positivism on an island. (In Contemporary rev., Apr. 1878.)

"A married positivist professor, having been shipwrecked upon an uninhabited island in company with a married Romanist lady, converts her to positivism, and the entire story consists in the characters repeating over and over again certain phrases of Prof. Tyndall's and Mr. Frederick Harrison's, and performing practical jokes of the most meaningless and farcical kind. Of genuine humour there is not a trace; of wit there is not a scintillation, though there is much elaboration of epigram. Mr. Mallock, setting out to deal with metaphysical and physical qualities, has not even the littérateur's knowledge of physics or metaphysics." - Ath., July 20.

Martin, Mrs. H. Bonnie Leslie.

"There is no praise too high for Mrs. Martin's delightful story. It is quite refreshing to turn away from sensationalism and more pretentious works to its natural strain and healthy tone." - Acad., June 22.

"There is no villainy, no tragedy. The people are such as our neighbors, having the sorrows and the joys which come to ordinary mortals. They are English gentlefolks, and the simple story is full of honest affec tion." - Harper's mag., Nov.

Michelet, J. Les soldats de la Révolution.

"Michelet had intended writing a series of essays in a popular and slightly poetical form on the great men of the democratic party, and calling them Légendes de la démocratie. He had not time fully to carry out this intention, though he had written the Légendes of La Tour d'Auvergne, Desaix, Hoche, and Mameli, one of the heroes of the Italian revolution of 1848. These stories are written with eloquent simplicity, in a style truly heroic. He has avoided making connected, complete, properly arranged stories; they are more a series of flights, of striking traits, of pictures broadly sketched. If one knows the story one is touched and carried away, but I question whether the ignorant reader can appreciate them." - Acad., Aug. 17.

Mignaty, M. A. Sketches of the historical past of Italy, from the fall of the Roman Empire to the earliest revival of letters and arts.

"Mme. Albana Mignaty, a Greek lady educated in England, is already very favorably known by her book on Dante. The author has carried out her plan with a judgment, a talent in narration, and a philosophie breadth of view which are very exceptional in writers of the fair sex. The concluding chapters are perhaps the most Interesting and most original. They describe that first rise of the arts in the southern provinces and in Tuscany which was the dawn of the Renaissance, and place in a novel light the connection formed by Byzantine painting between Italian art and antique art. The work ends with an excellent characterization of Dante as the typical representative of the Middle Ages, and the connecting link between the ancient world and the modern. Dramatic narratives, brilliant descriptions, portraits drawn in bold relief with the finest touch, all these essentially


[blocks in formation]

"A selection from articles which appeared last year in the 'Daily News' and 'Pall Mall Gazette'. Make allowance for that amount of exaggeration and sensation. alism which seems now to be inseparable from newspaper descriptive writing." Acad., Sept. 7.

"A series of brisk, and to most English readers, valuably instructive articles on such matters as French parliamentary proceedure, law-courts, military politics, finance, electoral systems, etc." - Exam., Sept. 14.

Nineteenth century, Oct.

"In the 'Slicing of Hector' Mr. Gladstone eloquently asserts once more the unity of the Homeric Poems against Prof. Geddes of Aberdeen."

Morley, J. Diderot and the Encyclopædists.

"Even to fairly instructed persons Diderot's work is terra incognita. They have read, no doubt, the delightful essay which Mr. Carlyle devoted to him nearly half a century ago; they have heard him enthusiastically styled the greatest genius of the 18th century. But what this greatest genius actually did to deserve his fame they do not know. Mr. Morley has gone not merely through the whole of Diderot's acknowledged work and the contributions which he made to the Encyclopædia, but also through the work of contemporary authors, such as Helvetius, Holbach, and Raynal, to which Diderot is known or was suspected to have contributed, which he certainly influenced, and which was justly or unjustly attributed to him. He has given a biography which, despite the uneventful character of the philosopher's life, is made interesting by abundant glimpses, fortunately afforded by letters and other sources, of the curiously interesting and sociable personality of the hero. He has added a careful history of the great work to which Diderot gave up the twenty best years of his life. Last, but not least, he has translated very nearly in full the one piece which by common consent is not undeserving of the title of masterpiece, 'Le neveu de Rameau'." - Atheneum, June 29.


"Voltaire and Rousseau led lives of which much is known, and which were full of episodes that may almost be termed romantic, and their writings are still read and are among the classics of French literature. Of Diderot's life there is little known and there was little to know, and no one except the student of the period of history when Diderot lived thinks of reading a line of his writings. Once, and once only, he wrote something that even at this distance of time deserves to be read. This was the strange, cynical, shrewd portraiture of the extremity of human baseness which goes by the name of Rameau's nephew, and of this Mr. Morley has given an English translation in the appendix. During the half-century that preceded the Revolution there was a very peculiar portion of French society which wrote or gloried in the Encyclopædia, and the spirit and aims of which were faithfully reflected in those bulky volumes. Through the Encyclopædia and through their other writings they exercised a great and abiding influence in France and Europe. The inquiry what manner of men they were, what they said and what they meant, what were the circumstances that directed the current of their thoughts, is a subject sufficiently important to deserve so able an historian as Mr. Morley. He answers the question by a patient examination of the contents of the Encyclopædia, by elaborate but lively disquisitions on the state at that time of French society and literature, by an analysis of works by other minor writers, such as Holbach, Helvetius, and Raynal, and above all, by a detailed description of the life of Diderot, the chief founder and conductor of the Encyclopædia." - Exam., Sept. 7.

"Mr. Morley has given us the two best biographies of Voltaire and Rousseau in existence. He has continued his work by giving us the best biography of Diderot. We do not except the elaborate treatise by Rosenkranz, the well known Hegelian. Diderot essayed success in every kind of literary work and accomplished nothing first-rate. The wide sweep of his literary undertakings embracing criticism, works of imagination, science, philosophy, technology, justly inspires respect for his versatility. Yet Voltaire's work ranged over a still wider field; D'Alembert was at least as versatile.

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