Slike stranica
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to nos. 21-38 (books received Jan.-Dec. 1879).

Words in parentheses after the page-numbers indicate the heading under which the note referred to will be found.

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Abbott, B: V. jurisprudence, 141.

Abbott, E. Concordance to the works of Pope, 137.

About, E. Colonel Fougas' mistake, 113.

Adams, C: F., Jr.

The public library, etc., 145. Railroad accidents, 149.

Adams, H: A. Gallatin, 125. Adams, Rev. H. C. Wykehamica, 109.

Adams, Mrs. L. Madelon Lemoine, 145.

Adams, W: H. D. fashion, 121.

Aimard, G.

Women of

Les aventuriers; Les chasseurs d'abeilles; Le chercheur de pistes; Curumilla; L'éclaireur; La fièvre d'or; Les Gambucinos; Le grand chef des Aucas; La grande flibuste; Le Guaranis; La loi de lynch; Le Montonero; Les nuits mexicaines; Les pirates des prairies, 145. Airy fairy Lillian, 109, 117. Albany Institute. Transactions, 117.

Alcock, Sir R. Art industries of Japan, 81.

Alcott, L.M. Under the lilacs, 85. Alden, W. L. The canoe and the flying proa, 109. Alldridge, L. By love and law,


[blocks in formation]

Appleton's journal, Feb., 89. Arber, E. The Eng. scholar's library, 145.

Archief voor Nederlandsche kunstgeschiedenis, 101. Architecture de Paris, 117. Aristotile, N: d', called Zoppino. Gli universali de i belli recami ant. e mod., 89.

Arndt, E. M. Life and adventures, 109,

Arnold, E. Light of Asia, 137. Arnold, I: N. Benedict Arnold, 149.

Arnold, M. Mixed essays, 97, 109.

Arnold, W. T. Roman provincial administration, 129.

[blocks in formation]

Rouge, 113. Le tigre, 133. Athanasius, St., Arbp. of Alexandria. Controversy with the Arians; Hist. tracts, 93. Atkinson, E: Labor and capital, 129.

Atkinson, H: G:, and Martineau, H. Laws of man's nature, 121.

Aubertin, C: Hist. de la lang.
franç., au Moyen Age, 117.
Aucassin et Nicolette, 125.
Audisio, G. Della società al
secolo 19, 101.
Autographic mirror, 109.
Aylward, A. The Transvaal. 149.
Ayrton, C. Child life in Japan,


[blocks in formation]

Succession to the

Eng. crown, 141. Bailey, J. M. England from a back-window, 101.

Bain, A.


Education, 105, 109,

Baird, H: M.

France, 149.

Huguenots of

Baker, H: B. Eng. actors, 97. Baker, V., Pasha. Bulgaria,


Balaguer, V. Los Trovadores, 109, 129.

Balfour, A. J.

doubt, 129.



Balfour, E:, ed.
of India, 129.
Balgarnie, Rev. R. Sir Titus
Salt, 121.

Ball, J: Marocco and the Great
Atlas, 90 (Hooker and Ball).
Ball, R. S. Astronomy, 89.
Ballantine, H: Persia, 93.
Balzac, H. de. Correspondance,
1819-50, 101.

Banton, P.

Roman lit., 141

(Cruttwell and Banton). Banville, T. de. Poésies complètes, 121, 145.

Banzole, O. de. Monotonie, 101. Baqueiro, S. Yucatan, 113. Barker, M. A., Lady, (Mrs. F: N. Broome). Housekeeping in South Africa, 149.

Barnard, F: A. P. Metric system, 141.

Bartlett, J: R. Dict. of Americanisms, 149. Bartsch, K: Chrestomathie, 81. Batchelder, H. M. Salem, 124 (Osgood and Batchelder).

Bates, W: G: Cruikshank, 85. Black, W: Goldsmith, 93.

Baths and bathing, 101.
Battle Abbey. Roll, 141.
Bay, W: V. N. The bench and
bar of Missouri, 85.
Bayne, P:

Lessons from my

fmasters, 137.

Beach, W. W., ed. The Indian miscellany, 117.

Beale, A. Rose Mervyn, 141. Beard, G: M. Delusions, 85. Beaumont-Vassy, le vicomte E. F. de. Mémoires secrets, 113. Becker, B. H. Adventurous lives, 101.

Beckett, Sir E. Laws of nature, 145.

Becq de Fouquières, L: Les jeux des anciens, 117.

Beerbohm, J.
Patagonia, 101.
Beesly, E: S. Cataline, Clodius,
and Tiberius, 81.
Bellamy, C: J. Breton Mills, 129.
Bellew, H: W. Afghanistan, 117.
Benedict, W: A., and Tracy, H.
A. History of Sutton, 81.
Benjamin, S. G. W. Art in
America, 149.

Benndorf, O. Antike Gesichtshelme, 97.

Benson, E: W. The Cathedral, 117.

Berlepsch, H. A. Les Alpes, 125. Berlioz, L: H. Selections from his letters, 145. Bernard, C. La science expérimentale, 85.

Bernardi, Major J: Life, 93. Bernardinus Senensis, St. Novellette, 85.

Bernis, F. J. de P., card. de. Mém. et lettres, 1715-58, 121. Berthet, E. Histoire des uns et des autres, 81.

Berthet, E. B. The pre-historic world, 145. Berti, D. Giordano Bruno, 101. Besant, W. Gaspard de Coligny; Rabelais, 133.

and Rice, J. 'Twas in Trafalgar's bay, 101, 121. Monks of Thelema, 117, 125. Shepherds all and maidens fair, 121. The case of Mr. Lucraft; The golden butterfly; My little girl; This son of Vulcan; With harp and crown, 129.

Bewick, T: Selected fables, 81, 105.

Bianchi, N. C: Matteucci, 105.
Biart, L. The two friends, 137.
Bible. O. T. Psalms. Scotch.
The Psalms frae Hebrew intil
Scottis, 81.

Biddlecombe, Sir G. Autobi-
ography, 97.
Bijou, Le, 125.
Birch, W. De G., and Jenner,
H: Early drawings, 129.

[blocks in formation]

Blackburn, H: Academy notes,

1878, 79; Grosvenor notes, 1878, 79, 141. Illust. catal. to the Nat. Gallery, 105.

Blackburne, E. O. Illustrious Irishwomen, 121.

Blackmore, R: D. Alice Lorraine; Erema, 129. Blackwood's magazine, Jan., 85. May, 113. Aug., 137, 141. Oct., 145.

Blake, M. History of Franklin, Mass., 109.

Blakie, W: How to get strong,

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ister booke, 93.


Capefigue, J. B. H. R. Aspasie et le siècle de Périclès; Les bacchantes, etc.; Catherine, impératrice de Russie; Clovis et les Mérovingiens; Les déesses de la liberté; La duchesse de Bourgogne; La duchesse de Portsmouth; Elisabeth d'Angleterre; L'Europe pendant la Rév. Française; L'Europe pendant le consulat et l'empire de Napoléon; François L.; Les héroines de la ligue; Isabelle de Castille; Jacques II.; Louis XIV.; Louis xv.; Louis XVI.; MarieThérèse; Marquise de Montespan; La marquise du Châtelet; Saint Bernard; Saint Vincent de Paul; Sainte Françoise de Chantal; Sainte Marie-Marguerite Al-Coq, etc.; Sainte Térèse de Jésus; La société et les gouvernements de l'Europe, 125. Les derniers jours de Trianon, 127. Capes, W. W. University life in anc. Athens, 113. Roman hist, 122.

Capponi, G. Scritti edite e Conscience, H. Flemish life, 137. inediti, 98.

Caro, E. Le pessimisme, 101.
Carpenter, F. de Y. Geograph-
ical surveying, 122.
Carr, J. С. Art, 113.

Célières, P. soi, 145. Cernuschi, H:

Le théâtre chez

Monetary diplo

macy in 1878, 93.

Chambers, R. of Scotland; 1745-46, 137.

Popular rhymes

Rebellion of

Chambers, W. Stories of old families, 141.

Champlain, S: de. Voyages, 81. Charlesworth, M. L. Ministering children, 141.

Chaucer, G. The parliament of foules, 109.

Cherbuliez, V. L'idée de Jean Têterol, 93.

China's millions, 117. Christie, W: Traditional ballad airs, 105.

Church, Mrs. F. M. Ange, 122. Mad Dumaresq; Woman against woman, 141. Out of his reckoning, 101.

Church, R. W. Dante, 109. Spenser, 113, 125, 129.

Ciceri, E. Cours d'aquarelle,


Cicero, M. T. Claretie, J.

sous, 109. Clark, H. A.

Corresp., 141.

Le troisième des

College book, 92

(Richardson and Clark).

Clark, W: R. Clarke, C: and M. C. Shakespeare key, 137.

Savonarola, 122.

Clarke, Capt. F. C. H. Armed strength of the German Empire, 81.

Essentials and

The hypæthral

Clarke, J. F. non-essentials, 125. Clarke, J. т. question, 133. Clayton, E. C. Artists, 137. Clement, Mrs. C. E., and Hutton, L. Artists, 133.

Clifford, W: K. Lectures and essays; Seeing and thinking, 149.

Codman, J: The round trip, 117. Cogordan, G: Droit des gens, 145.

Cole, J. R. Horse's foot, 101. Collins, L. Hist. of K'nt'cky, 117. Collins, M. A fight with for tune, 141.

and F. You play me false, 117.

Collins, W: L. Montaigne, 113, 122, 141.

Collins, W: W. The haunted hotel, 81. A rogue's life, 118. The yellow mask, 122. Colomb, Mme. J. B. B. L'héritière de Vauclain, 113. Colombo, C. Letters of C. and

Vespuccius, 85. Colonel's opera cloak, 118. Combe, G: Education, 133. Compayré, G. France, 133, 145. Conant, H. S. Primer of Spanish lit., 109.

L'éducation en

Condé, L. A. de B., princesse de. Lettres à M. de la Gervaisais,


Conder, C. R. Judas Массаbæus, 133.

Conference of Librarians, London. Transactions, 1877,81.

Contemporary rev., Feb., 93. Mar., 98. May, 114. June, 125. Oct., 145.

Continental tour of eight days, 101.

Conway, M. D. Demonology, 93. Cook, A. J. Manual of the apiary, 137.

Cook, J. Heredity, 93. Cooke, J: E. Professor Pressensee; Stories of the Old Dominion, 110. Mr. Grantley's idea, 118.

Cooley, A. J. Cyclopædia of practical receipts, 105. Cooper, K. Sebastian, 101. Cooper, T. 101.

Men of the time,

Cordery, B. M. Absolute monarchy, 105.

Corkran, A. Latheby Towers,

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Cross, L. Leigh Hunt, 81. Crosse, A. F. Carpathians, 118. Cruttwell, C: T:, and Banton, P. Roman lit., 141. Cummins, Mrs. A. M. Memoir of G: D: Cummins, 89. Cunynghame, Sir A. T. My command in South Africa, 118. Curtis, Mrs. A. R. W., and sisters. R. R. Wormeley, 122. Curtis, G: T. B: R. Curtis, 137. Curtis, M. F. Tanagra figurines, 133.

Curtius, E., and Kaupert, J. A. Atlas von Athen, 141.

and others. Olympia, 110.

[blocks in formation]

Davillier, C:, baron. L'orfèvrerie, 146.

Davis, Rev. E. J. Asiatic Turkey, 146.

De Carteret-Bisson, F: S. Our schools, 146.

De Foe, D. Robinson Crusoé; illust. de Grandville, 126. Robinson Crusoé; trad. de P. Borel, 146.

Delaborde, le comte J. Gaspard de Coligny, 146.

Delacroix, F. V. E. Lettres, 1815-63、102.

Delaney, Mrs. M. G. P. Autobiography, 149.

Deleuze, J. P. F. Animal magnetism, 105.

Delorme, R. Le Musée de la
Comédie-Française, 118.
De Morgan, A: Logic, 141.
Dempster, C. L. H. Within
sound of the sea, 89.
Dennis, G. Etruria, 89.
Dennys, N. B. Folk-lore of
China, 102.


Derry, J. T. Georgia, 82. Deshler, C: D. with the poets, 137. Desjardins, E. Géographie de la Gaule romaine, 102. Desnoiresterres, G. Epicuriens, 133.

De Soyres, J. Montanism, 110. Deutsche Rundschau, 118. De Vere, A. Anta and Zara; The fall of Rora; The infant bridal; Legends of St. Patrick; St. Thomas of Canterbury, 137. Saxon saints, 133, Deville, J. Dict. de tapissier,


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