Slike stranica
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65+9ER63 :VGF 9R72

Rosen u. Vergissmeinnicht. 1842. Rougemont, A. de. La France; notes d'un Américain, rec. et mises en ordre par A. de R.

AFR75 Sadlier's Catholic directory, almanac, and ordo, 1877-85. 9 v. Schiller, J. C. F. Théâtre; trad. nouv., préc. d'une notice sur sa vie par X. Marmier. 1866. 3 v. VGD.SCH3.F Schmidt, Dr. K. Der Streit über das Jus primæ noctis. 1884.

"Il signale et discute les arguments qui se sont fait jour depuis la publication de son livre."- Polybiblion Dec. 1884.

Schulze, E. K. F: Gedichte. 1852. :VGP SCH8.2 Schwerdtfeger, E. Dissertation on the history

and development of the English verb. 1874. VE 867D64 Scot, R. Discoverie of witchcraft; reprint of the 1st ed., with notes, introd., etc.

"The biographic element in the book is strong, and the whole ground of sculpture for the past six hundred years may be gone over profitably by its help. The illustrations are admirable." - Lit. world, July 24. Scott, L. Sculpture, renaissance and modern. (Illust. hand-books of art hist.) Senancour, E. P. de. Libres méditations d'un solitaire inconnu. 1831. Shaw, H: Illuminated ornaments from manuscripts and early printed books, 6th-17th centuries; with descriptions by Sir F: Madden. 1833. $x6+M26

Smith, D. Cyclopedia of Boston and vicinity.

¶B64B6 SM Smyth, J. F. D. Voyage dans les Etats-Unis de l'Amérique, fait en 1784; tr. 1791. 2 v.

:B5 SM9.F

Stevenson, J. J. Report of progress in the Fayette and Westmoreland district of the bituminous coal-fields of Western Pennsylvania. 1877-78. 2 v. IK69 P388 Stevenson, R. L: Kidnapped; memoirs of the adventures of D: Balfour in the year 1751; written by himself. VST49K

[ocr errors]

"It touches the history of Scotland with a vigorous hand. It gives a picture of Highland character worthy of Sir Walter Scott himself. Its description of the scenery of the Highlands in the old, wild times is as charming as a vivid imagination could make it. The power of Kidnapped' consists chiefly in the great vivacity with which the portrait of the Highland chieftain is drawn, and with which the contrast is brought about between the frank vanity of the Highland character and the rooted self-sufficiency of the Lowland character in the relations between the Stewart of Appin and the Lowland hero of the adventures. So far as the mere story goes, though there is plenty of adventure, there is not

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"There is little in 'Echetlus 'that has not been better said already by Mr. Ruskin and many oth The author, like his great master, rails incessantly against the whole constitution of society; against machinery, manufactures, life in town (especially in the suburbs), against most known methods of gaining a living, and most ways of living; against our professions, our science, our art, our literature, our work, and our play everything in fact, that savours of the simple country life of some imaginary period when all men were stalwart, manly, open air workers, and all women were as simple, beautiful, and modest as the wild rose. Nor has he attempted to come to particulars. He deals only in the vaguest of general abuse." - Westminster rev., July.

White, I. C. Geology of Lawrence Co. [1879.]
Report of progress in the Beaver River district
of the bituminous coal-fields of western
Pennsylvania. 1878.
IK 69 P38S
Wille, A. Vollständiges Gebet- u. Tugendbuch
hrsg. von J. Fuster. 1859.

Wingate, G: W. Through the Yellowstone Park on horseback; illust.


"Besides interesting personal adventures and incidents of camp life, it contains descriptions of the scenery, game, and flora of the Park. Chapters are devoted to distances and time-table for a tour through the Park, and necessary outfit." Lit. news, July. Winter, J: S.

Army society; or, Life in a garriVw731A son town. (Harper's handy ser.) "It has all the attractiveness of the author's other stories Mignon,' Houp-la,' etc. and shows the same intimate knowledge of English army life." Lit news, July.

Wiszniewski, le prince A. La méthode hist. ap

pliquée à la réforme des banques, etc.; his-
toire de la banque de Saint-Georges de Gê-
nes. 1865.

Witness, my hand; a Fenshire story.
Würtemberg im Jahre 1844.
Zola, E.


Vw78 :AGW9 W )vvF.Z25G

Adams, R. C. Travels in faith from tradition to reason. 1884.

"Author is son of Rev. Nehemiah Adams. He records his religious experience from the strictest orthodox Christianity to the withdrawal from membership in the Christian Church." - Pub. weekly, June 28, 1884. Alimonda, G. I problemi del secolo 19; conferenze. [2a ed.] 1882-83. 4 v. Allen, T. Leading men in the origination of the Amer. union and formation of the government. Vol. 1. 1849. Annuaire de législation étrangère; pub. par la Soc. de Législation comparée. 1884. Apostasy of Mr. Newman, etc., by a Presbyterian. 1845.


Araguy, J: R. E. d', and others. Les étoiles du monde; galérie historique des femmes ; [illust.] de G. Staal. 1858.

Athenæum; Monatsschrift für Anthropologie, Hy-
giene, Moralstatistik, u.s.w., hrsg. von E:
Reich. 1875.

Benedict, G. G.

Vermont in the Civil War. 1861

65. Vol. 1. 9634 B43 Berenger de Surville, M. E. C. Poésies inédites; pub. par M. M. de Roujoux et C: Nodier. 1826. VFP B45 Berès, E. Elémens d'une nouvelle législation des chemins vicinaux, grandes routes, chemins de fer, etc. 1831. Bettelheim, A. Beaumarchais; eine Biographie. 5F.B385B

"Those who desire the romance and the wit of Beaumarchais's existence will still find it in the Mémoires;' those who desire a calm, well-written, and critical biography of one of the brightest as well as one of the most unprincipled of literary money-makers and money-lovers, will find that in Herr Bettelheim's book."- Nation, Aug. 5. Bijvanck, W. G. C. Specimen d'un essai critique sur les œuvres de François Villon. 1882.


S'il élague tout ce qui est peu authentique, il restitue par compensation deux ballades dont l'authenticité est incontestable. La première n'a jamais été imprimée; la seconde est connue de longue date; mais elle s'était fourvoyée dans les éditions de maistre Alain Chartier.

Il est une autre entreprise plus importante est plus difficile, c'est d'établir le texte même de l'œuvre de Vil lon. On sait ce qu'en disait Clément Marot: 'Entre tous les bons livres imprimés ne s'en voit un si incorrect ni si lourdement corrompu que celui-la,' Oui l'entreprise est malaisée et l'on s'en convaincra en lisant les pages fort intéressantes où M. Bijvanck nous marque la inéthode qu'il a suivie pour Le petit Testament,' qu'il publie déjà dans ce volume." Maxime Gaucher in Rer. pol. et lit., 31 mars., 1883.

Billardon de Sauvigny, E. L. Vashington; ou
La liberté du nouveau monde; tragédie.
Blanc, A: A. P. C:

La peinture; [illust.]

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Bracklow, T.


Geschichte Schleswig-Holsteins :8GZSCH3 B7

Bradley, W: M. & Bro. Atlas of the world; with isometric index to maps.

Brocksieper, C. Das alte westphälische Sachsenland, die Ruine Hohensyburg a. d. Ruhr u. der Heerführer Wittekind. 1853. :AGW5.B Brooks, H: M. Quaint and curious advertisements. 7CB.9B (Olden time ser.) Buddeus, A. Halbrussisches. 1847. 2 v. :ABB85 Burckhardt, H. Säen u. Pflanzen. 1867-68. Caccianiga, A. La vita campestre. 1867. N4-c11 Calderon de la Barca, P: Das Leben ein Traum, übers. von J: D. Gries. 1868.


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CMOA C33 chevaux SKR C36 TroisEMFC3 T

Chapus, E. Le turf, ou Les courses de
en France et en Angleterre. 1854.
Chaumont-en-Bassigny. Assemblée des
Etats. Procés-verbal, 1789.
Cima, C. On' ora in stamparia; commedia; I des-
lipp del sur Bartolamee, di G. Duroni. 1878.
Collection of pictures of W. G. Coesvelt, of Lon-

don; with introd. by Mrs. Jameson. 1836. Collignon, M. Phidias. (Artistes célébres.)

"Des gravures et des héliogravures, reproduisant avec élégance et fidélité quelques-un de ces fragments du Parthenon, qui sont la gloire du Musée Britannique, illustrent des chapitres d'une érudition parfaite. - Les lettres et les arts, juillet.

Collinot, E., and Beaumont, A. de. Ornements arabes; receuil de dessins pour l'art et l'industrie. 1883. Colmet-Dâage, G. Histoire d'une vieille maison de province. Souvenirs et traditions de famille (1783-1883). 1884. VFFC71

"L'auteur n'est pas un lettré de profession: c'est un jurisconsulte. Heritier des traditions des Pasquier et des Loisel, le vénérable doyen honoraire de la Faculté de droit de Paris, M. Gabriel Colmet-Daage, vient nous Son parler de sa vieille maison de Bray-sur-Seine. grand-père, notaire et notable dans le pays, l'acheta le 7 mars 1783, Tel est le sujet du livre, il l'a passemé

de traits qui peignent sur le vif les murs et les coutumes de son pays d'origine, à la veille et au lendemain de la Révolution, sous la Restauration, après 1830 et 1848, enfin jusqu'à nos jours.". Charles de Ribbes in Polybiblion, juin 1884.

Colombi, la marchesa, pseud. Dopo il caffè; rac

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Il tramonto di un ideale. 1882. Tempesta e bonaccia. 1883. Conspirations, trahisons, et calomnies dévoilées et

dénoncées par plus de dix mille Français, réfugiés au continent de l'Amérique. [1793.] :9EH C76

Cooke, R., and St. George, Sir R: The visitations of Hertfordshire in 1572 and 1634; with Hertfordshire pedigrees; ed. by W. C. Metcalfe. (Harleian Soc.) :5E+9zн44c

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Diderot, D. Romane u. Erzählungen [übers.] von A. Mecklenburg. 1866. :VFF D56 Contents. Die beiden Freunde von Bourbonne. Die Gesch. d. Dr. Gardeil, u.8.w. - Die Nonne. Douthwaite, W: R. Gray's Inn; its history and associations; compiled from original and unpublished documents. 8EZL84G D "A very interesting and attractive volume." - C: Elton in the Academy, May 1. Dowse, T: Catalogue of the private library of T: Dowse of Cambridge, Mass., presented to the Mass. Hist. Soc., July 30, 1856. 1870. :X15+D76c

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

"Henry Gréville's twenty-third novel, and on the whole one of her best." Lit. world, Dec. 3, 1881. Dutripon. F. P. Vulgatæ ed. Bibliorum sacrorum concordantiæ ad recog. Sixti v. 1880. Eachard, J: Grounds and occasions of the con

tempt of the clergy and religion, etc. 1685. VEP 9EB3 Ebener, G. Album poetique. 1857. Epictetus. Enchiridion, and the Golden verses of Pythagoras; tr. with orig. poems by T: Talbot. 1881. VP E29E ET

Esquiros, II: A. Paris au 19e siècle. 1847. 2 v. :AFP2 ES5

Essai historique sur la puissance temporelle des papes, etc., tr. de l'espagnol. 1810.

Eyriès, J: B. B. Histoire des naufrages, etc. 1859.

Farina, S. Il signor Io. [18-]


Racconti e scene. 1878.


Contents. La famiglia del signor Onorato. - Fanet di picche. Una separazione di letto e di mensa. - Un uomo felice.

Si muore; Caporal Silvestro. [1884.] VIF F22c

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Gatty, Mrs. M. Parables from nature; with notes on the natural history; and illust. by C. W. VEH G22 Cope, etc. 1867. Malerisch-historische Schilderung der Neckargegenden von Mannheim bis Heilbronn; [illust.] 1847. AGN28.G

Geib, K: G.

Gioberti, V. Del buono, del bello. 1857. Gioia, M. Il nuovo Galateo. 1838. Gottschall, R. Die Rose vom Kaukasus. [18-] :VGD'G71 Graser, J: B. Divinität, od. Das Prinzip d. einzig wahren Menschenerziehung, u.s.w. 1830.

DA G76 Haller, A. von. Versuch schweizerischer Gedichte. 1743. :VGP H15 Häusser, L: The period of the Reformation, ed. by W: Oncken, tr. by Mrs. G. Sturge. 1874. Hébert H: E. L: H. Mémoires d'un contempo5F.H353 rain, etc. 1846.

Hoffmann, K: F: V. Jahrbuch der Reisen, u.s.w. Ir Jahrg. 1833. :A H67 Howard, H: C:, Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire, and Craven, W. G. Racing and steeple-chasing; Racing by the Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire, and W. G. Craven; with a contrib. by Hon. F. Lawley; Steeple-chasing by A. Coventry and A. E. T. Watson; illust.


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Jones, J: Gwaith barddonawl; ynghyd a bywg. o'r awdur dan olygiad y Parch. H: Roberts. 1859.

Joret, C. Jean Baptiste Tavernier.



"A very interesting book about the Huguenot traveller who was not only one of the greatest born travellers that ever lived, and a born merchant as well, but a person of singularly versatile powers, not ill at fighting, capable of negotiating in his supreme old age the organization of a kind of volunteer fleet for the Great Elector, and of engaging at nearly ninety on a seventh Eastern voyage by way of Moscow. A really capital monograph, clearing up much that wanted clearing; giving plentiful, but not overwhelming references and documents; and arranging the whole in a most workmanlike fashion.". Saturday rev., May 29.

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Landucci, L. Diario fiorentino, 1450-1516, contin. da un anon. al 1542, con annot. da I. del Badia. 1883. SIZF66.123 Lennis, J: Schul-Naturgeschichte. 1869-72. 2 v. 1.1.54

Longfellow, H: W. Miles Standish's Brautwerbung, übers. von J: Manefeld. 1867.

W5P L86C G Lucianus Samosatensis. Opere, voltate in ital. da L: Settembrini. 1861-62. 3 v. VJ 16.IS Lyttleton, G: W: 4th Baron. Bemerkungen über die Bekehrung u. das Apostelamt Pauli, in einem Brief an G. West; übers. [18-] Maistre, X. de, le comte. Euvres complètes; nouv. éd., préc. d'une notice biog. sur l'auteur, etc. [18-] VFF M285 2 Marchal, C: de (pseud C: de Büssy). Dictionnaire universel de marine; avec tr. en termes de la marine angl. 1862. RN 5M33 Maret, H. L. C. La vérité catholique et la paix religieuse. 1884.

Massl, F. X. Kurz und gut über die sonntäglichen Evangelien; Frühlehren. 1858. Melchiorri, F., and others. Lettres à G. Leopardi, ed. da G. Piergili. 1878.

VI5 L55 Mérouvel, C: Le péché de la générale. 1879. VFF M543P

Merrylees, J. Carlsbad and its environs; with a medical treatise on the use of the waters by

B. London; illust. AGC19 M "The second part of the work has special value, for it brings out clearly the all-important distinction between the intrinsic goodness of a mineral water, and its special adaptibility to the particular invalid.". Nation, Aug. 5.

Mökern, P. van. Ostindien; seine Geschichte, Cultur, u.s.w. 1857. 2 v. :A4 M72 Monnier, M. Histoire de la littérature moderne; la réforme de Luther à Shakespeare. 1885. XVAR M75

"La rare érudition de l'auteur, sa parfaite connaissance des langues, son habitude, enfin, de juger et de penser par lui-même, -ce qui est surtout rare en un pareil sujet, - recommandent le livre auprès de tous les curieux de littérature et d'histoire." -Rev. d. D. Mondes, 1 oct., 1885.

"M. Marc Monnier comptait terminer son œuvre par la Révolution. Il est bien à regretter qu'il n'ait pu réaliser ce projet. Mais même inachevé, et incomplet dans quelques-unes de ses parties, son livre est certainement P'un des plus remarquables que notre temps ait produits." Th. de Puymaigre in Polybiblion, mai. Montagu, Mrs. E.. R. Apologie de Shakespear, en réponse à la critique de Voltaire, tr. 1777. VE 86M76.F Morais, H: S: Eminent Israelites of the 19th century; biog. sketches. 1880.



Müller, 0: Erzählungen u. Charakterbilder.
1865. 3 v.
Musset, L: C: A. de. Poésies complètes. 1850.

Navarro della Miraglia, E. Donnine. 1883.

Persigny, J: G. V: F., duc de. Le duc de Persigny
et les doctrines de l'Empire, préc. d'une no-
tice par J. Delaroa. 1865.
8FL P43
Pierantoni-Mancini, Signora G. Poesie. 1879.

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Raccolta di poesie ined. in dialetto milanese, coll' agg. della Prineide ec. 1826. VIQMP PR Power, J: C., and Mrs. S.. A. H. History of the early settlers of Sangamon Co., Ill., centennial record. 1876. 679SA P

Prévost-Paradol, L. A. Deux lettres sur la réforme du code pénal. 1862.

R., J. Diccionario ingles-español y español-ingles. 1872. 2 v.

Raabe, W. Der Hungerpastor. 4e Aufl.



VGF R11H "Wilhelm Raabe is a writer whom Germany claims as her greatest living humorist. His best book is generally acknowledged to be the Hunger-pastor,' published some twenty years ago. It is full of merit, and quite deserved the honor of translation; but in putting it into foreign dress most of its humour has evaporated, being rather of the superficial nature that deals with curious mistakes of speech and quaint language than of the true deep pathos that remains itself under all disguises." -Athenæum, Oct. 24.

Rabelais, F. Œuvres; nouv. éd. augm. et accomp. de notes et d'une notice hist. par I.. Jacob. 1861. VFA R11.4

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Rainsford, M. St. Domingo, of Het land der zwarten in Hayti, [vertalt] met platen, enz. 1806. 2 v. :BEH R13

Ramsay, D: Life of G: Washington; rev. and enl. by W: Grimshaw. 1832.

Rangabis (Fr. Rangabé). A. R. Histoire littéraire de la Grèce moderne. 1877. XVQ R16 Ravenstein, A: Volksturnbuch, im Sinne von Jahn, Eiselen, u. Spiess. 1868. SZ R19 Reichenbach, O. Einige Gedanken eines Nichtgelehrten bei Lesung des Kosmos. 1857.

Remy de Gourmont.

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"With a great deal of grasp of character, much power of description, a thoroughly clean' style of treatment (both in the artistic and the moral sense of the adjec tive), and a complete freedom from that mawkishness which sometimes in French books, especially, accompanies such cleanness." Sat. rev., May 1. Renzis, F. Proverbi drammatici. 1878. VID R29 Reveillé-Parise, J. H: Physiologie et hygiène des hommes livrés aux travaux de l'esprit. 1840. Rigaud, L. Dictionnaire des lieux communs.


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Rozrywki dla dzieci; wyd. przez [K. z T. Hof

manowa]. 1828. :VMP 7R Saint Saëns, C: C. Harmonie et mélodie. 1885. TA SA2 "Charming volume in which learning and lucidity are admirably combined."- Spectator, May 1. Sassetti, F. Lettere; accres., agg. la Vita di F. Ferrucci. 1874. (Bibl. class econ.) VI5 SA7 Schneider, K. F. R. Italien in geographischen

Lebensbildern; illust. 1863. :AI9SCH5 Schuberth, J. Musikalisches Handbüchlein für Künstler u. Kunstfreunde. 4e verm. Aufl. 1852. TA 5SCH7

Shakespeare, W:, etc. Pericles; the 1st quarto, 1609; a fac-simile, from the British Museum copy, by C: Prætorius; with introd. by P.Z. Round. VE SOP 1609 Romeo and Juliet; the 2d quarto, 1599; a facsimilie, from the Brit. Museum copy, by C: Praetorius; with introd. by II. A. Evans.

VE.SOS 1599.3

Shelley, Mrs. M. W. G. Lodore. 1835. 3 v.

VSH3LO Snorri (or Snorro), S. La fascination de Gulfi [Gylla ginning]; traité de mythol. scandinave; tr. [avec une introd. pár F: G. Bergmann. 1871.

Society for Photographing Relics of Old London. [Publications; ed. by A. Marks.] 1875-86. 120 photographs with text.

Souviron, A. Dictionnaire des termes techniques de la science, etc. [1867.]

Stein, A. 52 Sonntage, od. Tagebuch dreier Kinder [illust. 18-.]

Stifft, A. von.

VGF ST3 Culturstudien; Kunst- und Reisebriefe aus d. Schweiz u. Deutschland. 1865. 2 v.

Nuovi racconti. 1856. Paesaggi e profili. 1861.



Thouar, P:
Torelli, G.
Tuckerman, E. Synopsis of North American lich-
Pt. 1., comprising the parmeliacei, cla-
doniei, and cœnogoniei. 1882.
JF T79
Vacher, S. Fifteenth century Italian ornament;



"It was a happy thought of Mr. Vacher's to select his patterns in brocades, velvets, and other stuffs from pictures in the National Gallery, to copy them on a sufficiently large scale to be useful, and to supplement the series with notes. Mr. Vacher is an excellent and conscientious draughtsman, and his processes of printing in colors and gold supply all that can be wanted in reproductions such as he proposed to give.” — Athenæum, July 24.

Voltaire, F. M.. A. de. La Henriade, avec notes et variantes. Nouv. éd.; [illust.]. 1834.

:VFP V88H4 Wallon, J: Un collège de Jésuites, etc. 1880. What is congregationalism? [1884.] Whately, R, Arbp. of Dublin. The errors of Romanism traced to their origin in human nature. 1843. Whitney, T: R.

Defence of the American policy as opposed to the encroachments of foreign influence and especially to the interference of the Papacy in the affairs of the U. S. [1856.] EB53.W61 Wilson, J. G. Centennial history of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of N. Y., 1785-1885.

"The sketches of the bishops are the most interesting portion of the book. It is evident that the strength of the diocese has gone into church extention and consolidation, and into works of charity, rather than into critical or speculative theology."-Nation, Aug. 5.

Winter, J: S. Pluck; a novel.


(Harper's handy Vw731P

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