Slike stranica

Ramsay, D: Vie de G: Washington; tr. 1809. Recueil d'estampes représentant les événements de

la guerre qui a procuré l'indépendance aux Etats-Unis. 1783. Rezasco, G. Dizionario del linguaggio italiano storico ed amministrativo. 1881. YIDI R33 Richer, L. Le divorce, projet de loi, etc., avec une lettre-préface par L: Blanc. [18—.] Rod, E. Tatiana Leilof; roman parisien. VFF R61T "M. Rod writes well always, and his catastrophe has power." Saturday review, May 1.

Rogers, H: D., etc. Geology of Chester Co.; ed. by J. P. Lesley. 1883. IK69.P38S Romilly, H: The punishment of death; app., treatise on Public responsibility and vote by ballot. EHC R66 "According to Mr. Romilly there are two fundamental objections to capital punishment. The first of these is, that you cannot take away the life of a criminal without in a great measure depriving him of mak ing good his claim to mercy at the hands of another and higher tribunal that tribunal which will decide his fate in another world.' A second consists in the practical contradiction which the death penalty is alleged to involve. A ruler professes it as his object to stimulate by every means in his power the sentiment of horror for the art of taking away human life, and yet follows up 'the perpetration of a first deliberate homicide by the perpetration of a second deliberate homicide.' Mr. Romilly supplements these objections by other arguments; some of which, however, seem to tell rather against public executions, than against the penalty itself."- St. James's budget, Mar. 27.

St. Clair, H: United States criminal calendar; [illust.] 1840.

Saint-Victor, P. B., comte de. Anciens et modernes.


"A worthy companion to Hommes et dieux,' and a volume which may be taken up at any moment with pleasure, and laid down with reluctance. SaintVictor has chosen all the very most fascinating incidents and problems of history, the romance of events, the enigmas and intrigues, the careers of great personal irresponsible forces, like Caligula, Louvois, Christina of Sweden, the Koenigsmarks, and so forth. There is none of the philosophy of history here, but a great deal of its poetry. People who like Saint-Victor will not turn to his posthumous book with less alacrity when they find that it contains essays on the Cardinal's nieces, on the man with the iron mask, on the Cagots, on the Vedas, on Cato, on Sheridan, on Queen Anne, and Sarah Marlborough, and a dozen other delightful topics." Saturday rev., Mar. 13.

Snead, T: L. The fight for Missouri, etc., with


985 SN2

"The work of an ex-Confederate who yet seems in his conclusions to lean to the side of his adversaries. It is generous in its estimates of the leaders on both sides, and is written with spirit and power." Atlantic, May. South Carolina. St. Thomas and St. Denis Parish. Annals and parish register, 1680-1884; coll. and arr. by R. F. Clute, rector. 1884.

Spender, E. Until the day breaks; a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.)

"Largely a political pamphlet in favour of the Land League party. The body of the story is occupied with describing the misdeeds of two Anglican rectors, both depicted as equally hateful in their unlike ways." -Academy, Feb, 13.

Spender, Mrs. J: K. Trust me; a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.)

"There is more art than shows on the surface in the power to make a story in these days live through three closely printed volumes without a single sensational in

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"Mr. Stutfield is not a scientific traveller. points which concern ethnologists are left untouched. Nor is geology in his debt; and though it is only fair to say that he is seldom inaccurate in the few zoological data which he supplies, he is not, and makes no pretence of being a naturalist. In truth. the latest traveller in Marocco is merely a very intelligent tourist. He went over a great deal of ground in different visits between the years 1881 and 1885, of which a more scientific traveller might have made much. But he did not traverse any actually new country, or cross the Atlas. The greatest portion of his twelve hundred miles was along the coast from Mogador to Tangier. But he also visited Fez, Mekines, and Marocco, besides the once inaccessible town of Wazan. An exhaustive work on Marocco is still to be written, But Mr. Stutfield, in the present volume has practically superceded most other English works on the same subject.” — Robert Brown in the Academy, Apr. 17.

[ocr errors]



Tedaldi, P. di M. Le rime. [1883.] Thureau-Dangin, P. L'église et l'état sous la monarchie de juillet. 1880.

8FJ T42

Tolstoï, Count L. N. War and peace; a histori-
cal novel; tr. from the French by C. Bell.
The invasion, 1807-12. 2 v.

"He carries on the story through the years of tran quility that followed the peace of Tilsit up to the period of renewed warfare, and the advance of the French army upon Moscow. The same grasp of character, the same descriptive power, and the same vivid reproduction of military life which fascinate the reader of the earlier volumes reappear in these later ones." — W: Morton Payne in the Dial, May.

Tucker, W: J. Life and society in eastern Europe.


"Light and lively sketches of life in Transylvania. The Magyars, the Seeklers, the Roumanians, the Servs, the Slavonians, the Swabians, the Sabons, the gipsies, and the Jews stand out as living, moving beings in his pages." Pall Mall budget, Apr. 29. Vertomannus, L: Navigation and vyages, 1503. 1884. (Aungervyle Soc.) VE-AU5

Viel-Castel, le comte H. de. Collection de costumes, armes, et meubles pour serv. à l'hist. de la Rév. Fr. et de l'Empire. [18—]. Waters, H: F. Genealogical gleanings in England. [1885.] 65-9Y0w3 Werner, E. Á. Civil list and constitutional history of the colony and state of New York. 1884. Whittier, J: G.

Leaves from Margaret Smith's journal in the province of Mass. Bay, 167879. 1849. $vw614L Maud Muller; illust. by W. J. Hennessy. W5PW614MA2 Songs of labor; and other poems. 1850. $w5p.w614so


Zeta Psi Fraternity. Catalogue. 1867.


Adams, G:

Environs of Boston; almanac and business directory. 1848.

Allen, W: Wunnisso, or the Vale of Hoosatunnuk; a poem with notes. 1856. WбP. AL52 Alley, L. Report of the trial of A., indicted for the murder of A. Ellis. 1878.

American Ornithologists' Union. Code of no

menclature and check-list of North American birds; report of the committee on classification and nomenclature. L60N AM3 "Adopted by the American Ornithologists' Union. A. thorough and most scholarly attempt to fix and give sta bility to names in this branch of zoology, and to determine the principles of future naming. It contains the latest and most enlightened exposition of the trinomial nomenclature imposed on scientists by the rise of the development theory, and in this particular can be commended to a much wider circle than ornithologists." Nation, May 16.

Ancona, A. d'. Studj di critica e storia letteraria.


XVI AN2 Arnaud, E. Histoire des protestants de Provence, avec une carte de l'anc. Provence. 1884. 2 v. Ashburner, C: A. 1st report of progress in the

anthracite coal region; the geology of the Panther Creek Basin. 1883. 2 v. IK69 P38S Geology of the Panther Creek Basin. 1883. IK69.P38S

[ocr errors]

Aubertin, J. J. Six months in Cape Colony and one month in Tenerife and Medeira. AY'AUl "M. Aubertin takes a lively interest in the political future of the Cape. He does not look at the state of things in the Cape with roseate spectacles. There exists,' he says, à curious contradictory state of affairs in the colony; the English govern, the Boers possess, and the coloured population overwhelm.' The mixture of races would appear to be hostile to any general advance. ment of colonization. The vast holding of land by the Dutch, who following their own philosophy, do not understand setting themselves vigorously to work upon their morgens, stifles all chance of general agricultural progress and wealth throughout the colony."— Saturday rev., May 15.

Bachi, P: Comparative view of the Italian and Spanish languages, etc. 1832. :YHXG B12 Balestier, W. A victorious defeat; a romance.


"The scene is laid among the Moravians in Pennsyl. vania, years ago. The battle and the victory and the defeat are all mental and moral adventures." — Critic. May 29.

Ballantine, J. One hundred songs with melodies original and selected. 1866. TS.9B21 Barber, T: Picturesque illustrations of the Isle of Wight, etc. :AEW63.B Barham, R: H. D. (pseud. T: Ingoldsby.) Some account of my cousin Nicholas. 1846.

VB23S Barrow, J: Mountain ascents in Westmoreland and Cumberland. AEW52.B

"He has made the ascent of nearly two hundred of the hills and mountains in the English Lake District. These elevations vary from 417 feet to the 3,210 feet of the Scawfell Pike, the highest peak in England. It

is a pleasant feature of Colonel Barrow's book that no-
tice is taken of the birds, flowers, and mosses seen by
him in his many ascents. There is no pretention to any
precise scientific accuracy in describing them; but an
additional interest is in this way afforded to his moun.
tain rambles."
Saturday review, May 22.

Bassett, W: History of Richmond, N. H. 1844.


Baxter, R. D. The taxation of the United Kingdom. 1869. CTE B33 Beckford, W: Vathek; with notes. 1849. √н382v2 Bennett, J. G. Memoirs of James Gordon Bennett and his times; by a journalist. 1855. 65 B434 Berkshire Co. History of Berkshire County, Mass. 1885. 2 v. 964B43+H Berwick, Rev. E: Lives of Marcus Valerius, Messala Corvinus, and Titus Pomponius Atticus, the latter [tr.] from C. Nepos. 1813. 5лм56 Bluntschli, J: K. The theory of the state; authorized Eng. translation from the 6th Germ. ed. 1885. (Clarendon press.) E.B42

"This translation is a useful piece of work very well performed. For purposes of academic study, the work is not merely useful but imperatively necessary, as Bluntschli's book has been adopted as a text-book for students of history in both Oxford and Cambridge. There is no treatise of English authorship which rivals Bluntschi's in covering the whole ground, and treating with fairly proportional emphasis and fullness the dif ferent topics to which the student's attention has to be directed. It is much to say of a book that it is clear, concise, comprehensive, impartial, judicious, indispensable; but none of these epithets charactarize its method, and, in respect of method, Bluntschli's work leaves much to be desired." - H: Sidgwick in Eng. hist. mag., April.

Boas, F. Baffin-Land, 1885.
Book of the telegraph. 1851.

:A+7M69E Янств64

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Christmastide; four poems by American poets; illust. 1878. w5p.9c46 Clarke, F. W., and Chatard, T: M. Report of work done in the Washington laboratory, 1883-84. 1K5+UN3B Clement, C: Decamps. (Les artistes célèbres.) "A good number of his caricatures, sporting pieces, landscapes, and Eastern subjects are produced with the usual letter-press accompaniment." Cobbett, W: List of abbeys, priories, nunneries,

hospitals, and other foundations in England and Wales, and in Ireland, confiscated, siezed on, or alienated by the Protestant Reformation,' Sovereigns and Parliaments. 1868. Collezione di operette inédite o rare. 1883. 8 v. "Chacun de ces volumes est accompagné de notes explicatives.". - Rev. critique, 25 déc.

Collins, J: C. Bolingbroke; a historical study; and Voltaire in England. 5E B635C

[ocr errors]


"Mr. Collins belongs to that class of authors who write of the past as if it were the present; who treat the great men of former ages as if they were personal friends or personal enemies; and deliver judgment on the events of two centuries ago with as much confidence as if they had occurred yesterday. Accordingly, he is very free with his epithets, and delivers his broadsides right and left without the slightest misgivings as to the accuracy of his aim. Mr. Collins falls into the common error of judging the statesmen of a revolutionary epoch as if they were the statesmen of an or. derly and settled epoch. Where all were intriguers, Bolingbroke was an intriguer; where all but a few de voted partisans were ready for either Stuart or Guelph as the dice should happen to fall, Bolinbroke was ready with the rest; where the great majority looked upon the 'Act of settlement' as only one act in an unfinished political drama, and still liable to reversal, Bolingbroke also regarded it in that light. To Bolingbroke's literary merits Mr. Collins does full justice. His essay is meant for a popular account of Voltaire's sojourn in England, and as such it is copious and graphic." St. James's budget, May 15.


Collins, Rev. W: L. Lucian. 1877. (Anc. class. for Eng. readers.) VP.16.YC Comte, I. A: M.. F. X. Philosophy of mathematics; tr. from the "Cours de philosophie positive,' by W. M. Gillespie. 1851. H2.c73 Coquelin, B. C. Tartuffe. 1884. XVF1.м73Co DeCosson, Maj. E. A. Days and nights of service with Sir Gerald Graham's field force at Suakim. R3WSU2.D


"A valuable contribution to the history of the Suakim campaign of 1885. Full of valuable information marked by strong common sense as well as indicative of much knowledge of the difficult art of war." -Athe næum, May 22.

"The personal experience of an officer placed in his position could not fail to be of interest. These pages tell of the zeal and devotion to duty, the staunch comradeship, and the courage to endure as well as to dare, which are hereditary qualities in the British soldier. Here and there we get glimpses of the humorous aspects of the campaign.' St. James's budget, May


Degousée, F. R. J. A.. Guide de sondeur. 1847. Delaumosne, l'abbé, and Arnaud, Mme. A. The art of oratory; system of Delsarte; with an essay on the attributes of reason, by F. Delsarte; [tr.] 1884.

Deutsches Lesebuch für Anfänger. 1820. :YG9.D48 Dewees, J: H. Report of the progress in the Juniata district on the fossil iron ore beds of middle Pennsylvania. 1878. IK69 P38S


Du Verdier, A., sieur de Vauprivas. Les diverses leçons, suivans celles de P. Messie, etc. 1604. Egan, P. Matthew's comic annual; or, The snuffbox and the leetel bird; an original humorous poem; with designs by R. Cruikshank. $VEA EG1 Family physician and farmer's companion. [1839.] :B5.EY6 Farini, G. A. Through the Kalahari desert; narrative of a journey with gun, camera, and note-book, to Lake N'gami and back; illust.

AYKA F22 "He has collected a considerable amount of useful and original information set forth in a style all the more pleasing because unstudied and never straining after ef fect. If the statements made about snake-bites and their cure can be trusted, the principle of M. Pasteur's remedy for wolf and dog bites by inoculation with the attenuated virus itself would seem to have been antici pated by the South African aborigines. What will

[ocr errors]

be new to most readers is the account of the M'Kabba tribe, as they are called, who were met close to the western margin of Lake N'gami. Even more surprising is the account given of some most remarkable ruins. These are compared to the wall of China after an earthquake- mostly a heap of huge stones, here and there with the cement perfect, disposed in the form of an arc." A. II. Keane in the Academy, May


[ocr errors]

Fiske, C: H.

Oration, Weston, July 4, 1876.


9546-F54 Fleay, F: G. A chronicle history of the life and work of W: Shakespeare. "Contains a very valuable amount of certain, or almost ascertained, fact, especially in connexion with the theatres which first accepted, and the theatrical groups who probably first performed, Shakesperian and other plays. Contains really valuable information, which will be not useless as a book of reference to persons well up in its subject, but which, from the entire absence of critical spirit, and the hopeless mixture of certainties, probabilities, improbabilities, and downright myths, can only bewilder the general reader, and (08pecially if he be half instructed) do him more harm than good." - Saturday rev., May 15. Fletcher, C: R. L. Collectanea.

Hist. Soc.)


(Oxford DUEOX 9F

[1867.] 9D5 F64

Flint, H: M. Mexico under Maximilian.

Fowler, W: C. Sermon at the ordination of R. Southgate, Jan. 4, 1832.

Frazer, P., Jr.

Geology of Lancaster Co. 1880. IK69.P38s Giraud,J. B. Les arts du métal; recueil descr. des objets à l'Exposition de 1880 de l'Union Centrale des Beaux-Arts; [illust.] 1881. Goldsmid, E. Bibliotheca curiosa.


1883-84. 9

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Sketches at home and abroad. 1836. Hautefeuille, L. B. Histoire des origines, etc., du droit maritime international. 1869. Helbig, W. Das Homerische Epos aus den Denkmälern erlaut., archäolog. Untersuchungen. 1884. 7BP H36

Hilton, J. Chronograms. Suppl. vol. to "Chronograms," pub. 1882.

2 v.

Holland, F: M. Stories from Robert Browning; introd. by Mrs. S. Orr. 1882. VEP B823ZH Home and social philosophy; from "Household words." 1st ser. 1852. VE3.9H81 Hoste, Capt. Sir W: Memoirs and letters. 1833. 5E⚫H794 Humphreys, A. A. The Virginia campaign of '64 and '65; the Army of the Potomac, and the Army of the James. 1883. (Campaigns of the Civil war.) Hunt, T: S. Special report of the trap dykes and azoic rocks of southeastern Pennsylvania. 1878. IK69 P38S Invilliers, E. T. d'. Geology of the South mountain belt of Berks County. 1883. IK69-P388 Janin, J. G. L'âne mort; illust. par T. Johannot. 1842. VF+J253


Jevons, W: S. Letters and journal; ed. by his wife [H. A. Jevons].

5E J533 "His letters and journal contain few striking incidents, no romantic adventures. His youthful rambles in Australia, and his hon.eward journey by way of America, form the only portion of the book which can be properly called entertaining. There are also travels in Nor way, and frequent visits to cathedral towns, and other spots of interest in England. But the letters which record these expeditions do not abound in vivid imagery. Their value is of a different, perhaps a higher order. They illustrate by many a little trait, the sober simplicity of character and singlemindedness of the writer. The interest of the book is mainly spiritual. There is here the story of a great life-purpose early formed, steadily pursued, and splendidly realized." — F. Y. Edgworth in the Academy, May 22.

Jones, A. Hist. sketch of the electric telegraph, etc. 1852. HCT J71H Kirtland, C: Brief memorials of the early history of Chipping Norton. 1871. 8EZC44.K Lady and the saints, The; with 10 vignettes by R. Cruikshank. 1839.

$VEP.L12 VIP 91L1

Lamenti de' secoli 14 e 15. 1883. Lancelloti or Lancilloti, S., l'abate. Les impostures de l'histoire ancienne et profane. 1770. 78.1.22

2 v.

Landon, C: P. Vies et œuvres des peintres les plus célèbres de toutes les écoles. 1813.

Lang, A. The mark of Cain.


"No one can deny that it is crammed as full of incident as it will hold, or that the elaborate plot is worked out with most ingenious perspicuity. The hero is a most delectable compound of ass and prig whom Mr. Lang takes a wicked pleasure in tormenting, and whose torments cannot fail to give pleasure to every well-regulated mind. The story is well above the average, but it will not add anything to its author's renown." Sat. rev., May 22.

"A singularly amusing romance of homicide. The

make-belief at mystery is dropped very early in the story, the real interest depending almost from the first on the characters, the dialogue, and the irrepressible fun of the author."- St. James's budget. May 22. Lechford, T: Note-book, Boston, June 27, 1638, to July 29, 1641. 1885. 92-8AM3T

Lesley, J: P:, etc. Geology of Lehigh and Northampton counties. 1883. IK69 P38S Leslie, R. C. A sea-painter's log; illust. ADP 156 "Admirable papers. Mr. Leslie is something

more than a sailor, and something more than a painter; and if one wanted to give a good illustration of real humanitarianism as distinguished from its counterfeit, one would be inclined to say that the genuine sentiment was the animating spirit of this book. Let anybody who wishes to see for himself read that bright little essay on · The lesser mudlark,' and note the philosophic justification of the creature's mode of existence." St. James's budget, May 22.

Lettere di cortigiane del secolo 16. [1883.]

v15:9156 Lincoln, R. W. Lives of the presidents of U. S., etc. 1836. 65.9EL63 Locker, E: H. Memoirs of celebrated naval commanders; illust. by engr. from pictures in Greenwich Hospital. [1832.] RNM+179 Low, S., etc. English [annual] catalogue of books,

1885. XTE+7L9E Lyall, C: J. Translations of ancient Arabian poetry, chiefly præ-Islamic; with introd. and V7P.9L "Mr. Lyall has established his position as the best translator of the earliest Arabic poetry."


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$VEP M33 VM347N2

Marryat, Capt. F: Newton Forster. Martin, R. M. Australia; [its] history, topography, etc. [1853.] BW+M36 Mass. Militia. 23d Regt. Twenty-third Mass. regimental history, 1861-86. 954M3 EM6

Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors and actresses of Gr. Britain and the U. S. Vol. 1, 2. 2 v. T5E 9M43 Contents. Vol. 1. Garrick and his contemporaries. 2. The Kembles and their contemporaries.

"The plan followed is that of giving in the case of each actor or actress a brief biography, reinforced by extracts from writers who have spoken of them. The editors have done very wisely in determining to mingle biography and criticism with anecdote." tion, May 27.


Meredith, G: Evan Harrington; a novel. √м54E2 Merlo-Horstius, J. Paradisus animae christianae. Nova ed., acces. Manuale pietatis. 1858. Mexia, P: Les diverses leçons; [tr.] par C. Gruget, etc., avec celles d'A. Du Verdier, etc 1604.

Millet, J. B. George Fuller; his life and works; illust. $65/F95

Mohn, H. Die Strömungen des europäischen




Monsieur Nongtongpaw; illust. by R. Cruikshank. $VEP M75 Montepin, X. A. de. La maitresse du mari. 1876. ) VFF M762M

Moore, F., Jr. Description of Texas. 1844.

B91.M78 Morillot, L. De la condition des enfants nés hors mariage en Europe, etc. 1865. Neill, Rev. H: The Westminster Assembly. 1865. Nino, A. de. Usi e costumi abruzzesi; fiabe. Vol. 3. 1883. 7BIAB N Novelas españolas; El serrano de las Alpujarras y El cuadro misterioso. 1830. $VHXF-N85 Edited by H: W. Longfellow. Ober, F: A. Mexican resources; through Mexico. 1884.

guide to and ¶BD-OB2M Summer on the B72-F95

Ossoli, S. M. F., marchesa de. lakes, 1843. Palmer, M. S. Early gleanings and recollections of Corinth, Maine, 1792-1883. Paris, J. A. Philosophy in sport made science in earnest; [illust. by G: Cruikshank.] 1839.


HA P21 Pink, W: D. Lancashire and Cheshire antiquarian notes. Pt. 1-7. 1883-85. 8EZL22-7L Regnault, V: Cours élémentaire de chimie. [185-.] 2 v. in 3 pt. THK R26 Reid, J: Sketch of the political career of the Earl of Durham. 1835.

5E D936 Reusch, F. H. Der index der verbotenen Bücher; ein Beitrag zur Kirchen- und Literaturgeschichte. 1885.

"Belle contribution à l'histoire ecclésiastique, qui traite un sujet dont personne ne s'etait encore occupé d'une manière aussi complète et avec autant de connais sance de cause. Nous ne savons si la Congrégation de l'Index censurera le consciencieux ouvrage de l'écrivain vieux-catholique, mais sa lecture lui permettra de corriger une foule d'erreurs et de bévues que se sont trans. mises religieusement les nombreuses éditions de l'Index." Rev. critique, 36 avril.

Romania; recueil trimestriel, consacré à l'étude des langues, et des littératures romanes. 1872-81. 10 v. XVR-7R66 Sanborn, H. J. A winter in Central America and Mexico. BEI SA5 "The city of Gautemala is so rarely visited, that Miss Sanborn's account will be of general interest. The return journey was via Panama, across the Isthmus to Colon, whence the travellers went to Mexico." Sant'Albino, V. Gran dizionario piemonteseitaliano. 1859.


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Tasso, T. Ra Gerusalemme delivera, tr. in lengua zeneize. [17-1 UIH/T182/9G

Taylor, J: Monsieur Tonson; illust. by R. Cruik shank. 1830. $VEP-T21 Tenney, H. A., and Atwood, D: Memorial record of the fathers of Wisconsin. 1880. 673-T25 Thomas, L. B. Genealogical notes, cont. the pedigree of the Thomas family of Maryland, etc. 1877-78. 2 v. 65+9YT36 Tomes, R. The war with the South, history of the rebellion, contin. by B: G. Smith. [1862.] 3 v. 954+T59 Tuffley, E: W. Origin of the stars and stripes, with account of the Washington genealogy. 1883. T Turnbull, L. The electro-magnetic telegraph, etc. 2d ed., rev. and impr., illust. 1853. HсTT84 Turner, D. Short history of the Westminster Forum; cont. remarks upon the laws, an abstract of every evening's debate, etc.; by the President. 1781. 2 v. EAEG3 T85 Van Mildert, W: Inquiry into the general principles of scripture interpretation; 8 sermons, [Bampton lectures]. 1831.

Vidal, E. E. Picturesque illustrations of Buenos Ayres and Monte Video, etc. 1820. BP/v66 Vinci, L. da. Characaturas, from drawings by W. Hollar. 1786.

Walpole, H., 4th Earl of Orford. Castle of Otranto. [1840.] VB382V2

Washington, G: Biographical memoirs; added, an oration upon his death by Rev. S: S. Smith. 1811. Wheatley, H: B. Notes on the life of John Payne Collier; with complete list of his works, and an acc. of such Shakespeare documents as are believed to be spurious. 1884. 5E-069w

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